hazbin hotel And Helluva Boss...

Autorstwa FREEFALL453

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Disclaimer/story Description I don't any of the hazbin hotel charters, or Monty python he's an O.C to anoth... Więcej

plot /day 1
chapter 2 , day 2
chapter 3 , meet Arackness , and monty
chapter 5 sick day part 2
chaper 6 ruff day
chapter 7 skys human life
chapter 8 long day at work
chapter 9 a surpised vist
chapter 10 Miss rosey
chapter 11 arena
chapter 12 nightmare begins part1/the puppet show
chapter 13 nightmare part 2
chapter 14 nightmare ends
chapter 15 out of fire pan / party
chapter 16 out fire pan / after party
17 into the fire
chapter 18 sky's departure
chapter 19 , 4 months latter
chapter 20 , home sweet home
chapter 21 fun times
chapter 22 , the Vees
chapter 23 the rescue
chapter 24 wake up call
chapter 25 the healing process
chapter 26 little demon , big problem
chapter 27 , Alastor story of the past part1
chapter 28 ,Alastor story of the past part2
chapter 29 , part 3
chapter 30 part 4
chapter 31 Anthony's/ Angels Dust part 1
chapter 32 Anthony /angel Dust part 2
chapter 33 , Anthony/ Angels story part 3
chapter 34 Husk story part 1
chapter 35 , sick ... again
chapter 36 Sick... again part 2
chapter 37 , date night
chapter 38 A stranger
chapter 39 , search and rescue
chapter 40 ...five days latter
chapter 41 party
chapter 42 , Disappearance
chapter 43, 5 years latter
chapter 44, spending time with rosie
chapter 45 , Charile and Vaggie part 1
chapter 46 Charile, and Vaggie
chapter 47, Shenanigans
chapter 48 missing
chapter 49, double date
chapter 50 , two weeks past
chapter 51 , Charlie
chapter 52, a year passed
chapter 53 , normal day at the hotel with kids
chapter 54 , the woods
chapter 55 , leason learned

chapter 4 Sick day part 1

32 2 1
Autorstwa FREEFALL453

( this part comes from Wisperdemon he dose VR hangs out people there , he dose ASMR . Voice acting for Angel Dust , Alastor, Sir Pentuse, Husk . When he dose the ASMR it example Husk X listener ,or Alastor X listener . He takes request rather your a full time member ,or just new to his channel someone requested a Adam Angel X listen . He said he has it in the works , he could even been out now . He dose at time dose Q and A's short for Qustions and Answers . Rather it's himself ,or doing it in character can fine him on YouTube user name Wisperdemon . Thank you again Wisperdemon for letting do this )

Sky layed in bed her head felt dizzy light headed her teeth charting

Angel Dust walked down the steeps saw most Husk and Niffty .

Angel Dust : moring Husky

Husk : moring

Angel Dust : to early for a drink ?

Husk : not for me

Angel Dust : dose that mean I can drink with ya ?

Husk poured a light alcohol drink

Angel Dust : thanks Husky

Husk :sure legs

Angel Dust :hey Husk

Husk :mmm

Angel Dust : you called me kid once , Sir Pentuse now , Sky what's up with that ?

Husk :I don't know I call most everyone new I meet kid . Don't worry legs , I won't stop calling you kid , just because someone new come in .

Angel Dust :what ever you say wiskers

Husk :what did I tell you about calling me that ?

Angel Dust : don't get your tail in a knotte

Alastor: good moring dear friends

Angel Dust : aww you do care smiles that's sweet of ya .

Alastor: Angel my feminine fellow , don't miss intemperate what I say , another words don't read to much into it .

Angel Dust : Hey Just because I dont know how to spell intemperate without perhaps a piece of paper and pen ,or not at all . Dosnt mean I don't know what it means , because I do .

Alastor: clearly

Charlie and Vaggie came from the kicken part of the Hotle

Charlie : good morning, eveyone

Eveyone else said good morning, or close to it in unison ,or none at all

Charlie: its looks like we are missing someone where's Sky ?

Angel Dust : I'll go look in her room , she's bound to be up by now.

