Princess of Mardalia

By blackgirlwriter97

1.2K 78 31

~BWWM. WMBW. Interracial. Love Triangle. Historical. Royalty. -Oops I fell in love with my brother's wife...~... More

~*~ Princess of Mardalia: Characters ~*~
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12

Chapter 11

47 3 1
By blackgirlwriter97

Aisha looked to Atticus for comfort and was relieved to find his kind eyes ready for her worried ones.

"We've got this," he smiled.

He departed the carriage and turned to give her his hand.

"Welcoming Prince Atticus and his betrothed, Princess Aisha Zenzalee Adamako!"

She took his hand and slowly stepped out of the carriage into the frigid, cold air. There was a brief moment of silence as the looker by's all leaned in to see her better. She glanced at the expectant faces of the people around her. Taking them all in before the roar of excitement began again.

"Princess Aisha!"

"She's beautiful!"

"Our Princess!"

Aisha was stunned. She couldn't believe her ears. Atticus released her hand, gently pushing her into the center, so all eyes were on just her. She looked back at him with a big smile before looking at the people of Pantoran and waving to them.

The joy on their faces when she made eye contact with someone and smiled at them was contagious. She wanted to wave to each and every person in the crowd, when she was reminded why they were here.

Atticus grabbed her hand and whispered, "Told you. But we've got an event to go to."

He was absolutely thrilled at the people's response to her. He felt a swell of pride in his chest to be marrying such a woman.

He held her hand as he guided them into the entrance of the arena. When they got inside it was obvious where they were sitting. A balcony was reserved for them center to all of the action. Their families were seated and waiting for them.

As they walked onto the covered balcony she was met to a much welcomed warmth. There were little fires set up around the place to make it warmer. She was fascinated at the ingenuity of the Pantoran people, and sincerely grateful. There were a few other nobility that she remembered from the feast and one she would have preferred not to see at all, Ronan.

There were 2 empty seats between the King and Queen and Mosi and Olori.

"That's where we'll be sitting," Atticus pointed.

"Right in the center? Shouldn't your parents be there?"

"They are not the guests of honor," he laughs as he guides her to their seats.

The arena is packed with people old and young, male and female. It looked as if no one spared coming to the event. As she looked around, King Eirik stood and the stadium quieted down.

"Welcome everyone to the Tourney in honor of my son Prince Atticus and his betrothed Princess Aisha."

The arena burst into loud whoops and applause. He lifted his hands up and the people quieted down again.

"We will begin the tournament with a joust. The most eligible men in the land are competing for the honor of being Pantoran's greatest warrior. May the best man come out on top!"

The applause started again and the King sat. Aisha looked around, the whole family was there except Aurelius and Bako. She leaned over to whisper to Olori.

"Where is Bako?"

"He has entered the tourney," she said with a smile, "You know him."

"Ah," she said as she settled in her chair.

Just then the Queen stood and walked over to her youngest son, Axel.

"Axel, there is someone I'd like you to meet," she said with a smile. She grabbed his arm and pulled him to the couple and daughter she had invited.

"Hello Queen Izella," they stood to greet, bowing for her, then to Prince Axel. "And Prince Axel."

The wife extended her hand towards his mom and smiled at her. "Thank you for the invitation to partake in todays festivities as part of the Royal Court."

"You are most welcome. Axel this is Duke and Duchess Gallagher and their lovely daughter Lady Hannah."

The beautiful blonde smiled and bowed to them, never breaking eye contact with Axel. Her long lashes framed her blue eyes, and her rosy cheeks stood out on her fair skin. She was beautiful.

Axel smiled, "nice to meet you, Lady Hannah."

Queen Izella was excited, her son seemed interested in the girl.

"Axel, your brother's seat is empty next to you, why don't you have Lady Hannah join you?"

"Oh I would be delighted!" She chimed.

Axel glanced at his mom quizzically, before returning his gaze to Hannah. "As would I."

She watched as the two walked away, absolutely joyful her plan was coming along perfectly.

Aisha watched on in amazement as the joust began. Trumpeters began playing and men in horses rode out on horseback around the stadium. She could make out Aurelius and her brother at the tail end of the group of men.

Bako's large form on a horse was a sight to behold.

"Look at the large oaf," Nia giggled about her husband, "he's never been in a joust. He is absolutely insane."

"You know he can't turn down an opportunity to compete, sister," Kwasi responded.

