The Doctor and The Captain...

By Azkickdipstick

5.4K 681 45

The Captain travels with his lifelong best friend, The Doctor. The First Book follows the ninth Doctor. More

Author's Notes
S1 EP1: Rose Part 1
S1 EP1: Rose Part 2
S1 EP1: Rose Part 3
S1 EP2: The End of the World Part 1
S1 EP2: The End of the World Part 2
S1 EP2: The End of the World Part 3
S1 EP3: The Unquiet Dead Part 1
S1 EP3: The Unquiet Dead Part 2
S1 EP3: The Unquiet Dead Part 3
S1 EP4: Aliens of London Part 1
S1 EP4: Aliens of London Part 2
S1 EP4: Aliens of London Part 3
S1 EP5: World War Three Part 1
S1 EP5: World War Three Part 2
S1 EP 5: World War Three Part 3
S1 EP6: Dalek Part 1
S1 EP6: Dalek Part 2
S1 EP6: Dalek Part 3
S1 EP7: The Long Game Part 1
S1 EP7: The Long Game Part 2
S1 EP7: The Long Game Part 3
S1 EP8: Father's Day Part 2
S1 EP8: Father's Day Part 3
S1 EP9: The Empty Child Part 1
S1 EP9: The Empty Child Part 2
S1 EP9: The Empty Child Part 3.
S1 EP10: The Doctor Dances Part 1
S1 EP10: The Doctor Dances Part 2
S1 EP10: The Doctor Dances Part 3
S1 EP11: Boom Town Part 1
S1 EP11: Boom Town Part 2
S1 EP11: Boom Town Part 3
S1 EP12: Bad Wolf Part 1
S1 EP12: Bad Wolf Part 2
S1 EP12: Bad Wolf Part 3
S1 EP13: The Parting of the Ways Part 1
S1 EP13: The Parting of the Ways Part 2
S1 EP13: The Parting of the Ways Part 3
The End?

S1 EP8: Father's Day Part 1

98 14 0
By Azkickdipstick

*Memory - Jackie's bedroom*

A photograph shows a laughing man with thinning hair.

"Peter Alan Tyler my dad. The most wonderful man in the world. Born 15th September 1954." Rose voices.

"Come here, Rose. Come here" Jackie softly says to a young Rose, while she pats the empty space next to her.

Jackie has got a photo album open and flips a page over. Little Rose joins her on the bed and they both look at the photographs.

"Who's that? It's your daddy." Jackie says pointing at a photo of Rose's father. "You weren't old enough to remember when he died. 1987, 7th of November. Do you remember what I told you? The day that Stuart Hoskins and Sarah Clarke got married. He was always having adventures. Oh, he would have loved to have seen you now."


"That's what Mum always says. So I was thinking, could we, could we go and see my dad when he was still alive?" Rose asks the Doctor who is sitting on a chair playing with a ball, and the Captain who is walking up the steps to get to them.

"Where's this come from all of a sudden?" the Doctor asks.

The Captain hits the mans shoulder "Compassion, look it up." he tells the man who rubs where he has just been hit.

"Well, if we can't, if it goes against the laws of time or something, then never mind, just leave it." Rose says in a slightly annoyed tone.

"No, we can do anything." the Captain tells her.

"I'm just more worried about you." the Doctor says sincerely, before looking at the Captain who smiles.

"I wanna see him."

"Your wish is our command." the Captain says.

"But be careful what you wish for..." the Doctor says before standing up off his seat and he takes a step towards the console as does the Captain. He flips a switch and the Tardis starts up.


The Captain, Doctor and Rose attend her parent's wedding, standing at the back of the room and keeping out of the way.

"I, Peter Alan Tyler, take you, Jacqueline Angela Suzette Prentice." the Registrar says.

"I, Peter Alan Tyler, take you, Jacqueline Suzanne Suzette Anita." Peter says getting his very soon to be wife's name wrong, as Rose looks on.

"Oh, just carry on. It's good enough for Lady Di." Jackie tells the Registrar.

"I thought he'd be taller." Rose whispers to the two men.

"To be my lawful wedded wife, to love and behold till death us do part." the Registrar says.

"He died so close to home." Jackie voices.


"I wasn't there. Nobody was. It was a hit and run driver. Never found out who. He was dead when the ambulance got there. I only wish there'd been someone there for him." Jackie tells Rose looking off into the distance, Rose looks back down at the photo album.

"I want to be that someone, so he doesn't die alone." Rose voices.


"November the 7th?" the Doctor asks Rose, the three are now back stood in the Tardis.

"1987." Rose says. The Doctor turns a wheel and the Tardis takes them to November 7th 1987.


