After being entangled by the...

By loveyuehua

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After being entangled by the paranoid male protagonist (被偏执男主缠上以后) Author: Xili Beibei (西梨贝贝) The male protag... More

Disclaimer & Work Related
Ch 1-5
Ch 6-10
Ch 11-15
Ch 16-20
Ch 21-25
Ch 26-30
Ch 31-35
Ch 36-40
Ch 41-45
Ch 51-55
Ch 56-60
Ch 61-65
Ch 66-70
Ch 71-75
Ch 76-80
Ch 81-85
Ch 86-91 End

Ch 46-50

134 0 3
By loveyuehua

Chapter 46

After doing this, she was ready to go to bed, but at this time, her new mobile phone suddenly rang a ringtone. It was an unfamiliar number.

Xu Zhizhi looked at the place where it belonged, Kyoto, and thought of Jiang Shi inexplicably. She was originally prepared not to answer, but just when she was about to hang up, he hung up before her.

Inexplicably, she muttered under her breath.

She withdrew her gaze and prepared to turn off the lights and go to sleep. After all, the official filming would start tomorrow morning, and she had to prepare in advance.

But just as she turned off the light, another message suddenly popped up on her new phone, from the same number just now.

[Hello Miss Xu, I am Jiang Qing, Jiang Shi's brother. I want to talk to you. Is that okay? About Jiang Shi. ]

Jiang Qing? The male protagonist, the Jiang family, has two sons and one daughter. The eldest son is named Jiang Qing. He is a standard domineering president. It seems that it is because of Jiang Shi...

She and Jiang Shi are so quarrels that they must have alarmed the Jiang family behind him. For Xu Zhizhi couldn't say how surprised he was when he came to her. People who always come to her either want to take revenge on her or have something to talk about.

This matter cannot be avoided, and Xu Zhizhi doesn't really want to withdraw from the circle. If there is hope, she still wants to stay in this circle. If Jiang Shi came to talk to her, Xu Zhizhi might not agree.

But Jiang Qing was different, he was a normal person, so Xu Zhizhi was willing to talk to him, no matter what it was about to threaten her or to calm things down, she would talk about it.

In general, you have to fight for yourself.

Pressing the number, she called back.

The call was connected faster than she expected, and a clear and magnetic male voice came from the other end of the phone, with a slight tickle that sounded like a mature man.

"Hello, Miss Xu, my name is Jiang Qing."

"Hello, Mr. Jiang, let's stop chatting. What did you want to say when you called me today?" Xu Zhizhi has never been a person who spends time on small talk. It's simple and clear. Raised his own questions.

Such a capable style made the person on the other end of the phone stunned for a moment, "Of course, I am calling you for Jiang Shi. I apologize to you on his behalf. He has brought you a lot of trouble, Miss Xu.

" Compared with Jiang Shi's arrogant and dismissive style, Jiang Qing is much kinder, at least on the surface, the two brothers have very different personalities.

Jiang Shi likes to stay away from the crowd and appear to be different and aloof, while Jiang Qing likes to get into the crowd. Perhaps this is because the two brothers have different professions.

One is a star and is used to being praised.

One is a businessman who has developed a smooth temperament through dealing with many parties.

"Of course, I know that Miss Xu definitely doesn't want to hear this. Let's make a long story short. Does Miss Xu really not like Jiang Shi? After all, he has been chasing you for three years and liked you for five years." The soft and slow tone seemed to be It's the same as talking about something that has nothing to do with him.

It's really irrelevant. It's his brother's business and has nothing to do with him. But for the sake of the family image, he still came forward.

"What do you mean?" What does this sentence mean after I have been chasing him for three years and liked him for five years?

Xu Zhizhi didn't understand.

But she was not stupid, she would think about it. She had read Jiang Shi's response. He said that the first time they met was in their sophomore year, and that was when Jiang Shi fell in love with her, the original owner, at first sight.

But how could it be? There is no such plot in the original work, it was imagined by Jiang Shi.

"Mr. Jiang, your brother just sent me a message, saying that I will marry him at the end of this year. The wedding will be held at Yuelan Court. Is it true that your mother, Mrs. Jiang, likes me very much? Do you know, you know Is your brother getting married? And the bride is me." There was a pause for a second, and Xu Zhizhi didn't give Jiang Qing a chance to answer and then continued: "Why would you believe what a madman says? Although it's a bit unpleasant to say this, Jiang Qing Sir, this is what your brother Jiang Shi told me. He has a very serious delusion." "

If you really care about him, you should take him for a checkup immediately instead of questioning my words here. Of course, compared to Brother, my words are indeed not that trustworthy, but don't you think it's a bit outrageous? With Jiang Shi's high-profile personality, if he liked me when I was a sophomore, why would no one know about it." "

And I have been liked for so many years. Why don't you have any memory of me? There are no traces of him around me." She said seriously, as if she really didn't know.

But how could it be? Although he didn't know much about Jiang Shi's liking for Xu Zhizhi, he had heard about it a few years ago.

Jiang Shi fell in love with a college student, and he had also heard about it. It was possible that Jiang Shi was crazy, but it was impossible for his family to be crazy too!

"Maybe you forgot, Miss Xu?" Jiang Qing didn't know whether Jiang Shi was sick or not, but one thing he was sure of was that something was wrong with Xu Zhizhi.

His memory is fine.

The woman on the other end of the phone was not sure, "Your memory seems not very good. Miss Xu, is there a possibility that you and Jiang Shi were really together, but you just forgot." "

After all, you don't look very good. Note something." He said it casually, but it made Xu Zhizhi frown inexplicably.

What does Jiang Qing mean by this?

He was right about one thing, she really couldn't remember anything, and she didn't even have any memory of the past. She was an outsider and a book traveler, so of course she had no memory.

But you can't say this to Jiang Qing.

Memory is a disadvantage, but Xu Zhizhi can be sure that they have no relationship. She has entered a book, and everything in the book is prescribed.

She and Jiang Shi didn't know each other when they were in college, so it didn't matter. As a female cannon fodder, she was not qualified to meet the early male protagonist.

Jiang Shi did not appear in everything she took over from the original owner, including mobile phones and letters, and neither did the people around her. The original owner had the habit of writing a diary.

