𝑙𝑎 𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑥 ꕤ⋆.˚ 𝑚𝑖𝑟𝑎𝑐...

By ChanelPradaGirl

38.5K 699 1.2K

‎‎:¨ ·.· ¨: ‎𝐼𝑓 𝐼 ℎ𝑎𝑑 𝑎 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝐼 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑦𝑜... More

𝑀𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑒 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑒𝑟𝑒🌸


5.9K 140 182
By ChanelPradaGirl


(ChanelPradaGirl: Guess how I update so fast. Also, gimme names to insult Alya with.)

Scene: Françoise Dupont High School.

Gloria is walking to school watching an interview of Stella Li-Wu about her latest fashion show in Shanghai.

The florist smiles when Stella credits her for helping her with the fashion collection.

She arrives at the building and enters, heading upstairs to her homeroom.

Scene: Miss Bustier's Classroom.

The Moreau girl enters only to be confused when she saw the usual seating arrangement had changed up.

She heads over to Chloé and Sabrina as the two were the only ones who didn't have their desk changed.

"Hey, Chloé, hey Sabrina," She greeted them. "What's up with the new desk arrangement?"

Chloé scoffs and rolls her eyes. "It's because of Lila. She came back to Paris after Spring break and convinced Miss Bustier to change up the seats,"

Gloria sighs. "She's back? You're not joking?"

"I wish I were," Chloé responds. "But the good news is Zoé is in New York. Unfortunately, she'll be back for the Scar Bug, Fleur, and Cat Noir movie premiere,"

"And the bad news is you're gonna be sitting in the back next to Marinette," Sabrina reveals to Gloria.

"What?!" Gloria's eyes widened before she groaned. "Just the news I needed after Spring break,"

Chloé and Sabrina give her sympathetic looks that she had to sit with Marinette.

And speak of the devil, she had just arrived to see the new seating arrangement. The spot next to Adrien is empty, much to her excitement.

Sabrina notices the Suepain-Cheng girl and rolls her eyes. "Speak of the devil and she shall appear. Just look at what she's doing right now,"

The three diamond girls stare at Mari-Bitch, who is creeping past other desks. They continue to watch as the blue-haired weirdo sprints around the other desks towards Alya.

"Ugh, will she ever change?" Sabrina shakes her head.

"Considering how Gloria told us her creepy ass followed Adrien all the way to Shanghai, I don't think she will," Chloé responds.

Meanwhile, Marinette is talking to Alya.

"How'd you pull this off, Alya?You're the best! I can't believe you got everyone to swap seats so I can sit next to Adrien! Then again, it might not be the best idea." She began to imagine a scenario. "It could keep me from paying attention in class, and if I fail it'd be a total disaster because then Adrien and I would never have our own house, the three kids, the hamster named-"

"Whoa girl," The hypocrite's scenario gets interrupted by Alya. "What are you talking about? You're not sitting next to Adrien. Your seat's over there."

Alya pointed to where she would be sitting and Marinette followed her finger, seeing that she was pointing to the back.

"You'll be sitting next to Gloria," Alya disclosed.

"What?!!" Marinette shrieks, only to become embarrassed when her classmates gave her weird looks. "At the back with GLORIA of all people?!" She whisper-yells, shooting Gloria a dirty look as the said florist made her way to the back.

"Unfortunately," Alya shrugs.

"But why? What's going on?" Marinette questioned.

"Well since she's got a hearing issue, there's no way she can sit at the back of the class, right? Which means she needed a place up in the front," Alya explains. "So to make it work, Ivan sat next to Mylène, Nate sat next to Alix, and she came up with the idea of moving Nino here,"

Nino glances at her before he rolled his eyes. He clearly did NOT like sitting with the biased blogger.

"Who is this she?" Marinette asked her BFF.

Miss Bustier enters the classroom just then.

"Good morning, students. I hope you all had an amazing Spring break. I'm sure you've all heard by now, but Lila's home from her trip to Achu, and she's back in school with us again." The teacher says as Lila enters.

"Hi, everyone." Bitch-la waved.

"Hi, Lila," The whole class (except Marinette, Gloria, Chloé, and Sabrina) greeted her back.

"Oh, a seat in the front row! You all remembered my hearing issue! You're such sweethearts, all of you. Mwah! Mwah!" Witch-la blew kisses at everyone before she sat down next to Adrien.

"You have a hearing problem, Lila?" Marinette quizzed, not buying it.

"Yes, I suffer from tinnitus, a constant ringing in my left ear," The Wicked Witch of the West. "I've had it ever since I was caught in a... unfortunate gun shooting incident recently. And the next thing you know, I've got tinnitus! Lucky me, right?"

Everyone felt sympathetic for the Queen of Lies while she had a sullen look on her face.

