New War In A New World(Allies...

By ShadowKong1

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In 1942, the war in Africa is still raging on with both side fight to the dead. The war have been going on fo... More

Announcement By The Author
Message to tell for everyone by Me
Prologue (Part 1)
Prologue (Part 2)
Chapter 1: First Contact of Axis and Allies
Chapter 2: Discussion and Arrived at Qua-Toyne
Chapter 3: Discussion of diplomat and watching the strength of Allied Military
Chapter 4:A Battle of the Fleet of Unknown Origin
Chapter 5: Trip To Kingdom Of Quila
Chapter 6: Prelude Of War Is Near
Chapter 7: Defenses Preparation And Attacking The Air Scout
Chapter 8: Convoy Prepare To Join In And Elven Refuge Rescues
Chapter 9: Battle For Gim
Chapter 10: Naval Battle In Rodenius Sea
Chapter 11: The Aftermath Of Both Battles
Chapter 12: Surprise Attack On Jin-Hoag, Lourian Port
Chapter 13: Fall Of The Kingdom
Intermission 1: Air Scouting And Undercover Spy Mission.
Chapter 14: Negotiations And The Battle Of Revival Démon Army
Chapter 15: Demons Return
Intermission 2: Past Artifact Discover And Discussion Of Empire And Union
Intermission 3: Unknown Spy From Unknown Country
Chapter 16: Démon Aid Decline And Fenn Parade Show
Chapter 17: The Fleet Confrontation
Chapter 19: Troop Arrival At Topa Kingdom
Chapter 20: Discuss The Beginning Of The Operation
Chapter 21: Operation: Démon Strike Commence
Chapter 22: The Battle Of Demon And Retaking The Minaisa District
Chapter 23: The Final Battle And The Fall Of Demon Lord
Chapter 24: The Invasion Of Altaras Kingdom
Chapter 25: Battle Of Le Baile Plains And Fallen Of Altaras Kingdom
Chapter 26: Princess Escape And Been Saved
Chapter 27: Altaras Arriving And Staying At United States Of America
Chapter 28: Great Eastern Countries Conference
Chapter 29: Arrival In Another Machine Civilization
Chapter 30: Touring, Staying And Ancient History Of Muan
Chapter 31: Palpadian Imperial Conference
Chapter 32: The Beginning Of The Rising Tension
Chapter 33: Battle Of Nishinomiyako Town
Intermission 4: Qua-Toyne Advancement, Reporting Of Aftermath
Chapter 34: Interlude Of Nations Affairs And Press Conference
Chapter 35: Preparation For War
Chapter 36: The Day Of The Glorified Empire Will Face
Chapter 37: Great Naval Battle Of Philades Sea
Chapter 38: Defense Of Nishinomiyako Town Have Fallen
Chapter 39: Alliance Strike Back

Chapter 18: Sea Battle Near Coast Of Fenn

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By ShadowKong1

Date: 4 January 1946/1646

As the Palpadian Fleet was Getting closer to The Japanese, American and British with their Cannon at Ready.

Captain: This..... I wonder which nation have this type of Metal ship in Third Civilization? No matter what it is, that Ship will Go down like the Fenn Fleet.

Since the Palpadian Fleet have encounter a Ship that was From Alliance. The Ship was from Japanese Destroyer that was on Recon mission for Possible threat that is Approach to Fenn.

From the Palpadian View, The Unknown ship to them was just sitting Idle on the Calm sea until it turn Starboard and the Palpadian Fleet was Getting ready to attack until it turn full on back and from the look of it, The Unknown Ship headed back to the Direction of Fenn Kingdom.

Poquetoire: You know?

Captain: Oh, Admiral Poquetoire, I didn't expect to see you coming here.

Poquetoire: Well, I do see that weird ship that was head back to the Fenn Kingdom. Perhaps, That a Nation was invite to the Parade?

Captain: It could be?

Poquetoire: The question is, What nation that have possess a Ship like that? The only nation that come in mind was From Holy Milishial Empire and Kingdom of Mu. Those both nation have a Ship like this.....

Captain: You think they were just invite to the parade to show their power or..... That Fenn have invite them because of the Safe Security of the their Nation?

Poquetoire: I couldn't tell yet, But, For some reason, the Ship is too Similar to Kingdom of Mu of their Ship.... But at the Same time it was Different from the look of it.

Captain: Then, The Plan still the Same?

