The Changeling

Oleh RozSubote

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Oleh RozSubote

After breakfast, the day was a bit of a whirlwind. Cetlali started at the bottom of the Complex and worked her way up through the levels. She was not looking forward to the battle of wills ahead. She didn't know why Ezren hired them at all if he needed them constantly micromanaged. However, he wanted to be sure everyone was fulfilling his needs and demands to the letter. Cetlali felt like making sure the workers had what they needed to make their efforts possible and easy was more important.

She saw to the attendants and Vae

Encarnita. Ensuring their rooms were all to their liking, Cetlali noted anything they needed to help make this grand new place their home.

Some attendants that came along, Cetlali knew from their previous home. The relationship was amicable, as much as allowed by Ezren's snobbishness. The others remembered Cetlali because she stepped in front of them when

bandits came and when Ovar had descended upon their group like an untamed beast.

One was new, and Cetlali was told Athua had recommended her as a personal attendant.

They conversed for a short time and Cetlali apologized for not having time to speak more with her, but Seun Kaxiras had shrugged her off with an amiable smile. She said they'd have plenty of time to do it later.

The time with the cook was quick and efficient. The bright brown eyed woman was in the middle of her years with coarse black hair tied up on her head beneath a cap. She was pristine in every way. Everything from her posture to her fingernails to her comfortable cooking frock and stainless apron was impeccable. Aineias was a thorough woman who had an ironclad grasp of her kitchen and how she wanted it to run. She had lists of everything she needed, down to every last specific item, including an itemized inventory of the pantry and how she wanted to stock it.

Aineias asked for the visit because of the pantry, as the shelves needed some adjustments.

A pang of terror shot through Cetlali in the nightmarish space while she focused on taking notes. It was far larger than Cazar Shcomou's, with plenty of things to hide behind and too many poorly lit corners. Cetlali promised herself she'd never go back in there if she could manage. She still despised pantries. The bigger they were, the worse she feared them. Luckily, they didn't need to spend too much time in there as Aineias already had some pragmatic ideas for the space. Cetlali, under force of her own polite desperation, was quick to agree. Aineias didn't seem to notice her unease.

Lovou kept herding them out of the place while the cook started a line of polite questions. She liked the cook with little effort, despite the lingering deathly feeling since leaving the pantry.

Those appointments took Cetlali most of the morning. She was close to working her way through her midday meal if Lovou hadn't insisted she take the food Aineias offered. She'd been wise enough to send a note to Vao Enharouq's first thing. One of his retainers had

found Cetlali just after her nibbled afternoon snack with an invitation to dinner with their clan. She agreed and sent one of her attendants with a message to Ezren to inform him of her plans for the evening.

She spent a hefty time with the Rangers after that. Some were preparing to depart.

Others were going to remain with Lovou and Xocthl, appointed as Ezren's personal retainers for his Clan Guard. Thrilled, she discovered Merlo and Loraeta made their plans to stay.

Those four removed themselves from the Ranger's services, with the honor of the Emperor, the Vassour Elect, and the new Vassal of Wisteryala, Zeger Armistead. The rest were heading back to their homelands to find some new recruits and bolster their ranks once again.

Cetlali and Lovou had said little during the day, aside from basic communication in completing the tasks she had listed in her notebook. She lagged walking next to him, slogging through muddied exhaustion on her way to the Enharouq's new lodgings. She

couldn't imagine it was enjoyable for Lovou to slow his steps so much.

The walk was further than she liked to Imperial Apartments, where the Emperor and his clan lived. She wasn't ignorant enough to believe she may not see the intended Emperor Eraughn and his guard. Which meant preparing herself to face Ovar. Again. After yesterday's antagonism and the day's strenuous activity, she feared bursting into tears at the mere sight of him. She had to admit having Lovou around did, in fact, make her feel much more safe. She kept her frivolous tears at bay all day.

They reached the Enharouq's quarters without incident. Cetlali sighed her thanks, much eased after that nightmare day was over.

Even Lovou's body seemed to deflate with similar relief. She realized he must have been equally enthusiastic to avoid something like the previous day as well. Though, he still didn't take his hand off the hilt of his sword until Sivoy Enharouq himself opened the door to his solar.

"Welcome Vae Cetlali. We are happy to receive you for the evening meal." It was a shock to see Sivoy grinning down at her. His eyes trailed to Lovou, seeming somewhat unsure with his shadowy presence taking up half the doorway. Sivoy nodded and tried to keep the smile, though it tightened and chilled to something a little less than courteous. "Thank you Zhi Tate. She'll be safe with us. Our guards will escort her back to the complex this evening, they're very familiar with the paths."

