After being entangled by the...

By loveyuehua

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After being entangled by the paranoid male protagonist (被偏执男主缠上以后) Author: Xili Beibei (西梨贝贝) The male protag... More

Disclaimer & Work Related
Ch 1-5
Ch 6-10
Ch 11-15
Ch 16-20
Ch 21-25
Ch 26-30
Ch 31-35
Ch 36-40
Ch 41-45
Ch 46-50
Ch 51-55
Ch 56-60
Ch 61-65
Ch 66-70
Ch 71-75
Ch 76-80
Ch 81-85

Ch 86-91 End

323 2 8
By loveyuehua

Chapter 86

It wasn't the first time they kissed, and it wouldn't be the last time...

Xu Zhizhi looked at the man inside the door, and finally just walked in in silence. Seeing that she didn't get angry or angry, the smile on Jiang Shi's lips deepened. .

This dinner is considered a farewell party. In fact, Xu Zhizhi is not sure. Jiang Shi is the senior executive of Xi Entertainment and Liang Chao will tip off the news. Jiang Shi probably already knew about the termination of her contract with Xi Entertainment. He just didn't tell her or said he was waiting for her. explain.

The fish soup is very delicious, and the young man's craftsmanship is always good, which suits her taste.

"Thank you for taking care of me recently. I'm going home."

Sure enough, he knew that Jiang Shi didn't seem too surprised when he heard her words. He just opened his big eyes and looked at her eagerly. . "Then can I go home with you?"

"No." Xu Zhizhi finally refused. She was very hesitant and didn't accept Jiang Shi from the bottom of her heart, but she didn't know how to get rid of him. She even gradually got used to it in recent interactions. His presence.

"But I want to go. I haven't been to Zhizhi's house yet."

Faced with his obsession, Xu Zhizhi remained silent, because her words didn't work. Jiang Shi wouldn't listen even if she beat or scolded her. He only listened to what was right. Beneficial to oneself.

Only do what is beneficial to you, so there is no need to waste this little time...

Early January, the end of recent years.

Xu Zhizhi's five-year contract with Xi Entertainment has officially expired, and the promotional draft for the last work has been filmed.

Unsure of what she would do in the future, Xu Zhizhi didn't say too harshly, and simply posted a few words on Weibo.

[Stop for a break...] She didn't say when she would come back. She was already on her way home when she sent this text message.

Because Xu Zhizhi could drive, she didn't take a plane. Instead, she thought of treating the road home as a self-driving trip. Beicheng was far away from her home and the scenery on the road was also very strange.

There are mountains, rivers, lakes, and ancient cities dating back thousands of years. She wanted to visit many places that Xu Zhizhi had never been to. Because of this, it was only a day or two away, so she drove for half a month, and by the time she got home, it was only two days before New Year's Eve.

But when she opened the door and saw the man helping in the kitchen, Xu Zhizhi was not as angry as she imagined.

Not surprised, he came anyway.

Xu Zhizhi didn't know what this feeling was called, but it definitely wasn't love...

Lin Si was sent abroad for work reasons and couldn't come back to celebrate the New Year this year. Naturally, there are only two old people in the family, and the two old people don't watch much TV or news, so they don't know the man in front of them.

I don't know their past with his granddaughter.

The young people back home knew who he was and the scandal.

At that time, the commotion was so big that one could find out by going online, but they did not choose to tell the old lady and the old gentleman because Xu Zhizhi had said hello in advance before that.

She didn't want the old man to worry about her.

"Xiao Jiang, stop working so hard. Zhizhi is back and come here quickly." The old lady who was used to being gentle and laid-back couldn't help but get excited when she saw her granddaughter pushing in the door. Of course, she didn't forget her granddaughter's boyfriend. friend.

"We are finally back, dear. Didn't we set off a few days ago? Why are you worried about me when you come back now?" The old lady started to complain after she was happy, but her complaints were filled with concern.

Touching left and right, for fear that my granddaughter might be injured.

Xu Zhizhi was also happy: "Yes, I'm back. I'm fine. I played on the road for a while, so I wasted a little time." She explained with a smile, and the worry on the old lady's face became relieved after hearing her words.

"Come in, it's snowing and cold outside."


The man who came out after hearing the sound was obviously a little uncomfortable and scared when he saw her, but if he was really scared, he wouldn't come.

"Come on, little Jiang, Zhizhi is back." The old lady greeted the young man. It was obvious that she liked Jiang Shi very much.

