The Storms

By typewriterstorys

41.5K 810 41

Brielle and Blake were taken away at a young age. What happens after years they are finally reunited with the... More

Blake and Brielles bedrooms
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four

Chapter Twenty-Five

681 14 5
By typewriterstorys

Brielle took a deep breath and walked into school. Today was her last day before her plan would be set into motion. Theo had gotten everything she had asked him to do. Aylee was also going along with it.

"Hey Guys" she said walking to their usual cafeteria table. Today was a fun day at school. Since they had just complete exams. The school put on a whole week of fun and relaxing events. Today was Friday, a free day. But they had an award ceremony to do first.

"You made it just in time princess" Francis said. Mr.Miller came up and spoke. "hello students and Wentworth staff, I am so glad to be announcing the exams award ceremony. Rememberer kids Exams aren't everything. Now for are top place in the whole school. Getting 100 on every exam. Brielle Storm" He said.

Brielle smiled and slid off her seat. Her friends and Blake cheering her on. As she walked past where Jackson and Jonathan were. Jackson called out "That's my sister" Brielle laughed at this. Jonathan was filming the whole thing. For the rest there family.

Brielle made her way up too Mr.Miller who had a certificate, ribbon, and thorpe. "thank you sir"

"Now for are second place, Aylee Roseman, Third place Blake Storm, fourth Olga Sinclair and Francis Roseman" Mr.Miller finished.

The rest of the awardee's came up. Each getting medal and certificate. "Ok now say cheese"Mr.Miller said pointing toward a camera.

"Give a round of applauses for them" he said.

The school went into clap again.


"oh we have to do something to celebrate" Aylee said. The three girls were all standing next to her locker.

When Megan came up and gabbed Lola by the hair. "there you are little Olga"

"let her go" Brielle warned.

Megan looked over at her and laughed. "I will deal with you later"

Brielle warned her again. "I would listen to her" Francis said coming to stand behind her.

"Oh Francis boo, don't get in the middle of a girl talking it un-gentlemen like" Megan said. She nodded to one her friends who grabbed Aylee's hair.

"oh I have been wanting a good fight" Brielle staring to take off her heels, Followed by her jewelry and coat.

"I will hold that for you Brielle" Francis said. "Thank you" Brielle replied going over to Megan's friend. She put her hair up before grabbing her by the hair. Making the bully let go of her. Then she started to slap her over and over again. Till she felt she learned her lesson. Megans other friends. Started to try to get her.

Brielle fought them off easily. Turing her attention too Megan. Who had long let go of Lola's hair.

"I'm sorry Brielle" Megan said. Brielle laughed at this. "Didn't I tell you if you very mess with the two again you would pay"

Megan ran away and Brielle followed her. Catching up to her and then beating her down. Soon both Blake and Theo pulled her off. "You better stay away from them" Brielle warned well being dragged away.
The punishment wasn't that bad. Brielle just got a warning.

"You taught her a lesson for sure" Damien said handing her and ice cream cone.

Damien wasn't going to punish his kid for sticking up for her friends. But he told her too not fight for a little while.

"So what is are we still on for tonight" Jonathan asked.

The storms had been planning to go out. "Um actually I am pretty sore from the fight can I stay home" asked Brielle, Aylee was right beside her a nodded. "Megan friend pulled my hair pretty hard"

"That's alright, we not going to force you girls to do something you are uncomfortable with. we will bring you back ice cream" Scarlet said.

"Thank you granny" Brielle thanked. She gave Aylee a knowing look. "we are going to my room, you guys have to get to a restaurant"

Brielle and Aylee stood up and left the room. Going into her room. "Are you sure about this Bri" Aylee asked once they closed the door.

"I am sure Aylee now you don't have to come with me if you don't wish too. I am not forcing you to do anything" Brielle asked well walking to her desk.Pulling out her stationary set and fountain pen. Vincent and Victor got her for her birthday.

"What are you doing"Aylee asked.

"writing letters to explain, here is some paper if you wish to explain" Brielle said handing her a black stationary set. Aylee took them and started writing to her family.

Soon enough it was time to go. Brielle and Aylee changed into clothes they had hide. Brielle was wearing jeans, a blue tan sweater, and leather jacker. Aylee had on the same thing just a yellow sweater. The girls braided each other hair and then grabbed their personal bag.

After making sure they were ready. They waited by the window. For Theo who was waiting in there garden for them. The guards passed by Brielles window and they made their way out of the window with vines that hung down.

Once they saw Theo he said "ok this way"

He lead the girls to a waiting car. All three getting inside. They all rode it till stopping at a bus stop. Getting out Theo handed them each a suitcase and envelope.

"here is your new ids and info. There stuff you'll need in here." Theo explained he looked at Brielle. "are you sure about this Elle"

Brielle nodded and hugged him. Aylee following her. The two bored the bus. Theo watching as it left. Hoping he was making good choice.


"Brielle, Alyee we brought you back some food" Blake said knocking on his twins door. There was no response.

Blake being worried opened the door to see that there was nothing. "Brielle, Aylee" he called out. Looking around to find nothing. Till he reached her desk. Neatly placed on it was and envelope.

Blake confused open it and then went the ran out of her room. Rushing to his family room. "Dad Brielle and Aylee are gone"

This caused everyone in the room to look up at him. "What are you talking about Blake" Oscar asked.

"I went to give them food and when I went inside Brielles room, there was no one there. Then I found this letter" Blake explained going to give Damien the letter.

"they ran away" Jonathan asked.

"Brielle said this was for a purpose. That she was going to take them down" Damien explained as he read the letter.

"Take down who" Jackson asked.

"the organization" Blake answered.

"By herself. Vincent call in the search team" Damien said getting up.

"dad it no use" Blake said making his dad stop.

"why" he asked.

"Brielle is the best at what she does. If she doesn't want to be found she won't be found" Blake said.

"what do we do" Simon questioned.

"we wait and hope for mercy for them" Blake answered.

"for who" Jackson asked.

"our mother, stepfather and the master" Blake said "they are at the tops of Brielles list"The room was quiet.

Brielle was gone.

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