Lovou bristled. "Zhi Tate is my brother and I'm not my fucking brother," he snarled somewhere around uncalm, "Vae Cetlali is under Vassour Elect's protection, not yours, and he makes the decisions regarding —,"

"Lovou, please," Cetlali interrupted him, trying to urge some decency without being harsh. He glared down at her and she winced, looking away and mumbling, "Ask Ezren, at the very least. I can even write a note to let him know it was at the request of myself and Vao Enharouq." Her eyes flickered intermittent

glances back to him to gauge his reaction, hopeful to miss the full extent of it.

"I understand your safety is paramount, Vae Cetlali, I apologize... Lovou," Sivoy said with a strained dignity. He recovered as he continued,

"If Ezren agrees, my daughters would want to spend a good portion of the rest of their night with Vae Cetlali. We wouldn't want to detain you for the entire evening when she'll be safe inside the Emperor's keep."

Lovou's cheek twitched as Sivoy spoke those words. With Ovar in the Emperor's keep, it might as well have been a ravine full of lava and rabid boars. He nodded all the same. He looked at Cetlali and rasped, "I'll take a note, but don't be surprised if I return for you right away."

She nodded, sighing. "Yes, of course, Lovou. Thank you." She turned to Sivoy, "Vao Enharouq, could I perhaps use your table for a moment?"

Sivoy nodded and brought her into the solar. He rose a halting hand at his daughters, who jumped from their seats on the couch as soon as Cetlali entered. With a pout, Masha sat back down, glaring at Lovou as he strode in behind Cetlali. Athua fixed her prim face into a gentle, patient smile and went down with a practiced grace.

Cetlali grinned and winked at them as she pulled out her notebook and charcoal. A quick note to Ezren let him know of Vao Enharouq's request and assured him of her completion of all the tasks he set forward. She included she would be happy to discuss them all later.

Cetlali even mentioned Vao Enharouq's offer to have his own guards take her back to the Complex at the end of the evening. Perhaps she might have added a few sprinklings of how great Lovou had been that day, assisting her when needed and keeping her safe. Might be, she insinuated, he deserved some time off for such a well served day. She folded the paper up and handed it off to Lovou. He nodded his

head at her then and with an abrupt turn, he left the solar.

At Lovou's brusque departure, a sighing chuckle came out beneath a half amused frown.

Sivoy turned back to Cetlali and grinned again.

"It's a pleasure to see you again so soon, Vae Cetlali."

"I am delighted to spend the evening with you and your clan, Vao Enharouq. I am honored and gracious." A tight grin pulled on her tense face. A second later, she shifted a bit and bowed.

He chuckled, noticing Masha close to vibrating in her seat in the corner of his vision.

"I believe my daughters are more than prepared to receive you in their rooms until dinner is served." He waved his hand, and both girls shot to their feet. They grabbed onto Cetlali and tugged her into Athua's room, bigger than Masha's and more suited for their gossiping.

The girls were already giggling as the door shut.

"Gods, Lovou looked so pissed when father tried to dismiss him." Masha chuckled as she jumped onto Athua's bed. "What bee shit in his bonnet?"

"He did look quite upset," Athua added, thoughtful as ever, joining her sister on the bed.

She did not quite jump, but did a rather dainty hop. Crawling in her dress, which comprised layers of glorious, wisp thin linens, she reached the middle. She folded her legs up under the fluff of vibrant skirts and planted herself like a multicolored marigold.

"We had a long day." Cetlali shrugged. She had no desire to delve into the veritable plentitude of things that could have pissed off Lovou. "Your father also called him Zhi Tate.

That's his brother's preferred address. Lovou refused the titles because of that alone."

"It's disturbing how much those two dislike each other," Athua said with a sad downturn at the corner of her lips.

"Not all siblings suffer each other like we do," Masha teased and grinned up at her sister.

Athua's lips curled in amusement as a response.

"Their relationship is... very strained,"

Cetlali grimaced as she spoke. The words were weak. Inadequate in summing up what sort of nightmares Ovar had doomed his younger brother to. She didn't know the true extent of it.

She didn't know what right she had to speak of it. "Any comparison to Ovar puts him into a bad mood, but it's just because Ovar is absolute shit."

"Well, he must get it a lot cause he always looks to be in a foul mood," Masha snickered, which tapered off into a sigh. She rolled onto her side, perching a hand beneath her head. She gazed up at the ceiling as her thoughts strayed to something different. Possibly dreamy looking, and or related to bruting.