Angel went upstairs knocked at the door . Sky could hear it , still feeling dizzy got out of bed . Open the door

Angel Dust : woah you don't look so good

Sky fell at less would have if Angel Dust haven't cought her in time

Angel Dust : come on let's put you to bed , look like dealth run over .

Angel Dust placed Sky into bed

Sky : I'm cold

Angel Dust :yeah I see that your teeth are chatting, but your burning up , like you got a fever . Must have cought something while we where out . Don't worry ol Angel Dust well make ya all better . Now first let's make sure your all snuggled in and I'll be right back , don't move okay? What I'm I saying of course you can't move .

Angel Dust went down stairs

Angel Dust : we got a problem the kid is sick

Husk : must have drawn more of her powers then we thought .

Angel Dust : The two of us also was out for 4 hours ,she ain't use to going out neather .

Charlie : do you know what it could be

Angel Dust : She complaining she's cold yet she's hot like real hot . Nearly fell over too

As Angel Dust was explaining to Charlie and the others what was wrong with Sky , Alastor disided to look into the situation for himself

Alastor without knocking steeped into the dim lit room , Alastor made his way to the bed his red eyes glowing along with bright yellow teeth . To most this most likely would creep them out , but for Sky who has gotten use to Alastor percents thought of it of a jack-o-lantern on Halloween . Alastor placed a warm hand on a more slightly warm Sky forhead

Sky blinked her eyes opend

Sky : hi Alastor

Her voice sounding crackling like she needed a little more then a glass of water .

Alastor: shh you won't feel better if you rest

Alastor taking his hand away

Sky trying her best to hold in a cough trying not to let her sickness pass onto Alastor .

Sky truned her body to the opposite side from where Alastor was at

Sky once done looked at Alastor

Sky : sorry

Alastor: no need to apologize

Sky smiled

Sky : hey Alastor

Alastor: mmm

Sky smiled even wider

Alastor: alright let me hear it

Sky : It was your cooking

Alastor: oh , oh see if I ever cook for you then

Sky was trying to laugh , but more coughing came out

Alastor: shh come now , I know your only fooling around . However my dear young fawn your not going to get well by cracking jokes .

Alastor though Sky was sick leaned in closer but not to close he himself would get to sick .Sky seeing he was getting close held her breath not because of the smell of Alastor, but there again trying not to get the radio demon sick

Alastor: that's my job to crack jokes

Alastor leand back to his upright position
Angel came into the room with a empty bowl, but went into the bathroom to fell it up with water ,and grabbed a washcloths as well

Angel Dust : yes please no jokes here

Angel dipped the cloth fully into the cool water twisted the cloth out and placed the cloth unto Sky's warm head . Sky eyes began to get heavy

Angel Dust : she'll need medicine

Sky : wisky

Angel Dust : wisky isn't medicine ,kid

Alastor: no I think she might be unto something, there is an old recipe my mother made and gave to me . When I was sick warm up the wisky add , cayenne peppers, or ground cinnamon ,and honey. Her family must have given it to her as well

Sky nodded her head

Sky truned her head to cough once more , but this time it was different she had a short of a raspy kinda of noise to it .

Alastor: mind staying her with her ?

Angel Dust : na not all , right kid

Sky : mmm

Angel Dust : Dame Sky when you get sick you do the whole mile ,or whole 9 yards .

Sky : yea

Angle Dust : now what did Alastor tell ya , be quite try to sleep .

Alastor went down to the bar

Alastor: I need wisky

Husk : listen at this time of day I'm only serving

Alastor: don't be silly it's not for me , it's for our young friend

Husk : Alastor you where mad before

Alastor demeanor changed he had symbols around his head

Alastor: Husker , I won't ask again

As Husk poured a glass for Alastor ,Alastor once changed back to his usual self , the symbols where gone

Alastor: ah thank you my friend

Husk : I hope you know what your doing

Charlie watched as Alastor went to the kitchen with the class

Charlie: Alastor

Alastor: ah my dear be a sweet demon bell and put this in that Square contraption

Charlie: the microwave ?