Poquetoire: Yes, the Plan is still the Same. Follow the Plan and our Victory will be achieved! We will show the Fenn, Who they messing with. With other Nation that participant the Parade.

Captain: Well, We actually getting closer to the Port of Fenn.

The Admiral then the spyglass and look at the Dictance as the Port is on the View. But, He seen something that was out of ordinary.

Poquetoire: Yes, I see the Port is coming into.... View? What the hell?

Captain: What is it, Admiral?

Poquetoire: is there.... Any Superpower that have Participated in the Parade?

Captain: From, What I hear at the Naval Commissioner Office. They have not given known of the Information. So, There is no any Superpower that have went to the Parade.

Poquetoire: That strange....., Because, I saw a Ship that look having a Paint gray on it..... It should be that Ship was made out of Metal.

Captain: Metal!? The Naval Commission didn't tell anything related to Metal Ship that will be there.

Poquetoire: Seem like, the Naval Commission have not inspect Fully of the Fleet.

Captain: Are we going to fight them?

Poquetoire: Yes, We going to Fight them, Well, Let show them, What happen if they ever defying the our Emperor Proposal. Head up, Ready the Cannon!

Captain: We made this Fight Fast. The Barbarian Ship will not stand for long.

Poquetoire: Yes, Let show them the True Superpower!

As they are getting closer, Then, A Few of Destroyer and the Cruiser come from Behind as it turn Broadside with all of the Armament point at the Incoming Palpadian Fleet.

-A few Minutes before the Battle Begin-

[HMS Belfast]

On the Bridge of HMS Belfast, The Captain look at the Palpadian Fleet that is Getting closer every Minute. Seeing the Fleet is Prepared for an Attack against the Alliance Fleet.

Captain: So, What the Situation about those Palpadian Fleet?

Radar Operator: Seem like the Palpadian Fleet is Moving Closer to our Fleet.

Captain: How many in Number of those Palpadian Fleet have?

Rader Operator: I have count approximately 18 Fleet.

Captain: 18...... Bloody hell, I need everyone on Alert for the Possible Attack. Our first Priority is to Protect the Carrier and We have to Wait until the Repair on USS Enterprise have finish their Job. Main Gun on Standby!

Spotter Crew: Captain! The Enemy are within our View!

The Captain then take his Binocular and look through it. He Saw the Enemy Fleet, But He Saw Something that look to be Unordinary for Him and Having a Nostalgia about the Fleet.

Captain: Is that..... What the Bloody Hell? Is That Ship Look Like Ship of the Line? Man, This Empire Nation have Something Similar.

-Back at Palpadian Fleet-

Poquetoire: Hm.... What a Strange Ship..... This look.... like the Ship that was From Mu.

Captain: is it? I never seen such ship in my Life. Heck, I didn't even went to Mu to see the Ship myself.

Poquetoire: But, The Design..... Is Strange indeed. The Design that having Steel on the Ship..... But, Having a Very Weird Design for the Ship that was From Mu.

Captain: Then, What shall we do now?

Poquetoire: Our First Attack is to take down that Weird Ship. For a Scale that is Out of Our mind.

Captain: Then, We attack those Steel Ship.

Poquetoire: Yes, We attack..... However, We can do by Ramming it and Board the Ship and take the Ship for ourself.

Captain: Then, We have those Weird Ship in our Navy, That could also boost our Navy! We can Par with the Other Civilized Nation too!

Poquetoire: Yes! Approach it, using the 'Tear of the Wind God' and get close so we can Board it.

Captain: B-But Sir, Don't you think we be Cautious around those Weird Ship? And We already getting Closer and have Start To Fire upon the S-Ship!?

As the Captain have tried to warn, The Whole 18 of the Ship Excluding The Wyvern Carrier that Stay Behind just to Prepare it Wyvern when it was Urgent. That made 14 Ship of the Line with Cannon on Ready. The Ships All start to Show it Broadside of the Cannon as it aim at Two Japanese Destroyer. With Hundred of Cannon Fring upon the Two Destroyer with all the Shot Fires. The Cannon Fire that Been Fire by Palpadian Fleet was Zooming Across The Sea as..... The Cannon Hit the Water with Multiple Splashed of Water Risen. The Cannon Fire all Miss as The Japanese Begin to See the Ship of the Line have all turn to Broadside and Ready to fire.

