Two Worlds Collides

By zaidaw75

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Lan Jingyi touched the one thing his baba told him never to and the three were transported to a very differen... More

Chapter 1
The Cloud Recess
The Cloud Recess
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 19

205 27 6
By zaidaw75

Before we start this next chapter so that none of us gets confused. We will name the future and past.

Wen Rouhan or Rouhan - future
Chief cultivator - past
Lan Qiren or Qiren-future
Master Lan - past
Sect leader Nie or Mingjue- past
A-jue - future
Huaisang- past
A-Sang- future
Lan Xichen- past
A-huan - future
A-Ning - future
Wen Ning  - past
Qing-jie - future
Wen Qing  - past

Lan Wangji will call Xichen, brother, and Lan Zhan will call his Xichen-ge.

I think it's all for now. It's just so that we don't get confused about who we are referring to.

As they left, they left a bunch of confused and angry people behind. But many were also surprised and shocked at the future Wen Rouhan and how he had acted. He even called them his family and threatened the current chief cultivator. While words of bringing justice for the death of the second master Wen and the loss of the violet spiders arm a certain sect leader was already planning to send a possible engagement letter to A-Ying and Lan Wangji for their daughters hand in marriage to his nephew Jin Zixun.

As soon as the family walked into Yiling. Lan Wangji and A-Ying turned on their heels and lifted their hands up. The barrier that's been set in place weeks ago started to erect from the ground. A large spiritual energy surge went through the whole town as the barrier started to erect, and the spiritual energy points started to connect to each other. The magistrate came running towards the group. He put his hands on his knees as he gasped. His heart hammering in his chest for over exerting himself.

A soft hand touched his shoulder, and the man jumped away, frightened for a second. He looked up. His eyes wide with fear. Lan Sizhui gave him a smile. The man came upright and pointed his finger at the barrier that has now started to cover the whole of Yiling.

"It's for the safety of the town and its people magistrate. You need not worry."

Lan Sizhui assured the magistrate. He nodded his head and asked.

"Do the masters expect any trouble and must we as the townspeople be prepared. "

The magistrate asked with worry in his voice as he looked at the young master. Sizhui decided not to lie and said.

"Yes, we do magistrate, but do not worry, we will make sure that no harm befalls the people of Yiling. Magistrate need not worry."

Sizhui told him with a soft voice, and the magistrate relaxed visible.

"Then I will leave you to it. Thank you, young master but you have to excuse me as I have to inform the people that everything is fine."

They both bowed to each other, and the magistrate hastily walked away. Lan Sizhui turns back to his family just as his parents connected the two halves of the barrier. It gave one last shudder before it settled down and became invisible. A-Ying poked it with his finger. Satisfied, they turned towards their newly arrived family and bowed. During this whole time, Huaisang's eyes never left his future self and Wen Ning. Trying to wrap his head around on how they became a couple.

Master Lan have been watching Qiren and Rouhan and how comfortable and easygoing they were with each other. Xichen and Mingjue were also watching their future selfs with curiosity and interest. Wei Ying were more interested in how A-Ying and Lan Wangji could erect a whole barrier without the help of their children. How they could use so much spiritual energy and not even look tired or out of breath. Lan Zhan himself was wondering the same thing.

Lan Wangji and A-Ying led them to their house, knowing that nobody would be able to breach or break down the barrier. The only people who are allowed inside Yiling were those without malicious or murderous intent. The town still has to do business to stay afloat. They reached their home and led everyone inside and towards the backyard. While the others were getting to know each other, A-Ying, Qing-jie, and A-Sang went to the kitchen to prepare tea and something to eat.

"A-Ying, give me your wrist."

Qing-jie suddenly asked, and A-Ying looked at her with a raised brow and some confusion.

"Why?. I do not feel sick or anything."

He answered.

"Just indulge me, please."

She asked him as A-Sang, fanning himself nervously. A-Ying looked from her to A-Sang but still gave her his hand. She examined him, which felt like a very long time before she made a satisfied sound and let his hand go.

"A-Ying, I need you to think carefully for me. When last did you get your heat and Wangji his rut?."

She asked with a serious tone. The frown between A-Ying's brows deepened before he spoke.

"Well, we haven't had our heat and rut yet, not here anyway. The last was when we were in our own timeline. Me and Lan Zhan figured it's because of the time traveling. It must have thrown our cycles off. But Qing-jie, why do you ask?."

He asked as Qing-jie hums.