The Tardis has parked herself between a telephone junction box and a road sign, by park railings. Never Can Say Goodbye is playing somewhere.

"It's so weird. The day my father died. I thought it'd be all sort of grim and stormy. It's just an ordinary day." Rose says to the two after they have all left the box.

"The past is another country. 1987's just the Isle of Wight." the Doctor informs her.

" Are you sure about this?" the Captain asks looking at her.

"Yeah." she answers looking back at the man and nodding her head.


The three walk to the street that Rose's dad died on.

"This is it. Jordan Road. He was late. He'd been to get a wedding present, a vase. Mum always said, that stupid vase." Rose tells the men, as the Doctor stands on one side of her and the Captain on the other side.

A green van comes around the corner. 

"He got out of his car." Rose says as the three watch as the car pulls up to the kerb. "And crossed the road... Oh, God. This is it." The Doctor holds one hand while the Captain takes a hold of her other.

They watch the man leave his car as a beige car comes round the corner and drives straight into Pete, as it crashes into the man the driver shields his face and continues down the road leaving Pete and the broken vase in the middle of the road. Rose hides her head behind the Doctors back to not watch the incident happen.

"Go to him. Quick." the Doctor tells Rose. She just stands there watching as her father dies.


The three lean against a wall round the corner from the accident as sirens approach the scene.

"It's too late now. By the time the ambulance got there, he was dead. He can't die on his own. Can I try again?" Rose asks with tears in her eyes.


The Doctor, Captain and Rose look round the corner to see themselves by the kerbside

"Right, that's the first you and us. It's a very bad idea, two sets of us being here at the same time. Just be careful they don't see us. Wait till she runs off and they follow, then go to your dad." the Doctor tells Rose.

They watch as Pete parks at the kerb again.

"Oh, God. This is it." they hear the Rose who is stood by the kerbside say.

"I can't do this." Rose tells the two men.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to, but this is the last time we can be here." the Captain tells her.

With hearing this Rose runs forward towards Pete as he leaves the car.

"Rose! No!" the Doctor shouts.

Rose dashes past her earlier self and pushes her father out of the path of the beige car. The vase rolls away, unbroken. The earlier Doctor, Captain and Rose watch on before vanishing.

"I did it." Rose smiles. The two men look on in horror. "I saved your life."

"Blimey, see the speed of it? D'you get his number?" Pete asks Rose.

"I really did it. Oh, my God, look at you, you're alive. That car was gonna kill ya!" Rose says pointing to where the car had gone.

"Give me some credit. I did see it coming. I wasn't gonna walk under it, was I?"

"I'm Rose."

"Oh, that's a coincidence, that's my daughter's name."

"That's a great name. Good choice. Well done." Rose smiles. The two smile and look at each other, before Pete looks over towards the Doctor and Captain.

"Right, well I better shift. I've got a wedding to go to."

"Is that Sarah Clark's wedding?"

"Yeah. Are you going?" he asks.


"Do you and your boyfriend and friend need a lift?" he asks pointing over at the two men. Rose turns around to see the Doctor and Captain staring at her.


Pete opens the door to the flat "Right, there we go. Sorry about the mess." he places the vase down on a side table by the door. "If you want a cup of tea, kitchen's down there, milk in the fridge. Well it would be, wouldn't it? Where else would you put the milk? Mind you, there's always the windowsill outside. If someone invented a windowsill with special compartments - you know, one for milk, one for yoghurt -you could make a lot of money out of that..." he says looking between the three strangers, Rose smiles at him, the Doctor stares at him and the Captain gives him a nod. "..sell it to students and things. I should write that down. Anyway, 'scuse me a minute, gotta go and change." he leaves towards the bedroom.

Rose walks into the living room looking around "All the stuff mum kept. His stuff." she says as the two men watch her, leaning against the wall. "She kept it all packed away in boxes. She used to show me when she'd have a bit to drink." she looks at the trophies displayed on a table. "Here it is... on display. Where it should be." she looks over at the men. "Third prize at the bowling. First two got to go to Didcot." she holds up a trophy. "Health drinks! Tonics, mum used to call them. He made his money selling this Vitex stuff. He had all sorts of jobs, he was so clever. Solar power. Mum said he was going to do this - now he can. Okay, I'll tell him you're not my boyfriend."

"When we met, I said, 'travel with me in space'. You said no." the Doctor says.

"Then I said, 'Time machine'." The Captain says.

"It wasn't some big plan. I just saw it happening, and I thought, 'I can stop it.'" Rose tells them.

The Doctor looks down "We picked another stupid ape. We should've known. It's not about showing you the Universe. It never is. It's about the Universe doing something for you."

