Live and Learn to Love || Jel...

By Anneti-social

61.3K 2.6K 912

Live and Learn to Love - A Jelsa Fanfiction ----/----/----/---- Another cliche story about the populars and t... More

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Starting Chapter
Chapter 1: Friends?
Chapter 2: School
Chapter 3: My plans
Chapter 4: Practice
Chapter 5: Founding Anniversary
Chapter 6: Defying Gravity
Chapter 7: Just One More Clue
Chapter 8: Just Dance
Chapter 9: Visiting Hours
New Cover
Chapter 11: Dark Side
New Book!!
Chapter 12: Did You Have Your Fun?
Chapter 13: Smile
Chapter 14: Doctor, Doctor
Chapter 15: Nine Lives
Chapter 16: F.E.E.L.G.O.O.D.
Chapter 17: Sometime Last Night
Chapter 18: Never Be The Same
Chapter 19: What You're Missing
Chapter 20: Faith, Trust and..... Pixie Dust?
Chapter 21: Almost
Chapter 22: My Confession
Chapter 23: Unexpectedly
Chapter 24: I Can't Say I'm Inlove
Chapter 25: Meant To Be
Chapter 26: Awkward Conversations
Chapter 27: The Brunch
Chapter 28: Lesson 173?
Chapter 29: Welp, it would've gone worst.

Chapter 10: All Night

1.5K 76 35
By Anneti-social

A/N: the title is a song That's stuck on my head. I've been singing it again and again XD

Any R5ers in here?! let's jam to the new album #SometimeLastNight!!!

R5's success is skyrocketing! Let's part-aaaaaayyyy!!!


sarreh for the major fangirling. I'm becoming to become the next Riker for putting so much updates about R5 XD

Coz That's like my role in twitter... I rt each of his tweets XD always..


Shout out to Taylor_of_Arendelle and jelsafangirl23 for being the first two people to comment on the other chapter!! Thankssss sooooooooooo much !!

Also to V_Sparklez for saying she likes the new cover

Who here hates meh for the cliffhanger last chappie?

Sorry to say but before the next update you'll have to finish a goal.

I'm trying my best at this and people barely appreciate it. I feel like I keep updating for nothing so I'll Wait till you guys will do the goal before I'll even update it.

Thanks for 3k reads!!!! Seriously I got excited to update this part! But if it wasn't for exams I would have updated this last week.


Chapter 10: All Night


"Well hello there young man." Mom greeted Jack. He just smiled. "Good evening ma'am. My name's Jack." He said.

"Frost right?" Mom smiled back. "Yes ma'am." He answered.

To make it clear, mom knows his mom That's Why she knows who Jack is.

I was actually surprised because when I was talking about him when I was still at 7th grade she knew who his mom was instantly.

We were just in a middle of a conversation about How our school went out, me and Elson was talking about our new classmates and when I was listing mine one by one she began asking about Jack. Like who he's parents was and What's his whole name then I asked How she knew Jack's mom was and her answer surprised me. Really surprised me.

"Your father once dated his mom." That's what she said. And That's the only thing I knew about that.

I never asked anything else about it. It might sound a bit suspicious if I did.

Plus I didn't have a crush on him before. Just a small admiration on his looks That's all.

C'mon, let's be honest. Jack's not the sharpest tool in the shed. But He is smart enough to compete at the alpha section.

"Oh Elsa, Why didn't you tell me your visitor is a boy?" Mom said with her eyebrow raised. "Come in." She said letting Jack in. I was blushing furiously in embarrassment. What is He doing here?

"What brings you here Jack?" Mom asked. He smiled and sat down the couch like we did. "I'm here to practice the dance for our school project ma'am." He answered.

"Elsa, you could've told me you're having a practice with your friend." Mom looked at me. I swear there's a tint of glaring mixed in that, because she doesn't like me having boys for visitors. One of the reasons mom called Jack a she.

*insert Chibi Elsa*
I was hilarious fyi! Why didn't you laugh at that part?

"I didn't know He was coming." I said. I saw him opening his mouth to say something but He closed it and just smiled nervously.

I quickly thought of a reasonable enough excuse to get out of this awkward situation. "Mom I'll just check what happened to the food I'm cooking." I awkwardly walked out the room.

"Go get some snacks for your visitor on your way Elsa." I heard mom say. I just nodded and quickly went to the kitchen. And saw Elson and Dylan searching through the fridge.

"Oh chocolate!" I saw Dylan bring out my chocolate. I just raised my eyebrow not saying a word, still watching them.

"Woah No! That's Elsa's!" Elson panicked. I rolled my eyes. Good that He knows.

"Eh, I know I trick." Dylan smirked and grabbed a knife. Cutting one square from it and the eating it. Then He cut the middle diagonally and it became the same shape again. (A/n: if you know that trick high five to us! If you don't you can find it on YouTube. Sarreh Idk the link XD)

So that's why my chocolates are always chopped in the middle. Sly little devil. He just learned that from me!

