My Blue Punk

By Eri_cham_

2K 35 11

Mikey was hated by his family from the moment he was born. He was raised beliveing he was all alone but, afte... More

prologe (1)
prologe (2)


141 2 0
By Eri_cham_

Mikey was in his room, the one he shares with raphael. He was on his bed writeing some lirycs and melodyes that popped on his mind on his notebook. He always did... He loved music.
He was impetiently weiting for the day to end. It was rainy outside and he wasn't feeling like getting weat. That's the only reason he stayed at home since none of his family members made his day any better.
Las week he was expelled from his old high school from a figth he got into. It wasn't his foult... At all... Some stupid kids (including Adam, a boy he hates) started to make fun of him because someone spread the rumor that he was the cause of his mother's death, they kalled him the "mother assassin"... He was so pissed off for thoes coments that he ended up braking two kid's noses and a kid's arm. He was lucky not to be denounced afterwords.
His family went crazy over that, his father slaped him across the face... It was nice to know he knew he existed somehow even if it was just to get mad at him. Miwa didn't say a word, thing that deeply hurted mikey since she was always the one telling him how to behave. It almost felt as if she thought Mikey was a lost case... Leo and donnie, on the other hand, ignored him as always... Well... Leo did give him the 'be ashamed of yourself' stare, but donnie simply walk away every time he saw mikey as if he was taken as a bother to him. Lastly, raph didn't do much. He was the only one to not treat him like a peace of garbage since he had the same rage problems.
Ever since that happend, none of his sibblings dared to speack to him at all.

Mikey: this is stupid...

He seid as he stood up, leaving his notes on the bed. He was sick of laying down all day long. He needed to do something to distract his mind rigth away. He took his skate and waked to the front door, ready to leave, ignoring the rain he hated so much. It almost sounded poetic.
His family was in the livingroom, watching a moovie. It was a common thing they did on saturday nigths. When he walked passed the kitchen he saw Miwa drinking a cup of tea. She noticed him.

Miwa: were are you going?

Mikey: out.

Miwa: it's raining.

Mieky: don't care.

It was obvious she didn't like his tone. Normaly mikey was a little bit more polite and friendly with his sister then with the rest of his brothers but... Their relationship hasn't been the best for a cupple of days now.

Miwa: hey, i know this shit is being hard to you. But you can't expect nothing to happend when you send three kids to the hospital for no reason.

Mikey: first of all, you know nothin', Second of all, i had my reasons. Now, leave me alone.

Miwa: you ain't leaving kid, what are thoes reasons sopose to be, uh?

She was now being mean to him. Mikey didn't had the energy to do this, he tryed to go away but miwa stepped on his way, stopping him from going any further.

Mikey: non of yer buisiness. Move.

Miwa: no way, i ain't moveing. What's so wrong, uh?

Mikey: you won't understand.

Miwa: understand what? Have they red your stupid and filthy songs? Is that why neather them nor us understand you?

Mikey: y'all wish.

Their conversation started to be more and more harsh and the rest of their family started to peack the ear. Raph was the first one to stand up and do something, he knew how mikey felt but he wasn't that close to him to actualy help him out. He just wanted the little argument to stop so he could go back to watch the moovie in peace.

Raph: yo, you two, leave it. Miwa, let him go, i'm sure he won't get into much trubble.

Miwa: fine... But don't be late Mikey.

Mikey: whatever...

He left. Raph walked into the kitchen with Miwa and leaned against the wall, looking to his sister. She looked pissed.

Raph: sorry sis. But he's 16 already, you know he won't listent to you. It's better to let him go, less problems...

Miwa: i know but... I don't want him getting into much trubble again. Dad doesn't like that. I don't want their relationship to be worst then it is now...

Raph: i know, but arguing with him won't make any better... Trust me...

Miwa: your rigth... I'm just too exhausterd for this rigth now...

Raph: and maby you went too far with the 'stupid and filthy songs', don't ya think?

Miwa: it's the crude reality Raph. He ain't that good anyways... I don't want him to try to live a life that's not ment for him at all...

In the kitchen, Donnie and Leo also walked in. They had heared what happend with mikey and now where curiois of what where the rest talking about.

Donnie: what are we missing?

Raph: same as allways, Mikey. We're...

Miwa: we're worryed. Guys, he sended three kids to the hospital. This ain't good.