The Japanese Ships Seen the Threat and Begin to turn the Engine on and The Cannon have Fires as the Japanese Ship Manage to Escape the Cannon Barrage Attack as Some Have already hit the Hull of the Ship but only Leave Dent Mark on the Hull. With no little Effect on the Ship, The Japanese have to be Careful as The Japanese Ships Having it Deck in Wooden Plank.

The Cannon Fires that was Miss have leave the Palpadian Sailor and it Admiral and Captain shock. The Japanese Ship Begin to Accelerate and Prepare it Main Cannon Aiming at the Palpadian Fleet Same go for the British Cruiser and Another Japanese Destroyer.

For the Carrier, They just Staying on the Back, Doing nothing while Leaving the Main Vanguard in Charge of the Attack. The IJN Kaga just sitting idle and Only Sending the Aircraft when the Battle get Desperate. Since they are fighting one of the Superpower according to Fenn Official, They still have to be Careful for any Possible Attack by them or Mostly a Counter Attack that could Leave in Disaster.

Back on Palpadian Fleet, The Admiral and Captain are shock by the Speed of the Japanese Destroyers that Accelerate toward 30 knot and Avoid another Attack from Palpadian Barrage Cannon Attack.

Poquetoire: H-How....? I never seen such Speed.... How can a Massive Ship go that Fast!?

Captain: I d-don't know, the Ships Is on the move now and out of the Range of Cannon attack. It S-Speed. It going Faster than one of our Ironclad.....

At One of the Japanese Ship, On the Bridge, The Japanese Captain was Looking at the Palpadian Fleet and Thought that it time to Show the Full Power of the Imperial Navy.

Crew: Captain, The Cannon Fire From Palpadian Fleet have missed it Target. With only a Few Have hit our Hull, But, Not Much of the Damage have dealt to the Hull with only Paint Scrap.

Captain: Damn..... Full Steam and Go on Full Attack! Prepare the Main Battery for the Engagement. We Show our Way of the Imperial Navy will do. Take us out of the Range of their Shot.

As the Crews in the Bridge cheer On as they Getting to Work for the Attack. The Two Japanese Destroyer Turn Port Side as The Main Battery and Secondary Battery also in Prepare. The British Cruiser and Another Japanese Destroyer also Prepare it Battery and Aim at the Back that was in front of Palpadian Fleet with the Two Destroyer Start to Move along on the Left Side with it Broadside Battery Slowly Turn on them.

Captain: We take this Fight on them! They will Pay For Attacking our Allies! Destroy those Scum!

Back at Palpadian Fleet, The Fleet Captain, was Looking Shock about the Fast Maneuver Destroyers that Manage to Avoid the Attack and with some Getting it Paint Scrap.

Captain: How a Ship having it Weird Design..... Can outmaneuver Our Cannon!

Poquetoire: Such a Coordinate! Keep the Cannon at Them and hit it!

Captain: Those Ship..... It was Impossible for those ship to manage slip p out of the Range of Cannon fire! Also, With no Sail, How the Hell it go That Faster!

Poquetoire: This is Very bad!

Captain: I have a Bad Feeling about this......

Back at the Three Japanese Destroyer, As they have Sail out of the Palpadian Cannon Fire. At the Command Bridge in IJN Shimakaze as The Captain look through his Binocular and look back at the Second in Commading Officer.

Captain: What do you think? Can we pull this off?

XO: For me, Captain, I think we can pull this off in this Range with Main Battery attack. But, The Casualties won't be Guaranteed for the Enemy. Even, If we Careful, The Shell might hit and Killed the Sailors on the Ship.

Captain: That what I thinking, But, That would lead us another War and The Palpadian will blame us for that.

XO: Even, if We Stand Idle and letting them attack would cause more dead on our Side too.

Captain: I think, We don't have a Choice then. How Reliable..... Then.... Let show them our Imperial Full Power.

XO: At least, We going to take them down as they will be seen as a Threat for the Alliance.

Captain: Make sure, Those Palpadian Ship are not getting close to us, By any mean, Destroy the Target at All Cost. Switch the Shell to High Explosion.

At the Bow of The IJN Shimakaze, The Main Turret of the (12.7cm) Type 3 Dual Purpose Naval Gun on the Bow that Turned Slightly to the Right as it Aiming at the Palpadian Fleet that Number in Six Ship of the Line with Two Wyvern Carrier that Trailing Behind. Even, The Wyvern Carrier is Only Purpose is Sending out Wyvern and Not For Combat, But, The Wyvern Carrier having to Defense if Danger are near with only Fewest Cannon Mounted on the Bottom Deck on Both side. The Two of the Japanese Destroyer that Coming on Both Left and Right Rear Side.