Alastor: it's okay if you don't know the name of it , neather because I sure don't

Charlie : right , I don't want to intrude, but how is wisky going to make Sky feel better? . Know it's for her because I over heard you say it was for Sky

Alastor: you know how warm Sky likes her coffee I mean hot coco need that drink just as warm

Charlie: oh then a one minute should do the trick

Alastor grabbed the other ingredients

Alastor: to answer your question my dear , it's an old cough syrup remedy. It well help with at less three of the problems that young Sky is having , it'll silence most if not all of her cough , it'll well break up whatever is in her lungs, and help her sleep . Basically all of the things cough syrup can do , just without the extra things in it ,or the nasty grape flavor ,or cherry flavor . And don't worry I'll water it down just a little

Charlie pulled out the warm wisky and Alastor added whatever needed to finsh the drink up . Once done stearing the drink left the spoon in the glass .

Alastor: now if you excuse me princess

Charlie: I want to see her

Alastor: my dear it is bad enough Angel and I are putting ourselves at risk . Do you too want to put yourself in danger of getting sick ?

Charlie: your words can not scare me, besides I have traveled the streets plenty of times and haven't gotten sick

Alastor: yes I know ,but have you ever consider what ever she had before she came her from her human life ,could still be there ,and now mixed with whatever from here making the sickness that much more saver ?

Charlie walked with Alastor to Sky's room

Alastor: very well , my dear

Angel was once again dipping the cloth into the water

Sky : If - I wasn't -

Angel Dust : dead you feel like your dying ?

Sky : yeah

Angel Dust : yeah will. We'll do our best to get you back on your feet

Alastor opend the door

Alastor: I got the drink , Angel mind helping me set her up .

Angel helped Sky to set up , while Alastor helped Sky spoon feed the Wisky into her mouth . Sky instinctly tried to take the spoon away from Alastor. Alastor and Angel both gently put her hand back down

Alastor: you never mind trying to do this , let me help you

Charlie sat on the edge of the bed by Sky's feet . Alastor taking another spoon full

Sky : hi Ch- arlie

Sky coughed

Charlie : hey don't mind me , just get to feeling better okay

Sky : okay

Sky coughed again

Sky: my chest burns , it hurts

Alastor: we are truly sorry to hear that come on ,you don't have much now

Sky felt tried she begain to fall asleep on Angel

Alastor too the glass tiped it to get the last spoon full out

Alastor: come on last one

Sky opend her mouth when she felt the lokewarm spoon touch her lips. The last drop of wisky was down . Sky sliped into Angel Arms further .

Angel Dust : Don't worry I got ya

Alastor placed the spoon back into glass then put the glass down on the night stand

Both guys helped get her down back unto the bed

Alastor : she's still to hot , yet she's still shirving . Got anymore blankets ?

Charile: I can see if there some in her closet , there is two in here

Alastor: one should be good for now if needs be we can place the other on her latter.

Charile handed it to Alastor both of them begain to unfold it and place it on the bed

Angel Dust : I don't feel comfortable leaving her alone like this

Alastor: I agree

Charlie : we could take truns

Angel Dust : what expose the others to this ? Na nah I'll stay here with her

Charlie: your job if you get sick , then Val

Angel cut Charlie off the meddle of her scientist

Angel Dust :Never mind Valentino, I'm worried about her more then myself . Besides she healed me once she ... what if Husk is right what if this sickness is connected to her powers

Alastor: no if that was the case I myself, or even our dear frined Husker would have been ill . No ,no this is because of her being new to hell , I maybe have been here for a while now . Still I remmber getting sick when I came here .

Charlie: I do hope she gets better soon

Alastor: as do I dear Charlie. If either of you are worried about our frined Angel getting sick ,I'll stick around myself

Charlie: Alastor, I don't

Alastor trun to cut Charlie off

Alastor: I promised that I would help take care of this fine establishment, also means to care of anyone in it . Like I said last night what kind of Host ,or business partner wouldI be if I can't take care of the guest.

Angel Dust : sweet that you care Alastor, but I'm sticking around . Nope can't get rid of me that easily.

Charlie: okay then I'll leave this up to you two , but need anything let me know .

As Charlie steeped out into the hall she saw Vaggie coming down the hall

Vaggie: how is she doing ?

Charlie: she wouldn't even set up on her own , it seems she getting worse instead of better

There came a cough from the room

Vaggie : that's Sky ?