After eating the chocolate they sneaked out to the Backdoor that leads to our laundry room.

If only I can lock chocolate boxes.

I loud whistle from the pot made me run to the stove. I quickly Turned off the stove and opened the lid, letting out a fit of aromatic smoke from the dish.

"Smells good." I heard a male voice say. "how's the taste though? Does it taste as good as the smell?" He asked. He's right! what if it tastes bad?!

I quickly grabbed a spoon to taste it and I almost burnt my mouth because it was still hot when I Put it in my mouth.

"Every heard of the word heat?" Jack said grabbing the spoon I was holding. He took a spoonful of soup from the pot and took a sip. "Hmm.." He hummed as He set down the spoon.

"So...." I trailed off waiting for what he's about to say. As if He was Gordon Ramsey and I'm that person in masterchef that he's about to judge. "It's good."

"Really?" I asked in disbelief. To tell you the truth I'm not such a chef, I can't cook unless someone or something will tell me what to do next. "Really." He said getting another Spoonful until I stopped him.

"Wait, that's not for you." I said snatching the spoon. "It's our diner." I said closing the lid.

"Our diner?" He smirked. "Yeah, me, mom, Elson and Dylan." I said lowering the heat of the stove.

"Wait, aren't you supposed to be in the living room with Mom?" I crossed my arms.

"She's talking to someone to the phone. I think it was your dad or something." He said leaning on the wall. I just made an "o" shape with my mouth.

"So. I already asked your mom if we could go. She said Yes." He said. "Go where?" I asked.

"My house." He said confidentially. "What are we gonna do there?" I asked completely confused. Since when did we need to go there? "To practice." He said.

"Why in your house? We could practice here." I said. He just shrugged. "Seriously?" I said with bored look.

"Hey, at least I got your mom to say Yes." He smiled cheekily. "And I supposed you consider that as a great achievement." I raised my eyebrow. "Yes." He answered.

"C'mon we have a time limit you know." He said. I checked if diner was cooked and turned the stove off.

"Alright alright I'm comin." I said walking with him to the living room.

"Mom!" I called out. "What? Are you already going?" She came running down with a broom on her hand. I nodded while grabbing my phone and coin purse.

"Okay. Remember our deal Jack. Before 9." She told Jack. He just nodded. "I'll call your mom if you two are really there. To make sure you didn't take my daughter somewhere else. And to know if you two aren't alone." Mom added. Jack just nodded again.

"And you young lady..." she looked at me. I just bit my lip waiting for whatever embarrassing thing she'll say. "Keep your phone beside you so I can contact you." She said.

"Yes mom." I said nodding while mentally crossing my fingers, praying she doesn't have anything else to say.

"Alright. Your daddy might call, answer it Okay?" She reminded. I just nodded.

"Wait, I'll just change." I said and went upstairs to change my clothes. I don't wanna wear short shorts and a tank top while I'll practice with that guy you know. Seeing me on this is embarrassing enough.

I went Down and saw mom waiting for me in the living room.

"You better make sure you'll practice a dance Okay Elsa?" She reminded. What else is she thinking We'll do there? "Yes mom." I said.

"If you don't go here before the time limit you'll sleep outside." She threatened. That's Why I'm afraid of mom. She's strict and scary from time to time.

I know if this wasn't school related she would never let me go. Especially at this time. Any parent wouldn't. I just don't know How Jack managed to get her to say yes.

After Mom's long speech I went outside and saw Jack.

He waited outside while playing with his keys and whistling. He noticed me and stopped whistling.

"Took you long enough." He smirked.

Goshhh that smirk! I wanna pinch his cheeks so bad! I mean.... it looks nice on him.

"Uh, I needed to search through my closet." I said walking to him as He ride his motorcycle. "How big is it anyway?" He snickered as I rode on it also.

"Hold on if you still wanna live." He laughed and turned on the engine. "I can manage." I said.

"Suit yourself." He said giving me a helmet. "What about you? Where's your helmet?" I asked.

He smirked and said."I can manage." And off we go.

And as expected...

My dad drives faster than this guy. Which was of course great because I don't have to worry about if We'll crash or get to an accident or something.

"Wait what about diner?" I blurted out. Though I was supposed to keep that thought in my mind. He chuckled.

"Don't worry I won't let you starve. Just don't eat everything in our fridge." He laughed. I Lightly smacked his arm cause I don't want him to lose his balance which will cause us to both fall. "I do not eat that much." I glared even though I know He won't see that.

"Do to." He said. Why do we suddenly sound like we've known each other for a long time? It seems weird to me. "Do not! Maybe you're the one that eats everything in the fridge." I pouted.

"I'm pretty sure I don't.I mean check this body." He bragged. "You look like a toothpick." I said.