As the Two Destroyer having all Main Gun Aiming at the Palpadian Fleet that is Now Sitting Idle at the Sea. The Fleet was Been Surrounded by Three Destroyer on all Side. As the Turret now Turn Upon the 8 Palpadian Fleet with the Intent of Destroy after their Unintentionally Attack on One Of The Japanese Destroyer As They also Sending their Wyverns after Been Identified as Palpadian Wyvern toward American Carrier with their unsuccessful Attack on The American Carrier but only Causing some Minor but Major Damage on Engine Of USS Enterprise. But, It still can Be repaired as it need time to repair to Fully Functional.

Before the Battle Begun, A Message were sent to HQ in Glasgow, UK. The Message was sent to Higher Ups as They have A Go Ahead to Destroy if they Attack Back, But, The Enemy Fleet have Begun it Attack and As an Act of Self Defense, All Weapon are a Go Ahead to Destroy Them or Just leave them Vulnerable to Attack and Let them Return with their Fleet that Almost Got Destroy.

They is Also having a Meeting at the Same Time Of the Battle Have begun. All the 7 Nation known that this Might come but Still have to Be Cautious for the Action that have happen at the Sea Battle. Going into Negotiations with the Palpadian Empire won't be as easy as Their First Diplomat Mission after the Incident was Occur. Knowing of the Arrogant Of the Palpadian, Will also having a Problem among the Diplomats Mission that having to accept some demands by them.

Now, We Switch to Scene of IJN Shimakaze Main Gun that is Facing toward the Palpadian Fleet. A Loud Voice Speak Out of The Begun of their Side to Attack.

Captain: Main Battery! Engage Attack on the Ship of the Line! Fire at Will!

The Destroyer start it Attack with Battery after Battery of Shell that Pounded the Palpadian Fleet. On the side of The Palpadian Fleet, Poquetoire and The Captain Looking in Curiosity on the Weird Ship same go for the Crew of the Ship. Suddenly, They Saw a Sudden Flash and What look like A Explosion from their Perspective.

Captain: Did they just Explode....

Poquetoire: Don't think so.....

Poquetoire having a Sudden Dread Feeling that Crawling on his Back. Like a Bad Feeling that was about to Happen. On Cue, A Sudden Explode that Destroy one of his Ship into a Piece of Wooden Junk. A Shell that having to Direct Hit on The Wooden Deck and Go Through The Wooden Deck as The Shell Detonated. Which also Cause a Huge Explosion on the Ship as Wooden Debris Flew all over and into the Sea. The Ship now Been Split in Half as Both Of the Half is Slowly Sinking as the Fire was Still Raging on, With the Smoke Rising up.

Crew: Ship of the Line, Paos have been sunk!

A Shell hit on the Stern Side, Which Rip the Stern Part of the Deck and the Shell hit on the Side of the Ship into the Sea as it Detonated, Which a Huge Column of Water Rise up. And Another Shell hit on The Mast that Directly made the Mast to Cut off and Slowly Fall Over to the Port before another Shell made a Direct Hit on the Deck before Going through and in the Bottom Deck as The Shell Detonated. The Ship also Having the Same Fate with the Other Ship as it Slowly Sinking below the Depth. Since, The Japanese Fleet of three Destroyer that is Engaged with The Palpadian Fleet is Using Mostly HE Shell that Could Make a Explosion Large Enough to Sink old and Obselete Ship like the Ship of The Line. It won't Matter as The Shell Structure will easily be Punch through because of the Wooden Structure of the Ship.

Poquetoire: What on earth! Don't tell me those Three Weird ship have Fire From this Distance!

Crew: Ship of the Line, Galias have Sunk. What the Hell! How could this Happen!

On the Deck of Ship of the Line, Galias, The Crew was Seen to Running to get to the Top of the End with other Having to Jump to the Sea.

Crew 1: This is Lamiz.....! The Ship is Sinking!

Crew 2: What in the World is Happening!

Crew 3: Ah......!

The Mast of the Ship that is Tumble down and Slide down and Also Taking some Unfortunate Sailor with it to the Sea below.

Now Left with Four Ship of the Line and Two Wyvern Carrier, The Captain and Admiral are looking at their Ships Been Destroyed and Seen Column of Sea Rising and one of his Wyvern Carrier suddenly Got hit Directly on the Port Side that Cause a Huge Explosion as the Ship Suddenly Capsized toward Port Side as It also taking in the Water that Been Left by the Explosion of The Shell.