But she didn't write every day, she wrote every now and then, and what she wrote was all about joy and sorrow. Jiang Shi never appeared in it, so Xu Zhizhi can be sure that she and Jiang Shi didn't know each other in college.

And even if she doesn't remember, don't those friends around the original owner remember? According to what they said, Jiang Shi liked the original owner. How could others not know that he liked her so much.

They are all loopholes, don't even think about them.

Xu Zhizhi made a judgment: "It's Jiang Shi who is sick. The examination doesn't cost much and won't take long, Mr. Jiang."

Perhaps because he said too much, Xu Zhizhi became a little helpless.

Of course Jiang Qing also noticed this. He smiled and said, "I understand."

"Let's talk about the solution. What compensation does Miss Xu want us to give in this matter? Or to what extent can you do it? Only then can the criminal prosecution against Jiang Shi be revoked."

"In the final analysis, our family is sorry for you, and we are willing to compensate you. We can understand if you don't like Jiang Shi. After all, feelings cannot be forced."

Chapter 47

Regardless of whether they are together or not, Jiang Shi's harm to Xu Zhizhi is real. He sent people to track and locate her. Even lovers are not qualified to do this.

So the quarrel is no longer important whether we have been together or not, what is important is how to resolve it?

"We are all good citizens who abide by the law and will not do things that force women. We are also investigating here. If the situation is true, we will not stand idly by." "

Ms. Xu, don't worry, your working environment will remain the same. Changes occurred after this incident. Of course, the compensation will also include resource upgrades. I recommend it to you. 50 million buyout. We will also deal with Jiang Shi, and he will not pester you in the future." "

What do you think of this condition? ?"

Xu Zhizhi started recording early in the morning because she was also afraid that Jiang Qing's call was threatening her.

Of course Jiang Qing is not stupid either.

He speaks very carefully and without any condescension, which is in line with his external image.

"I'll think about it." She didn't say it too harshly. In fact, this condition was already very good, but Xu Zhizhi was afraid that it wouldn't be that simple.

It's not that she wants to think bad things about people.

But some people are just that bad. Fifty million is actually a lot. She may not have earned that much even after filming for a long time, but she was afraid that the other side would sue her for blackmail as soon as she agreed.

Or there are other traps here.

Xu Zhizhi wants to terminate her contract and change jobs more than staying at xi Entertainment, but currently the xi family is the dominant one in the industry, and there is no place to jump. The key thing is whether she will still get the treatment at xi Entertainment after she changes jobs?

And will the Jiang family unite with other capital in the circle to target her? If I stay at Xi Entertainment, I will face the problem of hiding it. If I go to another company, I will be afraid of joint attacks.

"Let's talk about it. It's not too late to wait until Jiang Shi enters the hospital for examination and discussion." "

We will adopt your suggestion. We will take Jiang Shi there whether he is sick or not." This is actually a lie to the person opposite.

Rather than Jiang Shi being mentally ill, Jiang Qing believed that Jiang Shi liked Xu Zhizhi to the point of madness, except that he was not sure whether they were together or not.

The whole family knew that Jiang Shi had been in love with Xu Zhizhi for five years, so in the eyes of their family, it was just a simple love that could not turn into unscrupulous robbery. However, Jiang Shi's actions were not ruthless enough. Careful, Xu Zhizhi just took advantage of it.

If it were him, Jiang Qing smiled.

I was also stunned that I would even think about this problem.

"But I still hope that Ms. Xu, if you have anything to do, discuss it with me first and don't post it online again. We can resolve it privately. This is my number. You can call me at any time." "

Okay." The phone call ended. The time came to around nine o'clock in the evening, and she yawned.

So he climbed into bed.

Compared to Jiang Shi, this brother seems to be easier to talk to, and I hope everything goes in the right direction.

It's a pity that someone won't let her calm down. Jiang Qing can find her new mobile phone number, and so can Jiang Shi.

One text message after another, one phone call after another, Xu Zhizhi was almost bored to death, this person was really convinced! No matter how many times she changes her mobile phone number, he can find her and harass her again.

Blocking the number is of no use to him. He has many ways to add it back. The only solution is to turn off the phone.

But sometimes this method doesn't work very well. Jiang Shi can remotely operate it, wake up her mobile phone and talk to her directly. He can do it as long as he wants.

If you have this ability, why not take the right path?

In the end, Xu Zhizhi put her phone in the box and put on soundproof earplugs before falling asleep.


Unread text messages one after another and missed calls one after another drove Jiang Shi into madness.

She wants to get rid of him. No one believes that they have been together. They all say that he forced her to be together, but this is not the case.

Xu Zhizhi really didn't like him at first, but after two years of his persistent pursuit, Zhizhi was finally moved by him, and they got together.

They are in love, it is true love.

It's not forced as the keyboard warriors on the Internet say! They were in true love, they didn't know what was going on, so they were talking nonsense, they were just jealous that they were together.

Zhizhi's college classmates didn't know he existed because Zhizhi said that it would cause trouble to her and make her the center of the topic in school. She didn't like it, so she didn't let him appear in her school. around.

He obeyed, and he did it.

But the result was this. Everything he had with her was erased by them.

He became a complete lunatic in the eyes of the masses, and no one wanted to believe him. His Zhizhi was also ruthless in order to get rid of him and create her own image of a pure and beautiful girl.

She didn't hesitate to abandon him, not only abandoned him but also cut him out of her life. He was so disgusting to her, so annoying.

"How many times do you want me to say it! When we are together, Zhizhi likes me! She likes me! I didn't force her. I didn't." He roared hysterically, but the person opposite just looked at him calmly. Looking at him.

"Jiang Shi, you need to calm down." The young man's state was very wrong. Jiang Qing frowned and made a judgment.

Perhaps, he really needed to send this younger brother for a check-up. The young man in front of him was bald, anxious, and hysterical like a madman.

This was not Jiang Shi. It was completely different from the Jiang Shi in his memory. His younger brother was very arrogant. He had received an elite education since he was a child, and his conversation and manners were always the best among his peers.

He is also someone else's child, as others call him, but now he is like a mentally disturbed lunatic, without any sense at all.

"Brother, don't you believe me too?" He was tied to a chair, his eyes were bloodshot, and his wrists that were tied behind his back were streaked with red blood from trying to break free.

