I.M.P Assassin [Helluva Boss...

By DragonKing100

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Y/n is the nephew of Blitzo and is an employee at a business that his uncle owns, called I.M.P (Immediate Mur... More

Murder Family
Loo Loo Land
Moving Out
Spring Broken
The Harvest Moon Festival
Truth Seekers
New Book
Queen Bee
The Circus
Seeing Stars
Exes and Oohs


5.2K 118 150
By DragonKing100

[I.M.P Headquarters, Imp City.]

Inside of I.M.P's Office, Loona can be seen sitting at her reception desk, reading a magazine called 'IMP GOSSIP' with Verosika Mayday on the front page and drinking a bottle of beer at the same time. She then places the bottle down on an open page of Stolas' Grimoire that was on the desk. The beer bottle rolls off the page, causing the page of the book to glow and create a portal to the human world.

A headless human came flying through the portal and crashes into the wall besides Loona. A tree falls through the portal as Moxxie appears out of the branches and leaves with chainsaw.

Blitzo walks through the portal with an axe, into the office with a smile on his face. Y/n followed wielding a power saw, it's spinning blade was covered in blood.

Blitzo: Woo, that was a fuck ton of lumberjacks!

Y/n: Yeah! There were so many, the power saw is starting to jam and stall out.

Y/n tosses the saw away and made his way towards Loona and whispered to her.

Y/n: Hey, you still got the thing?

Loona: Yeah, I kept it safe for you.

She reaches under the desk and pulled out a fancy little box that fit in the palm of her hand. It looked like the type of box that's used to hold engagement rings. (I think you all know where this is going.)

Loona: You're really gonna ask her?

Y/n: We've been dating for quite a while, I think it's time.

Loona: Well I'm rooting for ya. And if you need me, I'll be at a party.

Meanwhile Millie comes through crawling on the floor like a crab with an axe in her mouth.

Millie: AUGHH! I'm still so jazzed up!

Millie moaned before biting her axe in half with the portal behind them closing shut.

Moxxie: Well you better stay jazzed, babe, because guess where I'm taking you tonight?

Blitzo: Don't you dare finish a filthy pun in my presence Moxxie. Besides, drinks are on me tonight. Let's hit up the new dive down the street.

Y/n: Ooooh sorry, I can't. I got a date with Verosika.

Giving no-one a chance to say something, he moved to the exit and opened the door.

Y/n: Maybe next time!

And with that he closes the door behind him and leaves.

Blitzo: Well that's a bummer. All right you two let's get going.

Moxxie: Actually sir, it's our one-year marriage anniversary. So l'm taking Millie to Ozzie's in the Lust Ring!

Millie: Ozzie's?! No way! That place is always booked!

Moxxie: Yeah, well I've been planning it for quite a while.

Millie: Moxxie!

She jumps into Moxxie's arms and kisses his face before they both start French kissing and making out. Blitz looked at the scene with a bit of disgust in him.

Blitzo: Ugh, can you two not?

Moxxie: I'm sorry sir. Maybe another time?

Blitza: No, it's fine! I-I can come with the two of you, help you celebrate your boring as fuck monogamy.

Moxxie: Uh.. no. The reservation is for us.

Blitzo: Uh huh.

Moxxie: Just us.

Blitzo: Mhm.

Moxxie: Without you there. Explicitly without you there!

Blitzo: I'll wear something nice. It's a big deal after all. See ya lovebugs later!

He started whistling a song as he leaves. While Moxxie was growling at him, but Millie tries to calm him down.

Millie: Relax sweetie. Don't let him get to you today.

She leans into him a starts circling her finger around his chest before doing the same to his crotch.

Millie: Let's just go home and clean this blood off.

She begins to give sexual growls as she drags him away.

The scene changes to hell elevator 666, where moxxie was waiting for his wife, who walks up to him in a nice dress. They entered the elevator and found a seat in a waiting area as Blitz spies on them behind a newspaper and calls Loona.

Loona(Voicemail): Yeah it's Loona. Whoever you are, go for it.

Blitzo: Hey Loonie, just wanted to let you know l'm not gonna be back home until real late. I got something important tonight.

Blitzo ends the voicemail and smirks. 