Another Ship on his Left also Met with the Same Fate as it was hit on the Bottom Front Bow, Which also Cause it to Split as It slowly Sinking Below the Depth. Now, Left with Four Ship, The Captain now looking at The Admiral for the Answer for anything they can do in this Situation. As he looking at the Japanese Ship that Fire Barrage of Shell on their Position Without any Mercy. Until it was left with Two Ship left, the Destroyer have stop in Onslaught of Attack on the Palpadian Fleet.

Captain: Admiral! What shall we do!? Give an Order and We shall Follow!

Poquetoire: This....? It can't be..... It was Impossible.....

Captain: it seem like they are aiming at us and Intent to Destroy our Fleet.

Poquetoire: It can't be a Coincidence right....? I don't know whta their intention was.... But, One thing for sure is that they Attacking with the Intent of Destroying us.

Then, A Sailor came in and Step on Both Foot together and Salute.

Crew: Reporting Admiral! Half of our Fleet have been sunk and left with Only Two Ship including Our.

Both Admiral and Captain stay Silence of this Battle as They look at the Three Japanese Ship. Knowing of the Design that could be one of the Superpower That Could be Helping this Nation. Why the Empire haven't even take noticed on the Unknown Nation having a Technology that could be on Par with the Second Superpower.

Poquetoire: For such thing to Happen.... Could it be that this is a Dream.....?

Captain: What the Plan now?

Admiral now Knowing the Fate of their Crew If they Returned and be Look upon as A Disappointment to Executed the Plan. Knowing that it might be a Bit Hard to do it by then, And Surrender to the Enemy won't be a Good Idea as they Might do Something to them or Worse. So, He Will Choose to returned and Upon Returned he Will take the Blame for his Self for this Battle.

Poquetoire: Retreat, We cannot Afford to lose the Ship as we now have!

Two of the Ship that Survived the Battle having to Turn Around and Head back to Where they Came From. Both of the Admiral and Captain was looking at the Sea that was Once Their Beautiful Fleet now Crumble and Sunk with the Fire Raging on. As they are slowly Sinking to the Depth, Also with The Crews that Survive the Attack was now Holding on the Wooden Debris that Scattered on the Sea. For Both of them have never have Experienced something like this And having to think it just a Dream.

All of the Eight Ship of Palpadian Oversight Fleet now Reduced to only Two Ship of the Line. With them have been Sunk by the Shell Firing by the Destroyer Main Gun that is Directed on the Palpadian Fleet. Thus, Of the History of this World, The Only battle that have Non Casualties was this Battle now called as 'Fenn Coast Sea Battle Onslaught', It was Given for the Fact that the Japanese Ships Begun it Barrage on the Unsuspecting Palpadian Fleet as they have yet to Experience a Modern type of Ship similar to Japanese Ship and Other of it Allied.

This Also Cause the Neighboring Countries that having to Pledge their Allegiance to Palpadian Empire was Shocked of the Battle that was Unfold in front of them. The Sword King was also Surprised by the Power of the Alliance Naval Power that been Showed. A Battle Like this cannot been seen once as this Also the Time that a Naval Battle Without A Casualties on the Opposite Side. The Sword King also having to Hope that the Negotiations was Follow Accordance with The Alliance. He hope that They will help Fenn in the Future War, In hope to Repel the Palpadian Empire invasion that might Begun in unexpected.

For the Other Neighboring Countries that Attend the Show having Seen the Battle with their own Eyes were shocked by the Aftermath of the Battle. As two Soviet and Japanese Ambassador have received a Message about The Negotiations. It was Say that they have to made Negotiations with the Fenn but, If Other Nations that Attend the Show have show Interest on the Diplomat with the Alliance and if Possible then Make Ties with them. That should also
should Increase their Economy for abit while and Allies Of This world.

In that days forward, the Two Palpadian Ship of the Line have returned to their Jome land with Both having some Internal Damage on some Part. It also the Time that a Conflict will arise and the Power of the Seven Nations will Prepare for any Conflicts that Come in their Ways. The Seven Superpower of their Former World having known that it will be Impossible to Conceal for any Longer as they might get Notice from Other Nation from other Sides. Also, The Days that The Two Ambassador have made ties with many Nation in the Region of Philades.


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