The young man's entire mental state showed a sense of madness. If Jiang Qing didn't believe Xu Zhizhi's statement that Jiang Shi was sick at first, then he began to believe it at this moment.

Because the state presented by the person in front of me is obviously wrong. Jiang Qing still remembered the state when he first found this person. Because the flight had been announced in advance, Jiang Shi was not allowed to board, so the person drove overnight to Qishan. Qishan is in the easternmost part of our country, and it takes four or five hours to fly.

It would take him at least two or three days to drive. When he found this person, he was almost at Qishan... The green and black eyes looked like he had driven here all night.

His hair was uncombed and the wrinkles in his clothes had obviously not been taken care of for several days. This was not his mysophobic brother. It seemed that he really liked the woman named Xu Zhizhi.

"It's not that I don't want to believe you, it's that you need to rest due to your current condition. Jiang Shi, please come back to Beicheng with me first." Jiang Qing was still concerned about this younger brother.

"You don't want me to see Zhizhi, brother, can you let me see Zhizhi?" His voice was choked and he looked extremely pitiful.

Perhaps because he had not rested for a long time, his condition was very poor, his face was gray, his eyes were very red, and he looked particularly fragile.

"We're almost here. Can you let me meet Zhizhi? Brother, I want to see her. I want to talk to her face to face." He begged, he really wanted to see her.

But the person on the other side didn't respond.

Everyone thought he was crazy, but how could he be delusional when his memory was so complete! At this moment Jiang Shi was at a loss. No one believed him, not even his family.

He was pressed and tied to a chair, and he couldn't get out at all. He had to be let go.

He abandoned his previous arrogance and begged without dignity.

"Brother, I beg you."

"I'm not sick, I really am not sick. Please let me meet her. No matter what the final result is, I will go back with you." He

rarely lowered his head, and never He had begged the person in front of him for something. This was the first time Jiang Qing had seen such a humble Jiang Shi.

Thin figure, haggard face.

It can all be seen that this person is unwilling.

Not knowing what to say, Jiang Qing sighed helplessly, and also didn't know what to say.

Two days have passed since I had a phone call with Xu Zhizhi. I have almost completed the investigation in these two days, and it is indeed exactly the same as what Xu Zhizhi said.

They have never been together, at least on the surface... During this time, they also learned another news.

That is, Xu Zhizhi actually had a boyfriend during her sophomore year, and that boyfriend was her adopted brother. What she said on Weibo about not marrying was true, and he also knew about her family's situation.

She is an only daughter and wants to marry her son-in-law.

She had a boyfriend in her sophomore year, so it was reasonable to reject Jiang Shi, but Jiang Shi continued to pester her regardless of her boyfriend... and there was no moral bottom line.

The situations he learned became more and more outrageous, and Jiang Qing was speechless. He rubbed the corners of his sore eyes and said, "Jiang Shi, I won't let you go. You should have a good rest.

" Let him be exhausted.

Jiang Qing also needed to rest now. He exited the room and asked someone to guard the door while he went to rest in another room.

The man was still shouting heartbreakingly, but Jiang Qing actually believed Xu Zhizhi's words. Jiang Shi was indeed not in a normal state.

Now they are actually in Qishan, a small town with poorly developed transportation. It is also the town closest to the crew. As long as they drive a little further in, they can reach the crew.

But now Jiang Shi's situation is obviously not good for outsiders. He wants to take him back to Beicheng and make a decision when he gets home.

Limit the flow and spread within a narrow range.

The news on the Internet has been suppressed, and the voice of public opinion has become smaller and smaller. Although some people are still mentioning it, it has been replaced by bigger things.

It is impossible for the Jiang family to watch the situation develop and do nothing. If they want to quickly cover up the matter, they will create something more eye-catching.

Although some people have already realized this, the newly revealed things are indeed eye-catching.

Coupled with media rendering and deliberate guidance.

Soon new things took over the heat of their affair... at least that's how it seemed on the surface.

Some people want to mention it, but there is no place to say it. This is a consistent operation of capital. It is very annoying, but there is no way. As time goes by, it will soon disappear from the public eye.

When I mentioned it again, it was just an insignificant novelty...

On the other side, Qishan.

The filming of the script went smoother than expected, there was no inexplicable failure, and the atmosphere of the crew was also very good, and they did not criticize her because of that incident.

Everyone worked hard, because after Tan Hui left, she and the driver were the only two people on the crew, and the driver started working part-time as an assistant.

Xu Zhizhi is not a person who needs too much care from others. She only needs an assistant to help with the meal preparation. When she comes back, she can eat it is not a difficult job.

On the day of the accident, everything was as usual, the wind was sunny and there was no abnormality.

Perhaps the Jiang family took action and the public opinion on the Internet began to subside. She did not sue Jiang Shi. In order not to impair Lin Si and her own future, Xu Zhizhi chose to go private.

With the Jiang family's dealings, things took a turn for the better. The Jiang family promised her that they would handle the matter well, and also promised that she would not let Jiang Shi come to pester him again, let alone target him specifically for this matter. she.

She would even be compensated to make up for Jiang Shi's mistakes.

Her agent was replaced by Li Gao, and everything was going well until she met Jiang Shi again two days later.

This time the young man became even crazier.

His mental state was not very good at first glance. His eyes were too red, he was in a bad state, and his tall figure had become much thinner... It seemed that he was not living a good life during this period.

Xu Zhizhi had just finished filming, and the directors were filling in other scenes, while she was eating snacks on the other side to replenish her strength. Later, there would be a big scene where she was filming her fight with a poacher.

So she needs to be well fed and energetic.

Because the shooting location was special, she had to adapt in advance. In addition, it was surrounded by mountains and trees, and the air was fresh and quiet. After Xu Zhizhi got used to the location, she took advantage of her free time to stroll around.

It was also at this time that I met Jiang Shi.

He didn't know how he got here, but it looked like he had gone through a lot of hardships and there was nothing good about him.

The clothes that were always clean and tidy became extremely messy, and the hair was messy and there were green stubbles on the chin. It was obvious that they had only seen each other for a few days, but it seemed like they had been separated by several lifetimes.

The look in her eyes was even more painful and confused, and she wanted to cry or not, as if she had done such a bad thing.

The first time she saw him again, Xu Zhizhi was not only surprised, but also frightened, because she knew that this man was not normal, and it was even more abnormal to see him like this!

