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By 4madsxx

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2.8K 14 114
By 4madsxx

Parings: Aryan x Everyone

W/c: 2,526

Summary: Aryan's fear of thunderstorms is overwhelming, but luckily, his cast mates come to his rescue.

'✵•.¸,✵°✵.。.✰ ✰.。.✵°✵,¸.•✵''✵•.¸,✵°✵.。.✰ ✰.。.✵°✵,¸.•✵'

THESE WERE MEMORIES THEY HELD DEAR - when they were all together, creating unforgettable memories. The Jeffries house was a hub of activity, filled with teenagers who formed the cast of 'Percy Jackson & The Olympians'. Leah's house was renowned for being an incredible hangout spot, thanks to its generous space and exquisite decor. However, the elegance seemed to fade away as the theater room echoed with a cacophony of voices and noises of pure joy. Despite a movie playing on the expansive screen, it was blatantly ignored by the teenagers who were engrossed in everything but watching. Clad in their luxurious silk-satin pajamas, Leah and Dior were fully occupied creating Tik-Toks and immersing themselves in their own little social media universe. No one could really decipher what they were watching, but it certainly evoked uncontrollable laughter from both girls.

The boys were busy devouring all the snacks at the snack bar, but what truly captivated their attention was the newly installed ICEE machine. It showcased a variety of standard flavors, but the boys were too engrossed in creating slushee cups with blended flavors, experimenting to find the most delicious combinations. And the best part? It was all free in the end.

Aryan stood by the faucet, filling his third slushy cup. The vibrant red liquid cascaded into the cup as his fingers gripped the handle. Suddenly, a low rumble echoed through the air, causing Aryan's fingers to loosen their grip. His eyes widened slightly, recognizing the familiar sound. Thunderstorms. A wave of unease washed over him, as it always did. Despite his hopes of outgrowing his fear, it had only intensified over the years, turning into a full-blown phobia. Until now, he had kept this secret fear hidden from the world, only known by his family. But today, that would change.

Aryan could have sworn he started to hear a downpour, yet he found himself amidst a cacophony of sounds that made it difficult to discern. His pulse quickened ever so slightly, heightening his senses. But breaking him out of his reverie was an annoyed voice.

"Walker! You took all the blue!" Charlie's voice filled the room with astonishment as he called out. With a firm grip, he forcefully pressed down on the handle, but alas, only a few measly droplets of the tantalizing blue raspberry flavor found their way into his cup.

"It's really all gone?" Dior's curiosity piqued as she inquired, her interest ignited. Charlie, on the other hand, responded with a frustrated nod, his patience wearing thin.

Meanwhile, Leah rose from her comfortable recliner seat and made her way towards the mesmerizing contraption. With a sense of anticipation, she leaned in closer, tilting her eyes downward to peer into the depths of the azure raspberry reservoir. A wave of disappointment washed over her, causing her to recoil in dismay. "Dang, Walk. That's very unfortunate," she lamented, her voice filled with playful regret.

"Could you get us some more? Blue raspberry hits different when it's midnight," Charlie's eyes, filled with desperation, beseeched for an answer.

The 14-year-old let out a heavy sigh, her voice filled with uncertainty, "I don't know..."

"PLEAAAASSSSSEEEEEE, LEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH," Walker let out a long, exaggerated groan, his legs restlessly fidgeting.

Leah's face lit up with a smile as she reluctantly surrendered, saying, "Fine."

A mischievous grin appeared on Walker's face, but Leah couldn't resist pointing out the obvious, "Look at your teeth!"

Dior stood up and took a look for herself, only to burst into laughter as well. Walker's teeth were stained a vibrant shade of blue. Within moments, the teenagers surrounded him, phones in hand, capturing the hilarious moment. Even Walker couldn't resist joining in on the laughter, using his own phone to see the comical sight for himself.

Aryan yearned to participate. He truly did, yet he was overwhelmed by tension. The moment he made a move, thunder could potentially roar once more, triggering a state of panic within him.

The sound of Leah's voice filled the room as she expressed her thoughts. "Hey, Aryan, can you do me a favor and go tell my mom about getting us another one of those blue raspberry slushy container things? I would do it myself, but the kitchen is, like, on the other side of the house, and then there are the stairs and stuff, so..."

Aryan contemplated refusing, but the mere thought of being bombarded with a barrage of questions deterred him. Besides, it was Leah we were talking about here, declining her request was akin to turning down a million-dollar windfall.

With a forced smile, Aryan reluctantly replied, "Sure." Aryan pivoted and headed towards the exit, leaving behind the lively theater room. He navigated through corridors, pathways, and descended the stairs, eventually arriving at the kitchen. Thankfully, there was no thunder accompanying his journey; it must have been a figment of his imagination. To his delight, Leah's mom was already present, wiping the spacious island.

"Mrs. Jeffries, can we get another one of the blue slushy things, please?" Aryan inquired. Mrs. Jeffries glanced up, offering him a warm smile before making her way to the refrigerator.

Mrs. Jeffries revealed, "I had a feeling that color might fade quickly, so I prepared a backup just in case." With that, she presented an enormous beverage pitcher filled with a vibrant blue liquid. Aryan approached and extended his hands, and Mrs. Jeffries carefully placed it in his palms.

"Thank you, Mrs. J," Aryan expressed his gratitude.

A warm smile spread across Mrs. Jeffries' face as she replied, "You're welcome. If there's anything else you kids need, don't hesitate to find me."

Aryan nodded appreciatively before exiting the kitchen. With each step he took down the corridor, a surge of pride engulfed him. The slushy was safely in his possession, and he believed he had successfully avoided any impending thunderstorm. Little did he know, fate had a different plan in store for him.

The deafening roar of thunder reverberated through the house, shaking Aryan to his core. His body tensed, muscles seizing uncontrollably as the container slipped from his grasp, hurtling through the air before shattering upon impact with the floor. A torrent of blue liquid spilled forth, oozing across the floor in a chaotic dance. Panic gripped Aryan's heart, tightening its hold as he frantically attempted to rectify the mess he had inadvertently created. But before he could even begin to salvage the situation, another crackle of thunder erupted, plunging the room into darkness. The abrupt loss of light sent Aryan crashing to the ground, his body curled protectively around his knees. His heart pounded relentlessly, each beat echoing in his ears like a war drum.

"M-Mrs. Jeffries?" Aryan's voice trembled, but the silence that followed was deafening. Frustration welled within him, fueling his determination to regain composure. Yet, the howling winds outside grew fiercer, and bolts of lightning relentlessly assaulted the windows, foretelling an onslaught of thunder that would surely shatter eardrums. Aryan watched in dismay as his trembling hands betrayed his inner turmoil, his breath quickening with each passing second. The panic attack loomed, an impending storm within his own being. Desperation clawed at his chest as he fought against the rising tide, but it was a battle he was destined to lose. The air grew thin, constricting his lungs like a suffocating grip. Gasping for precious oxygen, tears welled in Aryan's eyes, a testament to his overwhelming fear.

'✵•.¸,✵°✵.。.✰ ✰.。.✵°✵,¸.•✵'

The room suddenly plunged into darkness, causing the teenagers to halt their movements. It wasn't much of a disruption though, as they were all comfortably reclined in their seats, engrossed in the movie playing in front of them. However, the complete absence of light made them pause.

Dior's eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness, and she managed to turn on the flashlight on her phone. Raising it up, she directed the beam towards Leah and asked, "Why wasn't the electric bill paid?"

Leah followed suit and turned on the flashlight on her phone, as did the others. "It was. There must be a storm or something," she replied, trying to make sense of the sudden power outage.

Charlie's eyes scanned the room, his eyebrow raised in concern. "Hey, did you guys realize that Aryan hasn't returned yet?" he questioned, his voice filled with worry.

"Of course. The blue in my diet wouldn't be fading if he was here," Walker chimed in, gazing up at the ceiling nonchalantly.

"He probably got lost in the depths of your house, Leah," Dior teased. Leah playfully rolled her eyes.

"Alright, let's play detectives and find him," exclaimed Charlie, jumping to his feet, and the others joined in.

"Hopefully, he's got my slushee," Walker remarked as they neared the entrance.

"Shut up about the slushee, Walk," Dior interjected. However, this only fueled a heated argument between the two, while Charlie and Leah remained unperturbed.

'✵•.¸,✵°✵.。.✰ ✰.。.✵°✵,¸.•✵'

Aryan's fingertips pressed firmly against the cold floor, his breaths becoming shallower by the second. Beads of sweat formed beneath his thick, luscious curls, while his eyes and nostrils flared with each desperate attempt to inhale. It felt as though his very life force was slipping away. Suddenly, a multitude of dazzling lights illuminated the boy, causing him to squint in their brilliance.

"Hey Aryan, are you alright?" Walker inquired, his gaze brimming with worry while the remaining trio gathered close.

Aryan desperately yearned to express himself, to utter words that would convey his distress. Yet, all that escaped his lips was a feeble, raspy utterance, "I... I can't breathe."

The teenagers' gazes contorted with confusion, until finally comprehending the gravity of the situation.

"He's having a panic attack," Leah declared. Dior stepped forward, gracefully lowering herself in front of the anguished boy. The rest followed suit, just as expected.

"Aryan?" she whispered tenderly. "Can you focus on me? Can you focus on us?" Dior gently implored. Aryan's chest continued to rise and fall heavily, but a serene tranquility emanated from his eyes as they locked with the compassionate gazes of his peers.

"Take slow, deep breaths," Charlie's voice resonated gently. Aryan obediently followed his command, desperately attempting to regain control over his breathing. Each breath escaped his quivering lips, betraying his inner turmoil.

Leah, mirroring his actions, whispered, "In and out," as if sharing the very air with him. But just as they found a rhythm, a deafening crack of thunder shattered the tranquility. Aryan's body tensed, and his chest heaved violently, once again succumbing to the weight of his emotions.

"Aryan, Aryan, calm down. Everything will be alright," Dior pleaded, her hands firmly grasping his arms, shielding him from the harm of his own involuntary movements.

"Just focus on your breathing. It's all fine. We're here with you," Walker's voice cut through the tension, urging Aryan to concentrate on his breath. The words echoed in his mind, providing a lifeline amidst the chaos. With every inhale and exhale, he willed himself to find solace. His eyes fluttered shut, shutting out the world as he desperately sought refuge in his own rhythm. Slowly but surely, his breaths began to harmonize, a symphony of tranquility in the midst of turmoil.

"Almost done," Leah's voice broke through the silence, offering a glimmer of hope. Aryan clung to her words, drawing strength from the promise of an end. Inhaling deeply, he embraced the air, allowing it to cleanse his weary soul. And then, with a sigh that carried the weight of a thousand burdens, he opened his eyes. The tears that had welled up now glistened, reflecting a newfound resilience. His breathing, once erratic, now danced to the rhythm of calm.

"Over," Dior's voice, laced with triumph, pierced the air. Aryan's lips curved into a gentle smile, mirroring the joy that radiated from his companion.

"Do you not like storms or something?" Walker's question pierced the air, laden with curiosity and a hint of disbelief. Aryan, feeling uneasy, shifted his weight, unable to find solace in his response.

"No judgment," Walker emphasized, his voice resonating with sincerity. "Just asking, dude," he added, his words hanging in the air like a gentle breeze.

Aryan let out a heavy sigh, as if the weight of the world had settled upon his shoulders, "I've never been a fan of storms, you know? It's like a full-blown phobia now, not just a simple fear. I mean, come on, I'm 17 already, I should be over this kind of thing but-"

"I get it," Charlie interjected, his words laced with a hint of urgency. "Storms can be really scary."

Aryan's eyes widened in disbelief, his entire being frozen in shock, "Your scared of them too?"

Charlie paused for a moment, contemplating his response. "I wouldn't say scared, but I don't think any of us find them enjoyable," he replied, his words resonating with the others who nodded in agreement.

Dior, empathetic as ever, chimed in, "Having a fear of storms is nothing to be embarrassed about. We all have our own fears, trust me, I have countless."

Walker, with a reassuring tone, added, "Everything will be alright, don't worry."

Aryan's head bobbed with a gentle warmth. In that very moment, a delicate yawn whispered from Leah's vicinity, capturing Walker's attention. He swiftly redirected the beam of his phone's flashlight towards the girl, revealing her weary eyes and her head nestled upon her knees. A mischievous grin played upon his lips as he playfully taunted her, "Aw, looks like this power outage is making someone sleepy, isn't it?," He uttered, gently tucking a strand of her braid behind her shoulder.

Leah raised her head defiantly and unleashed a piercing glare upon him. "Well, at least I won't have to look at your face for a while."

Aryan's laughter erupted uncontrollably, infecting the others with its contagious joy. Walker, however, maintained a stoic expression as he cast a sidelong glance at the girl, who playfully mirrored his gesture.

Gradually, Aryan's laughter subsided into gentle chuckles, and he mustered the words, "Thank you, guys," expressing his gratitude.

Dior's smile radiated warmth as she replied, "Of course. That's what friends-"

"FAMILY. That's what FAMILY is for," Charlie interjected, emphasizing the unbreakable bond between the five teenagers. They shared a tender moment, their smiles intertwining, before Aryan extended his arms. With laughter still lingering in the air, they embraced as a group, their connection palpable.

Suddenly, the lights flickered back on, interrupting their embrace and causing them to slowly disentangle themselves.

"Thank god," Walker sighed, relief evident in his voice, as everyone rose to their feet.

"Shall we head back upstairs?" Dior suggested.

"With some food," Leah chimed in. Dior chuckled softly, nodding in agreement.

As the teenagers made their way towards the kitchen, Aryan's keen eyes caught Walker's footsteps and he swiftly halted him.

"Walker, wait!" he called out, but it was too late. Walker's face contorted in disgust as a squelching sound echoed beneath his foot. He glanced down, only to discover his sock submerged in a pool of blue sludge.

"Ohhhhh, it's your slushy, Walkie," Dior exclaimed, her voice dripping with mock sympathy as she patted Walker's shoulder.

Walker shot her a piercing glare, his lips forming a firm line.

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