[Ozzie's, Lust Ring]

The scene cuts to several flickering neon signs. Then it zooms out to the front of Ozzie's and cuts to Moxxie and Millie walking inside the building. Blitz attempts to follow them in, but the bouncer pulls him aside.

Bouncer: Woah there, buddy. Got a reservation?

Blitzo: Oh yeah. I'm with those two.

Bouncer: This club is for couples only.

Blitzo: It's what?

Bouncer: No date, no reservation, no entry.

Blitzo looks up and down and bats his eyes at the bouncer.

Blitzo: Y-you know, you have really nice eyes, daddy?

He gets thrown into the lid of a dumpster, then shut inside. Blitze pops up out of the trash flips off the bouncer.

Blitzo: You fucking prude!

He gets out, his tail gets caught, and he ends up on top of trash bags. He crosses his arms and smiles.

[Stolas' Mansion, Pride Ring]

Stolas was pouring milk into his cereal. He groans as it shows him sitting at an empty table. He carries his bowl to a couch and covers himself with a blanket. Stolas turns on the TV to "Hell-a-Novela" and slumps down.

Gabriella: Ay, why won't you love me Alejandro?

Stolas: That's a mood, Gabriella. 

He eats a spoonful of cereal as the telephone rings. Smoke comes out and says "Blitzy is calling" Stolas realizes and slightly chokes but then scrambles over to the phone, spilling his bowl and getting stuck in his blanket in the process.

Stolas: Helloo? Hello Blitzy?

Blitzo: Stolas, hey you-uh, shit... you busy tonight?

Stolas: Umm, why do you ask?

Blitzo: I was wondering if you... wanna come with me to a club tonight?

Stolas: Are you asking me on a date, Blitzy? [blushing and his pupils turn into hearts]

Blitzo: I-yes, I suppose that is what's happening. How fast can you get down to Lust?

Stolas: I can be ready in 20!

Blitzo: All right, fantastic. See you soon.

Stolas: I'll see you Blitzy~

Stolas pulls out an outfit, transitioning to him putting on eyeliner, looking in the mirror. He turns around and puts on blush. It switches

over to Blitz, who is pacing back and forth on a street.

Blitzo: Come on, come on, come on...

Stolas arrives and steps through a glowing portal behind Blitzo.

Stolas: Oh Blitzy, I'm here~

A spotlight appears on Blitzo.

Blitzo: Wow. That's a bit overkill, don't ya think?

Stolas: *chuckles* W-well I-I just wanted to look a little nicer for you. This is our first real date after all.

They both walk off together, holding hands.

Blitzo: Oh yeah, I guess this is, huh.

Bouncer: You again? Beat it, shithead!

Stolas: Ahem, do we have a problem?

Bouncer: ...Oh uh, shit-uh my apologies your highness. Uh, please go right in.

Blitzo pops out behind the curtain and flips off the bouncer before going inside. Blitzo and Stolas enter Ozzie's and find a table

Stolas: *gasps* Oh, MY! Oh no; no, but yes! Oh, Blitzo, how romantic is this? What made you choose such a place to bring me?

Blitz then pulls out a pair of binoculars.

Blitzo: Oh, it just sounded like- I just thought we'd have a blast here, you know? 

Blitzo eventually finds Millie and Moxxie, and saw they were talking to Y/n, who was wearing a nice suit.

Blitzo: Gotcha! Huh? Y/n's here too!?

Stolas: Oh, Blitz. What are you looking at?

Blitzo: I'm looking at nothing, how about that?

With the three imps, Moxxie and millie were surprised to see Y/n.

Millie: So why are you here?

Y/n: I said that I was going on a date with Verosika.

Moxxie: Yeah, but we didn't think you meant here.

Y/n: Well, Verosika planned this. All she told me was she was taking me somewhere nice and that she was going publicly announce our relationship. I didn't know she was taking me here. I actually kinda lucked out here.

Millie: What do you mean?

Y/n: I'd figured since she was going to publicly announce our relationship, that it'd be a perfect time to propose to her.

Millie: Huh! Really! Oh! I'm so happy for you!

She gleefully got up and hugged him.

Y/n: Thanks Mills, but I haven't asked her yet.

Moxxie: But how did you luck out?

Y/n: This is the worst place to purpose her! It's better I put off the proposal until I have a better chance.

Moxxie: What do you mean this is the worst place?

Y/n: Well-

Before he could continue, he noticed Blitz at another table spying on them.

