To Find What is Lost

By Youbethinkywingblurb

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Find is the story of a certain son of Hades, dragged out of his almost perfect life to attend a crazy magic s... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Smiling
Chapter 2: Hades
Chapter 4: Malfoy
Chapter 5: Sorting
Chapter 6: Oracle
Chapter 7: Blueprint
Chapter 8: Crush
Chapter 9: IM
Chapter 10: Library
Chapter 11: Help
Chapter 12: Gossip
Chapter 13: Argument
Chapter 14: Comfort
Chapter 15: Avoiding
Chapter 16: Ron
Chapter 17: Ball
Chapter 18: Royalty
Chapter 19: Permission
Chapter 20: Dancing
Chapter 21: Confused
Chapter 22: Trust
Chapter 23: Oggling
Chapter 24: Soul
Chapter 25: Safe
Chapter 26: Home
Chapter 27: Arriving
Chapter 28: Knowing
you never have a choice
Chapter 29: Shopping
Chapter 30: Snowballs
you're really sick of not having a choice
Chapter 31: Spying
Chapter 32: Obliviate
Chapter 33: Coward
Chapter 34: Gorgeous
Chapter 35: Speech
Chapter 36: Perfect
Chapter 37: Vision
Chapter 38: Door
Chapter 39: Tear
Chapter 40: Hogwash
Chapter 41: Traitor
Chapter 42: History
Chapter 43: Knowledge
Chapter 44: Unbound
Chapter 45: Silence
Chapter 46: Nothingness
Chapter 47: Stalling
Chapter 48: Love
Thanks Guys ;)

Chapter 3: Goodbye

823 48 24
By Youbethinkywingblurb

Hi, so another shortish chapter; I'll probably be publishing again some time this week to make up for it. Hope you enjoy and remember to leave love! -Emmi


This time Nico was prepared, and he didn't stumble when he finally reached the beach.

Will was pacing up and down in great agitation, wringing his hands while he waited for his boyfriend to appear again, and when he saw Nico pop out of the shadows he fairly flung himself onto the younger boy, smushing him in a bear-hug. It was only a second, however, before he pushed him away at an arm's length and started firing off rapid-fire questions.

"Are you hurt? Was that your dad? What did he say? Do you have to leave? Will it be dangerous? I'm coming with you! Are you okay-"

"Will," Nico calmed his agitated boyfriend with a grin. "If you keep asking me questions then I'll never have the chance to answer them."

The other boy groaned, but held himself back from asking any more questions while the son of Hades explained.

"As for your first question I'm fine." and at Will's protest he added, "really," The son of Apollo grudgingly accepted it, but he made sure Nico knew he was not happy with it.

After Nico had explained everything to his boyfriend they both sat in silence for a minute or ten.

"This is so confusing."

"I know."

"So what is this girl's name?"

Nico didn't speak for a second, then hit his face repeatedly against his boyfriend's chest.





The following day was spent with great gusto and also sadness as it was Nico's last full day at camp for what they could only guess would be months. Nico spent the first half of the day packing, and generally wallowing in self-pity until Percy crashed into the Hades cabin and dragged him out, demanding hang-out time before he left. Thus the rest of his day was spent- to his grudging consent, and secret delight- with all his friends.

His last night was dedicated to a long and rowdy camp-fire which was obligatory attendance, and then a long moonlit walk with Will, and when the next day dawned, Nico was deathly tired, but happy.

In order not to arrive in the graceful style of passing out for two days, Hades was shadow-traveling Nico to Hogwarts. He said his final goodbyes, and vanished into the darkness.

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