Give this girl an Oscar, cause that had to be the best lie she's ever told.

"However, the best part is," Lila swiftly scooted closer over to Adrien, invading his personal space and making him uncomfortable. "Since you're such an excellent student Adrien, you'll be able to help me catch up with all the schoolwork I missed while I was traveling with my parents. Would you do that for me?" She batted her eyelashes at him.

"I don't know, I'm pretty busy," Adrien replies dryly, scooting away from her a bit.

Lila was displeased by his answer. It only showed on her face for a split second before she smiled sweetly at him. "That's okay, I'm sure you can make time for me,"

Adrien restrains his disgust while Sausage Hair batted her eyelashes at him again.

Both Marinette and Gloria frown at Lila for different reasons. The former didn't want the lying fox sitting next to her obsession while the latter showed disdain towards the vixen because she made her childhood friend uncomfortable.

"Miss Bustier, why do I have to sit in the back now?" Marinette complained.

"Do you have any trouble hearing or seeing, Marinette?" Miss Bustier inquired.

"Uh, I... I..." Mari-Cunt stammered.

"My eyesight and hearing are good," Adrien quickly got up. "I'll sit in the back of the class with Gloria while you two can sit up front. I don't mind sitting next to Gloria,"

The Moreau girl blushes as Adrien turned, giving her a wink.

"No!" Lila and Marinette yelled in synchronization, not wanting their infatuation to sit next to their enemy.

Adrien gave them annoyed looks.

"My return is causing so much trouble, maybe I should have just stayed on the other side of the world. If Marinette has an issue too, then I should be the one to go and sit in the back. It's okay," Lila frowns 'sadly', standing up and grabbing her bag.

The class gasps and all glare at Marinette since they knew damn well she was only complaining out of jealousy and because she didn't wanna sit with Gloria.

Marinette glances at her classmates before looking at her teacher. "I don't actually have any trouble seeing or hearing. I mean..."

"Good, so there's no problem then. You sit here Lila, Adrien, you stay where you are and Marinette, you sit in the back row with Gloria." Miss Bustier instructed.

Lila sits back down next to Adrien, who was still irritated he couldn't sit with his girlfriend.

Marinette reluctantly goes to the back row and sits down by Gloria, who was looking out the window.

Marinette scowled, watching as Lila laughed with Adrien with a hand on his shoulder.

Scene: Hawk Moth's Lair.

The villain's windows opened.

"Ah, high school, the arena of teenage angst, where emotions are so intense. A perfect stadium for my dear Akumas." Hawk Moth turns a butterfly into an Akuma. "Fly away and evilize this angry high school girl!"

The Akuma flies out into Paris.

Scene: Françoise Dupont.

The Akuma flies towards the school.

Scene: Miss Bustier's Classroom.

Marinette is seething as Miss Liar continues rubbing Adrien on his shoulder.

Gloria's eyes widen as an Akuma slips through the window flies above her towards Marinette.

"Stop," Adrien demands, pushing Lila's hand off his shoulder. "You're making me uncomfortable,"

The Rossi girl was taken aback by his harsh words. "Okay, I'm sorry," She gave a fake apology, smiling at him.

Adrien scooted away at her twitching, strained smile, uncomfortable.

"AKUMA!" Gloria screams just then, getting up and swatting the Akuma away from Marinette with her tablet.

Everyone immediately panicked upon seeing the evil butterfly, and Marinette screamed, falling out of her seat.

"Students, evacuate immediately!" Miss Bustier opens the door to hurry her students out.

Lila grabs Adrien's hand. "Adrien, let's go!"

The Agreste boy ripped his hand out of hers, much to her shock, and ran towards his girlfriend while she continues fending the Akuma off.

"Gloria, come on!" Adrien grabs her hand, pulling her with him to the exit.

Lila saw this and scowled deeply.

After everyone left with their bags, the Akuma flutters outside.

Scene: Hawk Moth's Lair.

"Strange, I feel the fury has left, but there will be more opportunities. It's only a matter of time, be patient now my Akuma." Hawk Moth advised.


After the Akuma incident, Miss Bustier took her class to the Art Room to continue teaching them, and Jean-Pierre was more than happy to lend the class the room.

"I'm glad you and your students are here, Miss Bustier, because the art room isn't just for art now. I convinced Mr. Damocles to talk to the board about a school acting program and it's been approved!" Jean-Pierre smiles.

"That's wonderful, Jean-Pierre, I'm sure many students will want to pursue acting," Miss Bustier says.

"I'm sure they will. I'll leave you to teach your class," Jean-Pierre then leaves.

"Alright, class, please sit down and get out your History textbooks," Miss Bustier instructs.

As everyone sat down on the floor, Lila glares at Gloria while the designer sat next to Adrien.