"So it's okay when YOU go to other times and YOU save people's lives, but not when it's me saving my dad?"

"We know what we're doing. You don't. Two sets of us being there made that a vulnerable point." the Captain tells Rose.

"But he's alive."

"Our entire planet died - my family and his. Do you think it never occurred to us to go back and save them?" the Doctor says.

"But it's not like I've changed history. Not much. I mean, he's never gonna be a world leader. He's not gonna start World War Three or anything." Rose says.

The Doctor takes a step towards the blonde "There's a man alive in the world who wasn't alive before. An ordinary man. That's the most important thing in creation. The whole world's different because he's alive." he tells her.

"What, would you rather him dead?"

"I'm not saying that."

"No, I get it. For once, YOU'RE not the most important man in my life! Nor you!" Rose tells the Doctor and Captain.

"Let's see how you get on without us. Give me the key." the Doctor says as Rose looks at him. "The Tardis key. If I'm so insignificant, give it me back."

Rose looks through her pockets searching for the key "All right then, I will." she slams the key into the mans palm.

"Well, you've got what you wanted, so that's goodbye then." the Doctor says and walks off with the Captain.

"You don't scare me!" Rose says walking to stand in front of the two men. "I know how sad you are. You'll be back in a minute. Or will you hang around outside the Tardis waiting for me."

The Doctor walks past her not saying a word, she watches him pass. She turns to the Captain who has a disappointed expression on his face, after a second he walks past her too. "And I'll make you wait a long time!" Rose slams the door behind the two men.

Pete hangs his head out of the bedroom "Boyfriend trouble?"


The Doctor and Captain walk in silence back to the Tardis for a few moments before the Captain breaks it. "We can't leave her!"

The Doctor doesn't answer and carries on walking.

A red-eyed thing flies over the area, then a man clipping a shrub suddenly disappears with a brief scream, followed by a woman pegging out the washing and a tramp drinking cider. 


Indoors, Rose is putting peanuts back into their bowl. Pete walks out into the living room having changed into his suit.

"'Scuse me, d'you mind? What are you tidying up for?" he asks Rose.

"Sorry, force of habit." she looks down at the table before looking back at her father.

"Listen, don't worry about him. Couples have rows all the time."

"We're not a couple. Why does everyone think we're a couple?" she asks. "I think they left me." she sighs.

"What, a pretty girl like you? If I was going out with you..." he gets cut off.

"Stop right there." she holds a hand up, not wanting him to go there.

"I'm just saying."

"I know what you're saying. And we're not going there. At no point are we going anywhere near there. You aren't even aware that 'there' exists. I don't even want to talk about 'there', and, believe me, neither do you. 'There', for you, is like, like the Bermuda Triangle." she tries to explain.

"Blimey, you know how to flatter a bloke."

Rose gets up off the couch "Right. Are we off?" she offers her arm for him to link.

"So that wouldn't be a mixed signal at all?" he points to her arm.

"Absolutely not." she says he takes her arm.

"I'd take you back to the loony bin where you belong. Except I'm sure I've met you somewhere before." he says and they leave the flat.


The nervous groom is waiting for the bride to turn up. Someone is playing an organ in the background as a few guests are scattered in the pews as they wait for the ceremony to begin.

"It's weird." Stuart says looking at the nearly empty church.

"What?" a man asks.

"There's so many people missing. Uncle Steven, Auntie Lynn, all the Baxters. Where are they? You don't think something's gone wrong?"

"Maybe it's a godsend. It gives you time to think. You don't have to go through with it, not these days. Live in sin for a bit."

"Dad." Stuart says.

"In ten years time, you'll turn round and say, if only I could turn the clock back... Is it me or did it just get cold?"


The two men are walking in silence towards the Tardis as a bird above them caws. The Doctor and Captain stand outside the Tardis as the cawing stops they look up for a moment. The Doctor then unlocks the doors and opens them to reveal an empty police telephone box, the Tardis interior is missing. The two men look at eachother.

"Rose!" the Doctor shouts concerned for the girl. The two run off back down the road they had just walked.


"I met this bloke at the horse's, and he's cutting me in on copyright." Pete tells Rose as he drives them to the church.

"But I thought you were a proper businessman and that." Rose says.

"I wish! Oh, I do a bit of this, a bit of that. I scrape by."

"Right. So I must've heard wrong. So, really you're a bit of a Del Boy?"

"Oh, shoot me down in flames. You're not related to my wife by any chance, are you?"

"Oh, my God. She's going to be at the wedding." Rose says.

"What, Jackie? Do you know her?" he asks her.

"Sort of."