Cetlali rolled her eyes over to Athua. She regarded Cetlali with a tight-lipped and knowing smile before she looked back at her sister. In her most genteel voice, she opined,

"Yes. You prefer the blushing and grinning type. Isn't that right, Masha?"

Masha jolted out of her reverie. Her words all snapped out with her frayed nerves. "What?

Huh? I don't know who — what — what you're talking about." Cetlali and Athua laughed.

Masha gave them a good pout, crossing her arms and folding the rest of herself up in embarrassment.

"Of course not," Athua replied with exaggerated demurity. Masha tossed a pillow at her. Athua pounced on her sister with a surprising amount of ferocity for such delicate skirts fighting against her. She used them as an effective smothering tool against her sister as she poked her in the side again and again with pointed fingers.

Masha was squealing with laughter. Athua proved her merciful nature and rolled off of her, chuckling. "Now, will you tell me all about your company last night?"

Masha grinned with her bottom lip between her teeth. She sighed and sat up, looking at Cetlali, waving her onto the bed as well. "I wanted to wait until we got to see you again."

Cetlali nodded, rushing to the bed to sit with them. "Oh, that must have been torture for your poor sister," she chided with a little grin.

Athua wrinkled her nose and stuck her tongue out at Cetlali. She could only snicker in reply to such an Empress-like response to her teasing.

Masha laughed at Athua, too. She settled herself on the bed, relaxing against the headboard next to her sister. "You know, Zelpha and I have been acquaintances for years, ever since she caught me gaping at the weapons she made hanging on the wall of the armory. It wasn't ever — I didn't think she — well, you saw what happened last night! She asked me to dance. I hate dancing!" She said with utmost glee and a cheek splitting smile.

A bit of a stuttered breath started her next sentence. "Did you see her out there? She genuinely impressed me with her skills. We

were so spoiled at Cazar Waingnam with such talented dancers like father and mother to teach us. I haven't had that much fun dancing since I was a child!"

Athua grinned and nodded in agreement.

"Eraughn is a wonderful dancer too. That's at least something I can be thankful for."

"Too bad he's still such a shit," Masha muttered and then speedily continued before her sister could reply with anything other than her severe scowl. "Anyway, we were talking about Zelpha." She sighed a bit dreamily again, leaning into Cetlali. "Did you see her arms?

They were practically bursting out of her tunic."

She chuckled nervously behind her hand, her face heated visibly at her cheeks. "I swear the leather creaked as she moved because it stretched so tightly over her muscles."

Athua laughed merrily, "Yes, her arms were hard not to notice Masha, especially when they wrapped so snugly around you." She nudged her sister with the sharpness of her elbow.

Masha squeaked and leaned away from her.

Athua started out impressed, "She's quite winsome, Masha. I've hardly seen someone as impressive as she is."

"I know!" Masha trilled nervously.

Athua rolled her eyes playfully and laughed,

"I'm happy to see you so enamored, Masha. I know it has been difficult to make friends here at the Citadel. Whatever happens between the two of you, I'm so glad you could be friends as well. The most difficult thing in a relationship is communication. It's alright if you struggle, just be honest and kind to each other. Eraughn and I will probably struggle with it always, but I believe he has a good heart, despite his occasional foul disposition."

"That's putting it mildly," Cetlali chimed in.

Her hand clapped over her mouth once she realized she said it out loud.

Athua chuckled good-naturedly, "Oh, I know. He can be terrible. He's as spoiled as they come, but so far, he's showing nothing that makes me feel unsafe around him. I believe he

simply needs some structure in his life. Maybe some examples of compassion if he intends to make himself into the great Emperor he wants to be. We are still very young."

"And you'll see to his teaching?" Cetlali smiled blithely.

Athua let a wise little grin seep onto her lips.

"Of course I will. Masha and I grew up learning to care for Ynuchalak in its entirely. Father taught us everything about our land. We were expected to thrive in it and help it thrive. He assured us we could not do alone it, so he kept us with him, near always. Delegating to us, teaching us, watching us learn, every single day, not just so that we could be a Vassal, but an honest, involved citizen."

She nodded succinctly. "Even if we weren't first in the line of succession, he wanted us to know the importance of governing a realm, protecting it and its people. Ynuchalak is larger than all the other realms, nearly larger than Epoubodaz itself, and far more unruly regarding our climate and terrain. Yet the

North has known peace longer than every other realm but Suichai under my clan's protection for the last two thousand cycles. History robbed Eraughn of a certain level of understanding because of his station as prince to a lineage only recently anointed to govern.