Jiang Shi's head lowered lower and lower under the compliments of his boyfriend and good boy, so low that he did not dare to look directly at Xu Zhizhi. He held the apron in front of his waist tightly with both hands.

As if afraid, he slowly moved over, not daring to look at her when she got closer.

Seeing him like this, the old lady immediately said: "Xiao Jiang, this kid is really thoughtful. He bought a bunch of things when he came here and was polite and sincere. The most important thing is that the craftsmanship is really good. If you fall in love, tell your family that your grandparents will not object to you." Let's talk about a boyfriend from out of town."

"As long as you can come to our house, that's fine." The old lady happily poured a cup of hot tea over. After hearing this, Jiang Shi, who was still standing there as if he had made a mistake, immediately smiled. He said: "I have a brother at home, I can do it."

As soon as he said this, the atmosphere in the living room became even better. Grandma Xu liked this boy. He was sweet-talking and quick to do things.

Zhizhi is still devoted to them.

"It's common for young lovers to argue. Just communicate well and be good." She stroked Xu Zhizhi's long hair and comforted her softly.

The Chinese New Year was coming in two days, and because her grandparents were happy, Xu Zhizhi didn't say anything more even though she knew there was a misunderstanding, and just laughed when everyone else laughed.

She established a relationship with her elders, so that she would not be forced to get married.

"Okay, you two can chat here for a while. Your grandpa and I will go to the kitchen to heat up the dishes. We can eat later." "

Xiao Jiang, please take off your apron quickly. You can chat with Zhizhi here." I don't know whether he is happy or not, but the old man's body is stronger than before.

Xu Zhizhi sat on the sofa and watched this scene. She smiled and seemed not to care.

Jiang Shi could clearly feel her good mood and knew clearly that she was not angry, but even knowing this, he was still worried that Xu Zhizhi would be angry with him for making his own decision and coming here without her consent.

"I'm sorry, I..."

"Shut up and come here." She didn't want to hear the same excuse as before, and she wouldn't believe it.

"Repeat what you said to my family, and how long you have been here."

"All? It's been half a month."

"Half a month?" Upon hearing this, Xu Zhizhi understood that the co-author was a day with her Come.

He acquiesced by not speaking.

"I told my grandparents that I was your boyfriend and that we would come to visit them during the Chinese New Year this year. We love each other very much and can't live without each other." "

Then what?" She asked calmly after taking a sip of water.

"Because we have different opinions, I came early."

"Zhizhi, I was afraid that you would be angry, so I didn't dare to call you, and I didn't dare to let grandma tell you that you forgive me, okay? Don't be angry." Looking at Xu Zhizhi's mood It was still calm, so Jiang Shi moved closer.

He squatted at Xu Zhizhi's feet and said to flatter her: "Grandpa and grandma like me very much, don't be angry Zhizhi." He pulled the hem of her coat and carefully coaxed her.

"I'm not angry, you get up." She

was indeed not angry, because Xu Zhizhi knew from the beginning that this guy would not compromise so easily, and something would definitely happen.

The only difference is that this guy will live directly in his house, which is quite popular with her grandparents.



After dinner, the family and Jiang Shi chatted in the living room watching TV. The old lady asked her granddaughter a few questions: When will she and Jiang Shi do things?

Originally, this matter should not be asked by the woman's family, but Xu Zhizhi's situation was different. If she and Jiang Shi were really together, it would definitely be Jiang Shi who married into her family.

That's why I asked.

"I asked Xiao Jiang. He has an elder brother at home and his parents agree with him going to other people's homes. I think you two are already the eldest. How about we do it by the end of this year?" "

I heard from Xiao Jiang that you have been together for a long time. Seven or eight years ago? It was the time when you first came to Beicheng to study in college. No wonder you didn't agree with Xiaosi. You, the kid, didn't know to tell us earlier that we had nothing to hide." He was eating peanuts and laughing.

The old lady's biggest wish now is to see her granddaughter get married and start a family. Now that she is married, she will not be happy.

Originally she was still muttering that she didn't believe that this young man named Jiang Shi was her Zhizhi's boyfriend, but now that Zhizhi admitted it, she had to do something quickly.

Xu Zhizhi did not object to the idea proposed by her grandma, but she did not reject it either. She just remained silent.


Chapter 87

They got married on March 18th of the following year.