The discount Heather Duke seethed with anger at seeing Adrien place his hand on his girlfriend's knee, stroking it with his thumb.

Lila watches him closely as he strokes Gloria's leg and suddenly has the urge to trip and fall into his lap. She quickly goes to make her move as the students open their textbooks.

Gloria sees Lila move towards Adrien, her jade-green eyes narrowing she watches to see what her rival will do.

Lila deliberately trips over her feet and squeals, heading straight towards Adrien's lap.

However, Adrien quickly moves out of the way as the liar does this.

Lila faceplants on the floor. Her cheeks are flushed red as she looks around at the whole class who are staring back at her with wide eyes.

Chloé began to laugh just then, and Sabrina joins her. Gloria hid her face in Adrien's shoulder, sniffling her laughter and Marinette smirks, enjoying Lila's suffering.

"What a pathetic display!" Chloé exclaims.

As the class feels embarrassed for Lila, she gets up, dusting off herself.

"Are you okay, Lila?" Rose sweetly questions.

"Yeah, I was... Just stretching and tripped," Lila says with gritted teeth.

Lila suddenly has the idea to fake a sprained wrist from her fall. She places her hand on her wrist as if there is pain and begins to look around.

"Ow! I think... I sprained my wrist from trying to catch myself." She told Miss Bustier.

"Oh no," Miss Bustier says with concern.

"I should get myself checked out, can Adrien take me to the infirmary?" Lila asks, glancing back at Adrien in a flirty way.

"Of course. Adrien, take Lila to the nurse's office," Miss Bustier instructs.

Adrien internally screams with repulsion as the teacher tell him to go with Lila.

"Um, okay," He says awkwardly, standing up. He looks at Lila who is now looking at the ground and acting shyly.

He rolls his eyes and leads her out of the class.

Scene: School Cafeteria.

Lila is sitting at a table full of cuisines with several classmates around her delivering her plates of food.

"That's for you, Lila!" Rose put a plate down by Lila.

"Thank you. You're so sweet!" Lila told her.

"Here's your appetizer, Lila," Max set a plate down by the girl.

"And I've got your main course," Mylène laid a plate down as well.

"I'll fetch your dessert!" Kim offered.

"I'm sorry I can't carry my own tray. It's almost impossible with this sprained wrist." Lila held up her "sprained" wrist.

"That's what you've got another hand for, lazy bitch," Chloé mumbles as she walks past with Sabrina, who snickered.

Meanwhile, Kim runs between Adrien and Gloria and grabs a slice of chocolate cake. "Sorry," He then runs back to Lila.

"Does she even have a sprained wrist?" Gloria asks her boyfriend, grabbing a small salad bowl and putting it on her tray.

"No way," Adrien replies. "The nurse just said she had a slight abrasion on her wrist from the fall. It's just an excuse to get our friends to be at her shoes. Fucking freeloader," He frowns.

Gloria gasps as she exits the lunch line with him. "Adrien, I can't believe you cursed!" She teases him.

"I know babe, I'm sorry. She just gets under my skin, you know?" He says as they sit down to eat.

"I like when you curse," Gloria admits, blushing lightly.

"Yeah?" Adrien glances at her with his emerald green eyes and feels something move inside him as he blushes and smiles. "Do you really?" His voice went lower.

Adrien smiles again at this beautiful girl who's eyes have a look of mischief in them. He leans back a bit as he sees how she's flustered, and feels himself getting drawn in more.

"If I were to kiss you right now, how do you think Lila would react?" He raised an eyebrow.

Gloria feels a jolt of adrenaline as she realizes that he wants to kiss her.

Adrien stares deeply into her eyes and feels a surge of desire as it feels like they are the only two people in the world and everything outside is irrelevant.

"N-No, this is the cafeteria," Gloria says quietly, her cheeks a dark red.

Adrien feels a bit disappointed but understands and grins.

"You're right. Not in the cafeteria," He says seductively, leaning forward and whispering in her ear. "Maybe in the locker room~,"

"You're serious? At lunchtime?" Gloria becomes excited.

"Oh yeah, I'm serious." Adrien responds. "Just the thought of kissing you sends shivers down my spine."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Gloria smirks.

"Right," Adrien says with a look of excitement in his eyes, taking hold of Gloria's hand and standing up. They walk together to the exit.

As Lila is stuffing her face with food and being taken care of by all her classmates, she sees Adrien and Gloria leave together.

She immediately stands up. "Uh, I have to go to the bathroom, excuse me,"

She quickly walks away, following after the couple.


Outside the canteen, Lila looks down below into the courtyard and sees Adrien and Gloria going into the locker room.

Lie-la's face grows annoyed and hurries downstairs, running to the locker room to see what the two are up to. She creaks open the door, peaking in, and what she saw made her gasp.

