𝑙𝑎 𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑥 ꕤ⋆.˚ 𝑚𝑖𝑟𝑎𝑐...

Oleh ChanelPradaGirl

39.1K 797 1.5K

‎‎:¨ ·.· ¨: ‎𝐼𝑓 𝐼 ℎ𝑎𝑑 𝑎 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝐼 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑦𝑜... Lebih Banyak

𝑀𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑒 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑒𝑟𝑒🌸
𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒 𝐶𝑟𝑎𝑧𝑖𝑒𝑠💮


2.5K 110 179
Oleh ChanelPradaGirl

✧✽✦✽ ✽✦✽✧

(ChanelPradaGirl: LA FLEUR JUST REACHED 200K!!! WOO-HOO!!!🎉🥳 🍾 )

Scene: Dupain-Cheng Residence.

Gloria stands outside the bakery with her boyfriend. Today was the day they were gonna tell Marinette's parents about her creepy behavior and the Shanghai incident.

"Are you ready?" Gloria looks at Adrien.

The blonde is visibly nervous and looks into the bakery where his stalker can be seen behind the cash register dealing with a male customer.

Adrien takes in a long breath and then turns back to Gloria. "I'm ready."

"Hey," Gloria grabs his hand. "I'm right here with you,"

Adrien smiles as she squeezes his hand; it feels reassuring. He is still nervous but with her right there with him he feels more confident in being able to deal with the situation.

The bakery door opens and the customer leaves.

Marinette looks over and sees Adrien and Gloria entering. Her eyes light up at seeing her obsession, but she became angry when seeing her enemy.

She's clearly not happy to see the latter, especially because she's holding HER Adrien's hand.

"Mellow, uh, hello, Adrien," Mari-Trash grins weirdly at Adrien, waving awkwardly at him. "And Gloria," She narrows her eyes at the Latina.

"We need to speak to your parents. Where are they?" Gloria inquires, still holding Adrien's hand.

Creepynette shrugs, she's clearly not expecting this and it throws her off her game. "In the back," She says.

She's not happy that Gloria is grabbing onto Adrien's hand when she's the one who's supposed to have that right.

The blue-haired Yandere's eyebrows narrow and she asks, "Why do you need to talk to them?"

"That's between your parents and us," Adrien spoke up.

Mari-Cunt glares at him, but he just stares back at her with a calm and strong expression on his face.

The hypocrite's eyebrows narrow even further as she realizes that he's not going to fold under her intimidation tactics.

She starts to become more agitated. She wants to be the one that has Adrien right now, but Gloria is making that impossible for her.

Tom and Sabine came out from the back just then and saw Gloria and Adrien.

At the sight of her parents, Mari-Bitch's angry expression quickly disappears. She fakes a smile and tries to act as pleasant as possible.

"Dad, mom, Adrien and Gloria wanna speak to you," She says to them.

"Oh? What about?" Sabine looks at Gloria and Adrien.

"Can we talk with you both in the living room without Marinette?" Gloria questions.

Marinette glares at the designer while Tom and Sabine are confused, but they want to know what's going on.

"Of course," Tom says and Sabine nods in agreement.

"But-" Marinette tries to protest, but went quiet when Sabine gave her a firm look.

The adults lead the way upstairs into the living room and have Gloria and Adrien follow them.

They sit down at the kitchen counter while Gloria and Adrien stayed standing.

"So, what is it that you wanted to speak with us about?" Sabine asks.

"It's unfortunately about Marinette," Gloria disclosed.

They are unaware Mari-Shit is eavesdropping on the conversation from behind the wall and is listening eagerly. Her eyes are wide and she is taking in every word.

Adrien sighs. "So, you both sent Marinette to Shanghai, right?" He asks Tom and Sabine.

Adrien sighs. "So, you both sent Marinette to Shanghai, right?" He asks Tom and Sabine.

Tom and Sabine are still not sure where this conversation is going as they are both aware that she went to Shanghai since they paid for her ticket, but they don't know why they've been brought into this conversation.

"Yes, she said she wanted to learn more about her Chinese roots," Sabine's voice is soft.

"That was a lie," Gloria reveals.

Tom and Sabine's eyes widen as their attention is finally piqued.

