After being entangled by the...

By loveyuehua

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After being entangled by the paranoid male protagonist (被偏执男主缠上以后) Author: Xili Beibei (西梨贝贝) The male protag... More

Disclaimer & Work Related
Ch 1-5
Ch 6-10
Ch 11-15
Ch 16-20
Ch 26-30
Ch 31-35
Ch 36-40
Ch 41-45
Ch 46-50
Ch 51-55
Ch 56-60
Ch 61-65
Ch 66-70
Ch 71-75
Ch 76-80
Ch 81-85
Ch 86-91 End

Ch 21-25

154 1 1
By loveyuehua

Chapter 21

After seeing the two people off, the room instantly became quiet. It was this quietness that reminded Xu Zhizhi of what Jiang Shi had just said.

Baby, wife.

Was he calling her a prank? Still hiding the script, Xu Zhizhi couldn't figure it out, but she knew that Jiang Shi must be abnormal.

He hugged her, talking about his love for her with all his heart and eyes. They were like a pair of real lovers, a couple who were at odds.

Forget it, don't think about it if you don't understand.

Anyway, the crew will be leaving the day after tomorrow, so we won't see each other again if we are far apart, and such inexplicable things will not happen again.

She closed the breathable window and went to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of iced Coke. After drinking it, she remembered that she had to take a shower earlier.

Get towels, pajamas, and underwear.

Fearing that Jiang Shi would see it, Xu Zhizhi rolled up all these things into a ball and stuffed them into a small quilt.

At this time, it was already in a mess. Xu Zhizhi's underwear was in sets, and she also preferred sets.

Easy to use and simple.

Her inner wear is either black or white, generally the simpler the better.

But just when she was picking and choosing a white set to take a shower, she suddenly realized something was wrong... Why didn't this match the set?

There is a white inner and outer strip missing.

Afraid that she was stuffed too much, Xu Zhizhi opened the quilt again and checked, but there was nothing there.

She's just missing one.

But this shouldn't be the case. Xu Zhizhi always buys these things in sets, and wears them in groups. It is impossible to lose or lose.

If there are less, it will be less than a pair of complete sets, and it cannot be as rare as now.

By the way, there are cameras.

Because Jiang Shi suddenly came to her room last time, Xu Zhizhi remembered an incident in her previous life, that is, she and a colleague discussed the script at night and were photographed by the paparazzi.

They broke the news and said they were having an affair.

That incident caused her a lot of trouble.

Although it didn't do anything to her career, the criticism against her on the Internet became louder and louder over and over again.

Jiang Shi's sudden visit made her aware of the danger and reminded her of this incident.

She couldn't ask Bai Xiaotian or Zhou Feng to come over every time, that would be too troublesome and tiring.

She was afraid that something like this would happen again in the future, or that she would be photographed again, so just in case, Xu Zhizhi simply installed a camera in her room.

The backend is in her own hands and she will delete it regularly.

There are many advantages to pretending like this. If she is photographed again in the future, she can directly throw out the evidence and prove her innocence. Another point is to prevent illegitimate criminals and thieves.

The pros outweighed the cons, so she installed it.

Of course, if someone comes, she will tell her in advance... If she suggests, go out and talk to another place. If you don't mind, then continue.

It's just that Jiang Shi came so suddenly today that she forgot to mention it for a moment.

If the white one is lost, there is actually no need to check the camera, because it is worthless and a waste of time.

But Xu Zhizhi still sat in front of the computer. She wanted to delete Jiang Shi's image. She felt a little unlucky because she didn't notify her in advance.

It's a bit weird to record people like this, like a pervert hiding in the dark...

After all, the sound of "wife" is still a bit scary. There is no need to keep this video, and there is no way to send it out to prove anything, so it is better to delete it. .

She pulled the arrow and clicked the mouse to fast forward time.

I want to get to the video of tonight as soon as possible, but I can't get it right...I tried it several times and couldn't get it right.

