To The Ends of The Universe (...

By Silverdawn284

631 118 1.1K

"When just being alive makes you a target, you learn to keep your head low." Being a nurse in an ER clinic, E... More

Chapter 2: The Gray Eyed Man
Chapter 3: The Truth
Chapter 4: Lyria
Chapter 5: The Council
Chapter 6: The Journey
Chapter 7: Crash Landing
Chapter 8: Lumanora
Chapter 9: The Plan
Chapter 10: The Cave
Chapter 11: The Hybrids
Chapter 12: Hybrid 393
Chapter 13: Aecor
Chapter 14: Disaster
Chapter 15: The Plesiosaur
Chapter 16: Break In
Chapter 17: The Final Battle
Chapter 18: The Aftermath
Epilogue: The Wedding

Chapter 1: A Midnight Meeting

155 24 225
By Silverdawn284

"Are you sure you don't want me to call an uber?" Loreen glanced out the window. The afternoon sun had long set behind the horizon. Like paint, stars flickered across the sky. "You never know what's lurking out there."

"And that's why I have my taser and pepper spray." Eileen's arms slipped through her backpack. "Plus I have my emergency kit."

She turned to her mentor. Her smile earned an eye roll from the older woman. "You and your emergency kit." Her voice softened. "When are you actually going to use that thing?"

Eileen shrugged her shoulders. To Loreen, one of the senior nurses, Eileen had arrived at the hospital 'bright eyes and bushy tail". Just like the other interns, she was a mess of excitement and fears. Now, two months in, being in an actual clinic was nothing the books and tests could prepare you for.

Still, it doesn't hurt to have a backup plan.

"And I'm going to take the park path." She started toward the door. "It's always lit up, remember?"


"Call you when I get home!" Eileen called over her shoulders. The doors slid shut. The wind rustled, brushing against her ebony skin. Shivering, she rubbed the goosebumps on her arms. I better hurry home, before I freeze outside. The January winter wasn't nice to anyone that dared to linger outside too long. Already, she had to reattach a few frostbitten fingers.

Silver stars glowed down at her. Her steps, and the occasional passing car, were the only sounds in the small town silence. Releasing a warm breath, she watched the cloud float up into the air. As she reached the park's metal arch, the night's light cast the name Birchville Park in shadows under her feet.

Despite Loreen's worries, this path remained the quickest and safest way for her to cut through the city and reach her apartment in record time. Still, as she stepped through the metal gates, her frown deepened. Something There seemed to be a shift, a kind of electricity in the air.

It was the same feeling when the patient's symptoms didn't match the doctor's diagnosis. She hesitated.

A good nurse always goes with her gut. That was the first thing Loreen told her. Your job is to speak up for patients who can't speak for themselves. Winds rustled through the park's trees. Alright, Eileen, you're just going through the park. Her hands rubbed her arms. You've done this plenty of times. Her eyes flickered around. Shadows shifted and grew.

Snap. "Hello?" She paused. "Is someone there?" Snap. Her heart leapt into her throat. "I have pepper spray, and I'm not afraid to use it!" Her hands scrambled for her backpack. A stillness settled around her.

Snap. A figure staggered onto the path. Their body collided with a streetlight, barely standing. As if sensing her present, his head turned. A dark streak of blood dripped down the man's face. Two eyes, one deep gray and the other a deep emerald, glowed with such intensity she couldn't look away.

Heterochromia. She took a step closer. A rare condition where a person has two different colored eyes.

"Stay back!" The panic voice snapped through her daze. The stranger's eyes flickered around their surroundings. His legs buckled, ready to run.

"Wait." She held up her hands. "I'm not going to hurt you."

Narrow eyes snapped back to her. She stepped forward, only for him to step back. His jaw clenched. Think Eileen, think. You need to get him to trust you. Her gaze took in the stranger's thin frame.

"Are you hungry?" She threw her backpack off her shoulders. All that remained of her lunch was a single mango fruit cup filled with slices, which the stranger regarded as if it was a hoard of precious treasure. "You can have it if you want."

Eyes remained fixated on the cup as he took a step closer. She didn't move as the distance closed.

The stranger had to be at least six feet and yet, he acted as if she was the intimidating one. Shaky hands snatch the cup. He staggered back. Ripping it open, he lifted the liquid gold to his lips and gulped it down.

By the time the cup was licked clean, Eileen had her emergency kit ready and prepped. "Let me look at your cut." He watched her warily. "I'm not going to hurt you." A bandage reached up, dabbing at the blood that dripped down his face. He flinched at her touch, before his body relaxed. What happened to you?