She cursed a little in her heart, and then she hurriedly ran into the crowd. If she was not stupid, she would be caught, and she would have to shed her skin if she didn't die!

But the worst part is that because she wanted to be alone before, the places she went to were far away from the crowds, and now she had to walk a long way back.

Jiang Shi, who was tall and long-legged, came to her in a few steps, took her hand and covered her lips to stop her from making any sound, and dragged her to the other side, farther and farther until the crowd could no longer be seen.

Xu Zhizhi resisted, but this man was too strong and she couldn't break free! She struggled desperately, and the man covered her mouth harder.

Finally, he dragged her to a deserted place, and then he loosened his grip a little but still held her tightly.

Xu Zhizhi has a mysophobia and Jiang Shi looks like he hasn't showered in several days. Although it's not hot, it's not cold either. It's disgusting, dirty and smelly.

In fact, there is no smell, but Xu Zhizhi will associate it with the fact that she thinks this person is dirty and will naturally associate it with the smell of sweat on his body.

She was about to vomit...

She opened the man's hand and struggled to get out. "Let me go, don't touch me!"

"You're so dirty, stay away from me!" She said in a hurry, and even started to retching.

The young man did not listen to her words and let go, but hugged her tighter, wanting to melt her into his bones and blood. However, the woman's retching motion still made his body stiffen slightly. He did not expect that Xu Zhizhi would hate him so much.

I'm so disgusted that I feel like vomiting when I see him...

Chapter 48

"Xu Zhizhi, do you hate me so much? Do you hate me enough to do this to me?" The struggling young man facing her turned pale, but not only did he not let go, he even hugged her tighter because of this.

He hated her so much that Jiang Shi didn't understand why Xu Zhizhi did this to him? You want to slander him in front of outsiders and deny their relationship.

Even if it's a breakup, he can accept it.

The worst she can do is tell her what's wrong with him, and if he changes, he can change for her, and he will do everything possible to please her again.

But that's not the case. He can't accept the current situation. Why should she erase it if she wants to? She promised to be with him, and she can't go back on her words midway.

"Zhizhi, let's not break up, okay? Let's get back together." He was very angry but Jiang Shi still wanted to stay. He really loved her so much. I don't know why I like it so much, but I just like it very much. I liked it the first time I saw it.

Xu Zhizhi was forcibly dragged here by the young man. Naturally, she didn't feel comfortable and her posture was not very good. She sat leaning against the big tree with a look of disgust.

Faced with the young man's confession, he remained indifferent.

"Stay away from me!" She hated this person's approach and also hated the smell of this person.

Perhaps it was the other party's confession that made Xu Zhizhi bolder. Knowing that he liked her, she dared to refute him and scold him based on this.

But obviously, now is not the time when Jiang Shi would love her unconditionally. He would also be angry and angry. He was tied up by Jiang Qing and brought back to Beicheng. No matter how much he begged, he got no response. Everyone was scolding him and thinking he was sick.

He was completely abandoned by her...

He climbed over the window and jumped from the second floor. He was injured all over and turned himself into a human and a ghost. He came to see her, but what did he see?

The person who looked bright and bright, standing in the crowd and smiling like a flower, had actually been here a long time ago, but he had been hiding in the dark, watching her and watching her be gentle and smile to everyone.

He obviously doesn't like to laugh, but after getting rid of him, he laughed so beautifully that it made him want to cry.

He was abandoned, completely abandoned. He didn't understand what he had done wrong, but the end result was that Xu Zhizhi didn't want him anymore.

So how could he continue to obey her unconditionally as before and change everything because of her preferences.

Faced with her disdain, he would only ask for it more roughly. Didn't she despise him?

Shouldn't he be allowed to touch it? Then he wanted to touch it, not only to touch it but also to touch it to the bottom. They were boyfriend and girlfriend, they were an unmarried couple.

If he doesn't agree to break up, then they will always be boyfriend and girlfriend. What should boyfriend and girlfriend do? Of course it was making out, they hadn't done it yet... they had nothing and he wanted it now.

Everything is done here!

The man hugged her so tightly that she sat completely in his arms, and her waist was held tightly.

The young man's powerful heartbeat sounded in her ears, powerful and vivid.

The posture is ambiguous and too intimate.

1.9 meters is too tall for a person of 1.6 meters or so, and it is big enough to cover her entire body.

The advantage of men versus the physical weakness of women is a terrifying thing. It is undeniable that Xu Zhizhi was a little scared at this moment because of the disparity in strength, which made her know that if Jiang Shi wanted to do anything to her, she would not be able to resist. .

She made that incident known to everyone, and now his reputation on the Internet is so bad that everyone is shouting for him to be beaten, and he has achieved a real social death.

The humiliation was huge. The top class person who was once held high and held high by everyone was suddenly in trouble.

Not everyone can bear this gap, and they are afraid that they will take revenge...

Of course, there are also some fans and passers-by on the Internet who believe that appearance is justice, and Jiang Shi only does such things because he likes her too much. Moreover, Jiang Shi just pestered her and introduced her to better resources. Where could she find such a good man?

The arrogance she had just felt immediately weakened after thinking of this. She was afraid of being beaten and she was afraid of pain.

"Let me go first. We have something to talk about and don't get so close." She was away from the crowd. If something happened, no one would know about her even if she was beaten to death.

Although she was not sure whether Jiang Shi hit women, she still wanted to be cautious just in case. After all, Jiang Shi was different from others. He was a psychopath.

There is no rationale for mental illness. If you become crazy, who knows what you will do. Xu Zhizhi had to soften her tone. She thought about softening her words and having a good talk with him before returning to the set, and then calling Jiang Qing to ask someone to pick him up.

She thought well and was ready to do this, but it was a pity that Jiang Shi didn't follow the routine. He didn't let her go because of her softness.

Even because of her softness, he hugged her even closer. He even kissed her, and the wet and hot kiss fell on the side of her neck. The wet touch was disgusting and unacceptable.

It was like being entangled by some sticky, liquid, soft-bodied creature.

Even before she started acting, Xu Zhizhi's defenses were a bit broken. She simply couldn't accept such a touch, especially with Jiang Shi.

"Let me go! Don't touch me." The female voice gradually became shriller, and his hands began to touch more secret places.