Nia shook her head. As the men rode around the arena, they rode towards the royal box. They all lined up in front of the box facing them.

Just then Ronan sleazed his way near the Prince and Princess. His smile made Aisha squirm.

"Princess Aisha, you look beautiful," He smiled bowing at them.

"Ronan, what a pleasure, thank you." She forced out.

He peered at the knights who were lining up still and smiled.

"What an honor it is to have a Mardalian Royal competing in the royal joust! Your brother must be quite the competitor."

"He surely is. He isn't the biggest of my brothers for no reason," she said lightly.

Ronan laughed. It was so haughty and airy she could tell it was fake. She wondered why he was still there conversing with her.

"Have you chosen your champion?"

"My champion?"

"Well, during a tourney the Queen or lady of honor would choose a champion who would play on her behalf."

"Oh I didn't know that," she looked to Atticus.

"Sorry, my mother is usually the one to choose. Don't fret, it is just part of the tourney. It is not a cause for worry."

Of course she would choose her brother she thought to herself. He was a great fighter and stronger than most men.

"Well," Ronan said cautiously. "Princess Aisha is marrying into the royal family. The people might not take well to her choosing someone who was not from Pantoran."

She looked to Atticus who seemed pensive about the idea.

Olori leaned forward and whispered in her ear. "Do not let him corner you. Do everything you can to make sure the people love you." She leaned back with a laugh and Aisha played it off with a giggle as well.

"Oh no need to worry Ronan. I assure you I already know who my champion shall be."

"Splendid." He said eyeing her then Olori.

The Queen came to the front of the box, silencing the people.

"It is now time for the Princess to choose her champion!"

The arena burst into cheers. Izella beckoned Aisha forward. The princess rose and took her spot at the front of the box. One by one each contender rode up to the box for her viewing, handing her a flower as respect.

As her brother approached he slowed down with a mischievous grin.

"Aye sister. No need for pretty words, I know I'm your champion," he said smugly.

She rolled her eyes at him. Bako was annoying.

"Where is my flower," she asked placing a hand on her hip.

"Ah. Uhhh," He says as he looked under his robes. He looked back at her and chuckled, "seems I've lost it."

"Goodbye Bako! I've got a champion to pick."

"Aye! Come on, you're that mad over a few pretty petals."

Older brothers.

"You we're never going to be my champion, brother, but I pray good fortune be unto you," She said shooing him away.

The last mean to ride up was Aurelius. He watched as the brother and sister bickered lightly. It bright a smile to his face. When Bako finally rode forward he took his place in front of the princess.

She was gorgeous in her blue dress, even with the look of playful annoyance she wore on her face. When he stood in front of her, he pulled his flowers from his robe.

They were a small bundle of hellebores, winter roses that were known to grow in Pantoran and reserved for the most beautiful of women. He watched as Aisha's face lit up splendidly.

"Thank you, Prince Aurelius. These are beautiful."

She was surprised at how in bloom these flowers were. They gave off a crisp, fresh smell.

He smiled. "I thought I could sweeten my chances of being chosen as champion."

Of course that had not been why he chose these flowers. An opportunity to give her something beautiful was not one he would pass up.

"It seems your bribery has worked, I have chosen you as my champion." She laughed.

Aurelius' eyes sparkle with pleasure. "It would be my honor to compete on your behalf, Princess Aisha."

Aisha pulls her handkerchief from her dress and makes a display of holding it up in the air. The people immediately begin cheering and shouting Prince Aurelius' name.

"Here's a token as my thanks," She hands him the handkerchief.

"I will do my best to win for you." He says as he kisses her hand and takes the fabric.

She smiles. "You better. I'd hate to lose," she winked.

Aurelius joins the other men as they arrange for the start of the games and Aisha returns to join her betrothed. She is greeted to a cup of dark wine.

"Thank you, Atticus."

"You're welcome, Aisha. You have made a wise choice in choosing Aurelius as your champion."

"Yes, I do think so. I would have picked my brother, but his lack of flowers and Aurelius' bribe of flowers definitely made the decision an easy one," she laughed.

As the royals and nobility in the box watched on the tourney began underway.

There was a clear people's favorite, Aurelius. Anytime he was up to joust the arena full of people favored his wins. He had won 3 of the 4 jousts he competed in.