"Hey! Just because I'm not as big as Ralph doesn't mean I'm a toothpick." He said. I just rolled my eyes."Whatever Jack. Whatever." I said.

"Careful on this turn. This is an accident prone area." I reminded when I saw the tree that had a small Cross on it.

"I know. I go through this place all the time." He said. Like I don't. We go this way when going to our farm house! "Just saying." I said which made him chuckle.

He made a quick turn after passing the tree and small bridge and we stopped at a certain house which I assume is theirs.

"C'mon." He said hopping out the motorcycle, I also went down and followed him.

We went inside and saw their television on their living room open, but No one was watching.

"Mom! Jack's home! He's with a girl!" A brunette said. She looks like she's three or four years older than me and Jack. Jack rolled his eyes.

"Who's that Jack?" She smirked at him. "Is she your girlfriend?" She added which made me blush. Why would she think that I'm his girlfriend?

"No she's my partner at the project I was talking about." He rolled his eyes. Wait, is she his sister?

"Emma! Jack! Diner's ready! And call your friend." I Heard someone say. "Yes mom." They both said.

"C'mon, I'm sure you're starving already." Jack chuckled. I smacked his arm again (a bit harder than before) and He just chuckled again.

Someone who cleared their throat made both of us stop qnd look. A woman who was about on her 40s smiled at us. "Hey mom." Jack said.

"What's your name dear?" She looked at me, ignoring Jack. "Elsa Mary Arendelle ma'am." I answered.

"Oh yes. Jack said so much about you." She smiled. I just raised my eyebrow at Jack. He talks about me to his mom? Butterflies started floating around my stomach as He also blushed. "Did not!" He defended.

"Sure Jack. Sure." Emma (I think) said walking over to their dining room. "And I had you as a sister?" I heard Jack mutter.

"Seriously?" I nudged his arm as we both also went to their dining room. "Don't believe her. She's lying." He leaned and whispered to me. All of a sudden I feel chills. Gosh that voice.

"Are you callin me a liar? I'm a liar?" Emma raised her eyebrow while sitting down. Jack chuckled. "You're a lia-"

"Jack! Emma! Is that How you should act when there's a guest. Specially you Jack." their mom scolded.

"Sorry mom." They said as Jack sat down. "Elsa sit here." Jack said offering the seat beside him. I just blushed and went there quietly. Gosh! Help me hide this embarrassed face! I can't blush infront of him!

"So..... Elsa...." His mom said. I looked at her shyly after stating at my plate. "Yes ma'am?" I asked.

"Why aren't you eating? There's plenty of food." She offered. "Jack would you look at your guest's plate." She told Jack who kept eating. She cleared her throat making him stop and look at me. I just looked back to my plate.

"Oh. Here, eat this And this and this." He said putting a lot of food on my plate. A lot. My eyes widened. He expects me to eat all that?

"Umm.." That's all I could say. "Don't worry, it's delicious!" He smiled and continued eating. I could hear his sister chuckle as I blush.

Geez Jack! When I heard you say you'll not let me starve I didn't think you'll feed me this much.

I just grabbed the spoon and took a small amount of the chicken.

-after the meal-

"Thank you for the delicious meal Mrs. Frost." I said. "You're very welcome dear." She said smiling and started picking up the plates.

I started to help her but then I felt someone tapped my shoulder. "Let me." Emma offered. "Jack's waiting for you in the living room." She said.

"Okay." I said.

I slowly went closer to him. He continuously clicked the remote making the tv flick through different channels. His left leg on the couch's headboard, and his right leg on it.

I cleared my throat causing him to look at me and sitting up. "Oh. Hey."

"So, are we going to practice or am I just gonna watch you watch TV?" I asked sitting on the chair near him.

"Who says you only have to watch me? You can watch the tv too if you want. But I guess you just like my face so much you'd rather watch it." He smirked. I blushed instantly as his eyes looked at mine.

"Why That's preposterous!" I rolled my eyes. "Whatever grandma. You and your words." He laughed.

"Hey! You're the one who has white hair!" I argued. He just chuckled.

"Yeah right." He smirked as He stood up. "I know you think this face *motions at face* is handsome." He smirked. I just rolled my eyes. What a major turn off. Why did I even like this dude?

*insert chibi Elsa* (a/n: to make it clear she's like Elsa's conscience)
Because of his unusual attitude? *shrugs* or maybe it was the looks? >...

"You know what let's just practice." I said making him smirk. "Okay. Let's." He said grabbing my hand and dragging me to a room.

He immediately closed the door, pinning me in the process.

He smirked and leaned in. "Ready?" He whispered to my ear, sending shivers to my spine.

"Don't be afraid." He said in a husky voice. "A little bit of love will change your life." He stared closely to my eyes, slowly leaning closer and closer until.....


Intense right = ̄ω ̄=

Haha! I know, I'm annoying XD

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