She stands on the outside, her breath catching in her throat, her eyes wide, and her mouth hanging open as she watches the couple make out passionately.

Gloria is sitting on her boyfriend's lap with her hands on his shoulders, and he is below her, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist.

Gloria moans as Adrien nips at her neck. "Show a little restraint this time, yeah? I don't want my neck covers in hickeys like in Shanghai," She smirks down at her boyfriend.

Adrien laughs at the comment. "What's wrong with some hickeys?" He asks, trailing kisses across her neck while his hands move down.

Lila watches as Gloria and Adrien make out, her eyes burning with rage and jealousy at the sight of the Latina in Adrien's arms. She grits her teeth and begins to tremble with anger.

Scene: Hawk Moth's Lair.

"Yes! I can feel it. Anger, rage, jealousy. Akuma, seek out who's putting out such negative emotions," Hawk Moth commanded.

Scene: Françoise Dupont High School.

Lila feels deep anger and jealousy as she sees Adrien kissing and caressing Gloria, wishing that the girl in his arms was her instead.

She feels her heart pound as she stares at the two, thinking that she should be there instead of the florist.

She storms away to the exit of the school when she spots an Akuma fluttering towards her.

"Yes, here's my chance!" She grins evilly before she snatches the Akuma. "Come here, Akuma~," She puts the Akuma in the bead of her earring. A pink butterfly outlines her face. "Hawk Moth, I am Lila. I know you want to destroy Fleur, and so do I."

Scene: Hawk Moth's Lair.

"Yes, I remember you." Hawk Moth says.

"Give me supervillain powers and I'll give you what you want," Lila says.

"With pleasure. I have some new powers for you, Chameleon."

Scene: Françoise Dupont High.

Dark magic engulfs Lila as she cackles like a witch.

Scene: Locker Room.

"Adrien, you left marks again!" Gloria whines, seeing the three hickeys on her neck in her Yves Saint Laurent compact mirror.

Adrien shrugs. "What can I say? Your neck is my weakness," He smirks.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom to cover them up, stay here," Gloria told him.

Adrien rolled his eyes as his girlfriend went to the bathroom.

After she'd left for the girls' restroom, he got startled when Lila entered and he stood up.

"Adrien, hey," Lila walks up to him. "We'll have to figure when you're gonna help me catch up on all the schoolwork I missed. I also heard you play piano," She poked his chest. "I took lessons with Stefano Bollani when I was younger, however, I stopped playing. But when my wrist gets better, I'd love for you to give me some lessons."

Adrien frowns as she giggles annoyingly. "Lila, I've already told that I'm pretty busy, so I can't help you. And stop lying to me like you did last time with Ladybug,"

Lila is shocked at this.

Scene: Flashback.

"Uh, actually, when did I save your life again, Lila? I don't recall. Oh yes! Of course, now I remember. NEVER!!"

Lila flinched when Onsiebug screamed at her, and so did Adrien.

The blonde was extremely unsettled at seeing the crazy look in the polka-dotted bitch's eye.

"And we're not friends EITHER!" She glares at Lila, then turns to Adrien, who recoils. "Adrien, don't believe a thing she says,"

Adrien was surprised and disturbed by the switch-up. With Lila, her tone was hostile and cold. But with him, it was soft and gentle. He didn't like it one bit.

"Miss Show-Off here was trying to impress you, and everyone around her," Creepybug told him, giving Witch-La a nasty look.

Adrien looks at the narcissist, who is fake crying. "So, you're not the descendant of a superhero either?" He asks dryly.

"She's more like a super liar," Ladybitch sneers.

Fleur, who is still hiding in the tree, gasps.

"How dare you?! Ugh!" Lila picks up her bag and runs away.

Scene: End Of Flashback.

"Ladybug was the liar!" Lila protested.

"Look Lila, I'm not judging you, but instead of making friends you're gonna turn everyone against you. You need to stop lying while you can or else you'll be digging a hole you can't get out of," Adrien warns.

"You're no one to lecture ME on friendships. All I see is you snuggling and making out with that Latina when I need your help." Lila said, pointing at herself, her face contorted by jealousy.

Adrien froze, his eyes widening. "I... I don't know what you're talking about,"

"Oh please, do you think you're slick? I saw what you were doing in the locker room with Gloria," Lila rolls her eyes.

"Wait, what? You were SPYING on us?" Adrien became angry.

"Oh, you're mad. Why? Are you and Gloria in a secret relationship?" Lila asks, her tone dripping with sarcasm as her cheeks burn with jealousy as she steps towards him.

"No..." Adrien denied quietly.

"You think you can fool me, Adrien? I don't think so. But don't worry," Lila puts her hands on Adrien's chest. "Once I get rid of her, you'll be with me," She kisses his cheek.