"We will tell you later, now let's take these out. "

She said as she took the nearest tray and started to walk out of the kitchen. A-Ying looks at her back before his attention returns to A-Sang.

"A-Sang, what exactly is going on here?. Why would Qing-jie suddenly be worried about when me and Lan Zhan and I last had our heat and rut?. What are you not telling us?."

A-Sang sighs softly as he closes his fan and looks at his friend before he takes his hand in his and says,

"It is nothing to worry about, A-Ying. Like Qing-jie said. We will tell you everything later. Just know we are here now, and we won't let anything happen to you, wangji, or the children. Now come they are waiting for us."


A-Ying said and took a tray and walked out as A-Sang follows behind.

'I hope Qing-jie is right about A-Ying not being pregnant. We may be already too late. I sure hope that we are not.'

A-Sang thought as he followed A-Ying out into the backyard. He put the tray down and sat down next to his mate. They ate and drink. Making jokes, and once they were done, Qiren asked.

"A-Ying, Wangji, I see that you had made quite a few enemies already. Care to explain to us how that happened?. "

He looked between the two fathers as he stroked his beard.

"That woman. I would rather not say her name tried to attack Baba first for no reaso..."

Lan Jingyi start when they heard a soft voice saying.

"Madame Yu does not really need a reason. To her we. Me and Lan Furen is nothing but filth. Gutter rats who were picked up from the streets. We will always be beneath her son. We are just there to be step on. To walked over. Someone to take out all her wrath and anger just because she did not like our mother. She and others does not see us. Who we are. Not like that care anyway. We are orphans. Someone who does not belong to the gentries. Someone with no heritage. Someone who needs to be treated with disrespect because they don't add any value. She could never break me. So she humiliate me every chance she gets. The same goes for her son. So like I said. She doesn't need an excuse or reason. She always does as she pleases."

Master Lan and everyone around the table felt their hearts break and their breaths stolen while Wei Ying spoke.

"Well then I will show her, her place because no grandson of mine will suffer any longer. I may be a few years to late but I am here now. Wei Ying. A-Ying. They only thing I do not understand is. Why are they still alive?. Why did you show mercy when it was clear that she would not have shown you any A-Ying, Wangji care to explain that to me?."

The voice of Boashan came towards them before they could see her. She reached the door and stood their in all her Immortal glory looking at the two time travelers with a raised brow. Everyone immediately stood up and bowed to the Immortal but she waved it off with a hand before she stepped fully into the yard and A-Ying made his way over to his grandmother and hug her tightly. 

Wei Ying looked at the woman with big shocked and suprise eyes and he wasn't the only one.

"Wei Ying don't you greet your elders who are also your grandmother. Today's youth have no manners."

She asked and said and Wei Ying stood up slowly with shaky legs as he made his way over to her. A-Ying let go and she pulled Wei Ying close to her chest as she gently stroke his hair. Wei Ying sighs into the hugs and stopped a purr that threatened to come out. Everyone just stare at them and Boashan pushed Wei Ying back gently before she place a soft kiss on his forehead and Wei Ying blush shyly but his heart was happy.

"How are you Wei Ying?. Did anyone treated you with disrespect besides that witch. Hurt you with their words and actions. Made you feel like you had to act out. To prove that you are exactly the person they accused you of being. Blamed you for being my daughters son."

She asked him without an hint of amusement in her eyes or voice.

"No, no one have done that grandmother. "

Wei Ying said and Master Lan  stood up.


Her eyes met his and she raised a brow encouraging him to continue.
Wei Ying's head also turns towards Master Lan.

"I am ashamed to say that I treated Wei Wuxian with disregard. I have judge him because of who his mother was forgetting that he also was the kindest and purest of hearts Wei Changze's son. I let my experience with Cangse Sanren cloud my opinion of her son. I disliked and habored a small amount of hatred towards him. I allow myself to be influenced by another's words and opinion. Instead of getting to know him. I blamed him for everything. I gave unnecessary punishment to him. I admit that I was wrong and will except any punishment the Immortal Boashan wishes to give me and Wei Wuxian I do hope that one day you will find it in your heart to forgive me."

He said with shame and regret in his voice.

"Well something must've happened to make him change his mind".

Jingyi whispers into Lan Min ear who nodded her head.

"Master Lan it is fine. I know that I had caused alot of trouble during my stay in the Cloud Recess. I know that you wouldn't want your nephew to mate with someone like me. Someone who is untamed. An omega who would probably just bring trouble to your sect an....

Wei Ying words were cut off by a very pissed of Lan Min.