"A lie?" Tom asks as Sabine gives Gloria a concerned look.

"Adrien and I went to Shanghai as well, and Marinette only wanted to go because... she wanted to follow Adrien," Gloria frowns.

Sabine gasps and Tom looks angry.

This is new information to them and they hadn't been aware that their daughter stalked Adrien all the way to Shanghai!

"She's obsessed with him. She's been stalking him for months now," Gloria adds.

"Her saying that she wanted to learn more about her culture was a cover-up so you both wouldn't get suspicious," Adrien explains.

Tom and Sabine look absolutely horrified as this piece of information finally clicks into place and they fully understand the danger their daughter is putting Adrien in.

"This is unacceptable! We sent her to Shanghai hoping to teach her some independence and self-reliance, not so she could follow a boy around the world!" Tom says angrily.

"All that money we worked so hard for ever since she was born..." Sabine puts her hand to her chest. "Just for her to... waste on stalking someone?" She was grief-stricken.

"We can't let this continue," Tom says, he was furious and his voice showed it.

"She's going to have to learn the hard way that this kind of thing is unacceptable," Sabine says, clearly concerned about her daughter. "But what we need to figure out now is what we're going to do about it."

Marinette is pressed up against the wall just out of sight of everyone, she had heard everything they had been talking about.

Her mind is going into overdrive, she's panicking as it's now quite obvious her parents now know about her obsession and she's terrified that they'll get upset with her for doing such a thing.

"Adrien, Gloria, thank you for telling us this. For your sake Adrien, we may have to pull Marinette out of Miss Bustier's class and put her into another one," Tom frowns.

"That might be for the best" Adrien says, it would be better for him to not have to constantly see her.

Sabine frowns as well, she is heartbroken to think that her daughter didn't want to learn more about her culture and that she just wanted to go to Shanghai for Adrien.

Marinette is now devastated. Her obsession with Adrien, the reason behind her obsession, has been exposed and she's being punished for it.

She was looking forward to seeing him every day, stalking him and making plans to make him hers.

But now she will lose that. She can't keep this up forever but she had thought she would have at least had her chance to make him notice her.

Still devastated from the news that she will no longer see Adrien on a daily basis, Mari-Trash goes back downstairs just in time.

She acts as though she was completely oblivious and behind the register the whole time as Tom and Sabine escorted Gloria and Adrien out of the bakery.

"Marinette, we've decided we're gonna schedule a doctor's appointment for you this afternoon," Sabine told her daughter, fidgeting with her wedding ring.

Stalkernette starts to panic, her world is crashing down around her. She thought she had managed to keep this obsession a secret, that no one would ever find out, but she had been wrong.

"W-Why?" She asks, trying not to sound worried.

"Just for a checkup," Tom lies smoothly, putting his hand on his wife's shoulder. "So, just uh... be prepared, okay?"

Stalkernette smiles nervously at her parents, but she can tell that they're withholding information from her and it's making her nervous.

"Okay," She says slowly and tries to stay calm, but her panic is starting to build.

Tom and Sabine then silently head to the back, not even looking at her.

The Suepain-Cheng girl realizes, in her demented way, that this was all Gloria's fault.

If she had just stayed out of the picture then Marinette could've had the love of her life!

Her mind is racing with thoughts and she's imagining all of these situations where Gloria was whispering in Adrien's ear to sway him into telling Tom and Sabine the truth.

She's so wrapped up in herself she can't see that Gloria didn't have to convince Adrien.

It was his choice.

✧✽✦✽ ✽✦✽✧

Scene: Outside A Doctor's Office.

Marinette is pacing back and forth with a worried look on her face.

She's not sure what this doctor's appointment will entail, but she knows that her parents had said it was for a check up, so she can only assume it's to do with her mental health.

✧✽✦✽ ✽✦✽✧

Inside the office, Tom and Sabine are very worried about their daughter who's recent behavior has become more and more erratic.

They are explaining what happened in Shanghai, and what had happened over the last few months. They tell the doctor about her obsession with Adrien and how she's been stalking him.

They're hopeful that the doctor can figure out what the best course of action would be to help Marinette be normal again.

The the doctor carefully oversees Marinette's files and reveals she has no mental illness.