"What the hell?!" Adrien pushes her away in disgust. He gasps when Lila transforms into an identical version of himself.

That was the last thing he saw before he blacked out.

"Whoops, sorry, Agreste," Chameleon (now as Adrien), asserted in her own voice.

The villain then puts Adrien into a locker and heads to the girls' restroom. Plagg floats out of his holder's jacket.

"Adrien? Adrien!"

Scene: Girl's Restroom.

Gloria has just finished covering up her hickeys with foundation.

"You and Adrien sure love sneaking around, huh? Do you not have any sympathy for me?!" Flora playfully glares up at her friend from her purse.

Gloria giggles. "Sorry, Flora. It's just... I love Adrien so much, I can't help it,"

The two hear footsteps just then and Flora hides in Gloria's purse just as Chameleon enters.

Gloria smirks at him, thinking he was actually her boyfriend. "I thought I told you to wait outside, mister. Can you not keep your hands off me for five minutes?" She teases.

"Yeah, I know... I just can't bear to be away from you for so long," Chameleon says seductively as he leans forward to kiss her.

Gloria catches a whiff of him and quickly backs away. "You smell like perfume," She blankly said, already suspicious.

"Is there a problem with me smelling good?" Chameleon asks, trying to hide his nerves.

"When's my birthday?" Gloria asks.

"What? Uh..." Chameleon hesitates, thinking of an excuse. "...I was so busy planning something special for you, I must have forgotten to take note of it myself."

Gloria kicks him in the balls swiftly.

Chameleon lets out a deep groan and drops to the floor, clutching at his groin as he lets out a pained and pained roar. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" He screams, revealing Lila's voice.

"Lila? What the hell?! You've been Akumatized?! What did you do to Adrien?!" Gloria demands to know.

"That doesn't matter, he's out of the picture for a little while now. What matters is you. I'm not letting you do whatever you want with him anymore. He's MINE. All I need to do is get rid of you," Chameleon says, his tone threatening and his eyes burning with jealousy as he spoke with Adrien's voice.

Gloria ran out of the bathroom, and the villain chases after her.

Scene: Outside Françoise Dupont High School.

Gloria ran out of the building, but yelped when Chameleon landed right in front of her.

"You're not going anywhere, BITCH!" He yells.

"Watch it asshole, I'm not going down without a fight," Gloria narrows her eyes.

Chameleon glares at her with hatred. "It's useless trying to resist, I'm gonna win anyway," He lunges, attempting to punch her.

Chameleon is taken by surprise when Gloria dodges the punch and then uses a self-defense move to drop him to the ground, sweeping his legs.

He falls to his knees, his face twitching in rage and disbelief that Gloria just defeated him in such a skillful manner.

Gloria then flees the area, trying to escape.

Chameleon leaps to his feet and chases after Gloria. "YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY!!!" He yells furiously.

Scene: Alleyway.

Gloria hides behind a dumpster just as Chameleon runs past.

"Looks like me laying low will have to come after this fight," Gloria told her fairy. "Flora, Winx Out!"


Fleur is now flying through the air, searching for Chameleon when she sees him jumping through the streets.

"HEY!" She yells at him.

Chameleon spots her and smirks. He jumps in front of a bus, causing the driver to swerve and almost hit a woman carrying a stroller with a baby inside.

"Arms of the Earth!" Fleur blows green dust to summon the vines that tie around the bus, preventing it from hitting the woman and child.

"Hey, thank you Fleur." The bus driver says.

"No problem." Fleur flies away.

Scene: Effiel Tower.

Chameleon pops a Fleur balloon a little boy is holding.

"My balloon. Mommy!" The kid cries in despair.

The mother comforted her son and glared at Chameleon.

The villain laughs and pops the rest of the Fleur balloons, then takes a couple of Cat Noir and Scar Bug balloons. "Thank you!" He jumps up the Eiffel Tower before he began to walk across it, stumbling a little.

"Oh no, he's gonna fall!" A female civilian cried.

Police cars, fire trucks, and a news reporter van arrive just then along with Fleur.

"La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la whoa!" Chameleon pretends to lose his balance.

Fleur frowns and begins to fly up to where he is.

"This is so easy, as soon as someone needs saving, that stupid Fleur shows up. La, la, la, la, la, la, la!" Chameleon continues to sing and balance himself.

Fleur arrived where he was just then. "Stay right there!"

"Ahhhh! Help me! I'm losing my balance, I'm gonna faaaaaa-!" Chameleon deliberately falls.

"Glowing Ivy!" Fleur grows long vines that is used like a slide to bring the villain falling to safety.

Fleur lands next to him while the slide vanishes.