Just when Xu Zhizhi was thinking about forgetting it and simply deleting all the videos for today, a picture suddenly appeared in her sight.

The tall and straight young man stood at the end of the bed. Due to the angle of view, Xu Zhizhi could not see his face and movements clearly.

But she could clearly feel that Jiang Shi's hand seemed to be on her bed. He bent his body slightly and seemed to pick something up?

What did you pick up from her bed?

The woman was stunned for a moment.

She stopped the mouse button, and a very bad feeling flashed through her heart. She couldn't accept that feeling.

The young man on the screen is still continuing. He picked up something that seemed to be white. As he straightened up, he also picked up the object.

The young man's hands were beautiful, with slender joints and fair skin. That thing was the white one... He put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it, his eyes blurred.

Finally, he put it into his pants pocket like a thief.

Seeing this scene, Xu Zhizhi felt bad all over. She felt as if she had been struck by lightning, numb from head to toe.

"Damn! Stupid!"

Everything developed was too fantasy and beyond Xu Zhizhi's acceptance. She widened her eyes and stared at the picture on the computer. The scene was so shocking, disgusting and perverted.

Is Jiang Shi crazy?

Because of her disgust and shock, she couldn't help but curse out for a moment. He stole her...

"Fuck! Crazy, is there something wrong with your brain!" Did Jiang Shi know what he was doing? A sense of absurdity surrounded Xu Zhizhi, making her whole body fall into a disgusting feeling of self-loathing.

The feeling was not bad, being stripped naked and thrown on the street. She hated those who hurt her and was ashamed of herself for being treated like this.

The hurt in both directions made her extremely uncomfortable.

The picture on the computer was still playing... The man broke the cup and she walked out of the bathroom.

'My wife, please forgive me, baby. '

'Let's get along well, okay, be good, I love you. With these

voices, Xu Zhizhi, who was sitting in front of the computer and swearing angrily, suddenly flashed a picture in her mind. It was a text... a story in the original work describing the story of the original protagonist falling in love with the male protagonist Jiang Shi.

Because I can't get it, I'm living in fantasy.

A confession of living in imaginary love and driving myself crazy in the is that possible? There is no connection between them.

It is impossible that Jiang Shi also suffered from such a disease!

But if he didn't suffer from such a disease, why would the male protagonist Jiang Shi do such a thing that goes against his character? No, it should be said to be against morality now.

He stole hers like a pervert...

He was really disgusting and made Xu Zhizhi want to vomit.

His sticky and anxious gaze fell on her all the time. He seemed to like looking at her very much.

It's like looking at your sweetheart.

But how could it be? It's impossible. In the original work, the male protagonist is in good mental condition. The only one who goes crazy and has a mental illness is the original protagonist!

The sudden Xu Zhizhi got goosebumps all over her body. If she wasn't sick, how could she explain Jiang Shi's behavior?

He likes her...does he?

Xu Zhizhi couldn't tell the difference, but she saw desire in this video, and maybe she liked it.

Why do you like it?

Why she would do such a disgusting thing, she didn't know.

But she was certain that she would stay away from this kind of person. No matter what the purpose, she would stay away from him.

Xu Zhizhi wants to delete this video.

Because it's so insulting and uncomfortable to her... There's no way she could keep a video like this.

Just thinking that this video is still on her phone and computer makes her want to curse.

The good mood was completely ruined...

Of course, she also threw away the extra white bra that didn't match the set, no! is all.

Those that Jiang Shi had seen or possibly touched, she threw away.

Because out of sight, out of mind, and because Xu Zhizhi felt that they were all dirty... The anxiety in her heart kept her from sleeping well all night.

Early the next morning, Zhou Feng came to pick her up.

There was a hint of greenish black under the woman's eyes. Zhou Feng handed her the brewed coffee and waited for her to drink it before driving away.

When I got to the set, I put on makeup and changed clothes.

Her plot has ended, and now she is just filling in some details that the director needs, so her working hours are different from others.

Soon, the morning's work was over.

She sat in the rest room and tried not to look at the man.