Blitzo: Shit, he saw me.

Back with the three.

Moxxie: Y/n?

Y/n: Huh, oh never mind! I've taken up enough of your time, have fun guys.

He walked of, leaving the two imps to their date.

Back with Blitz and stolas A waitress comes over to their table

Waitress: Can I get you two off- I mean, start you two off with some drinks?

Stolas: Yes! Um, perhaps some wine to share; do you prefer red wine or white, Blitz? Or perhaps some champagne?

Blitz was still spying on Moxxie and Millie.

Blitzo: Yeah, whatever.

Stolas: *nervous chuckle* Well, perhaps all three. Why not?

Waitress: Of course, also sir, this is for you.

Blitz turned to her, as she gave him a note. As she walked off Blitz read the note that said "Leave M&m alone on their date! Spend the time with Stolas!" Blitz looked over at another table where he say Y/n looking at him with a disappointed scowl. Blitz then nervously turned to stolas.

Over at Y/n's table he was waiting for his Verosika, who now arrived with some drinks.

Verosika: I'm back! And I got your favorite.

Y/n: Thank you.

Verosika: Alright, remember that we're publicly announcing our relationship. Don't mind the paparazzi, they're just here to take pictures, but if they give you any trouble, let me know, but stay close to me just incase.

Y/n: I'm sure there won't be any trouble.

Y/n glances back over to make sure Blitz isn't causing trouble.

Verosika: Is something wrong? You seem distracted tonight.

As she finished her sentence, she took notice of Blitzo and scowled

Verosika: Blitzo.

She got up to confront him, but she was stopped when Y/n grabbed her hand and gave her a pleading look.

Y/n: Please don't. You know how I feel about you two fighting.

Verosika: But-

Y/n: I know he hurt you, and you can't forgive him for that.

She gave no resistance as he gently pulls her down into her seat.

Y/n: And I'm okay with that. If you don't want anything to do with him, that's fine, but please don't start a fight with him, especially in public. Please? For me?

As much as she hated Blitzo, he was Y/n's uncle, and she needed to accept that for the sake of their relationship.

Verosika: Alright

Y/n: Thank you. I love you.

Verosika: Of course. Anything for you, my love.

They brought each other into a loving embrace, but Verosika couldn't help but give a malicious glare at blitzo.

Back with Blitzo and Stolas.

Stolas: So Blitz, how was your day?

Blitzo: Huh? Oh, good I guess. We killed a bunch of beardos

Stolas: THAT sounds fun! How did you kill them?

Blitzo: How? I-I-I mean, there was a lot of them, so I-bullets.

Stolas: Right, right... so, what made you decide to ask me out after all this time?

Before the could continue their conversation, music starts to play and several dancers descend from the ceiling on small circular platforms with stripper poles in the middle.

???: Ladies and gentlemen! I see some sexy faces around here tonight!

A jester demon descends down a pole from the center stage to reveal Fizzarolli.

Fizzarolli: Welcome, welcome, to Ozzie's, Lust ring's number 1 place for all kinds of sick twisted fantasies. Put on display for all you 'Sleaze' and 'Sleazettes. The gin joint of Asmodeus himself! C'mon, give him some LOVE!

Stolas: Did he just say 'Asmodeus'?

Blitzo: Oh, no fucking way. Not him! 

Fizzarolli: I am the one and only Fizzarolli! Some of you may recognize this beautiful clown face from my numerous toy-botic replicas across the rings of Hell. Gloriously designed by the big man himself and ribbed for your pleasure tonight. We have a great lineup for you tonight: Verosika Mayday, Wet Dream and The Squirterz!

A spotlight appears above Y/N and Verosika which surprised the both of them. Verosika quickly grabs and pulls Y/n into as she does a sexy pose with him as people took pictures of the both of them. While some took pictures of the Squirterz group

Fizzarolli: But as everyone's warming up, I got a funny one for y'all: did any of you hear about the bat-shittery that happened at Loo Land?

The audience laughed.

Fizzarolli: Ha ha ha, oh yeah, ow wow. I'll tell you what: I'd sure love to shake the hand of the crazy son o a bitch who decided to burn down that off brand shithole and then slap a fat subpoena in it, 'cause I am VERY MUCH looking to sue!