"Yeah! Woo-hoo!" Nadja cheered.

"My Princess Charming, you saved my life." Chameleon attempts to kiss Fleur but she pushes him away.

"Cut the bullshit, you're not Adrien!" Fleur frowns.

"You're right, I'm Chameleon. You're getting better at this Fleur," The villain says.

"Oh please, I've always been good at it," Fleur flips her hair. "Flower Power!" She launches a ball of misty light green ball of energy at the enemy, but he jumps to the side.

"Flower Power? Seriously? Ha! What a lame spell!" Chameleon mocks before laughing.

"All Mighty Power of Nature!" Fleur sends out a large blast of green energy toward Chameleon.

He screams as the blast hit him square in his chest and he was sent flying away.

"Hm, that one wasn't such a lame spell though," Fleur smirks and flies in the direction she saw him go sailing.

Scene: Françoise Dupont High School. Locker Room.

Adrien is still asleep in the locker Chameleon put him in, and Plagg is hovering over him.

"If this an enchanted sleep, what can possibly wake him up?" Plagg wonders

Adrien snores and the Kwami glances at his lips.

"Oh no, not an enchanted kiss! Please!" He cries, but he knows Adrien can't be asleep forever. "Where's Gloria when ya need her?" He sighs. "Nobody will ever know," He prepares to kiss Adrien.

A magic sparkle appears over Adrien's face and he wakes up.

"Plagg, what happened? And what are you doing?" He asks his Kwami, perplexed.

Plagg froze up. "Oh, me? Nothing I, uh… your new crazy fangirl Lila put you to sleep with an evil kiss,"

"Lila must've been re-akumatized. Quick, Plagg, claws out!"

From outside the locker, a flash of green light can be seen, and Cat Noir runs out.


Scene: The Trocadéro.

Fleur flying around, searching for Chameleon. "Damn, I didn't mean to send him flying so far away," She says to herself.

"Quentin! Quentin!" Quentin's mother called to her son.

Fleur lands on a lamp pole, looking for Chameleon still.

"Fleur!" 'Quentin' called to her. "I saw the supervillain running away!" He pointed at the merry-go-round.

"Thanks! Don't stay here, okay? It's dangerous." Fleur then flies towards the merry-go-round, landing on the ground. "Chameleon! Come outta there you coward!" She demanded.

Meanwhile, the real Quentin can be seen snoring inside one of the carts.

Quentin/Chameleon creeps up behind Fleur.

"My Quentin! You found him Fleur!" Quentin's mother gushed.

Fleur quickly activated her Enchanted sight and saw an evil aura surrounding Chameleon. "Oh, shit!" Her eyes eyes widens just as Chameleon jumps and tries to kiss her.

"Fleur, look out!" Cat Noir intercepts the kiss and gets kissed instead.

"CAT!" Fleur screams in worry.

Chameleon, now as Cat Noir, tries to take the Miraculous from the now-sleeping Cat Noir, but Fleur quickly casts a spell.

"Water Lily Whirlpool!" The human fairy forms a light green ball of energy followed by light green butterflies and blasts the Chameleon with it away from Cat Noir.

He recovers and glares at Fleur. "It's down to the two of us, Fleur. Cataclysm!" He called on Cat Noir's superpower.

"I'm gonna strip that power away from you, bastard," Fleur snaps.

"I'll find out who you are first, don't you worry!" Chameleon attempts to attack her but she flew away, grabbing Cat Noir bridal style and taking him with her.

Chameleon then chases after Fleur to the Tower.

Scene: Effiel Tower.

Fleur places her sleeping boyfriend on the second platform of the Tower before she continues flying to the very top, where Chameleon corners her.

"Nowhere to run now, Fleur!" Chameleon claimed.

"The correct time is nowhere to fly since I've got wings, dumbass, and I don't intend to. So do your worst," Fleur sneers.

Furious at being mocked, Cat Noir began to wildly attack the garden fairy, but she effortlessly dodges his attacks.

Chameleon then kicks Fleur away. "Cataclysm!" He jumps on her and tries to kiss her and she struggled to keep his face away and his Catalyzed hand from her.

Scene: Hawk Moth's Lair.

"Good job Chameleon, become
Fleur, then once you put her to sleep you can simply give me her magic fairy!" Hawk Moth smirks.

Scene: Effiel Tower.

Fleur glances over and sees the waitress of a nearby fish stall.

She grinned at suddenly having an idea before she redirects Chameleon's Catalyzed hand to the metal floor paneling.

It disintegrated and the duo fell down below. The debris scares the aforementioned waitress off.

Fleur looks around for something she can use against Chameleon and spots a clam.

Chameleon stands up and tries to kiss her, but she shoves the clam in his face.

"Kiss this, asshole!" She sneers.