Charlie: yeah , that's sky she complained about her chest burning , her teeth charting. It's bad

Vaggie : oof ,hope she gets better soon , I couldn't fine Alastor, nor Angel

Charlie: they are taking care of Sky

Vaggie : you think that's a good idea to leaving those two in the same room together?

Charlie: I'm sure it'll be fine , besides they need to work out any differents they have, and try to fine common ground .

Vaggie took Charlie's hands

Vaggie :hon they already found there common ground , it's you, the hotel ,and Sky . ..She'll be fine. Come on let's see if we can get more sinners in here

Charlie: I don't want to bring anyone else in here until I know she's feeling better

Vaggie : okay ,so what do we do in the mean time ?

Charlie: in the mean time ?.., I don't know

Vaggie: come on we can think of something to do .

The day slowly truned to night Alastor made some soup to give to Sky ,but made enough for everyone else .

Vaggie : we could take a break , especially you

Charlie: what do you mean ?

Vaggie : hon that's your 4th cup of coffee and it's nearly time to go to bed .

Charile: right ,here then

Charlie gave the cup to Vaggie , Vaggie smiled and took a sip out of the coffee mug

Charlie stood up from her desk

Charlie : I'm going to check on Sky

Vaggie : I'll come too

Angel Dust sat on the bed yawning

Alastor: you look tried my feminine fellow, you should get some rest

Angel Dust : no I rather not

Charlie opend the door she along with Vaggie came into the room

Charlie : how is she doing ?

Sky was mumbling in her sleep , smile and at times look like she was in pain . She would coughing now and again

Sky : mmm , I'm sorry I .. I

She coughed again Alastor took the cloth placed on Sky's forhead.

Sky : mmm

Alastor : shh your alright, your alright.

Sky sighed a breath of relived

Alastor: come to look upon a sick child ?

Charlie : no sign of recovery ?

Alastor: I'm afread there is no sign of improvement.

Sky begain to take in raspy breaths

Alastor: I'm afread this cold of hers could have truned into ammonia

Charile: I've never seen anything like this before . Like some just stay the same ,or get better . But her she's not getting better

Angel Dust : not sure if there is a cure for ammonia back then ,but perhaps today there is .

Charile: I'll call for a doctor

Alastor: could try that my dear

Sky moved in her sleep holding unto Angel Dust as a child would on to a parent . Angel Dust picked Sky up while keeping the blanket on her

Angel Dust : your okay

Sky : mmm , I'm sorry

Angel Dust : for what ?

Sky : the plate I broke

Angel Dust : it's okay just try to get some sleep ,we will take care of it in the morning

Charlie: I didnt know she broke a plate

Alastor: she didnt , however perhaps in another life she did break the dish .

Once Sky had suddle down Angel placed her back unto the bed then took the Covers rapped them on her

Charile: do you mind if I make the call in here ?

Alastor: not at all

Charile took her hellphone out called up the family doctor

Charile: I was wounding if you can come sometime tommow, because I know it's rather late now . Oh you'll come to night ? Um yeah sure that could work . You'll be here in within the hour okay . Thank you.

Angel then took the cloth out of the water ,but had realized the water had truned into warm temperature went got more water . Came back placed the cloth on her head once more .

Angel sat on the side of the bed took one of his hands rubbed his eye trying to get the sleep out of it . Alastor however noticed this .

Alastor: my friend if your tired I can take first watch make sure our young friend here , is safe dosn't need anything.

Angel Dust : I can't do that

Alastor: oh why's that ?

Angel Dust : all I've been doing is thinking of myself, and my problems here I learn that I can help others . Help her feel better .

Angel looked down at Sky , then felt a hand on his shoulder looked up at Alastor

Alastor: rest , I can take care of her . We got one sick demon don't need another .

Angel Dust : aww Alastor you do care

Alastor took his hand off of Angel Dust shoulder . Alastor now lost for words

Angel Dust : very well I'll rest

Angel rested his head ner Sky

Alastor looked at the two knowing they where resting sat back in the chair took the book on the table and began to read .