Xu Zhizhi thought a lot about Jiang Shi hitting her, but she never thought about Jiang Shi doing such a thing to her. The intention was already obvious.

His movements were not disguised at all.

Maybe he didn't want to hide it at all. The young man's movements became more and more rough, and his breathing gradually became heavier.

But it was so disgusting that Xu Zhizhi couldn't accept it at all. To her, it was as if she had been bitten by a dog.

"You are breaking the law, Jiang Shi, you are breaking the law!" She pinched him with her hands and bit him with her teeth.

She wants to leave here and she asks for help!

After being bitten and caught, the young man just frowned and controlled her without saying a word.

"Didn't you say that I'm mentally ill? Then do you know that you won't go to jail if I fall in love with you? The most I can do is be sent to a mental hospital. Xu Zhizhi, I'm too good to you, that's why I let you treat me like this!" He said cruelly To put it bluntly, the whole person's state is extremely unstable.

Xu Zhizhi was a little shocked at this moment. She didn't expect this person to be so shameless, "Do you know what you are talking about? Jiang Shi, do you have no conscience?" "

If you don't go to jail? Are you going to invade me?" "She was shocked by the shamelessness of his words.

"Jiang Shi, calm down, calm down and don't touch me." She tried to persuade him, but the man wouldn't listen at all.

He grabbed her hand and tried to go further. She couldn't resist. There was a huge disparity in strength between men and women. No matter how she called for help, no one would come here to save her.

The only one who can save her is herself.

Xu Zhizhi forced herself to calm down. Only by being calm and not panicking could she come up with a solution. The most indispensable thing in the woods was stones, gravels everywhere, and stones covered by leaves.

As long as she smashes his head, as long as he relaxes, then she can run away...

It seems easy but it is difficult to do. Jiang Shi crushes her in all directions, and she has no chance at all.

Xu Zhizhi rarely cried, at least no one she knew well had ever seen her cry. The same was true for Jiang Shi, who cried very softly and with despair.

Depressed, broken.

It came to his ears intermittently. The young man had taken off his shirt. He had strong shoulders and beautiful texture. He had a good figure and had been exercising all year round. He also practiced Sanda and was full of strength.

He has the kind of figure that looks thin when dressed and fleshy when undressed, but this does not prevent him from being dirty.

Xu Zhizhi was so disgusted and dirty.

This guy looked like he hadn't showered in a long time, and being skin-to-skin with him was killing her. She was not a crybaby, because crying couldn't solve anything, it was just a sign of weakness.

But crying can be a useful weapon if used properly. Jiang Shi likes her...will he feel pity for her crying?

She didn't know all this, but she still cried in order to save herself, and she cried beautifully. She had played the role of a sickly beauty, and she knew how to cry like a pear blossom with rain in it, which made people feel distressed.

Jiang Shi's movements stopped, and his goal was achieved.

"Jiang Shi, please don't touch me, okay? I don't like this. This is the first time I don't want to beg you here. I really beg you, please don't." He begged intermittently with a tearful voice.

Weak and helpless.

Violation is painful for any woman, and Xu Zhizhi is no exception.

Jiang Shi didn't do it to the end, but it was also a bad memory for her. It was painful and humiliating. Her tears at the moment were fake, but the pain was not fake.

No woman can endure such a thing, Jiang Shi really deserves to die.

Tears fell on the man's shoulders and neck drop by drop, and the moist heat was mixed with the suppressed crying. This made the young man's movements stop, and Zhizhi cried.

What kind of recognition is this? Jiang Shi and Xu Zhizhi have known each other for almost five years. In these five years, they have met countless times, and he has also watched her from a distance many times.

When she was a girl, she was more cold and unlucky than she is now. Perhaps because of her unfamiliarity with Beicheng, she was naturally separated from other people in the school and did not pay much attention to others.

He is always cool and cold, and when you see him, you just pretend you haven't seen him. He had to take the initiative every time, and it took a lot of effort to get close to her and talk to her.

Although she is also cold after work, she is more worldly and worldly, as she was in college.

She never participates in any activities that she doesn't like, and she won't accommodate others for any benefit. She always puts herself at the center and will never let herself be wronged.

It was like a beautiful robot without emotions, but now she was crying, and she was still made to cry by him.

He made Zhizhi cry. This realization made Jiang Shi a little at a loss, and his Zhizhi cried. "Don't cry, okay, I was wrong, I was wrong."

He moved in a panic and carefully, as if he really loved her.

He wanted to wipe her tears but couldn't find a tissue. He could only wipe the tears with his rough fingertips. His slightly dry hands brushed Xu Zhizhi's face, leaving a bunch of red marks.

The skin on her fair face was so delicate that it turned red immediately after being touched like this. Xu Zhizhi was a little disgusted by it. It was so rough and rough that it hurt her.

But she didn't dare to say it now. She was afraid that as soon as she said it, the other party's attitude would immediately change and it wouldn't scare her to death, so she could only let the young man's rough hands rub her face.

It was originally a fake cry, but it really hurt her to cry, and she couldn't hold it back for a while.

"You hurt me. It hurts now." This time it wasn't fake but real pain.

Perhaps because he felt sorry for her, the young man didn't get angry after being rejected by her this time. He just looked at her dullly, with innocent yet guilty eyes.

Too good to be true.

But no matter how good she is, Xu Zhizhi knows it's fake.

Chapter 49

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I know I was wrong." Jiang Shi held it in for a long time and could only say this sentence. He still hated her, but his hatred could not outweigh his love.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done this. I just feel too uncomfortable." He hugged her tightly again, but this time he was extra gentle, as if he was holding a treasure carefully, for fear of hurting her with too much force.

He rubbed his face against hers, and the coarse stubble made her feel uncomfortable. His strong hands gently stroked her thin back, trying to soothe her thin cries.

Jiang Shi liked her, Xu Zhizhi was sure of this... They hugged each other very close, and they were so close that Xu Zhizhi could hear the young man's heartbeat and feel the warmth of his body.

"Jiang Shi, I'm scared." This time she didn't resist his approach, and even leaned on his shoulder obediently.

The intermittent crying was mixed with the woman's choked voice. Her face was red from crying, and she looked extremely pitiful at this moment.

From crying quietly at the beginning to crying loudly later, in the end I felt really wronged.

Her tears fell on his hands drop by drop. Jiang Shi was at a loss when he saw this scene. He didn't expect Zhizhi to be so uncomfortable.

Yes, how could it not be uncomfortable?

No matter how cold-tempered Zhizhi is, she is still a young girl. It is normal for her to be afraid when encountering such a thing.

"I'm sorry, I know I was wrong." He hugged her tightly, and Jiang Shi regretted that he shouldn't have done this.

Apologies one after another fell in her ears, but Xu Zhizhi did not relax because of this. She was still crying but not crying loudly.

Because she was wearing a simple and smart work clothes today for filming, the clothes that should have been neatly dressed were messed up by the young man, and the collar was torn open to expose her shoulders.

The whole person's state is like a little white flower that has been damaged by wind and rain, pitiful and helpless.

Xu Zhizhi is very satisfied with her current performance. Although she is a little frustrated and irritated, now is not the time to care about this. She needs to save herself. She needs to scare this person first.

It's better to lose a little face than to be really hurt.

With this mentality, Xu Zhizhi kept up her efforts: "Jiang Shi, we have something to talk about, okay?" She whispered while coughing.

It looked so pitiful.

She wasn't pretending to cough. She naturally felt like coughing after crying too much, but even her coughing was put to good use, softly and weakly, as if she was coquettishly coquettish.

She has a thin waist and is very thin, giving people the impression of a slender and delicate beauty, but Xu Zhizhi usually looks too calm, which makes people ignore this.

At this moment, she deliberately amplified this characteristic, and the atmosphere was also being amplified. She wanted Jiang Shi to choose to let her go because of this.

She was so thin that he could hold her in his arms with just one hand, so why didn't Jiang Shi feel distressed.

Because of the cough, a large amount of red appeared on the woman's face, and there were tears on the red. It was a kind of beauty that was on the verge of collapse, fragile and fragile.

His Zhizhi is a little squeamish.

"Stop crying, wife, I will listen to you." He couldn't see her crying, and he couldn't bear to see her cry.

After a while, the man's mind changed.

Jiang Shi felt so sorry for the person in front of him. He really liked her, so much that he hated himself like this. It was obvious that she had done so many bad things to him, but at this moment he couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

To blame yourself for what you did.

"Honey, let's make peace. Zhizhi, I will be good to you for the rest of my life. Don't cry." While comforting her, he also did not forget to make requests.

Jiang Shi was sober. He cared about the people in his arms and knew what he wanted.

After holding back her disgust and being hugged by this man for so long, Xu Zhizhi didn't want to fail, so she could only nod after hearing these entangled words. She just wants to go back to the crew now, and nodding is just a temporary solution. When she gets to the crew, she can just shake this person off and not admit it.

She nodded silently, as obediently as a little sheep. As soon as he saw her nodding, Jiang Shi couldn't stop the joy in his heart, "I love you."

He was not a person who could talk about love, and the sweetest love words were only these most straightforward ones. He was so happy that his eyes were full of joy. .

A passionate kiss fell on her eyebrows.

Finally, on her lips, Xu Zhizhi thought about stopping him, but she was sitting on his lap. If she dared to resist, Jiang Shi would definitely get worse.

He would also treat her more roughly because of her deception, so at the moment of being kissed, Xu Zhizhi could only choose to endure it with her eyes closed.

She regarded this kiss as acting. She had filmed many kissing scenes, but she had never had such close contact with anyone in private...

"I knew you liked me, Zhizhi, I love you." The man held her hand in his hands. Face, saying such ambiguous words.

Her lips are very beautiful, but there is no color. Perhaps to keep her body photogenic, Xu Zhizhi never eats enough.

Most of the time, she is only five or five full. Because of this, she looks a little thin, like she is malnourished, and her lip color is also lighter.

At this moment, her lips were reddish and stained with water. That was his masterpiece. Jiang Shi looked at this scene and said happily: "I forgive you, Xu Zhizhi."

He closed his eyes and said again.

It was not difficult to convince himself to forgive her, because compared to her, Jiang Shi actually didn't care much about his career.

Because of that incident, he lost his job and could no longer appear on any channel as an actor or singer. Although there was no clear news of a ban on the Internet, his family would not let him appear in public again.

He was dragged off the altar and fell into the bottomless abyss. Countless voices of abuse came from all directions. Because of her, he lost the career he once loved most.

Because of her slander.

He became a mad dog who ignored the law and used the capital in his hands to trample on others at will, a complete bad guy.

Career and life, Jiang Shi finally chose life. If one of them had to leave that industry, then it was not impossible for him.

He has been in that industry for a long time, unlike Zhizhi, she has just started. Jiang Shi also knows clearly that Xu Zhizhi will not leave that industry for him.

She loves her career more than him.

As if he had made a lot of determination, he finally compromised for her.

In fact, with his family's strength, it was very simple to reverse the truth and help him reverse the case, but he didn't want to and felt it was unnecessary.

He only wants Xu Zhizhi and he doesn't care about the rest.

It can be considered gentle. In fact, Xu Zhizhi doesn't quite understand what they are now? Time was passing away little by little, which was a kind of torture for her.

But in order not to appear too deliberate, she could only wait patiently...

Finally, at a certain point, Xu Zhizhi felt that it was almost done, and her crying had stopped, but her eyes were still very red.

"Jiang Shi, I want to go back." She suggested in a low voice, perhaps because she was afraid that he would not agree. Xu Zhizhi added, "It's getting dark, and it looks like it's going to rain." What

she said was reasonable, and Jiang Shi shouldn't Would you disagree?

The man's eyes were very dark and deep. Xu Zhizhi knew that he was lying, so he did not dare to look into Jiang Shi's eyes. But he pulled her face to look at him, and Xu Zhizhi couldn't avoid it, so she could only force herself to calm down so that she didn't look so panicked.

The big trees blocked the sky and the sun, and the forest was already dark. As time passed, the sky was no longer bright, and the mountains and forests gradually fell into darkness. "Okay."

He agreed, but before Xu Zhizhi could be happy for too long, Jiang Shi said again: "But you have to go back to Beicheng with me."

"Zhizhi, I need a sense of security. I need something to prove that we are together. Only by getting the certificate with you can I feel at ease."

"Okay." After hearing this, Xu Zhizhi could only She agreed bravely and felt no guilt for lying because Jiang Shi forced her to do so.