Chameleon immediately panicked at seeing the clam and turned into one himself.

Meanwhile, Cat Noir had woken up from his nap and sees his girlfriend. "Fleur!" He smiles, getting up.

"I see someone woke up from his little cat-nap," Fleur teased him. She picks up the clam, hearing muffled noise inside. She smiles. "Curse all you want, but you've lost, Lila,"

"Wow, you certainly got that supervillain to clam up, little rose," Cat Noir jokes. "But we're still not out of the woods yet. Where's the Akumatized object?"

"We're about to find out. Excuse me, waitress?" Fleur called.

The waitress popped up. "Ahem." She cleared her throat.

"If you wouldn't mind." Fleur hands the waitress the clam.

"Yes, Fleur, at your service." The waitress opens the calm with the calm opener. "Mademoiselle," She gives the clam back to Fleur.

"Thank you," Fleur took the black bead out of the clam before she breaks the Akumatized object and the Akuma flutters out. "Barrier!" She calls out a spell.

A green sparkly barrier forms around the Akuma, preventing it from escaping.

Fleur hums, levitating it towards her. "I wonder..." She mutters before closing her eyes.

Cat Noir stares in awe as Fleur's hands glow and the Akuma is purified into a white butterfly.

"You... You can purify an Akuma!" He comments.

"It's just like in Shanghai. A hero that I worked alongside with, Lady Mazu, purified an Akuma," Fleur releases the butterfly, allowing it to flutter away.

"Was she another fairy just like you?" Cat Noir asks.

"Yes, except she's a water fairy. Every fairy is gifted with a different ability. In Shanghai, after the chaos with the villain YanLuoShi, I fixed the city with a Creation spell," Fleur explains.

"Creation? But... that's the Ladybug Miraculous's ability. How can you create?" Cat Noir asks.

"It's because I'm a nature fairy. I'm one with nature. Creation and nature are very similar," Fleur responds.

"That's true. Creation is the act of bringing something into existence and nature refers to the physical world and all its living and non-living components. So does this mean you can fix the damage made today?" Cat Noir asks.

"Yes, I should be able to," Fleur affirms.

Fleur closes her eyes and puts a hand on her chest, the green aura surrounding her gets brighter and brighter until it's overwhelming, and her hair floats up off her shoulders.

"Creation!!" She shouts.

Green magic starts to spread across area, and the damages are instantly reversed back to its original state.

Chameleon is also reverted back into Lila as she sits on the counter.

"You keep making me fall for you more and more," Cat Noir purrs, rubbing Fleur's back.

"Hush, you naughty cat," Fleur smiles, then turns to Lila. "Lila," She greeted, trying to be polite.

"Fleur?" Witch-la was shocked.

"You were Akumatized, but it's alright now," Fleur assures.

Lila looks away for a moment before she smiles. "Thanks, Fleur, I'd be honored to call you my friend."

"That's great," Fleur pulled away. "Hey, some advice. You don't have to lie and pretend to be something you're not. People will like you just for being yourself."

"You have my word, Fleur," Bitch-la promised.

Fleur nods before she then left with her partner.

"Bye!" Lila waved with a smile before it twisted into a loathing scowl after the duo left.

Scene: Hawk Moth's Lair.

"I sense a talent like no other in this young Lila. I'm sure that her feelings about Fleur will serve my purposes well in the end. One way or another." Hawk Moth says as his window closes.


Scene: Françoise Dupont. Courtyard.

Lila is sitting on a bench and class (except for Marinette, Chloé, and Sabrina) is standing around her.

"Of course Fleur saved my life. She never misses an opportunity to rescue people, and she's even my friend now!" Lila told her classmates.

"How interesting," Max spoke up warily. "Didn't your tinnitus give you vertigo when you went up the Eiffel Tower?"

"Oh no. Fleur casted one of her magic spells to create an earplug to stick in my left ear." Lila replied.

Meanwhile, Gloria was sitting on the stairs from a distance, listening and watching. Adrien sat next to her.

"That girl will never change," Gloria rolls her eyes.

"She's just like Marinette, I don't know who's worse," Adrien shook his head.

"It's gonna be impossible to expose her. Our class can search up anything on Google and Max is the smartest in class, so that's why she's being careful with her lies," Gloria says.

"One way or another, she'll slip up," Adrien shrugs. "But unfortunately, she caught us in the locker room,"

"What?" Gloria's eyes widened. "She was spying on us like a creep?"

Adrien nods, and Gloria sighs. "So what do we do?"

"Nothing for now," The Moreau girl responds. "If she doesn't say anything, we won't say anything,"

The school bell rings just then.


Scene: Miss Bustier's Classroom.

"Good afternoon, everyone." Miss Bustier greeted as her students enter.