Charile: Vaggie and I will take out leave need anything let us know

Alastor very will I'll let you know

Charile: I'll make the call to the doctor

Both girls walked out closed the door soon latter Alastor feel asleep

Sky stried in her sleep rubbed the sleep out of her eyes . Looked around saw Alastor on the chair sleeping the book opend on his chest . Sky looked saw that Angel was on the bed . Sky smiled took an extra blanket out of her closet , took the book gently from Alastor try not to lose his page took a book mark from her own book placed it in Alastor's book set the book on the table , then unfolded the blanket placed it on Alastor. When he lighly snord its made the hum of that of an old radio .

Sky climed into bed snuggled down , she couldn't remmer why she got out of bed in the first place . Then remmber that she had to go to the bathroom went use the bathroom once done washed her hands noited that her skin though white like that of Angel Dust ,or Charlie seemed to be even more whiter , like snow . The sickness must have drain the color out if her face

Sky coughed

Angel strid notice sky was up went to her she held her chest. Sky got starled by his arms around her she was once again shirving

Angel Dust placed another hand on Sky's forhead

Angel Dust : still feel warm

Angel layed Sky down once more , as he did such there came a knock on the door

Alastor though in a dead sleep woke up up on his feet , since that happed Sky up in startledment

Alastor: my apologies dear didn't mean to scare you.

Charile: I came here with the doctor

A man dress in old plauge doctor out fit came in .

Sky looked both starled and amazed to see the doctor dress like that

Doctor : I do apologize for the intrusion,and my appearance

Sky : I've read about plague doctor's just never seen on in person

Sky coughed

Doctor: I see , will though I'm from the 1400's ,or so assure you that my medical practice are kept though the years. Now then let's take that temperature.

Doctor took of a thermometer took a plastic wrap cover on it placed it into Skys mouth

Doctor: 102 F / 38.9 C that is pretty high

Doctor checked her heart , her chest , a few other things

Doctor: now drink fluids , if she can't handle hard food try lighter foods . Her chest dose sound wraspy , stay in bed for at less a week , rest is also the main key . If you do need to get out of bed , you get back in immediately no longer then needs be . Stay warm .

Sky eyes where already feeling heavy as the doctor spock

She begain to cough

Doctor: those who are taking care of her wash your hands try not to get sick yourself. And try to keep as many people out don't want the grems to spread around .

Alastor: will do that ,

Alastor was rubbing Sky's head as if he didn't care what the doctor was saying

4 days latter

Sky's chest still hurt a little and now again she would coughed ,but she was okay over all .

Sky layed in bed reading a book

Angel Dust sat on the bed playing with his piglet Fat nuggets

Sky : can I get up yet ?

Angel Dust : your fever is down a litte your still coughing ,and you keep complaining your chest is hurting

Sky : so ?

Angel Dust : what do you think ?

Sky : Angeeel

Angel Dust : Skyyyy ,no is the answer ,and the doc said a week it's only been 4 days and you need rest speaking of which

Angel Dust put a hand on the book the sky was reading

Angel Dust : you need to rest

Sky : but

Angel Dust : But what ? Hon your need to rest I've already said 3 times , please don't make me say it a 4th time

Sky let Angel have the book laied her head on the pillow it was soft under her head .Sky eyes closed as Angel rubbed Sky's head

Angel looked at the door Alastor steeped into the room

Alastor: how's she doing ?

Angel Dust : , she still feels warm ,but I just told her to lay down

Sky picked her head up . Angel moved his hand away from her , looked at Alastor

Angel Dust: at less suppose to be

Alastor: hello dear , you need to rest

Sky layed her head back down Alastor placed his hand on her forhead

Alastor: she's seemed to be better .

Angel Dust : yes she dose

Angel coughed

Alastor: sounds like your getting it too

Angel Dust : sick na just a cough

Alastor: have you ever heared of just of a cough ?

Angel Dust : yes there was someone I knew who could breath and they began to cough , something about a dry thort ... okay something makes someone cough

Alastor: exactly, you don't look good neither, go lay down I'll take care of are young frined

Once Angel Dust left Alastor begain to shiver .

Alastor: sickness take us all at one point ,or another .Don't worry it'll pass get better my darling .

Alastor gently rubbed and patted the child's head .

Alastor: get some more rest

Sky : mm okay

Sky said in a muffled low voice

Sky fell asleep soon did the others

January, 5,2024

Czytaj Dalej

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