"Don't you dare tell him that it is fine. Telling him that he had every right to treat like a piece of rotten meat. Stop putting yourself down. Stop playing small and dim your light just so that the ungrateful could shine. He is your elder. Instead off listening to others. He should have formed his own opinion of you. He and the Jiang are a bunched of hypocrites and cowards bullying such a beautiful soul. You get to live with the hurt and pain. The painful memories. You get to live with the hurtful words that's been thrown at you while they. They get go on not thinking what those words did to you. A smile, laugh and joke can only cover so much. You do not have to forgive him at this moment. You do not need to do anything just to please him. Forgiveness and respect is earned and he haven't done anything yet for you to give it to him or anyone else."

Lan Min finished as her chest heave up and down as her breath came out fast. A-Ying laid a hand on his daughter's arm slowly rubbing it to calm her down. Master Lan head hanged in shame. Boashan steered a shocked Wei Ying back to his seat before taking a place next to him. Rubbing his back slowly.

"Wei Ying?."

Lan Zhan asked as he leans in.

"I am fine Lan Zhan. Everything will be fine. Right?."

Wei Ying asked in a small voice.

"Yes Wei Ying. Everything will be fine do not worry."

He answered.

"It seems my past self needed to be harsh on. I myself can not say how I would've reacted if I had met A-Ying under different circumstances but I am just glad that I met in a time when he needed love,care protection  from the Jiang who had treated him so badly. The Madame hit him to near death with her zidian. He was only twelve years old at the time.".

Quietness were all around the table as Lan Qiren spoke while looking at his past self.

Cangse had done the same to me that she had done to you. Just like you. I also was unlove with her. You cannot tell me you did not hear the stories on how that boy was treated within the Jiang sect and then you just add on it. You chose to follow the masses instead of reaching out and help the boy. A-Ying change my view on life. He showed me that life is more than just rules. He showed me what it means to be love and be part of a family. You see all of us here that's what he can do. Bring different kind of people together and makes them live as one big family. Sect Leader Lan its good to see you and out of seclusion. "

Lan Qiren finished speaking as he looked at master lan who kept quiet his eyes wandered to where Lan Zhan and Wei Ying was seated next to Boashan Sanren to sect Leader Lan.

"Thank you Qiren. It was actually Wangji who got me to leave seclusion after my didi put him seclusion so he would not be so close to his mate. I just could not let my son live in agony and pain. You all know how it is when you are forcefully taken away from your mate."

Qinghen-Jun said.

"Master lan do not feel that you are being picked on but it sound as if you are very unpleasant person and well maybe you deserved to be faced with the truth. With all that said. Could my precious grandchildren come and give their shushu a very big hug because this old man missed you so much."

Wen Rouhan said as he spread his arms wide open. The four chuckles as they made their way around the table and soon they were engulfed in a big hug with many kisses being shared between them. The kids laugh as they also places kisses on their shushus face.

"Rouhan it's my turn. You are not the only who missed them. Come children."

Lan Qiren said as he tried to pry Wen Rouhan's away from the children.

"No you can wait a little longer."

Wen Rouhan said with no intention of letting the kids go. The atmosphere were light for now. After much struggles and promises of a fight Wen Rouhan let them go and Lan Qiren welcomed them with joy.

"So it is true. All of you lives in harmony with each other."

Mingjue asked as his eyed Wen Rouhan for awhile before looking at the others.

"Yes its true. We had to face many obstacles and people trying to take away one of our babies. I was accused of the most despicable things. But together we defeat them all. They tried to divide us but we stood strong. "

A-Ying answered Mingjue.

"What did they accused you of?."

Wei Ying asked a bit curious.  A-Ying looked of into the distance before he answered as his eyes returns to look at Wei Ying and then Boashan.

"That I have slept with Jin Guangshan."

A disgusting shiver went through his body as through the others.

"I gave birth to the twins and they were a few months old when Jin Guangyoa tried to take one of them away. Claiming that one of the twins were that pig Jin Guangshan son."

"What?. They did that how disgusting."

Huaisang said with evident anger in his voice.

"I hope that you handle them accordingly A-Ying and Lan Wangji. Seems that I have missed out on a lot. But not this time."

Boashan spoke with clarity in her voice.

"We did grandmother."

Lan Wangji answered and she nodded her head. The talking went on and some laughter. Qinghen-Jun looked at his two sons from the future and once again he could see how happy they were with their chosen mates. He wishes for both his sons from the past to experience the same love and happiness.

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