Both Blitza and Stolas look away while Y/N whistles innocently.

Fizzarolli: That robo me made us more money entertaining those kids than the ones we sell to get you freaks of, if you know what I mean.

Weird Patron: Oh, I know what you mean! I have four of them!

He turns and speaks into a hidden mike

Fizzarolli: Okay, keep that guy FAR away from me.

He turns back to the audience with a smile.

Fizzarolli: SO, without wasting any more time, our little opening act is a fresh one! Coming at us from a little imp from the Wrath Ring, give it up for Moxxie... with no creative stage name whatsoever.

The audience applauds as Moxxie gets up with his guitar and makes his way onto the stage while Fizzarolli extends himself to a booth and stands next to a large figure covered by a cloak and hat. All the while, Y/n was horrified for moxxie, since he knew moxxie singing a love song would not be taken well.

Moxxie: Hello everyone-- 

There was Feedback from the microphone, before Moxxie cleared his throat.

Moxxie: Hi, thank you for letting me be here. It's an honor to play.

Wally Wackford: Uh, hurry up, Bullet, and uh, SING, boy! I say, I say.

Moxxie: This song is for my beautiful wife, a surprise for our first anniversary. 

Millie could help but smile at moxxie as he starts strumming his guitar as he begins to sing his song.

Moxxie: I love you. 

Moxxie: More than the brimstone loves the fire.

Moxxie: More than Beelze loves her bub.

Moxxie: More than a maggot loves gangrenes stubs.

Everyone looks with a confused look on their face, while Y/n was still nervous. Millie is just touched by the song playing, and Fizzarolli looks at his companion with a smug look.

Moxxie: You make my spirit sing. 

Moxxie: Yeah, you make me glad I live in Hell.

Moxxie: Our love is a story sweet to tell.

Moxxie: Yeah you cast a special Satanic spell.

Moxxie: Over my heart.

The smoke machines activates, hitting Millie directly. The scene is full of pink smoke and hearts only surrounding Moxxie and Millie.

Moxxie: Love is a journey we decided to start.

Moxxie: Yeah, I hope we'll never ever be apart.

Moxxie: I love You, I love you, I love you,  I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you,

As he was singing the same line over and over, his voice was drowned out by Fizzarolli and Asmodeus mockingly saying the same thing over him. Their silhouettes are shown laughing right behind his back before they appear from the smoke.

Asmodeus: You singing love songs in my lustful lounge? 

Fizzarolli: Ozzie's ain't the place for sentimental sounds!

Asmodeus: What'd you expect from a proprietor like us?

Fizzarolli: Your demon hostess, Asmodeus, the embodiment of lu-u-u-u-u-ust!

Asmodeus: Give me a thrust.

Fizzarolli trumpets

Asmodeus: You show me some lust.

Fizzarolli trumpets

Asmodeus: From the groin to the bust, in desire we trust, in the House of Asmodeus.

Fizzarolli: Trumpet! Hah!

Asmodeus: Little Imp, you came here to sing your serenades 

Asmodeus: Perform your feelings on a velvety stages 

Asmodeus: Well, we got a saying that's popular in these parts.

Fizzarolli: Only little bitches strum the strings of their hearts!

Asmodeus: You wanna hang around this lustful town?

Asmodeus: Ditch the lovey-dovey before we knock you arounds

Asmodeus: Here we sing about wants and desires.

Fizzarolli: Depravity, savagery, loins hotter than fire!

Asmodeus: So give me a thrust !

Asmodeus: Show me some lu-u-u-u-ust.

Asmodeus: From the groin to the bust, Little Imp, you just must.

Asmodeus: In the House of Asmodeus

Asmodeus: Come on, sing us a so-o-o-o-ong! 

Asmodeus goes to a stripper pole and dances around it while Fizzarolli throws money on him.

Asmodeus:  Make sure the subject is getting it on.

Asmodeus: Make it graphic and tactfully long .

Fizzarolli: Be sure to rhyme "thong" and "schlong"! 

Asmodeus: Go ahead, the mic's on.

Asmodeus gives Moxxie back his guitar and pushes the mic over to him while Fizzarolli stood next to them.

Moxxie: I want to... 

Fizzarolli: Yeah, what do you want? Butt stuff? Piss play? Bondage?

Moxxie: Make gentle love to you.