I don't know if it was because of what happened last night, but today Xu Zhizhi suddenly discovered that Jiang Shi liked to look at her.

Obscure...hiding in the dark.

His gaze fell on her, and it was difficult for Xu Zhizhi to ignore it. At a certain moment, she suddenly turned around and met his gaze.

The faint smile on the young man's lips... Seeing her scalp numb, Xu Zhizhi quickly looked away and took two more bites of grilled sausage to suppress the irritability in her heart.

In the future, just avoid it if you can, and don't work with this kind of psychopath again.

She ate quickly and never raised her head again because of the thought in her heart, but it was also for this reason that she almost choked.

Zhou Feng opened the thermos cup and handed it to her.

It contains sweet pear water with ice cubes, which is perfect in this summer.

"Thank you."

"It's okay." The man shook his head and then stopped talking.

Xu Zhizhi was hesitating whether to tell the story? Or tell Li Gao, but what good would it do to her to tell her?

If not, it will only make people laugh.

Then she becomes the laughing stock in the circle, or is exposed on the Internet, and people make jokes...

She doesn't want people to make jokes, and she doesn't want to be the target of public criticism.

Xu Zhizhi thought for a long time. She felt that she was not hurt at the moment. Jiang Shi did nothing else to her except what happened last night.

If you tell them, it may be bad for your career.

She thought a lot, but in reality it was just her who finished drinking the pear water and screwed the lid of the thermos cup.

The thermos cup can not only keep hot water, but also burst ice water. The brand she used is not very famous, and it seems to cost more than 70 yuan.

Xu Zhizhi bought it casually online.

Because she needed a fixed exposure, she closed the lid of the thermos cup, took a random photo with her phone, took a photo of her lunch, and posted it on Weibo.

She is not very famous and has no representative works.

There are very few fans on Weibo, less than one million, and many of these millions are purchased.

Although the original owner has already filmed two movies.

But apart from the first low-budget movie being released, another one is still being prepared, so she is just a transparent person who has not been found in the entertainment industry.

The 18-line little transparent one sounds good.

Simply edit a text and send it out quickly. [Today's lunch~happy]

was a bit false and she was not happy.

But it didn't matter. After putting down the phone, Xu Zhizhi started eating lunch again.

It was also at this time that the phone suddenly rang, which was the notification sound from Weibo.

Some fans must have commented. Xu Zhizhi didn't want to read it at first, but after thinking about it, she decided to read it.

After all, they are all fans who like her.

Sure enough, when she opened Weibo, the first comment she saw was from that fan again. The ID that would appear first in her comment area no matter when she posted on Weibo: Xu Zhizhi, her husband

[Wife, I love you! I love you! Crazy expression of love with big red heart emoticon~]

I want to laugh a little, but mostly I am happy.

After all, he is a fan who likes him. Who doesn't like him? His online name is a bit funny.

I don't know if this person is male or female.

Chapter 22

Pulling the interface with her fingers, Xu Zhizhi also looked at other comments, and finally selected two or three to simply reply.

She was originally planning to return this ID (Xu Zhizhi's husband), but Xu Zhizhi didn't know how to return it.

The comments he posted were so enthusiastic.

Always my wife, I love you, my wife, I miss you! Such comments left her wondering what to reply and how to word them.

But in the end, Xu Zhizhi edited two words and sent them out, simply expressing her gratitude and liking.

Reply to them, but not to him.

It always makes Xu Zhizhi feel bad, and this fan is also her so-called big fan, a fan who will help her cut videos and promote them in major apps.

No one can pass past him.

After scrolling down, she found that there were no other comments to answer, so Xu Zhizhi turned off her phone and continued eating.

The pear water is freshly squeezed, very sweet and very ice-cold.

This was specially squeezed by Zhou Feng for her. In the past two days, she didn't know whether it was due to the weather or something else, but her throat was a little dry and uncomfortable.

Drinking something like this will make you feel better.

On the other side, Liang Chao was eating a box lunch.