There is no banquet and no wedding dress. Xu Zhizhi has played too many brides and has worn wedding dresses and Chinese wedding clothes many times, so when it comes to her own wedding, whether to wear it or not is not that important.

Jiang Shi was more concerned about her than her. He was aggrieved and unhappy when he learned that there was nothing to do with their marriage, but Xu Zhizhi said he couldn't do it, so Jiang Shi had no choice but to accept his fate.

Because he was afraid that Xu Zhizhi would regret it temporarily, and he had forced this relationship to begin with. Now he just wanted to get the certificate with Xu Zhizhi quickly and bind the two of them together forever, so he chose to compromise.

Although there was no wedding and no guests were entertained, the two families sat together and had a good meal. It was considered a simple wedding.

His son finally got what he wanted. How could the Jiang family stop him? They came here overnight.

The old lady and the old man were also very satisfied with such positive, polite and friendly in-laws... things were done very quickly. In April of the same year, they received the certificate and became a real legal couple.

Xu Zhizhi also asked them not to mention that past incident. She didn't want her grandfather and grandmother to worry, and she also wanted to hide it from them.

Lin Si also said hello. When faced with his puzzled inquiry, Xu Zhizhi could only reply simply: "I find they are right, no one will love me more than Jiang Shi. He should be a good marriage partner, right?" Maybe."

There was no love or any extra emotion in her answer, only two words of compromise were revealed.

She compromised. Eight years of endless entanglement and tracking made Xu Zhizhi very tired. She tried many ways to get rid of him, but to no avail.

Plus, by the end, his presence became a habit. Xu Zhizhi was also a little tired, so she might as well just stay together, which would be considered a show-off.

Life after marriage was not as bad as imagined. Jiang Shi would take care of all the housework and his cooking was delicious.

Both of them are wealthy people. Xu Zhizhi doesn't want to go to work at the moment and hasn't figured out what to do.

But in Jiang Shi's world, there was only Xu Zhizhi. Once they got married, they would be together openly, kissing and sleeping in the same bed.

Of course the last step hasn't been done yet.

Because Xu Zhizhi has never been able to tell herself to love him, but it is only a matter of time that it will become the norm one day.

Jiang Shi is not a lusty person. He just wants to be with Xu Zhizhi, hug each other and have physical contact every day. He also wants to be more intimate but will not force it.

In the first year of their marriage, they lived in their hometown in the countryside and spent a relatively happy year with the old man and his wife.

The next year Xu Zhizhi and Jiang Shi moved out of the old city and returned to the city.

Also that year, Xu Zhizhi became pregnant.

The first time was an accident. It was not an accident. She got drunk and slept in the same bed with her husband.

When she woke up, she was not as broken as she imagined, nor was she sad. Maybe they feel that something is bound to happen, and it is a lucky thing for them to wake up after it happens.

After all, it is really difficult for a sober Xu Zhizhi to have an intimate relationship with Jiang Shi.

Xu Zhizhi had a particularly severe reaction during pregnancy. She couldn't eat well or sleep well every day, but fortunately Jiang Shi was always around to take care of her.

While others gained weight during pregnancy, she lost weight during pregnancy and became very emaciated. However, Xu Zhizhi never thought about getting rid of the baby. She always wanted to have this baby and she would not have another baby after giving birth.

Jiang Shi didn't want the child at the beginning. When he saw that her face was pale and without any blood, the tall man, who was over 1.9 meters tall, cried and begged not to have the child.

It's not that Jiang Shi doesn't love this little guy who is related to him, he just loves Xu Zhizhi more. He had thought about using a child to tie her up before, but after they were really together, the child was not so important.

He just wants her to be healthy, and health is more important than anything else. Xu Zhizhi refused, not because her grandmother wanted to see her get married and have children of her own.

She also wanted to make the old man feel at ease...

Those nine months were not easy for Xu Zhizhi, nor was it easy for Jiang Shi. He stayed with her twenty-four hours a day.

Because of morning sickness, Xu Zhizhi didn't eat much in the early days, or she would feel nauseated if she didn't eat. Jiang Shi cooked it for her in different ways, and because she was not in good health, he made soup for her to replenish her health.

He also bought a lot of books on caring for pregnant women and read them every day for fear that she would have an accident.

He was very attentive and took good care of her.

After the morning sickness passed, Xu Zhizhi's body got better. Jiang Shi no longer wanted to cry all day long, nor did he blame himself so much in the middle of the night.