"We should get you to a hospital."

"No." He staggered back. An unknown accent lingered behind his words. "No, hospital."

Eileen threw her hands up. "Hey, it's alright." Alright, so no hospital. She bit her lip. Unfortunately, all the shelters will be closed by now. "Do you have any family or friends?"

The man's jaw clenched. Shaking his head, he released a tired sigh. "No, I have no family members. I have no one."

I have no one. Her heart ached. I know what it's like to be alone. Another cold wind whipped through. At his shudder, it was then she noticed the tears and slashes in his clothes. Could he have been attacked? Her lips pressed. But why?

There was one thing she knew though. She couldn't leave him alone in the cold like this. "Then—" I really hope I don't regret this. "—you can stay with me for the night."

His head whipped toward her. Eyes stared at her as if she had grown another head. "Really? You don't even know me?"

True. She folded her arms. "Are you going to murder me?"

He snorted. "If I wanted to murder you, I would have done that already."

"Wow, that's very reassuring," she replied dryly. The man chuckled at that. The last of the tension left his body.

Releasing a sigh, he turned to her. "Thanks, I'm seriously grateful."

Her eyes searched his face. Somehow, she knew he was one hundred percent sincere. "Yeah, well I would hope so." She cleared her throat. Focus Eileen, don't get flustered over a stranger!

Suddenly, a yawn left his lips. He looked close to falling asleep right then and there.

"What are you doing out this late anyways?" He questioned.

"I just got off my shift."

"Shift?" He tilted his head. "You work till dark?" He frowned. "Is that safe?"

Not really. She looked over him. You could run into bleeding strangers. "This path is usually safe." Keyword usually. She sighed. "Come on, we should be going."

Loreen is going to kill me.

She glanced over her shoulder. He was still right behind her. His gaze flickered around the park before they landed on her again. At his head tilt, she turned back ahead. "What are you staring at?"


"Nothing," she lied. "Do you have a name at least?"

"Ursus," he remarked.

She faltered. "Like the bear?"



His eyes narrowed. "Are you alright there? Maybe you should see a hospital."

Licking her lips, she turned back ahead. "I am perfectly fine." The shadows shifted over them as they continued their way through the park.

Reaching the other side and out the gate, it wasn't long before she approached a studio style apartment. Opening the door, she sidestepped. "You'll be sleeping on the couch."

Eyes looked around her modern decorated apartment with awe. "It's nice."

"Thanks." She watched him step into the room. She closed the door behind her. "Well then, I just relax." She stepped toward her bedroom. "I'm going to make a call real quick." As soon as the door shut behind her, she was speed dialing. Pick up! Pick up!


"Hey Loreen, I made it home." Eileen bit her lip. As the silence fell across the line, she swallowed.

"Why do I feel like there's a giant but statement coming?"

"But I also let a stranger into my home."

The silence grew. Eileen grimace. The longer Loreen took to speak, the longer and harsher Eileen's lecture would be.


The words spilled from her lips like butter. By the time she finished, Loreen was deathly quiet. "Before you say anything!" Eileen countered. "I'm locking my door and he's getting a place tomorrow. This is just for tonight. He'll be in the shelter first thing tomorrow morning."

"Because that totally makes everything ok!" Loreen snapped. "Eileen, have you lost your mind!"


"Seriously, what was going through your mind when you invited him in?"

She swallowed. I wouldn't want to be alone either. "I don't know." She sighed. "But I know the risks, ok?"

"No, I don't think you do!"

"Loreen, please." Her grip tightened. "I'll sleep with a knife if I have to, but he's staying for the night."

Silence across the other line. A sigh. "Fine, but we're going to have a five hour lecture on why we don't bring strangers home tomorrow!"

Ugh. Eileen rolled her eyes. "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow." She hung up. Well that went better than I expected. At least Loreen wasn't steam rolling to her apartment and breaking down the door.

Still, her eyes flickered to her bedroom door. Grabbing the handle, she pushed the door open. Easing into the living room, she paused. He was passed out on the couch. A small snore left his lips as drool dripped down his chin.


She glanced toward her kitchen. Pulling the drawer open, she grabbed a knife. Just in case. She glanced back at the sleeping stranger. Need to stay safe and he'll be gone tomorrow. The thought reassured her. It's not like he's going to stay in my life.

Oh, how wrong she was. 

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