Asmodeus and Fizzarolli were not pleased with the response Moxxie gave and looks down on him.

Asmodeus: Ugh! What a limp-dick imp, you're really killing the vibes.

Asmodeus: Get a load of this dweeb and his unsatisfied bride!!

The audience make fun of Moxxie, until the song is interrupted by Blitzo.

Blitzo: Hey now, l've watched those two pork many times.

Moxxie is surprised to find Blitzo here.

Moxxie: What?! Blitzo?!

Blitzo: And honestly, they make missionary look relatively exciting.

Moxxie and Y/n had a disgusted look on their faces. Fizzarolli pops in.

Fizzarolli: That Blitzo? So you're showing your face?! 

Fizzarolli: Hey, everybody! This guy's a total disgrace!

Fizzarolli: Some nerve you've got to comment on a relationships

Fizzarolli: Last I checked, your love life is a pile of shit! 

Verosika appear behind the two with the spotlight on them. Y/n look back at her empty seat before looking back at her with a betrayed look.

Verosika: Oh, Blitzo?

Verosika: I used to date him 

Spectators: date him, date him! 

Blitzo: Oh, Verosika, you're here.

Verosika: l'd stroke and I'd fellate him. 

Spectators: fellate him, fellate him!

On top of the betrayal, Y/n was disgusted as he didn't like hearing about how her and blitzo acted in bed. (Yeah kinda uncomfortable, hearing your partner talking about their past sexual experiences.)

Verosika: Yeah, but when it was my turn.

Spectators: my turn, my turn!

Verosika: He did no reciprocatin' 

Spectators: what a dick bag!

Verosika: A selfish imp in the sheets.

Verosika backs Blitzo against the wall.

Verosika: And just as bad in the streets.

Verosika: A reckless, heartbreaking freak!

Y/n looked at her in anger and disappointment as she returned to their table. A look she failed to notice, as she smirked at how she had humiliated blitzo.

Asmodeus: And who's that at the table? Is your date a demon prince?

Fizzarolli gets a closer look at Stolas.

Asmodeus: Stolas, is that you?

Wally Wackford: Are you sleepin' with an Imp?!

Asmodeus: Wooo! My dark lord, how the mighty do fall. 

Asmodeus: You used to have a smoking wife, a kid you had it all 

Illusions of Octavia and Stella appear before him glaring at him, until they walk away and disappear, leaving only Blitzo in front of him.

Asmodeus: l hope you didn't give it up, so you and him could get it on.

Stolas and Blitzo look away from each other in shame.

Asmodeus: You sold your life for a thrust!

Asmodeus: Now that's the spirit of lu-u-u-ust!

Asmodeus: Grab your groin or a bust

Asmodeus: Prepare to get your hair mussed

Asmodeus: Pretend you don't see that crust.

Asmodeus: Hump 'til your junk turns to dust!

Fizzarolli/Asmodeus: In the House of Asmode-e-e-e--

Millie interrupts the verse by smacking Fizzarolli with Moxxie's guitar.

Asmodeus: Hey!

Millie: I think you were trying to sing something for me, Mox.

Millie hands Moxxie back his guitar.

Moxxie: Yeah, I was.

Moxxie strums his guitar once more.

Moxxie: l love us.

Moxxie: l love us just the way we are.

Asmodeus tends to a knocked out Fizzarolli.

Moxxie: Don't have to pretend to like to do things we don't.

A backstage Imp looks at this with boredom, but accidentally pulls one of the levers, lifting Moxxie and Millie up.

Moxxie: l've always got you around to laugh at my stupid jokes.

Moxxie: I'll never take you for granted.

Moxxie: I'll always give you my best.

Moxxie: And if you can offer the same thing.

Moxxie: We'll handle the rest.

Moxxie: 'Cause I love us.

Asmodeus and Fizzarolli share a cuddle and Y/N sits next to Verosika with a disappointed look.

Moxxie: Cause I love you.

Moxxie and Millie lean in for a passionate kiss. The audience applauds.

Stolas looks at Blitzo who seems humiliated. He reaches his hand towards his to comfort him, but Blitzo pulls his hand away from Stolas.

Blitzo: You know what? This was a mistake. Alright, let's just - let's just leave.

Stolas: Oh. Right. Of course.

Y/N sees Blitzo and Stolas leave the building and feels bad for them. Verosika then gets up.