She only agreed to his unreasonable request to protect herself.

The young man was very happy, and the smile on his face had not disappeared since she agreed.

"It's getting dark, let's go back quickly." Xu Zhizhi could only urge as the delay became increasingly difficult.

She just wants to return to the crew as soon as possible. She is scared in this deep mountain and old forest, and she doesn't know if the crew noticed that she disappeared?

Because she was dragged here by force, she had nothing but the clothes she was wearing.

Being alone with this madman made her uneasy.

Fortunately, Jiang Shi didn't stop her this time, but took her hand and led her out of the mountain forest, which was an undeveloped virgin forest.

Rich forest resources and exotic vegetation, most of which are flowers and plants that these two people who have lived in the city all year round have never seen.

Because of Jiang Shi's roughness, Xu Zhizhi's top was a little torn, but luckily she could still wear it. She arranged her clothes and walked back and forth with him in the forest by moonlight... I don't know

how long they walked, but Xu Zhizhi thought they were going to get out of this place. While walking through the forest, she suddenly realized something was wrong with the road.

This is not the way back to the set! This is the way out of the mountain. "Jiang Shi, let's go back to the crew first."

She lowered her voice and suggested carefully, "No, let's go back to Beicheng to get the marriage certificate first, and then I will accompany you back to film."

" It's not that we can't get married now. I don't have any copies of the household registration book or copies." She stopped, not wanting to continue walking.

"It doesn't matter. I have free time now and can go to your hometown to visit the two old people." He said it seriously, not as a joke.

"Why aren't you willing?" Seeing her resistance, the young man's originally good expression turned gloomy instantly.

"No, Jiang Shi is in too much of a hurry. Otherwise, let's go back to the set first, and wait until we have a good rest tomorrow, okay?" She tried to control her micro-expressions to prevent her face from looking too ugly.

She doesn't have a mobile phone or money now. She doesn't know what will happen if she goes out with him.

Xu Zhizhi is a very wary person. She doesn't trust anyone except her grandparents, let alone a lunatic like Jiang Shi.

So she smiled very reluctantly, so much that she couldn't keep the smile on her face. "I just think it's too dark now and you look tired and you need to rest Jiang Shi."

She winced, she was backing away.

The movements are small and subtle.

But Jiang Shi still caught her, "You still don't want to, Xu Zhizhi." He pointed out her thoughts straightforwardly.

"Do you think you will be safe as long as you get to the set? You will get rid of me!" All the sweetness was fake, and she still resisted him like that.

She had lied to him again.

After being exposed the lie mercilessly, Xu Zhizhi didn't know how to describe her mood at the moment. She stood silently with a fire in her heart.

"Speak, Xu Zhizhi, are you lying to me again?" He licked his chapped lips and smiled to himself.

"You are a liar! A liar without conscience. Five years have turned into a ball of air and a blank in your mouth."

Chapter 50

He is about to collapse, why does Xu Zhizhi abandon him again and again.

"You obviously love me, you love me!" He was in great pain. He didn't understand why things developed like this?

"Is it because of Pei Yu? Is it because of him?" Jiang Shi was driven crazy. He was jealous and hated!

The night before he came here, he saw so-called cp fans on the Internet posting comments on his Weibo that Xu Zhizhi and Pei Yu were the best match.

It's inappropriate to say that he is an old man and should not pester others.

Xu Zhizhi and Pei Yu were classmates in college. They were similar in age for four years. One was cold and the other was gentle. They had complementary personalities.

They also like similar things and have such a good relationship that they raise kittens together, care about each other, give small gifts, and send blessings to each other on Weibo offline and online on their birthdays.

Such a relationship is so good and so perfect.

[So Jiang Suren, don't pester us Zhizhi from now on. ]

[Zhizhi and Pei Yu are really well matched. In terms of appearance, they both came from ordinary backgrounds and have achieved what they are today through their own efforts. What a perfect match. ]

[If you can't get love, you will get angry and force other girls. Jiang Shi, I misjudged you! ]

Various remarks and Xu Zhizhi's words at this moment crushed him, "No... that's not the case. I shouldn't have promised you to hide the relationship in the first place. I should have made the trouble known to everyone. I should have let everyone know. "

I won't let you two be together. You are my Xu Zhizhi and you are my wife! As long as I live, I will not let you run away with that wild man! I tell you that you are mine!" He He squeezed her hand tightly, as if he was afraid that she would run away.

She was really afraid that she would run away. As long as she returned to the set, Jiang Qing would definitely separate them. He broke the window and ran out of the house. If he was caught this time, he would definitely be under stricter control.

He didn't understand why his family chose to believe the words of Xu Zhizhi and the adulterer, but they were unwilling to believe him.

He hated her madly.

"I tell you, you can only be good to me in this life! I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost, Xu Zhizhi, you can't get rid of me!" The

malicious words rang in the air, a depressing atmosphere enveloped her, and heavy rain followed the young man The words poured out and soon wet their clothes.

Xu Zhizhi pulled out her hand slightly. She was a little frightened. The young man's vicious eyes and persistent words made her feel terrible.

This man is a lunatic, an out-and-out lunatic, "No, Jiang Shitian is too dark, let's go back." She struggled to get out of his control.

But Jiang Shi is not so easy to get rid of.

"That's enough! I beg you, let me go!" The heavy rain, the muddy mountain road, the dark jungle, everything was frightening to Xu Zhizhi.

"How do you want me to support you? Admit that false thing? I have nothing to do with you. Don't deceive yourself. We have nothing to do with you. Can you go home? Your family will not lie to you. You have to believe their words! " She threw away his hand and struggled back. She still couldn't swallow the fire and cursed out.

"I just don't like you, I don't like you very much! So please stop pestering me, okay?" Xu Zhizhi is not a good-tempered person to begin with, if it weren't for the huge disparity in power.

She had already fought.

At this time, she was arguing with him because she was forced by reality and did not dare to do anything. Of course, after scolding him, she also knew that she should not stay here for a long time.

At a certain gap, she hurriedly ran back. She knew the mountain road now. As long as she kept running forward, she could return to the crew. As long as she reached the crew, she would be safe.

The emergency situation did not allow her to stop at all. She could only keep moving forward. The leaves scratched her skin, and the rain wet her clothes, which hindered her running body. The days of traveling in the forest were not pleasant.