Tom and Sabine are stunned and confused by this news. They were convinced that there was something mentally wrong with their daughter.

"How can this be possible?" asks Sabine. "She's been behaving so strangely lately, surely she has to have some kind of disorder."

"There is none, Mrs. Cheng. I'm afraid your daughter is willingly having this behavior and attitude," The doctor explains.

"Willingly?" Tom questions, "Could it be some kind of emotional trauma? Perhaps she's dealing with depression?"

"That is most definitely not the case," says the doctor, "Your daughter lacks the necessary criteria for depression. In my professional opinion, this looks to me like a teenage obsession that she is pursuing to an unhealthy level."

"And yet... no disorder? Are you sure?" Sabine presses.

The doctor confirms that he is sure.

"She's just an obsessive teenager, it would appear. I'm afraid that the best plan of action would be for you to have a discussion with her, and maybe seek counseling to address this matter. If you keep her separate from this Adrien boy, who she is obsessed with, I am confident that this phase she is going through will pass. But I can assure you, this is not a mental disorder."

"Do you suggest a psychologist? Will that help?" Sabine grabs her husband's hand.

"A psychologist or therapy would be the best course of action, yes," The doctor confirms. "It could be a good way for her to process the emotion of her obsession, and hopefully move on at some point."

"Who would you suggest?" Tom asks.

"Charlotte Dubois," The doctor says. "She's highly recommended,"

"Charlotte Dubois? She's the guidance counselor at Marinette's school as well," Sabine mentions.

"Yes, Ms. Dubois was the counselor at several schools and is also a very well respected psychologist in Paris," The doctor confirms, "I would definitely recommend her for this situation." He hands the parents a card with all of Charlotte's business information.

"Thank you, Doctor, I'm sure this will help," Tom takes the card.

Tom and Sabine exit the office as the Doctor calls in his next patient.

Marinette is still pacing back and forth, a ball of anxiety. She had heard them speak about the doctor revealing that she is mentally healthy and her obsessive tendencies were simply the result of her not yet understanding her feelings.

She's shocked and upset, because this is the first time she has realised just how much of a problem her obsession is and that it was her choice to behave this way, despite what she had previously convinced herself.

"Let's go, Marinette," Sabine said.

Marinette looks up as she hears her mother's voice, her anxiety fading slightly as she realises that she's being called.

She is about to follow Sabine and Tom when her mind is once again flooded with thoughts about Adrien and how much she had messed up.

She stops walking and lets her parents walk ahead as she's lost in her own thoughts.

✧✽✦✽ ✽✦✽✧

Scene: Françoise Dupont High School.

After the weekend, Marinette somberly exited her home and headed to school.

She was feeling dejected and upset from everything that had happened with her parents during the past two days.

Her obsession with Adrien and her stalker tendencies pushed everyone away from her.

She sat down at the stairs and sighed, hunching over.

"Hello, Marinette,"

Marinette cringed at hearing Lila's voice. She narrows her eyes at the lying fox as she sat next to her.

"What's up with you?" The Rossi girl crossed her legs, not genuinely caring, but she wanted to use this to her advantage.

"My parents know about my obsession with Adrien," Marinette says, trying not to let it sound like she wants Lila's sympathy. "I might have to speak to the counselor Ms. Dubois outside school. To try and "address my issues"," She quotes the words. "And they're planning to transfer me out of Miss Bustier's class soon,"

"Well, this doesn't seem like such a bad thing," Lila spoke up.

"Why would you say that?" Marinette asks, she doesn't trust anything the Rossi girl has to say to her. "I'm being treated like I have some kind of mental issue!"

"Marinette, use that brain of yours and think. You can use this to your advantage," Witch-la said.

"What are you talking about?" Marinette says, "How can my parents thinking my behaviour is so terrible that they are going to make me see a psychologist be to my advantage?"

"It's not just about your parents, it's about everyone else around you," Lila twirls her index finger in a circle motion. "Including Adrien. No one in this school likes you, Marinette, they all think you're a creep. But..."

"But what?" Marinette asks, wanting to hear more.

"If you pretend that you've turned over a new leaf, I'm sure that everyone would be in your favor," Lila smirks at the stalker she was in Kahoots with.

"Are you suggesting that I manipulate them all into believing that I'm good now?" Marinette asks, narrowing her eyes at the Rossi girl. "What do you want out of this, Lila? If I pretend to be all good, what do you get?"

"It's not just about me, it's about you. You could be so well liked, that you might even steal away Gloria's popularity. And we both want that bitch to crumble, do we not?" Bitch-la sneers.

Marinette's eyes light up as her mouth twists into a smile.

"You're right," She says, "I can see how I could do that. And as my actions will make people think I've changed, then they'll be less likely to believe that I'm a stalker. So long as we can keep the truth about that away from them, they won't think I'm creepy anymore! Yeah, I get it,"

"Exactly. Maybe you could even trick Adrien and he just might start liking you back," Lila smirks.

Marinette considers this, she has to admit that Lila's plan is pretty good.

If she can convince everyone that she's changed her behaviour and her actions are no longer stalkerish, then Adrien might actually see her in a different light.

"But do you really think it will work?" Marinette has her doubts.

"Of course it will! Because I'm gonna help you. Your classmates obviously like me, so if you're all buddy-buddy with me, they'll think I'm also playing a part in helping you redeem yourself," The Queen of Lies explains.

"You mean... You'll pretend to be my friend?" Marinette asks, she's surprised by the Rossi girl's offer.

"We're both want the same thing, right? To see Gloria's life miserable. We both know what this partnership is, so let's go all in," Lila remarks, holding out her hand for Marinette to shake.

Marinette hesitates before taking Lila's hand and shaking it with a smirk.

But obviously, both are secretly keeping their fingers crossed behind their backs to indicate they both have ulterior motives in creating this false friendship.

They are both planning to use the other one, neither of them actually want to be genuine friends.

"Now, before you get transferred, let's start with making a little announcement to the class how you're redeeming yourself," Lila says deviously.

"Oh? What kind of an announcement?" Marinette is intrigued, she's excited to play along with Lila's scheme and see where that takes her.

"Just listen," The Rossi girl whispers in Marinette's ear, explaining exactly what she needs to do.

"Make your speech in front of the class and tell them you understand your obsessive behaviour has been unhealthy and that moving forward you're planning to not behave that way anymore. Try to convince as many people as you can that you have turned a new leaf."

✧✽✦✽ ✽✦✽✧

Scene: Miss Bustier's Classroom.

Marinette stands in front of her class and begins to talk, using everything that Lila has told her.

"I understand I've been acting quite strange lately," Marinette says. "I've been having some issues that I need to work through. I realize that my obsession with Adrien has not been healthy and that I need to move on from him. Going forward, I plan to not behave that way anymore and I hope that you will support me in finding the help that I need."

The students and Gloria are surprised by Marinette's announcement, they never expected to hear her say something like this in front of them.

Some of the students have their mouths hanging open, some of them are whispering back and forth with each other, and Gloria is looking at Marinette as though there are a million reasons why she doesn't believe her.

Chloe, Sabrina, and Adrien all look at Marinette with suspicion.

They are trying to figure out whether she is just saying this to save face, or whether she actually means what she says.

This is where Marinette's acting skills must come out, as she has to try and convince her classmates that this is really the way she feels and that she actually wants to change her behaviour.

Marinette explains that after getting a check-up and meeting with a doctor, she is now able to clearly identify her issues and has a plan to address them.

She explains how her obsession has taken over a part of her life which she has now decided to try and gain control of.

She ends the speech by saying that she hopes they will all support her in her newfound desire to be a better person.

"Wow, Marinette," Lila spoke up just then, giving the blue-haired Yandere an 'empathetic' expression. "It honestly takes a lot of guts and bravery to stand there and admit all your mistakes. I support you," She gives her a sweet smile.

Marinette's eyes widen in surprise, she really hadn't expected Lila to be so outwardly supportive as it wasn't in the plan.

"I... Thank you," She says, playing along with Lila. "I hope that this will open a new chapter for me. I know that I've been behaving terribly and I'm thankful for your support, Lila,"

The rest of the class looks at Marinette with a mix of confusion and hesitation at the sudden change of heart.

They are trying to process everything that has just happened, as they can't decide whether or not to trust this sudden transformation they are seeing in Marinette.

