How Could He? - C.H. [AU/Comp...

By MuketasticLarry

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"Skylar wait..!!" I heard Calum yell while i was walking away. Was this really the boy i grew up with? And wh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
A/N New Chapters!
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32

Chapter 31

25 2 0
By MuketasticLarry

P.o.v. Skylar

It was the next morning and i felt.. Happy. It's not that i normally wasn't happy. I was, trust me. Well maybe not all the time but you get the point. I felt extra happy. I opened my eyes and turned around with a smile. I frowned when i saw nobody was there. I sat up straight and thought about last night. That was real right? If i go downstairs right now Calum will be there. He will be in the kitchen making breakfast just like he used to. I'm not going crazy. I know Calum is back. He came here last night. He held me. We fell asleep together. It was real.

I got up and went downstairs. I went into the kitchen ''Calum?'' i asked when i heard ruffling. I smiled and waited till he closed the fridge door. The door closed ''Ashton? What the hell are you doing here?'' i ask confused. He looked at me while holding food. Alot of food. He placed them on the counter ''I- Uh.. Can i please come back? I mean like- I'm here already so..'' He stumbled over his words. I wasn't suprised he was a bit scared. Last time i trew him out and told him not to come back until i said so. He snuck back in the middle of the night, and when i caught him i called the cops. I really did.

He spend a night in jail and Luke came to bail him out the next day. He probably used his one phone call to to ask him that. Seeming Luke always picks up he chose well. I would bail him out too.. Eventually.. I nodded at him when i saw he was still waiting for an awnser. ''And what do you mean Calum?'' he asked and i shrugged. ''Nothing.'' i said nonchalantly. He let it slide and i was reliefed he did. 

I took one of his cookies and went to look for Calum in the rest of the house. He has to be here somewhere. He was here last night. It was real. I'm sure. 

An hour later i looked everywhere. But no Calum. I was dissapointed that he just left. It felt like he abandoned me. I sighned as i joined Ashton in the lounge. He was on his phone and quickly ended the call as soon as i walked in. I didn't bother asked who it was and what that was all about, because i knew he wouldn't tell me. It still ticked me off that they're keeping secrets from me but i but those worries aside now that i have a new one. Yes Calum. 

I probably was deep in my thoughts because i didn't even notice Luke and Michael comming in. Only when Luke wrapped his arm around  me and kissed my cheek i snapped out of it. ''Hey babe.'' he whispered and pulled me onto his lap. I gave him a quick peck on the lips and snuggled up against him. Well as much as you can snuggle up to someonewhiel you're on their lap.

The boys were in some deep conversation but i wasn't really paying any attention. I scanned my nails and randomly started picking and biting them. I spit a piece of nail onto the ground. 

I felt eyes on me and stopped what i was doing to see the boys staring at me. ''Euhm.. Can i help you?'' i asked as they still stared at me. Ashton shook his head. I couldn't really see what luke was doing. Michael spoke up ''Don't girls find that disgusting as fuck?'' he askedwith this amazed look on his face. 

I didn't really awnser him and sassily continued where i had left off. I felt something vibrate on my ass and that was when Luke caefully pushed me off his lap so he could grab his phone. He seemed to be hestitating to aacept the call and eventually he didn't. ''Who was is?'' i asked him. ''Oh just my mom.'' he said and i saw Ashton nodding at him in the corner of my eye. 

I decided not to think to much of it seeming we just all made up. Plus i had something way more important on my mind right now. 

There was a knock on the door. I looked at Ashton to see if he would get it but he just stared back at me with probably the same idea as me. I let out a deep breath and made my way over to the frontdoor. ''Oh hello mister officer.'' i said happily. But then my smile faded as i was realising there was an officer. A police officer. This couldn't be good news. 

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts when i saw he was examening me. ''Uh sorry, can i help you sir?'' he nodded and got out his notepad. ''Yes is this where mister Irwin lives?'' he asked me as he checked his notepad. When he was busy i gave a quick glance into the livingroom and saw the boys had just vanished. 

Might as well help them. Right? 

''Who? I'm sorry that person doesn't live here.'' i said as confident as i could. I got good at lying seeming i did it alot the past few months. 

''Oh well i'm sorry for disturbing you ma'am.'' i gave him a nod and was about to close the door when he turned around again. ''Before i forget! Keep an eye out for these 5 men. They are very dangerous ma'am. Please let us know if you see some suspisous things.'' he handed me a piece of paper with mugshots of the boys and Harry.

''Will do sir.''

And with that  he left. 


I walked back into the lounge. It was still empty and this just made me even more curious. But they aren't dangerous. At least that's what i thought. I laid the piece of paper on the table and went to look for them. 

P.o.v. Ashton

''Holy shit that was close.'' Michael huffed as we finally stopped running. I never thought we could be this fast if the police ever came for us. ''Why the hell are they searching us!?'' Luke asked as he was catching his breath. We were in a abandoned playground right now. I sat down on the swing as i watched the other two practically dying. 

I snickered at the sight. Luke glared at me.

''Wipe that smirk of your face.''

''Yeah not everyone is as fit as you Ashton.''

Michael added. I shook my head and got out my phone. Wait a second. ''Luke!'' i said when i thought back to when he was being called but didn't awnser the call. 

''What.'' he awnsered his voice was filled with annoyance and he was still breathing really heavy. ''Harry called you right? Like before the cop showed up?'' he nodded and i saw his and Michael's look change. I knew what they were thinking. ''Exactly.'' 

P.o.v. Skylar

''Luke?'' i said for the millionth time right now. I literally searched the entire house and they weren't here. ''How the hell can they leave this fast.'' i said to myself. 

I let out a breath i didn't even know i was holding and trwe myself on the couch. I was lying face down when i felt someone rub my shoulders. I stifened when i felt that there was a person sitting next to me. I didn't even try to see who the hell was in my house or who was touching me. 

Yes i'm a pussy like that. 

''Relax babe.'' 

I know that voice. I turned around and he was smiling at me. That beautifull smile. ''Hi Cal.'' i said as i smile crept onto my face. His eyes flickered to my lips and i knew what he was about to do. He leaned in and right when our lips were about to touch i stopped him. 

He whined a little and gave me this look as if he was trying to say 'you never kiss me'. ''Cal why did you just leave this morning?'' i asked without thinking. He scratched the back of his neck and got up from his spot next to me. 

His warmt leaving my side wasn't the feeling i was hoping for but at least he was stilll here. ''Calu-''

''I just had to.'' He cut me off. I gave him a confused look. ''What do you mean you just had to? Calum you know it was wrong to leave without even leaving a note!'' i raised my voice and he flinched. He never really flinched when i raised my voice at him. Ever. 

This was new. 

''Calum what's going on?'' I got up from my spot on the couch and made my way over to him. i grabbed his hands and gave them a little peck. ''Please tell me..'' i whispered as i leant my head against his chest. 

He wrapped his arms around me and right at that moment the frontdoor opened. I turned to see who was comming in. 

My jaw dropped. 

Things were just getting weirder and weirder.


Hey guys new chapter. Enjoy. I don't really know what to say.. Some stuff has been going on and yeah..

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