Playing with his mobile phone, he suddenly pushed Jiang Shi beside him as if he had discovered something interesting, "Brother, your wife posted on Weibo."

His voice was not loud, but he did not lower it either.

After finishing speaking, Liang Chao also reacted, "Sorry, I forgot about it for a moment."

Ever since he found out that Xu Zhizhi and Jiang Shi were a couple, Liang Chao used his trumpet to secretly follow Xu Zhizhi. After all, she is a sister-in-law, so she had to find out.

And judging from what Jiang Shi meant, it was true love.

In the rest of their lives, these brothers, who grew up tall and tall, will definitely have to deal with each other.

Coupled with the particularity of their work.

In general, it is better to know more about him. Recently, Liang Chao has also been thinking about ways to get Li Gao to release him. The agency contract was signed with him.

Liang Chao was a little worried.

In this way, he secretly followed Xu Zhizhi's Weibo.

The young man said nothing and Liang Chao didn't care.

He swiped the phone interface and clicked on the image Xu Zhizhi had just posted. Looking at the somewhat familiar picture, he frowned slightly.

How do you feel about the structure of this picture? Where have you seen it?

Just now, he seemed to have posted a picture similar to this one, no! It's a thermos cup.

Holy shit, the couple has the same style!

Since Jiang Shi's Weibo is managed by him, he usually responds to messages and posts on Weibo.

When he was about to have lunch, he also sent a similar lunch photo, and there was a cup in the corner of the picture.

A white cup with cute strawberries printed on it.

Liang Chao's trumpet account followed many people, including Jiang Shi's large account. Sure enough, when he jumped to that interface, the picture was actually there.

Actually, you don't need to look at that picture.

Just look at the current dining table. The white cup with pink strawberries printed on it is too conspicuous on the cold-toned dining table.

How could a rough guy like Jiang Shi use something so pink and tender? So this is what Xu Zhizhi likes, and he wants to get a couple's money with her.

Use this too.

He really likes her blatantly. He didn't realize this before and was blind.

So many coincidences, so many similarities.

There were all kinds of coincidences, ranging from clothes and home furnishings of the same style to cups and tea sets, which made Liang Chao's teeth hurt.

If someone is careful, they can figure it out in a second.

Fortunately, they didn't share the same background. He jumped back and forth on the two people's Weibo to make comparisons.

Because most of the pictures were taken by him, Liang Chao remembered clearly that these things were all used by Jiang Shi himself.

So there is no coincidence, only possible intention.

It really laid a big thunder for him.

Holding a breath in his heart, Liang Chao said rather speechlessly: "Brother, can you let me know if you do these little tricks in the future?"

He moved closer and stuck to the young man's side.

It was also at this approach that Liang Chao saw the picture on Jiang Shi's cell phone, and his whole body started to feel bad again.

If he read correctly.

That is the backend interface of the account of Xu Zhizhi's biggest fan (Xu Zhizhi's husband).

So in the comment section, people are crying and shouting: Wife, Wife, look at me, Wife, I love you, Wife, I love you! The person in question is their cold and arrogant Brother Jiang.

That man who never cares about his own account and won't post on Weibo for several months...

Liang Chao really felt like he was about to burst.

He thought that even if Jiang Shi liked Xu Zhizhi very much and loved her deeply, he would still be restrained because of his past and his personality.

He will be nice to her.

Financially, materially.

But I will never be so crazy. I will madly show my love on my account 24 hours a day, cut various videos, and hang out on the Xu Zhizhi forum.

On the Internet, it's easy to get along with everyone.

Liang Chao has been following Xu Zhizhi's account for half a month. During this time, he has also seen all kinds of crazy things done by this account named (Xu Zhizhi's husband).

At first, Liang Chao only thought he was a die-hard fan, or a crazy fan, but now he realized that this idle guy seemed to only live on Xu Zhizhi's Weibo.

That's his boss.

This world is really magical...

Sure enough, love is the most magical thing in the world. It can make a person happy and make a person wise.