Leo: i know, why do you think he did it?

Donnie: no idea... Perhabs he got into an argument with them? He tends to be violent from time to time.

Leo: yeah, what kind of argument ends up with a figth anyways?

Raph: do you want the list by alphabet or by reasons?

Miwa: be serious guys.

Leo: sorry sis.

Raph: well, casey (his best friend) told me he has heared some rumors about a 'mother assassin' among Mikey's classmates.

Miwa: and do you think that has something to do with him?

Leo: it will make sence. Okāsan died giveing birth to him... Maybe someone found out.

Donnie: but how?

There was a long silance for a moment. Miwa took a sip from her tea and looked out the window.

Miwa: do you really think this has something to do with it?

Donnie: well... We're not much close to him. We can't know. All i really want is him not getting it trubble, otōsan can't stand more shit like that from him.

There was again a long silance. This time they all where looking eachother concearned. This has gone too far. They all knew Mikey being like this was mostly because they never helped him out... They excluded him.

Miwa: guys... This has to end... We promised okāsan we would take care of him and we didn't... When he comes back i would like to talk to him... And i want you all to join me...

Leo: i'm in... We always treat mikey diferently and i guess this has really effected him.

Donnie: as long as he doesn't get mad, i'm in. He can be a little jerk from time to time...

Raph: don't say that Dee, and if he gets mad, leave him to me.


Mikey was rollong down the street on his sckate. The rain made the road really slypery and his cloths were soking weat. He didn't care. He stoped in an alley and climed some dumpsters to get on the emergency stairs. He was safe from the rain there. Once he was compleatly out of the reach of the water he took a package from his pocket and picked a cigarret from thr inside with his mouth, he then looked in his other pockets realizing he had forgotten his ligther.

Mikey: shit...

???: need some fire honey?

For a moment Mikey froze, that voice came from behind him. He tourned around to see someone who wasn't there before sitting on the stairs. He had also a cigarret on his mouth and had a ligther on his other hand. He was tall, ligth brown skin, braided hair and deep dark blue eyes. He was wearing a dark blue hoodie with oversised black jeans. Over his hoodie he wore a white t-shirt. He had also two pearcings on his lower lip. He looked one or two years older then Mikey.

Mikey: yeah. Thanks... You live here?

He pointed to the window on the wall, it was from the apartament. Mikey thought no one was there since there weren't any ligths.

???: no, i live in the atick. I come down here so my grandma won't see me smoking. You?

Mikey: i... I always hide far away from home to smoke... I don't want my neighbours to know i smoke.

???: didn't see that coming, and you'r family? Won't they freack out more then your neighbours?

Mikey: yeah, well... They don't care that much for me. My neighbours took more care of me then my dad and siblings did so...

???: that's shit bro. I don't even know what would i do without my bros. How can you live like that?

Mikey: always been, i'm used to it... By the way, who are you?

???: name's Sam but call me Swift, you?

Mikey: Michelangelo, call me Mikey.

Swift: so, Mikey, wanna do something fun?

Mikey: what?

Swift: yeah, go to the skate park, play some videogames... I don't know. I'm bored as hell. That's why i came here to smoke on the first place.

Mikey: no thanks, i should get going... My sister was mad at me when i left and i don't want her freacking out over it... She and my brothers work so hard to help me but...

Swift: but you don't feel part of them...

Mikey: yeah... How you know?

Swift: i'm a cupple of years older then you, i got a bit more experiance.

Mikey: but less sance of style.

Swift: ya got me there baby! Well, have a nice day preatty boy. Don't get into much trubble.

Mikey: yeah, keep wishing.

Mikey left and jumped on his sckate. That conversation was weird. He usualy never talks about him or his family but... that guy really made him spill the beans...
He was taking the long way to go back home, he didn't want to arrive. At some point he was so spaced out that he didn't notice he was about to cross a deep puddle... He ended up hiting the floor realy hard. His hands were pealed and his nose started to bleed, not to mention his jeans had now little holes on the knees.

Mikey: grate... Just grate...

As he stood up he realized be wasn't sopose to be there... He was crossing the street where one of the kids he broke the nose of lived... He knew for a fact that kid wanted revange, Adam...
Before he could walk away he felt someone grabbing his arm swiftly and hurting him.

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