They only had it once, the time when they were drunk, and the time when they had a child...

- Ending

September 27, 2022

Thank you everyone for watching, and thank you everyone for liking this article.

Chapter 88:

Nine months later, a girl was born, named Xu Youxia. The little girl is very beautiful, fair and tender, and looks very much like her mother.

When she was three years old, she started going to kindergarten, and Xu Zhizhi also started working. Because she had been in the industry for so many years, she had some connections and accumulated some capital, and at the same time she won a double award.

When she came back, she directly set up her own studio. This time she was her own boss and took on roles that she was interested in. She no longer just wanted to make money and win awards.

Therefore, this also means that she does not have time to take care of the child and be with her. The little guy's childhood has always been taken care of by Jiang Shi, just like they joked before. After getting married, Jiang Shi will become a househusband.

That's it now, he means what he says.

When she was three years old, the little one started to attend kindergarten class. After Jiang Shi took care of some financial matters at home, she went to the kindergarten to pick her up.

It was a hot summer day, wearing a white T-shirt and simple black overalls. He knelt down and held out the cute doll.

The little guy was well-raised and a little chubby, but very cute. His face was full of flesh and he had a pair of big grape eyes, and he was a bit greedy.

After being picked up by his father, his big eyes looked at the stall selling cotton candy in the distance, and he coquettishly wanted to buy it.

Children cannot eat too many sweets, but Jiang Shi, who dotes on her daughter, is still satisfied with this. The pink marshmallow is bigger than her head.

Dad held her, and she held the marshmallow and nibbled on it.

The smile at the corner of the young man's mouth was light but doting. It was obvious that he loved this child very much. He was wearing a hat and no one recognized him, but his figure still made him stand out in the crowd. Someone filmed this scene and posted it online.

The video is not high-definition, but the young man's profile still makes people recognize who it is, Jiang Shi.

He is the top actor who has been out of the Internet for nearly six years. Times are changing rapidly, and so are celebrities. In recent years, there have been a lot of new celebrity idols, and few people mention him anymore.

His withdrawal means withdrawing from the Internet, and all social media will no longer report on his related matters. And he himself does not make comments on the Internet. Fans can't find him and get no response, and they gradually disperse.

Six years is a long time, so long that all the things they like will become insignificant and no longer pay attention to him, but this does not mean that they will forget him.

His good looks can always attract people's attention, and that's also because he was once so popular. He was popular all over the streets, and he endorsed everything from luxury goods to edible products.

Even if you are a passerby, don't like him, or don't hang around in the industry, you have to admit that he was in the first echelon of celebrities back then... and he truly deserves to be at the top.

Everyone will have a filter on what happened in the past, not to mention that in this new era where plastic surgery is rampant, a man who is naturally unfiltered and has a good mind, good looks, and good looks.

This picture, which was originally only circulated in a small area, has gradually been shared by more and more people. Even if the new fans don't know the man in this picture, they still have to admit that this man is indeed good-looking.

And those who have watched him on TV and in movies. Internet people in the mixed circle also recognized who he was immediately.

[By the way, how old is Jiang Shi? My face still looks so good, and my figure looks well maintained! Much better than his contemporaries! ]

[Wow, wow, indeed a handsome guy is still handsome even if he is an amateur...]

[Is that his daughter? Although I didn't see her face clearly, I still thought it was cute. ]

[It must be his daughter who is returning upstairs. I think she seems to be queuing up at the entrance of the kindergarten. Alas, to be honest, I am his old fan, but I didn't expect to see news about him again that he was married and seemed to have a daughter. I don't know how to put it in words, I feel a little emotional, I wish him well. ]

[As expected of the beauty! Even if it's taken with a mobile phone, it still looks so beautiful. I'm going to review Summer Love Letters again. Damn it's so beautiful! ]

[Is the one upstairs nice? I haven't seen it yet! ]

[Super good-looking, super good-looking! The male protagonist, female protagonist, and male supporting cast are all good-looking! None of them look bad. Strong Amway! Go quickly. ]

[Ah ah ah, with this look, why do you want to withdraw from the industry! Look good, look good. ]

[Who is this? But the one who looks weirdly good-looking is the male star who quit the industry? It's as good as my brother's. ]

[The guy upstairs shouldn't be too old, right? This person was a top figure in the past, and was also recognized as a good-looking person in the entertainment industry, but unfortunately he left the industry due to some reasons. ]