"What's she told you about me, then?"

"She said she'd picked the most fantastic man in the world."

"Must be a different Jackie, then. She'd never say that."

The radio changes to 105.4FM, and rap music comes out.

"This stuff goes right over my head." Pete says looking down at the car radio.

"That's not out yet." Rose says looking at the radio.

"It's a good job and all."

"I'm just going to check my messages." Rose says pulling out her phone.

"How do you mean, messages? Is that a phone?" Pete asks her.


"Watson, come here. I need you. Watson, come here. I need you. Watson, come here. I need you." a voice says over the phone.

Pete looks in his rear-view mirror and notices the car, that should've killed him, is behind them. Pete turns a corner and the car continues straight on eventually vanishing.


Stuart's dad is using an 80's mobile phone. As more guests enter the church and the bridesmaids are just arriving.

"Half the guests haven't turned up. You're better off not being here, it's a disaster in the making. No, in this case, knocked her up is a phrase I'd use." he states.

"Watson, come here. I need you." a voice says on the other side.

"Hello? Who is this?" he asks.

"Watson, come here. I ne-." the voice starts.

He hangs up on the person and tries to redial the number. Stuart exits the church.

"Dad, get inside. We can't see the bride before the wedding. It's bad luck." Stuart tells his dad.

"It was bad luck when you met her. I tell you, this day is cursed." his dad says. The two head back inside as the bride exits the car.

"Now, that's what I call a meringue." Bev says.

"Listen, Stuart's dad said to go round the block, cos there's people missing." Suzie tells her.

"How do you mean, missing?" the bride asks concerned.

"There's no Dave, no Sunita, no Bea." Bev informs her.

"There's no one from the Lamb and Flag." Suzie adds.

"Oh, my train's detached again. I knew I should've used Velcro." Sarah says.

"I'm here. Stop your bellyaching. Take Rose a sec, will you?" Jackie says walking over to the people, she hands a baby Rose, whose in her carry cot, over to Bev.

"Oh, ain't she pretty?"

"She's a little madam, that's what she is. Oh, I need more hands. Where's her useless article of a dad got to?" as Jackie asks this Pete drives round the corner.

The beige car appears from thin air nearly crashing into Rose and Pete. "Dad!" Rose shouts. Pete swerves out of the way into the kerb, missing a tree.

"It's that car. Same one as before." he says looking back at the car. They both leave the car. "It was right in front of us. Where's he gone?" Pete turns his attention to Rose. "You called me Dad. What'd you say that for?"

"Oh, wonderful. Here he is, the accident waiting to happen. You'd be late for your own funeral and it nearly was!" Jackie says holding the baby carrier.

"No damage done." Pete says.

"And who's this? What're you looking at with your mouth open?" Jackie looks at Rose, who just stares at her.

"Your hair." Rose says.

"What?!" Jackie exclaims.

"I've never seen it like... I mean, it's lovely. Your hair's lovely. And that baby you're holding... That would be... your baby." Rose says looking at her younger self.

"Another one of yours, is she?" Jackie asks her husband.

"She saved my life!" he tells his wife.

"Oh, that's a new one. What was it last time?"

"I didn't even know her. She was a cloakroom attendant. I was helping her look for my ticket. There were three duffel coats all the same. Somehow the rack collapsed. We were under all this stuff."

"Were you playing around?" Rose asks her dad.

"What's it got to do with you what he gets up to?" Jackie asks her.

"What does he get up to?"

"You'd know." Jackie says.

"Oh, 'cos I'm that stupid. I play around and I bring her to meet the missus. You silly cow." Pete argues.

"But you are that stupid." Jackie tells him.

"Can we keep this stuff back home just for now?" he asks.

"What, with the rest of the rubbish? You bring home cut-price detergents, tonic water, Betamax tapes and none of it works. I'm drowning in your rubbish. What did he tell you? Did he say he's this big businessman, 'cos he's not. He's a failure. Born failure, that one. Rose needs a proper father, not one who's flannelling about like some big kid."

"Jackie, I'm making a living, it keeps us fed, don't it?" he asks his wife.

"Stop it!" Rose breaks the arguing up. "You're not like this. You love each other."

"Oh, Pete. You never used to like them mental. Or I don't know, maybe you did." Jackie says.

"Jackie, wait, just listen." Pete says.

"If you're not careful, there'll be a wedding and a divorce on the same day." Jackie says walking away with baby Rose.

"Wait here. Give us a couple of minutes with the missus. Tell you what, straighten the car up. Stick it round the corner or something." he says handing her his car keys "Don't cause anymore trouble." he says walking away to go and sort things out with Jackie.

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