Verosika: Come on babe. Lets go home.

Y/n: ...

Without a word from Y/n, they step outside and get into a limo to take them home, and while Verosika was still happy with what she did, she was still oblivious of how her boyfriend felt and how strained their relationship was about to become.

Moxxie and Millie were still sharing a kiss, while Fizzarolli, with an unimpressed face, and Asmodeus watch in on them.

Asmodeus: Aw...ain't that just such a happy display? It sickens me! *demonic voice* GET THE FUCK OUT!

Cut to the outside of Stolas's castle, Blitzo drives Stolas back to his place, who bumps his head getting out of the van.

Stolas: Thank you, for...inviting me out tonight. Despite everything that's happened, I...I enjoyed spending time with you.

Blitzo: Yeah.

Stolas: You know, I have some more wine in the house. Octavia's with her mother this weekend, so we could-

Blitzo: I'm not fucking you tonight, okay? I'm really just *sighs* I'm really not in the mood, stolas.

Stolas: We could talk, or... watch a movie, or... maybe cuddle?

Blitzo: Stolas, don't act like what we have is anything but you wanting me to fuck you, okay? You make that really clear all the time.  But I just, I-l can't do it tonight, okay? I'm sorry.

Stolas: Okay. *sighs* Goodnight, Blitzo.

Blitzo: Night.

Blitzo drives away from the castle, leaving Stolas all by himself, shedding a tear, and sitting in front of his staircase, feeling some form of regret.

Blitzo arrives back at his apartment. His shadow is seen past a wall of various photos of his coworkers. Blitzo is scribbled out in all of the photos he is in. He attempts to knock on Loona's door, despite the warning signs, and finds a note taped on the door that says, "Tex invited me to a party, B back late, Don't wait up!" Blitzo, disappointed again, slumps onto his couch, pulls out his phone, and looks at various photos of himself. 

He comes across a picture of him and Stolas cuddling, swipes to a picture of him drinking bubble tea with Moxxie and Millie, then swipes to a photo of him with Moxxie joining I.M.P., swiping to a photo to when he first adopted Loona, then swipes to a photo with him and Verosika, then swipes to the picture of him and a younger Y/n holding a card saying "Best uncle". Eventually, he swipes to photos of his younger self with a younger Fizzarolli. And finally, Blitzo stops scrolling when he gets to a photo with him and his sister and mother. This causes him to curl up and cry into a pillow.

[Verosika's Apartment]

Verosika enters her front ecstatic after what she's done, followed by Y/n who had an unpleased look on his face.

Verosika: Oh, that was great! The way he looked was priceless.

Y/n didn't say anything, he simply started to take his suit off and put on his casual clothes.

Verosika: I mean, I was just wonderful that he finally got what he deserved.

Now finished with his clothes, Verosika finally took notice of his silence.

Verosika: Are you okay, you've been silent for a while. Is something wrong?

Y/n still didn't say anything, he just grabbed his car keys and started making his way towards to door, making Verosika concerned.

Verosika: Hey! W-where are you going?

Y/n stopped but didn't turn to face her.

Y/n: I'm going to go see Blitz. He's probably feeling awful after what happened, after what you did.

Verosika didn't like what she heard.

Verosika: After what I did?!

Y/n: You humiliated him in front of dozens of people. Even though I asked not to start anything with him tonight, but you did it anyways.

Verosika: You asked me not to start a fight with him! And I didn't! I simply got back at him for what he did.

Verosika was now infuriated at how Y/n was still defending Blitzo. After she found out Blitzo was Y/n's uncle, her hatred for Blitzo grew. In her eyes, Blitzo was a burden that held Y/n back, A burden he didn't need to have anymore now that he had her. Blitzo gave him a home and a job, but she give him a better home and a car, and he didn't need a job since her career as a singer was successful enough to give them a wonderful life together, and she could make him happy in ways Blitzo couldn't even consider. She just couldn't understand why Y/n keep choosing to stick with Blitz.

Verosika: WHY?! Why always stick with him?! Why can't you just accept that he's just a burden?! Why do you always defend him?!

Y/n finally snaps back around at her, the rage and tears in his eyes were now easy for Verosika to see as he yelled at her.


The pain and anger in his voice were obvious. Verosika was shocked by his sudden outburst, and she finally realized what was happening.


Y/n came to a sudden halt at the memory of his late grandmother, truly the only person in his life who never did any wrong by him. 

Verosika decided to finally speak after his sudden silence, but her voice lacked her usual confidence and was filled with submission and regret.

Verosika: L-Look, I sorry. But you know what he did to me, how he hurt me. I-I can't just forgive him!

Y/n: I never asked for you to forgive him. I was fine with you hating him, I was just hoping you'd be mature about it.

Verosika: I... I-

Y/n: You know, I really thought you loved me more than you hated him. I guess I was wrong.

Verosika: No! No! That's not-

Y/n: I think we need some space.

Hearing those words, made Verosika have the most horrified look possible and her heart began to ache like never before.

Verosika: W-What? A-are you saying that we should break up.

Y/n: No, I'm not.

He grabs her trembling hands and their tear filled eyes met.

Y/n: I just think some time apart from each other will do us some good. I need space to think about what happened... about us, and Blitz needs me right now. So no, we're not breaking up.

Verosika's now had a bit of hope, knowing that they weren't breaking up, She tried to give a smile telling him she agrees, but the fear and heart ache was still obvious in her face. 

Verosika: ...Okay...

She tried to lean in kiss him, but he turned and walked away before she could, causing her to lose her desperate and fragile smile. She wanted to reach out to him and stop him, but she couldn't find the courage to do so.

Verosika: You'll text me, right?

Y/n stopped at he sudden question, but his back was still to her.

Verosika: So I know you're okay?

Y/n: ...sure.

As he started walking again and was at the door.

Verosika: I love you.

Y/n: I... I love you too.

Y/n stepped out the door, and after a few seconds, Verosika could hear his car start up and drive off. It was then she notice something about the suit Y/n wore tonight. She dug through the pocket and pull out a small box.

She opened the box and was shocked to find a ring. She now realized that Y/n was going to ask her to marry him. But that might not happen now, all because of her pettiness. Instead of humiliating her ex, If she had just stayed by her loves side, she would be his fiancé and he would be hers. But now their relationship was in danger.

Suddenly her from door opened and her posse entered.

Kiki: Hey girl, we came to check on you.

Milky: You really gave it to that guy!

One of the guys took notice of Y/n's absence.

Josh: Hey, where's that boy toy of yours.

Ace: Now that you mention it, yeah where is he, we saw he was with you when you left Ozzie's

They've yet to notice the tears in her eyes but they did notice the box she was holding and the ring in it.

Apple: Oh my! Is that a engagement ring?!

Coco: Did he finally propose?!

Verosika: ...

Kat: Verosika?

Verosika gently closed the box and set it down, before turning to them. They were shock to see her in tears. She then reached up and gripped her hair.

Verosika: I FUCKED UP SO BAD!!!

Back at Blitzo's apartment. Y/n entered using his spare key. He entered the living room where he found Blitz on the couch.

Y/n: Hey blitz.

Blitz leap up, shocked by Y/n's appearance.

Blitzo: Y/n! What- What are you doing here?

Y/n: I came to check on you.

Blitzo: Wha- Why?

Y/n: You never turned your back on me, so I'm not gonna turn mine on you.

Blitzo: And what about Verosika?

Y/n: *sighs* After what happened tonight, I'm not really talking to her at the moment.

Blitzo was actually surprised by this.

Y/n: Hey, how about I grab us some ice cream and watch some stupid shit on TV.

Blitz gain a small smile before giving a nod. Y/n smiled back before going to grab some ice cream from the freezer. When he came back, he gave Blitz a tub and sat down as Blitz turned the TV on.

Blitzo: Thank you. For being here.

Y/n: Of course, any time you need me, I'll be there.


Phew, finally done, and at exactly 5000 words. 

I bet a lot of thought Y/n was going to purpose this chapter. A lot of authors like to put their characters in perfect relationships where they do everything right and nothing goes wrong, well sorry, but that's not how relationships work. Each relationship has it's ups and downs, and sometimes people fuck up, but the strongest relationships are usually the ones that are able to survive these challenges. That's the kind of relationship I want Y/n and Verosika to have. They aren't going to break up, but they are going to have strained moments. They'll be able to mend this wound, but it won't be for a while.

Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for the next chapter, the season finale.

Until then here's a meme.

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