He lacks the generational knowledge of the tried-and-true responsibilities of supporting a community's growth. He's never troubled with such things in the same ways we have. I believe I have much to show him if he'll give me the opportunity. If I am to be his Empress, I know that only together we can foster a relationship that will help solidify a strong and just Empire for all."

"So... your marriage is not out of love?"

Cetlali asked, her tone unsure, but curious to hear more of what Athua thought and felt. It sounded uncomfortably familiar to her.

Athua smiled and shrugged. "I have a certain affection for Eraughn. We have known each other since we were very young. I've also just never been entirely interested in such notions, but I am confident that I could do a lot

to help make this Empire better for others.

Eraughn is not entirely disagreeable or hopeless. He even has lofty ideals for bringing stability to the lands and its people, which I can respect and admire. I would bear and help raise future children with him, too. I've always very much wanted some. So if they are to be anointed leaders, then I shall be happy to meet them the same as if they were the stable hand's or a kheirgeon's."

"So you're disinterested in romance and love and all that?" Cetlali wanted to know how she felt so confident in her choices. Insecurity constantly ravaged her.

Athua pinched up her nose in thought,

"Neither and both? I simply have known no one I've been interested in like that in years. And when I felt something more than standard affection, she and I were too young to court. In the end, Emperor Vaughan sent her clan off as emissaries to the East and we lost contact."

"I'm sorry." Cetlali sighed at Athua's curious admission, something wise and so well known.

Despite her own confusion about her feelings, it didn't change what Athua knew she wanted.

Which was the ability to help people on a massive scale. It was difficult to admire and be jealous of a person at the same time.

Athua shrugged, and her smile was long tempered. "Well, things happen."

"Okay, babies and long-lost girlfriends may distract me, but I thought we were talking about me," Masha pouted.

Athua chuckled and poked her sister in the side. "I'm so very sorry, dearest kindred. Please forgive me? Tell me what you talked about while you danced!"

Masha sighed wistfully. "She mostly asked me about my weapons. I asked her about her designs and process. She was very impressed with Aluk's recent work back at Waingnam."

She looked over at Athua. "She told me it would honor her to make me my first set of scale armor when the time comes for me to join the Imperator's command."

"Is that what you mean to do after you serve as Caran's Auxiliary?" Cetlali asked.

Masha nodded eagerly. "We were going to bring this all up at dinner, but I'm sure my father will have some opinion on it whether I spoil it all now." She rolled her eyes with an affectionate smile. "Fact is, I want to be Captain of Athua's army one day. I could always protect my clan, protect our people, all the Empire, and strengthen us more than we ever have been."

"Although I am obviously honored by such a valiant oath, beloved sister, it's not exactly my army." Athua admitted with an appreciative grin at her sister's ardor.

Masha rolled her eyes less than

affectionately. Her words were softer than her tone, "As if the entire realm won't fall at your feet the moment they see what kind of Empress you're to be? As much as Eraughn seems to be tolerated around these parts, he's got the

foresight of a newt and is about as personable as a raw taro."

Cetlali chuckled in agreement, "It's true Athua, Eraughn is tolerable on a good day, but when you're Empress, the people will love you because of how compassionate and strong you are."

Athua tittered and sniffled. "You two are too kind. What would I possibly do without such loving kin?" She reached out her hands to Masha and Cetlali.

Masha squirmed with her sister's tearful admission and appreciation. Only because Masha didn't enjoy crying. Especially when Athua did it, because seeing her cry always made Masha do the same. Cetlali gripped Athua's hands with tears already pooling.

Unrestrained, even if she bothered to try at all.

Athua was ardent as always, "The gods must favor me, allowing me to become Empress with you two by my side. Promise me we will always be honest and good to each other."

Masha snickered and sniffled. "As good as kin can be to each other."

Athua clicked her tongue at her, but smiled.

"Promise me anyway, you wretch."

Masha feigned a dramatic gasp, "Athua!

Your filthy fuckin' mouth!"

Cetlali laughed and squeezed both of their hands, her voice thick as she sniffled. "I promise to be good... mostly."

"Mostly," Athua agreed with a wide smile.

"Sometimes," Masha grumbled and

squeezed their hands back with a wide, genuine grin.

Their shared words tethered Cetlali to the room. She felt an undeniable connection between the people in it. She felt rooted in her body, aware of her limbs that reached out to hold warm hands, squeezing hers back. Her breathing caught, but that was because of the threatening tears. She thinks she knows what permanence could be like. 

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