Pain always accompanies her... After crossing another stone bridge, she can reach the village. Her hope is right in front of her, but in the end she is caught. She screams and struggles to arouse the attention of the people in the small village in front of her. focus on.

But it was no use, she was dragged back again.

She struggled to bite him, kick him, and pinch him, but the man's skin was as thick as a cow. No matter how she bit, hit, or scolded him, Jiang Shi seemed fine.

He was so strong that carrying her was like carrying a chicken. What was originally a dragging behind her became a hug.

"Zhizhi, don't leave me. Let's go home. The baby is still waiting for us at home. He is waiting for his parents." The man covered her face and did not allow her to speak.

But his lips were close to her ear, and he was saying some mysterious words. He had begun to lose consciousness, and his scarlet eyes collapsed as he spoke.

He is going crazy again, Xu Zhizhi knows!

But her mouth was covered and she couldn't refute. No matter how hard she beat Jiang Shi, he wouldn't let go. He was like an evil ghost dragging her into the abyss...

The rain wet her hair and their bodies, Xu Zhizhi didn't want to leave with Jiang Shi. Inexplicably, she had a premonition that as long as she left Jiang Shi, she would really be dead.

So she struggled desperately. She now had no mobile phone, no ID card, and nothing. If Jiang Shi took her away, what would she do?

It's not that she wants to think of the person in front of her as bad, but that he is inherently bad. He is so bad that he ignores the law and human rights. He is a mad dog and wants to violate her.

So how dare Xu Zhizhi leave with him?

She tried her best to save herself. She couldn't leave with this person. She had to stay. Only by staying could she be safe!

"Be good, let's go home!" He suppressed her kicking legs and held her tightly in his arms like a child.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and the mountain road is not easy to walk.

Jiang Shi moved faster. He pressed the moving person tighter and hugged her tighter. He would not let her go. He wanted to take her away.

He didn't know where he was going, he just wanted to take her away first!

It's a kidnapping, but so what?

As long as the rice is cooked and Zhizhi is pregnant with his child, the mother and eldest brother will support them for the sake of the child.

The child cannot live without his father, and Zhizhi will stay with him for the sake of the child. By then, no one can separate them.

"Children, for children!" As long as they have children, they will not be separated. They will form a happy family, and Zhizhi will love him!

After all, he is the child's father.

Jiang Shi couldn't suppress the burning feeling in his heart. He found a way. As long as Zhizhi had a child with him, and as long as Zhizhi's child was named Jiang, they would be together forever.

Crazy thoughts formed in his heart, and Jiang Shi would also take action for it. He cried and laughed, knowing how to be with Zhizhi forever...

Jiang Shi was not normal, and Xu Zhizhi felt it clearly at this moment! He really looked crazy and acted insanely.

He's a madman, he's crazy.

She was really scared, she was scared of leaving this person, and she was scared of what this person might do to her next.

The bad premonition made her know that she couldn't sit still and wait for death, and she would resist no matter what. She did many things, finding opportunities to bite the hand that covered her mouth.

She beat him desperately and struggled to move around in his arms. She couldn't care less. She didn't care whether it was a mountain road or a rainy day. Any movement might cause Jiang Shi's feet to slip and fall into the cliff.

She only knew that she must not go out with Jiang Shi.

Maybe it was God who helped her. At a certain moment, she broke free and her feet fell to the ground.

But soon the young man pestered her again, "I beg you, please let me go, I beg you!" This time Xu Zhizhi really collapsed.

She is just an ordinary woman. She has never experienced such a thing. She will be scared and feel uneasy. Jiang Shi's current behavior is like a scumbag who traffics women.

He is a beast, a brute.

Force her according to your own preferences.

The rain hit her face, and tears flowed down along with it. She didn't want to cry, but she couldn't help it. Maybe she was angry or unwilling. She didn't understand why she had to suffer such a thing?

This is a lunatic who has no conscience.

Anger and unwillingness made her lose her mind. The dark night made it difficult for her to distinguish the path. She only knew how to run no matter where she went.

Even if her feet slipped and she fell, she had to get up immediately and continue moving forward. The branches, vines and plants with barbs all left traces on her body.

But Xu Zhizhi knew that she couldn't run away at all, Jiang Shi was following her like a ghost, lingering.

The forest is very dangerous. Without wild survival skills and without enough ability, a woman, a weak girl, can easily get into trouble at night.

She thought she was really dead this time.

The dark night made her unable to see, the rain made the ground slippery, Jiang Shi frightened her, and the final result was that she rolled down the hillside.

Xu Zhizhi didn't want to die, but she couldn't hold on to anything. She felt a little reluctant to think she was unlucky, but who made her unlucky?

Her calf hit a sharp stone, and the blood flow continued. Her body had not stopped yet...

Xu Zhizhi could only try her best to protect her head from being injured. At the last moment, someone seemed to hug her and protect her. Partial damage.

It seems that Jiang Shi...

I don't know if it was luck or not, but they fell into a deep pool.

The impact of the water gave them the possibility of survival. Fortunately for Jiang Shi, he swam ashore holding the unconscious woman and pressing out the water in her stomach.

Soon, the woman woke up.

However, she passed out again within two seconds. Xu Zhizhi's physical condition was not good. After such an experience, she was exposed to the rain, fell into the valley, and finally fell into the pool.

She was lucky not to die... Her body was somewhat worn down, and the wound on her leg was deep and bleeding. If the bleeding was not stopped in time, she might die from excessive blood loss.

Jiang Shi regretted it. He tried every means to stop her bleeding and wanted her to survive.


The next day, the sky lit up slightly.

It hurts, it hurts, it's the pain coming from my calf.

Xu Zhizhi felt very uncomfortable. She slowly sat up with her head feeling dizzy. It was only when she sat up that she realized that she was not at home.

Maybe her head hurt a little, so she didn't quite understand the situation for a while, but she soon remembered it.

It was Jiang Shi who caused her such misery.

There were many strips of cloth tied around her calf, which were torn strips of Jiang Shi's clothes. The bleeding stopped but it was very painful. It hurt so much that she wanted to die. In addition to the pain in her legs, she also had a headache, and everything on her body hurt.

In addition to the calf, there must be scratches elsewhere.

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