The class all gasp a little when Lila gets up and hugs Marinette, not expecting this sudden show of affection.

The Rossi girl even rubs Marinette's shoulder as she hugs her, really playing the part of a "supportive" friend.

As Lila hugs Marinette, Gloria sits in her chair with an expression of total skepticism.

The French-Latina beauty suspects that this whole show is an act, she doesn't trust this sudden show of supportiveness between Marinette and Lila either.

She narrows her eyes as the Lila pulls away from the hug, smiling at Marinette, who smiles back.

✧✽✦✽ ✽✦✽✧

Scene: School Cafeteria.

Gloria watches Marinette and Lila sitting together, talking and laughing as if they've known each other for years.

The Moreau girl scoffs and turns to Adrien, Chloé, and Sabrina, who are sitting with her.

"Please don't tell me you guys actually believe that performance in class," Gloria frowns.

"I don't know, It looks like they've become best friends now," Chloé said sarcastically.

"Maybe they'll start braiding hair and painting each other's nails," Sabrina jested.

"Let's hope not," Gloria says, rolling her eyes as she watches Marinette and Lila. "I think it's all an act," She told her friends and boyfriend. "They definitely have some kind of plan. They're playing it off too well for it to be real."

"Yeah, but what's their motive, though?" Adrien takes a bite of his meatball.

"Well, first, Marinette hates Lila, then suddenly she suddenly become best friends with her and we should just go with it? No way," Gloria says, shaking her head.

"I don't get their plan," Chloé says, twirling her spaghetti with her fork. "But I'm sure they have one. Marinette obviously hated Lila's guts the first day she came back, now they're suddenly best friends? Come on."

"We're just gonna have to keep a close eye on them," Gloria glares at Marinette and Lila.

"They're definitely hiding something," Sabrina scowls at the two snakes.

"Ah, crap, I'm out of garlic bread," Gloria stands up. "I'm gonna go get seconds. Be right back,"

The florist walks away from the table to go and get more bread, only to bump into Zain. "Sorry," She apologized, only to be surprised at seeing the Itadori boy. "Hey, it's you! You were at the movie premiere,"

At the sight of the Italian-Latina, Zain is initially surprised but is overjoyed that the girl he's obsessed with still remembers him. He wore a black shirt with a death skull on it, black ripped jeans, his usual black converse, skull bracelets, and black ear cuffs.

"O-Oh, you remember me?" He asks, smiling widely.

"Yeah, you brought me the chair so I could bring to me friend. Thanks again, by the way," Gloria smiles politely at the emo boy.

"Y-You're welcome, G-Gloria-Chan," Zain says, feeling the heat rush to his face as he remembers what he did at the movie premiere.

"Gloria-Chan? Are you Japanese?" Gloria raised an eyebrow.

"Um... I... Y-Yes, my dad was Japanese and my mom was F-French." Zain replies, the heat in his face continues to rise as his cheeks turn redder.

"Oh, cool! You're just like my friend. What's your name?" Gloria inquires.

"Z-Zain... Zain Itadori," He responds, trying to recover and stop stumbling over his words.

"Nice name. I guess I'll see you around, Zain," Gloria waves at him before walking.

"Yeah, I guess you will... See you around," Zain says, his cheeks still hot from the conversation.

Zain is completely lovestruck that he has interacted with Gloria twice now. He feels like the luckiest guy in the whole school.

He has always been obsessed with her from afar and writing her letters, but to have had two real interactions with her already feels like a dream.

Zain feels like he is totally in love and he is determined to see this through and keep interacting with her again and again.

✧✽✦✽ ✽✦✽✧

Scene: School Courtyard.

Zain has taken his spot underneath the staircase, watching as Gloria talks with her friends Chloé and Sabrina.

The silver-eyed creep is still totally enamored by Gloria and can't take his eyes off her.

He's already planning their next interaction and thinking of all the things he could say to her next time.

Zain gets out his black notebook and starts sketching an explicit nude drawing of Gloria from the angle where he is sitting now.

He's using her perfect features as a reference for his art, and is trying to recreate her curves exactly.

Zain is also now drawing a nude art of himself on top of her.