"Good afternoon, Miss Bustier." The class said simultaneously, sitting down in their seats.

Lila watches Gloria with a scowl as the light brunette walked to her desk and sat next to Marinette.

The blue-haired hypocrite shot her a disgusted glare, but the designer ignored her.

"Lila?" Miss Bustier called her name.





"Present as well."




"Perfect attendance as always,"

Marinette stared creepily at the back of Adrien's head, but she shook her head. 'Stay focused now, Marinette.'


'Don't get distracted.'

"Marinette?" Miss Bustier called again.

'Otherwise, you'll flunk school. And then how are you and Adrien...'


'Gonna get that house, and have three kids and a hamster named-'

"Marinette!" Gloria called to the Yandere, interrupting her thoughts. "Miss Bustier's called your name like three times already,"

Marinette looks sheepishly at the teacher.

"Looks like you have trouble hearing after all, Marinette. Why don't you come sit up here in the front row, and Adrien, sit in the back row with Gloria," Miss Bustier suggested.

Adrien grins and immediately stood up while both Marinette and Lila scowl angrily.

Adrien and Marinette switch seats, and the former smiles at his girlfriend and grabs her hand under the desk. She blushes at the physical contact.

Marinette and Lila both give Gloria looks of disdain when Marinette 2.0 suddenly got an idea.

"Miss Bustier, this is incredible! My tinnitus, I don't feel it anymore. It's gone. it's a miracle. It must be Fleur's doing, I can sit in the back now," Lila quickly stands up with her bag and walks to the back, sitting next to Adrien.

The Agreste boy gave her an annoyed side-eye while Gloria rolls her eyes.

"Excuse me, Miss Bustier, can I go and sit next to Marinette? Nino and I can't stop chatting it up," Alya says.

"When did we ever speak?" Nino gives her a confused look.

Alya shot him a glare and grabbed her satchel, sitting next to Marinette.

"You didn't think I'd let my BFF sit all by herself, did you?" She told Marinette, who giggles annoyingly.

"Excuse me Miss Bustier, can I move, too, please? I'd like to sit next to Nino again," Adrien spoke up.

Nino became ecstatic.

"Can I have my original spot back as well?" Gloria spoke up.

"Can I have my old seat back, too, please?" Ivan requests.

"Can I go back to where I was?" Alix queried.

The others also began protesting to go back to their original seating arrangement, and Miss Bustier smiles.

In the end, everyone was back in their original seats and Bitch-La scowled because she had to sit in the back next to Nathaniel.


Scene: Outside School.

"Bye, Chloé and Sabrina!" Gloria waves as the two get into the Bourgeois limo, which drives away.

"Ready to go, baby?" Adrien asks Gloria, standing beside her.

She nods while the Agreste car shows up. Adrien opens the back door for her.

"After you," He purrs.

She giggles and gets into the vehicle. He climbs in after her and closes the door.

From the stairs, Marinette is growling after the car as it drove away.

Lila steps up beside the blue-haired creep. "Marinette, is it?"

Marinette is startled by the sudden presence of Lila and glares at the lying fox.

"What do you want?" She rudely asks.

"Look, it's been completely obvious that you don't like me. I saw the looks you were giving me today," Lila turns to fully face Marinette. "However, you and I have a common enemy... Gloria,"

Marinette is stunned. Lila has read her mind perfectly!

"What are you talking about?" She asks sharply.

"Oh come on, Marinette, I'm not blind. I know you like Adrien and you hate Gloria being around him. I do too, so why not be friends instead of enemies?" Lila raised an eyebrow at the Yandere.

Marinette is speechless by the directness of this girl and doesn't know how to respond.

As she hesitates, Lila continues. "Adrien is just a toy to her, she is using him, do you not see that?"

"I know that. She's just using him as a stepping stone to become a fashion designer, and it's working," Marinette clenched her hands tightly.

"Exactly. I'm sure she doesn't care for him, she's just using him to get what she wants," Lila shrugs.

Marinette glares at her. She doesn't completely trust the liar, but there was a part of her that wanted this vixen to be on her side.

"So, what do ya say, Marinette?" Lila holds out her hand to the Suepain-Cheng girl. "Why don't we become partners to make Gloria's life hell?" She smirks devilishly.

Marinette eyes her cautiously but finally gives a light shrug as she gingerly reaches out her hand towards Lila's.

Perhaps having Lila as an ally could be helpful in getting Gloria out of her life once and for all.

The two join hands and shake firmly.

As they both cross their fingers behind their backs, the irony of this partnership is that they both have their own ulterior motives and cannot truly trust each other.

The two girls will only be allies for as long as these agendas are in their best interest, then it will be every woman for herself.


(ChanelPradaGirl: Gloria's new everyday outfit.)

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