[Go back to the man upstairs, who is your brother? To be honest, I feel that there is no one in the entertainment industry today who can compare with him in appearance. ]

[Is this the return or the divine appearance? Although it is a bit superficial to say this, it is really good-looking. It is worthy of being the first-generation divine appearance. ]

[Why do you want to withdraw from the circle? He looks so good, and he looks young! ]

[By the way, aren't you curious who the child's mother is? Why are they all discussing his looks! ]

[Actually, I want to know too! When the incident was so big, who dared to marry Jiang Shi? Isn't that asking for abuse? Hahahahaha. ]

[I feel the same way after all, it turned out like that. I heard from the gossip that Jiang Shi was admitted to a mental hospital because of her...]

[Damn it, what the hell is upstairs! ]

[I also heard it from people. I don't know whether the information is accurate or not, but I don't think anyone would make up this rumor. After what happened, the woman wanted to sue him for sexual harassment and stalking in the workplace, and the man's family paid for her to keep her secret.

The woman disagreed and had to go to the law.

Later, the man's family took him for an evaluation and found that he had mental problems. Once this thing was made, there was a high chance that he would not be jailed and would end up in a mental hospital.

So it doesn't matter whether you sue or not.

The final result was that the two families divorced and he went to a nursing home. (Everyone knows what his family is in China. Otherwise, would he still be so good in the industry? He was banned long ago. I feel that Jiang still likes him.) Why is Ma-De a little infatuated? ]

[Holy shit, is there such a thing? I thought I just took the money for personal use, but I didn't expect where it would go! To be honest, besides being surprised, it's also a bit funny. But it does seem a bit seems like he really likes that person. ]

[That's why I said that his wife is really big-hearted, so we can be together like this. ]

[He has money. In fact, it doesn't matter if you have money or not, and he is so good-looking. Being with him means transcending classes. It's great, and you will have no worries about food and drink for the rest of your life. ]

[It's me and I'm willing to marry, after all, I have a lot of money. ]

[I am a newbie on the Internet, what kind of old melon is this? Sexual harassment shocked my whole family! What the hell is this? And who is the heroine in that incident? Doesn't that sound like he's a star? And it's a big flower! So who is it? ]

[I won't tell you who it is, but it's from the film industry. ]

[No, say it, say it! ]

[Afraid of being banned, search for who Jiang Shi likes and you will get relevant information. ]

Chapter 89

[Sister upstairs, please tell me! I can't find it in the search. Can anyone explain what it is? ]

[Yes! Please, please, my child wants to eat melon! Why did he withdraw from the circle? Was the reason for his withdrawal from the circle due to the collapse of his house? I'm really curious. I won't be able to sleep until I figure it out tonight! Is there any kind-hearted person who can tell me? ]

[Is the actress you are talking about, whose name cannot be mentioned, working in domestic entertainment? Who is this big name? I don't even dare to say my name for fear of being banned. ]

[Call Jiang Shi? Does the surname Jiang belong to the Jiang family in Beicheng? I can't tell you my full name, but it's okay to give me a hint! ] Liu Qin is seventeen years old and an Internet girl. She is also a fan girl who likes to chase stars and gossip.

Looking at the rankings of idols in domestic entertainment, big and small, the most handsome one is always her main character, while the others are all on the wall, she is a pure beauty person.

She looked at this photo and the explosive news below, and she was keenly aware that there was a melon! And she is still a big melon. It is human nature to like to watch the excitement, and she is no exception.

She typed the word "Jiang Shi" in the search bar of the browser and looked forward to it, but unfortunately she scrolled for a long time without seeing any important information. In addition to the character introduction, it was the movies and TV series she had participated in, and most of the ratings were very high. The polls were very good and she didn't look like a person. An actor with a dark history.

The impact of this face was so great that Liu Qin was a little attracted, but she soon returned to reality. After all, she preferred gossip to beauty.

When I couldn't find the information, I went back to the comment area and typed the following line: [I couldn't find it after searching, please kindly pass by and leave a keyword! Please. ]

[Yes, do you have any kind-hearted brothers, sisters, uncles or aunts? Let me know! ]Everyone likes to eat melon, and everyone also likes to watch gossip and join in the fun.

After a while, comments like this swept through the entire comment area, and various people who were watching the excitement and wanted to know what this was about left messages one after another.

Even in the end, such comments became more and more powerful and overshadowed the original comments.

Finally someone left a line of words.

[A big star in the film industry, whose surname is Xu, has collaborated with them. ] The message is very clear, directed at that person.

The entertainment industry is classified with the film industry at the top, followed by the first-tier TV series, and popular artists at the end, the second- and third-tier.

Currently, there are only four of the biggest celebrities in the film industry, and the only one with the surname Xu is... so it's Xu Zhizhi?

[Holy shit! Could it be Xu Zhizhi? No, why can't I understand how to eat this melon? In other words, this actor named Jiang Shi sexually harassed Xu? ] The information came so hard.

Not only the explosive relationship between the two, but also the shock of the filter collapsing. Yes, the filter collapsed. Xu Zhizhi has not had any scandals or negative news since her debut for seven years.

She is Beautiful won the title of Best Newcomer for her role as Bai Jing, followed by the title of National First Love. She has always had an aura around her, and many people think that Xu Zhizhi is really lucky.

From her popular debut to now she has won all major awards, and even taking a three-year break to come back did not affect her work. You can imagine how high the public's tolerance for her is. Liu Qin also has a good impression of Xu Zhizhi, who is good at acting and beautiful but doesn't act like a monster. She is a very capable actress.

So when I learned such a piece of information, my whole body almost collapsed.

[no? How can it be! My three views are about to be shattered. Although I know that Xu is right about this, I still feel like something is weird! ]

[I feel the same way! I went to Baidu and searched that Jiang Shi was indeed from the Jiang family, yes, that Jiang family! ]

[So he is mentally ill? What the hell is this? How could Xu Zhizhi be involved with him? ]

[Why the hell does Xu Zhizhi still have this past incident? ]

There were countless similar comments. Netizens were so surprised that they didn't forget to forward these comments to their relatives and friends. After all, they had something to share~ This is the beautiful virtue of contemporary Internet youth.

Some people were surprised, while others found it strange: "This matter is such a big deal, but so many people don't know about it." ]

[I thought everyone knew it, but I didn't expect that there are still many people who don't know about it. ]

[I don't know, is it strange? He covered his mouth so hard, how many people knew that his account would be banned as soon as he said it. To tell the truth, it was the first time I had seen the scene that day. I can only say that he was worthy of being a capitalist. ]

[Back to the netizen upstairs, it's not actually sexual harassment, but more of coercion... In fact, I think it's true love. After all, as mentioned before, there was such a big fuss, not to mention Jiang's face, even the Jiang family has some industry They have all been implicated, and now there is no one who can still thrive in the entertainment industry. You must know that cold treatment is the easiest way to destroy an actress, and the Jiang family has this ability. ]

[Didn't I say that sexual harassment caused a lot of trouble, and now you talk about true love? What kind of melon is this? The more I eat it, the more I don't understand it. Can you explain it in detail? ]

[Forget it, I don't want this number anymore, I want to talk about this too. To put it simply, Jiang fell in love with Xu at first sight, and Xu was not interested in Jiang. Jiang signed Xu to his own entertainment company, XI Entertainment, and wanted to use benefits to force Xu to be with him. (Everyone who understands this is what we often say.) Forced love) But Jiang didn't expect that Xu looked soft on the surface but was very tough on the inside. No matter how hard he tried to force her, he just didn't agree and ended up going to court.

This incident spread a lot at that time, but most people regarded it as entertainment gossip and did not think about Xu Zhizhi's feelings. It was a bit sad because she was a female star, so not many people were really worried about her. Most of them were Read the joke.

To be honest, I have always had a filter on Xu because of this incident. She is very powerful and does not fear power nor succumb to it. ]

[After eating the whole melon, I feel a little bad. I don't know how to put it... With this face and this family background, I still don't get love. ]

[I am a long-time fan of Jiang Shi, and I have to say that what you said above is right. It is also because of this incident that I have always had a filter for Xu. A girl from an ordinary background without any capital can resist at all costs when faced with the oppression of powerful people. It is commendable to have courage even if it is not said to be unsuccessful. At that time, not many people really cared about her feelings. Most people were surprised that Jiang Shi fell in love with her and was still so obsessed with her, but Xu was able to resist the temptation and not be with him. ]

[Me too! I am also a fan of Jiang and have always liked him since his debut. It is also because of this that I have always had a filter for Xu. I like her no matter what she does. ]

[I was originally indifferent to Xu Ting, but now I like you a little bit. He is a very good person. ]

[I originally thought she was a weak female star, but now I know that she encountered this problem as soon as she debuted. ]

[I am my sister's fan, a fan who has been a fan for five or six years. Wuwu today is the first time I know about this. Our Xu has reached the peak as soon as she debuted. There are noble people behind her to help her. Her mother is unlucky. Okay! I just searched the timeline. It was a year and a half since our Zhizhi debuted the year Jiang left the industry, which means that Jiang may have been secretly bullying Xu Zhizhi for more than a year! Hold! He set up a trap to trick us into signing a contract with Zhizhi, and also let Zhizhi play the role of having a crush on him. How disgusting, this damn guy! Why are you so mean! ]

[Fuck, fuck! This is the first time I have seen such a big melon. Xu Ye is so awesome. I just went to check and found out that Jiang is really a member of the Jiang family and not a side relative. He is the biological son of the current head of the Jiang family! I wonder how Xu can still do so well in the entertainment industry after making such a big fuss. This male star named Jiang, you are really in love with her. ]

[Although it is a bit unethical to think this way, I still want to say that these two are really good-looking, and they are top-notch in domestic entertainment. ]

[This is really a bad hand of good cards. If you are rich, good-looking, and have so many good pictures, why do you have to force yourself to do it! Damn, this man is so stupid. ]

[Although, from what everyone said, it's true that this handsome guy really loves Xu. After all, he ended up in a mental hospital, so why is he still a little embarrassed? ] Gossip is always spread at the fastest speed, and soon similar comments appeared in all major comment areas, major apps, and major websites.

Some marketing accounts even started to break the news.

The Jiang family's whitewash was still very successful. No matter how horrified netizens and marketing accounts said, many people still thought that the matter was not important.

Jiang Shi didn't cause much harm to Xu Zhizhi. He just wanted to use his capital to get her because he loved her too much. How could this be wrong? It's just loving him too much.

It was love that made him make such a mistake, and Xu Zhizhi's life is so good now. If the Jiang family hadn't been merciful, she would have lived such a comfortable life.

Isn't it because of Jiang Shi's incident that the Jiang family would remove all obstacles on her way to fame? So in the final analysis, that incident was both good and bad for Xu, and the advantages outweighed the disadvantages.

This is the mentality of most people when they see these news. Of course, it is also because this matter has nothing to do with them...

The matter fermented very quickly and spread all over the Internet in just two hours. When Jiang Shi returned home with the little guy in his arms, he The picture has been flying all over the place.

Chapter 90

Jiang Shi didn't pay much attention to the news. He just glanced at it casually and called someone to deal with it.

The little girl is three and a half years old this year, and she is still at an age where she cannot speak clearly. She was held in her arms by her father and she was obediently biting the marshmallow in her hand.

After locking the door, Jiang Shi put the soft dumplings on the sofa and comforted her softly: "Baby, let's go see mommy later, okay?"

Taking off the messy marshmallows that she had bitten, Jiang Shi rubbed the little guy's cheeks. In terms of head, she looks very much like Xu Zhizhi, who is his and Zhizhi's daughter.

Jiang Shiguang was happy to see it.

The little guy nodded obediently. She was not very smart when speaking and had a bit of a lisp, so she nodded obediently without answering most of the time. Even when her father took away the marshmallows, she still wanted to eat them without making any fuss.

It's more likable because of this.

"Be good."

"Wait a minute, mom, answer the phone. Do you know what to say to our baby?"

"Yes, I want to say that Xia Xia misses her mother and wants to see her." She tilted her head and made a milky sound. Obviously, this was not the first time. Once.

"Yes, let's just say that our Xia Xia is really smart." He patted the little guy's head and praised him. Jiang Shi hadn't seen Xu Zhizhi for a long time.

The actor industry requires traveling all over the country, and sometimes you have to join a group. Once you join a group, it takes another two or three months, which is the shortest, and it may take half a year or a year.

Xu Zhizhi didn't want to make their relationship public, nor did he want people to take pictures of them, so he couldn't visit the class. In addition, Xu Zhizhi didn't want to see him too much, so naturally there were fewer opportunities to meet him.

In addition to talking time with the baby every night, they can say two sentences. Most of the rest of the time, he talked and Xu Zhizhi listened.