It's as if he's imagining that the two of them are already in a relationship and this is the moment they're intimate for the first time.

"Hey, Zain!" Gloria's voice greeted him just then.

Zain's ears prick up and he freezes in place. He had been so into his drawing that he didn't even hear her approach.

When he turns to look at her, he sees that she's standing right in front of him.

Zain quickly closes up his notebook and greets her bashfully, he's embarrassed to have almost been caught sketching her so inappropriately.

"Oh... Um... H-Hey, it's you," He replies, still red-faced with embarrassment.

"Were you drawing something just now?" Gloria joins him underneath the staircase.

Zain's heart is beating fast in his chest as the designer joins him.

"Um... Yeah... I was..." He replies bashfully, avoiding her eyes.

Zain reminds Gloria of her friend Marc because he's also shy and reserved like she is.

Marc can relate to the introverted nature of the French-Japanese boy and she finds it normal that he seems shy around her.

"Oh, so you like to draw? You're like my friend Nathaniel, he likes drawing too," Gloria mentions.

"Y-Yeah, I like to draw, I prefer not to show them a lot though," Zain replies, clutching his notebook to his chest.

"That's okay. I don't think I've seen you around school that much. Are you an upperclassman?" Gloria tilts her head.

"Y-Yeah, I am. I'm seventeen," Zain replies. "I'm just very shy and usually stay to myself, don't really like being around a lot of people..."

"Okay, I'll leave you be then," Gloria starts getting out from under the staircase.

"No... Wait!" Zain says, realizing that she is already leaving him alone. "I-I didn't mean you. You can stay. I didn't mean to offend you," He frowns, his bangs slightly hiding his face. "I mean... I know I said I like being alone but... I-I don't want you to leave," He continues, his eyes pleading with her to stay as she's almost all the way out.

"Okay," Gloria shrugs, sitting back down under the staircase.

Zain's eyes widen in relief as he hears her agree to stay. "Thank you," He whispers with a soft smile when she sits in front of him.

"So what else do you like? I'm interested in fashion designing," Gloria smiles, getting out her sketchbook to show Zain her designs.

At the sight of her sketchbook, Zain nods in admiration and stares at the drawings as he starts to take an interest in her designs. "Those all look really nice, you're quite talented," He comments admiringly. "No wonder why Stella Li-Wu picked you to be her intern,"

"I know! But back to you. What do you like?" Gloria closes her sketchbook.

"Well, I like drawing like I said." He smiles shyly and glances down. "And I also like gaming and... writing,"

"Ah, you remind me of my friend, Marc! He loves writing too," Gloria mentions.

"Oh really? ...What kind of writing does he do?" Zain asks, feeling excited that she's talking to him.

"He mostly writes about Paris's heroes Scar Bug, Fleur, and Cat Noir, and the other hero members of the Miraculous team too," Gloria says.

"Oh... That sounds interesting. I've seen those heroes on TV," Zain nods. "I used to draw and write about them also, but mostly I write my own stories. About drama and romance... things like that,"

"Oh really? You should join the school acting program! I'm sure Mr. Jean-Pierre Monlataing would love to have you as a playwright," Gloria beams.

"Y-You think so?" Zain asks with a shy grin. "I've always wanted to try being a playwright but I was nervous to even think of joining."

"You should think about it. Anyway, I've gotta go," Gloria gets out from under the staircase. "Bye, Zain," She waves at him.

Zain waves back at her with a soft smile as she leaves. After she's gone, he sits quietly underneath the stairs and looks down at the floor.

He feels a wave of disappointment wash over his face as she leaves, he had been hoping that she would stay.

He's still not used to people being so open and friendly with him and it's still overwhelming for him.

The noirette boy is caught in a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions as he thinks over the event that just occurred with her.

In his mind, he's thinking that maybe they do have a connection.

He's so infatuated with her that he can't help but envision a romantic future with Gloria.

He's feeling as if they have chemistry and a connection like he's never felt with anyone before.

Zain is totally convinced that he and Gloria are meant to be together and he can't wait for the day that she's all his.

With how obsessed he is with her, he doesn't even care about the competition that Adrien could provide.

To him, Gloria is his and no-one else will get her.

No matter what.

✧✽✦✽ ✽✦✽✧

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