Jiang Shi's behavior, at best, means that love is sweet and a small pleasure between lovers, but at worst, it means one-sided sacrifice.

Because Xu Zhizhi rarely replies to comments from his trumpet... This is just a carnival for one person, not for two people.

You can't think so. Maybe Xu Zhizhi also has a trumpet, but obviously this is unlikely.

A woman's temperament is not capable of such a thing, and she doesn't look like a lover. In the past two months, Liang Chao didn't dare to say how much he knew Xu Zhizhi, but he knew one thing very well.

That is, she doesn't sit around and has a small account to show off her love like crazy. This is something that is ignored on the set, and it is unlikely that it will become a different scene online.

"What are you looking at? Go and eat your food." Jiang Shi was in a good mood today because Zhizhi responded to his message. He was so happy~ Sure enough, his wife still loved him.

It was just that Men was so angry some time ago that he ignored him. Although it was just two cold words, 'Thank you'.

But Jiang Shi was still very happy.

Liang Chao was not angry after being yelled at. He just said: "Brother, please take it easy. Sister Zhizhi has already said that she doesn't want to make it public. Don't make it too big." "

And those little tricks of yours, does Zhizhi know? ?"

"Eat your food." The person who was in a good mood immediately gave him an unhappy look after hearing this.

The warning in his eyes was full of warning.

Liang Chao curled his lips helplessly: "Yes, I'm too talkative."

"I didn't expect you to always be a lover."

Liang Chao's words were full of ridicule, but Jiang Shi didn't care at all. He just held his mobile phone.

I quietly posted a short video in a certain online forum. The short video was a Reuters photo taken of the two of them on the day they joined the group together.

The woman in the video was wearing a simple black T-shirt, hat and sunglasses.

And he was standing not far away in the same simple dress. Even though he was separated from the crowd, he was inexplicably similar. In a picture, people could always see them at first glance and think of the door between them. An ambiguous relationship.

[The actors who play Shen Gu and Bai Jing are well matched! ]

[The two actors match up well in real life! ]

The forum account Jiang Shi travels around in various occasions, often posting Xu Zhizhi's comments and editing various short videos.

Get yourself CP fans.

But it is a pity that most passers-by will only curse a few words when they see this.

New actors and actresses are speculating on CP, take advantage of the heat!

Not worthy at all!

Is the original poster blind? Where is it matched? This picture of a completely unrelated connection is vastly different.

How do you see the sense of CP in it?

Every time after posting these short videos and pictures, Jiang Shi did not get any happiness, but instead became very angry!

Because none of those comments were good, so he stopped posting these things after many times.

She has completely become a crazy fan, posting declarations of love in Xu Zhizhi's comment area every day...

Time passes quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it's Lin Si's birthday. Xu Zhizhi came to the set very early today to change. clothing.

She planned to finish the work in the morning and leave the set in the afternoon. She had already packed up her clothes and other items.

Tomorrow morning, we can go back to Beicheng.

Her work has reached the final stage. Once the last shot is completed, her work will be over.

The new assistant was waiting for her.

When she finished, she immediately sent flowers and water.

"This is Sister Zhizhi given to you by Brother Li." The person here is the new assistant Li Gao sent yesterday, a girl who is fair and beautiful.

Her name is Tan Hui, a girl who has just graduated.

Although Xu Zhizhi didn't know why Li Gao assigned her a female assistant, given her current position, it was impossible for the company to assign her a driver and an assistant at the same time.

This is against the rules.

But since it was arranged by Li Gao, Xu Zhizhi didn't say anything more, because that guy knew better than her.

Since he could arrange it, she would keep it first, since she wouldn't suffer any loss anyway.

She took the bouquet of flowers and said softly: "Thank you." She was not very important on this set.

But this time she was leaving.

Several staff members who were relatively close to her still laughed together and said: "Happy filming is wrapping up."

"Happy filming is wrapping up."

"Thank you." After staying on this set for nearly three months, