Playing for Love

By Timerssssss

62 8 0

DISCLAIMER: All characters in this content belong to me. Moreover, this content contains strong language (sor... More

Book/Characters Aesthetic
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 7

6 1 0
By Timerssssss

Word count: 20007

Please enjoy this chapter and don't forget to vote 😁 Picture at the top is what Milie looks like.

Milie and I were laughing so hard that my face was starting to turn red as we pulled into the school parking lot. After I parked we ran to the doors and hurried to class waving to each other. I raced to class and made it seconds before the bell rang. I took my seat and instantly my entire mood shifted as I remembered yesterday.

I tensed as the class went on and when we were separated to work with our groups I didn't say anything I just worked on the project ignoring him the entire time even when he was annoying the shit out of me. finally, when the bell rang I hurried to get away from him before I had to talk to him but apparently, I wasn't quick enough. 

"Damnit Nova slows down," He said from behind me.

That just made me speed up even more. I walked faster and faster trying to get to the gym before he could get to me. 

"Would you stop for one fucking second?" I heard him again and he sounded closer this time.

The next thing I knew I felt a hand on my shoulder and I stopped mid-step. 

"what do you want?" I said shrugging his hand off my shoulder. 

"I just want to talk, please."

I finally turned to look at him and instantly regretted it. 

"Well I don't so if you'll excuse me," I said pushing off my leg and running through the gym doors. 

I ran right into Milie as I walked in and collapsed in her arms. 

"What's wrong," She asked me.

"He won't leave me alone after last night," I said groaning and still regretting telling him. 

On the ride over I told Milie everything things about last night and she was super supportive and everything. I didn't feel so stupid after talking to her about it. I guess that didn't last long because I now felt stupid again. I wish I had just not told him anything. I wish there were a way you could change things you had already done. 

"Oh you're okay sweetie," she said rubbing my head as we did our walk and talk. "Are you still coming over tonight?"

I nodded as my head dropped into my hands. I felt someone tap my shoulder from behind me and I saw Walter standing behind me.

"What do you want?" I said rolling my eyes.

"Come on just one date you'll be mesmerized by me," he said flashing an ugly smile. 

"Umm no thanks," I said walking away with Milie.

"You know he's gonna keep pestering you," She said. 

"I know."

She just rolled her eyes in a joking manner and we kept walking until the gym teacher called us over. the rest of the gym was spent with her teaching us things for volleyball which the girls on the team already knew so it was pretty easy. 

Finally, the bell rang for the gym to end and I grabbed my things and walked out with Milie. I then dreaded going to the next period cause I had it with him.

Just as I sat down in class next to Milie I ran into someone. I turned to apologize but then saw who it was and turned back around. I sat down ignoring everything he said as I turned to Milie.

"I wonder what Mr. Johnson has planned for today."

Milie played along, "Yeah maybe we'll finally do something fun in this class."

We both knew that wasn't true but we talked like that until the bell rang. Finally, Ezekail gave up and went to his seat. Once he was gone my shoulders relaxed and I felt more content. I didn't want to know what he had to say about what happened yesterday. know he knew why I didn't like him so couldn't he just let it go? 


The practice grew closer and soon enough I was walking to the gym with Dylan and Milie. Milie was gonna stay and watch us practice and then I was gonna stay at her house tonight. I had texted my dad asking and he said that was fine as long as I got some sleep.

My parents and Milie's parents were good friends, making it easier to convince them to let us hang out. They trusted MIlie and her parents so I often went over there on the weekend. 

I came up from the locker room and Dylan and I started how we warm up for every practice. Then as usual we did mostly the same drills as last week. At the end of practice though we had to run a lap around the school because some of the girls on the team weren't listening during practice. 

I groaned and started at a slow pace and then slowly increased the speed as I got closer to where it started to form. By the end of the lap, I was sprinting. I had great breath control which was helpful but I was dead by the time I was back at the doors. It was extremely warm and sunny and I was already sweaty and tired from practice so it was a very painful run.

I headed back to the locker rooms changed back into the clothes that I wore to school and met with Milie in the hall. I heard someone from behind me and I knew this time I wasn't getting away.

"Hi milie," Ezekial said as he caught up to us. "Nova we need to talk," he states the obvious. 

"I don't think we do," I insisted as I picked up my pace and Milie fell into step with me but sadly, Mr. can't take a hint. 

"Milie could I have a second with her?"

I looked at Milie with pleading eyes but before I could tell her not to she dashed down the halls and toward my car. I rolled my eyes at her ridiculousness. 

"Nova I'm sorry about the scholarship but I had no idea. I needed a way to get to college and my grades weren't gonna cut it and I knew they hand out scholarships for sports players. I guess I should have guessed you were gonna try and get the scholarship but I swear I had no idea."

"I told you about it all the time. When I first joined Volleyball I told you all about it and then at the beginning of our freshman year I told you all about it because I had been so excited about it." I couldn't believe he didn't remember. 

"I wish I had thought of that and I feel like a huge jerk for the whole thing but this is the only way I'm gonna get to college."

I wished he hadn't said that because I knew it was true and now I felt bad. I knew if I wanted to I could get a scholarship from my grades alone. 

"You know what at this point I'm just gonna stop worrying about it. when they ell they tell us. I can just hope that I got it and if not I guess I'll find another way," I said as I exited the front doors of the school.

"So does that mean you'll stop hating me?" 

"I never hated you," I mumbled. "I just didn't like you," I explained.

"Whatever you say."

"So tomorrow we work on the project at the library?"

"Works for me." He said as I opened my car door and sat.

"See you tomorrow then."

he waved to me and I pretended not to see Milie's eyebrow raise from the other seat.

"We talked like you wanted and we decided to just let it play out and see who gets the scholarship." 

"Perfect now you can stop talking about him 24/7," Milie said and I slapped her arm starting the car.

"Whatever I did not talk about him all the time."

Before she could say anything else I drowned her out with the radio. I laughed at the annoyed expression on her face and just kept singing at the top of my lungs to the lyrics. I thought about How sweet Ezekial was. He and I had been like best friends when we were younger. We did everything together. He, Milie, and I were the best friend group. We always hung out and could never go more than a week without seeing each other. 

I had started crushing on him in 4th grade and liked him for years before the whole incident. Till the 9th grade, I had the biggest crush on him. Know he was just a friendish type thing. Sure I still enjoyed talking to him when we had a good conversation but it wasn't like we were still super close. Before I knew it we were at Milie's house. I pulled into the driveway grabbed my bag from the back seat and dragged it inside.

"Hi Elena," I said hugging her. "Hi Jason," I hugged him as well before Milie and I went to hide away in her room. 

Around an hour later We went downstairs for dinner and were greeted by a surprise. 

"I remembered that Chili was your favorite and I decided that it would be fun to do have that for dinner tonight since you're staying over," Elena explained setting the table. 

"oh thank you, here let me help with that."

Milie and I finished helping set the table and then sat down to eat.

"so how was practice today?" Jason asked.

"good we just ran the usual drills and all that before the game on Thursday," I explained before taking a large bite of chili. "This is good."

"Well thank you," 

"Nova you're making me look bad," Milie 'whispered' to me.

We all laughed and the rest of dinner went like that. Once everyone was done I helped clean up the table while Milie ate some dessert. Elena and I cleaned the dishes and once we were done I ate the rest of Milie's dessert before we went back to hibernating in her room.

"What do you wanna do?" Milie asked sitting down. 

"well first I wanna change into my pajamas, then we could play a game or watch a movie," I suggested taking my bag to the bathroom

I don't wait for her response because I know she'll [ick without me. when I come back to the room I see a movie set up and not even minutes later Elena comes up with two bags of popcorn for us both.

"don't stay up too late."

"Thanks, Elena, and we won't."

I opened my bag immediately and started eating the amazing popcorn.

"what movie did you pick?"

"I was thinking we could watch the Perant trap?"

"Oh my god yes, I love that movie."

"Knew you would," She pulled up the movie and hit play.

After finishing the parent trap I quickly used the bathroom and then we turned on Friends for a bit before Milie fell asleep. I was on that track but I decided to clean up the mess we made first. I grabbed both popcorn bags and all the candy rappers we had on the floor and then took them downstairs to throw away. 

I almost tripped up the stairs on my way back to the room but luckily I caught myself mid-fall. I hurried back to the room quietly and lay in bed snuggling into the blankets. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but my sleepiness was gone by now so instead I spent about an hour just thinking up fake scenarios of people who don't even know I exist because they don't exist. Finally, I felt myself falling asleep.

Hi guys hope you liked this chapter and please don't forget to share. I am slowly adding more of Nova and Milie's friendship into the book just to dig deeper into that but please comment with any suggestions. Like I said in the other chapter I was going to be updating less because of school and musical practice but I'll still try and update at least every other night if I can find the time to.

Love you guys 🥰

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