Bako, although a worthy competitor had very little skills in the art of jousting and was no longer in competition to win. The box watched on as Aurelius and the other man began charging at each other. Both of their lances aimed at the other. As they got closer the man swerved out of the way- trying to miss Aurelius' lance, but was still hit in his side and pushed off of his horse.

The crowd erupted in cheer at Aurelius' victory. He checked on his opponent, then did a victory lap around the arena.

"For the Princess," he roared, starting up a chant among the people.

Aisha smiled. "I had no idea this tourney would be turned into a celebration for me."

"Trust me they aren't here for us, they are used to us. Their excitement comes from your being here," he whispers to her softly. "And you are a worthy cause for attention."

A shudder goes down Aisha's back at Atticus' proximity to her. She looks up at him through her thick lashes and smiles.

"You flatter me more than you know."

"Oh, I know."

Aisha was taken aback by his sudden forwardness, but it set her skin ablaze. His half lidded eyes were full of desire and pride.

"Atticus, you- you flatter me," she whispered, "your words- are-" she was at a loss for words.

He chuckled, leaning back in his seat. "I'll allow you some space."

She was grateful her mind had never gone blank like that, so lost for words. She looked at Atticus from the corner of her eyes, assessing the man she was to marry soon and anticipated the next moment she would have with him again like that.

The games continued, the last of the challenges being a duel. Bako had redeemed himself and it seemed was proving to be a worth competitor too. This last line up consisted of the two, new brothers.

"Its a Pantoran and Mardalian show down," Axel whispered with excitement. "I sure would love to watch Bako take down Aurelius."

The box looked on with anticipation as the two men began circling each other.

Aurelius was excited to take on someone of Bako's strength and stature. His training had prepared him for this challenge. He assessed Bako intensely.

The bigger man was eager, too eager, his muscles constantly moving. It was taking everything in him not to attack and there is how Aurelius knew he would take him down. He would let the big brute come to him.

As if reading his mind Bako growled. "Ah, no more waiting for you."

He brought his sword down on Aurelius with excessive force. He blocked the blow, pushing Bako back, and bringing his sword to hit him in his side.

Bako blocked the sword with a clash. Then began a series of attacks against Aurelius. The Pantoran Orince continued playing the defense, blocking and parrying each attack the Mardalian Orince rained on him.

He could tell Bako was getting out of breath. The time was nearly there.

"Are you going to fight?!" Bako yelled.

Aurelius smiled. He was getting the better of him. Bako was tiring himself out with every offense against the Pantoran. He lifted his sword high and brought it down ti meet Aurelius'. The pair struggled to keep the other from getting the upper hand, but Aurelius could feel Bako's resolve waning. This was finally his time.

He mustered all of the strength he has been reserving and pushed with all his force against Bako. The bigger man stumbled back and was met with the brute force of Aurelius.

The Pantoran Prince cointinued dricung Bako backwards with the force of his blows. Each contact of their swords gaining him more and more victory if their battle. Aurelius managed to maneuver Bako's sword out of his and onto the ground.

He kicked the sword from reach and pointing his own at Bako's.

"Do you yield?"

Bako's face broke out into a smile before he kicked Aurelius' sword from his hand and rushed the man.

"Oof," Aurelius grunted as he hit the ground. He didn't take long to regain his senses and began fighting with the Mardalian.

The two men wrestled and fought on the ground, each one trying to get the upper hand in the other. Aurelius was able to kick Bako off of him, standing up immediately, ready to attack. When the Mardalina Oromce stood he began an assault of punches and kicks.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" Aurelius grunted as he wailed on Bako.

Bako met each punch with a blocked forearm. He finally grabbed Aurelius incoming fist in his own and pulled him forward onto his face. As Aurelius tried to get up he kicked him back down.

Searching for his sword Bako left his opponent unattended. When he finally found the sword he turned to find Aurelius no longer on the floor. He heard a yell behind him.

Aurelius was charging at him. He jumped on Bako's back and held the knife he had in his armor to Bako's neck.

"Do you yield?"

Bako struggled to get him off, but the grip on him was too strong.

"Do. You. Yield?!"

Bako grunted. "I yield. I yield."

Aurelius got off of him and the Mardalian gasped for breath. The middle Prince was out of breath too. He didn't hear the cheers around him.

Bako turned to face Aurelius, sizing him up. "You are a worthy opponent, Prince Aurelius."

"As are you, that's probably the best fight I've had all year."

The two smiles at each other, clapping one another on the back.

Aurelius trudged to the royal box. Aisha was standing at the balcony awaiting him with a precious smile on her face and a Laurel of flowers for his neck.

"You we're a worthy champion, Aurelius."

"It was my honor to play on your behalf."

She leaned over the balcony and placed the laurel around his neck. He turned to face the cheers of the people and accept their applause. He then turned back to the royal box and hosted himself up. He was met with cheers from them as well.

Atticus had a cup of ale ready for him.

"Congratulations brother. 3 years in a row," Atticus cheered him. Aurelius clinked his cup and downed the contents of the cup with splendor.

The families continued to enjoy their time and present with one another, until the King and Queen directing everyone to the next part of their day. The parade.

"Your carriages are ready." The footman said.

The Mardalian and Pantoran royalty followed him out side of the arena. There Aisha and the other Mardalians were reminded of how cold Pantoran truly was.

"Sister, how have you been surviving this endless cold?" Nef asked, teeth chittering.

"Bundle up and stick close to someone," she said pulling the younger princess into her side.

They began boarding the open air carriages. The king, queen, Mosi, Olori, Atticus, Aisha, Aurelius and Hasani Rising sing with each other. Aisha sat shivering in the crisp air. Before she could complain the footman bright thick blankets to them. It didn't cease the cold from being cold, but it made the carriage all the warmer.

Atticus sat next his betrothed, arm wrapped around her waist to keep her warm. The carriages began taking off. The people of Pantoran lined up along side of the road in anticipation to see the royal court.

Aisha enjoyed the parade. Trumpets and musicians played in the crowd, little girls thre their flowers at them, and little boys shouted for Aurelius.

It was a beautiful moment to be embraced by the people of Pantoran.

Queen Izella couldn't help but notice Atticus and Aisha. Her w affection for the princess couldn't be mistaken. Every smile of hers was met by his adoration. His sole attention was for her.

Her heart swelled at the sight. She believe Atticus has found love. True, beautiful love.


The return to the castle was met with much appreciation.

"I am so sore," Bako complained.

Aurelius chuckled, "me too, brother."

The two shared a conspiratorial grin. Who knew fighting could bring two so close together?

Everyone departed to their respective places in the castle to freshen up before the people's ball. Atticus had other plans for Aisha however.

"When you are done getting ready, I want to spend time with you alone. Meet me in the gardens at 30 minutes before the ball."

Aisha smiled, it had been many days since they had stolen off to the garden. She was excited to meet in their special place. She hurriedly went to her room where Hilda was waiting.

"How was the tourney, your highness?"

"It was magnificent, Hilda. The people and I throughly enjoyed it."

Hilda smiled as she began helping the princess undress. Once freed from the big dress and tight corset, Aisha sighed with relief. She sauntered over to her bed and joined Nef in it.

"Is there any possibility of having a nap, Hilda?"

"The ball does not start until 6 pm. You could take a 2 hour nap."

"Atticus would like to meet me in the gardens 30 minutes before the start."

"Well, in that case a very short nap is possible. I'll leave you to enjoy your rest princess."

Aisha turned over and curled into her sister's side and drifted off peacefully.


Aisha wandered around the garden. When she awoke she was surprised to find Nef had gone, but she didn't let it bother her too much. She was excited to meet with her betrothed.

She walked through some foliage and found him standing there examining some flowers. She quietly approached him, placing a soft hand on his back. He startled and turned to her.

"Aisha," he smiled.

He took a looo at her. She had changed into a similar dress, but more befitting of the ball they were attending soon. He moved to hold her face in his hands.

He loved taking in his betrothed. Her brown eyes, framed in long lashes. Her beautiful lips that were always poised in a smile. How lucky he was to be marrying someone who was constantly a joy to be around.

His thumb passed over her plump lips. He could not stop himself any longer. He brought his lips to hers. He savored the press of their lips against one another.

He pulled away from her softly and smiled. Her eyes twinkled with excitement. Her spine tingled with the anticipation and desire to kiss him again.

She leaned up to kiss him again and again and again.

"Woah Aisha," he smiled pulling away and holding her away from him.

She smiled bashfully. "Apologies. Was that too forward?"

He shook his head. "No. I just," he sighed, "we should control ourselves."

He had 2 more days to wait and he wanted to honor the princess in that way. She was worth waiting for, worth marrying first.


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