But this was already good. Jiang Shi didn't feel uncomfortable. Being able to have a child together was something he didn't dare to think about before. Now he is very satisfied with such a life.

Ordinary and warm...

The phone beeped. Jiang Shi was looking forward to her picking up the phone quickly, and also hoped that she wouldn't be angry at the comments on the Internet.

As the instigator, Jiang Shi knew very well how he got together with Xu Zhizhi. Uneasiness and anxiety occupied his brain, and he wanted to look calmer.

But the trembling hands were still exposed. Xu Zhizhi didn't want the public to know about their relationship. He didn't know the reason, but he didn't want to explore.

He could only obey and obey, but today the baby was almost photographed. Zhizhi would definitely be angry if she cared so much about Xia Xia.

The bell rang for a while before it was connected, and soon a female voice came from the other side: "Xia Xia?" The female voice was cold, but there was still some tenderness when she called the name.

After all, she is her own child, no matter how indifferent people are, they will still love her.

"Mom~" the little guy took the phone from his father and shouted sweetly.

"Yeah, I'm here. What's wrong?" They used to talk on the phone every day, but the time was different from now... today it was two hours earlier than before.

"Xiaxia misses mommy, Xiaxia wants to see mommy..." The little guy obeyed her father's words very much. She held the mobile phone that was bigger than her face and coquettishly.

"Be good, I'll see you when mommy comes home in two days." Listening to the little guy's soft and waxy voice, Xu Zhizhi was unusually patient.

"We can meet in two days, please don't make a fuss, okay?"

"No, we have to meet."

Xu Zhizhi had no choice but to agree.

When the goal was achieved, Jiang Shi originally wanted to pick up the phone and say a few words, but unfortunately the other party hung up too quickly.

It was only 4:30 in the afternoon, and they were probably still working there, so Jiang Shi comforted himself. He put the little girl on the sofa and brought her delicious food and toys to keep her from running around.

He went to the open kitchen to cook tonight's dinner. On his way home, he went to the supermarket to buy some vegetables. The ones he bought were Zhizhi's favorites and they were just right to cook at this time.

It can be sent to the hotel later.

Braised prawns in oil, steamed bitter melon sprinkled with grapefruit vinegar, and stir-fried a clam. A simple dinner is ready. Pack the food and wash some grapes.

Jiang Shi held the child and drove to the hotel.

Because it is difficult to live at home when filming, Xu Zhizhi has been staying in a hotel recently. The hotel is said to be in Beicheng not far away, but it takes two or three hours to drive back and forth.

Xu Youxia's child will start going to kindergarten this summer. Jiang Shi has to take care of her at home and not run around, so today is the first time they have met this month.

After parking the car, Jiang Shi held the child in one hand and the packed meal in the other, and came outside Xu Zhizhi's room.

The little guy rang the doorbell, and soon the door opened from the inside. The person who opened the door was Xu Zhizhi's assistant Xiao Can.

The two are married and have children. Outsiders don't know it, but people close to them know it, such as Xu Zhizhi's agent and assistant.

Seeing that they were coming, the assistant quickly stepped aside to let them in, and then went to pack her things. It was time for her to get off work.

"Sister Zhizhi is taking off her makeup. I'll leave first and see you Mr. Jiang."

The man nodded without saying anything. Soon there were only three of them left in the room. Jiang Shi took off the mask from the child's face.

He put her on the sofa and let her play by herself, while he went to deal with the food first, reheated them and put them out before going to the bathroom and knocking on the door.

There was no sound except the sound of rushing water. He must be taking a shower.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shi could only remain silent. He did not leave but waited for her here, waiting for her to come out after wiping her body and wearing a loose nightgown.

The wet hair and moist skin made Jiang Shi couldn't help but hug her as soon as they met. He really missed her so much that he went crazy.

"Honey, I miss you so much."

I miss you so much, love you so much...

Chapter 91

Xu Zhizhi forced herself to love him. But it's useless, she can't go against her heart, she doesn't love Jiang Shi...

being with him is a helpless move, and there is no other way. He is a good husband and a good father. He educates and takes good care of his children, and is filial and kind to her family.

People change, and Jiang Shi is a completely different person than he was when they first met. From an arrogant and wanton young man to a mature and steady man now.

But even so, she still didn't fall in love with him, at most, it turned into family love. But how many couples in this world are really together because of love...

most of them just muddle along, having a common child and a goal to strive for together.

So will they...!

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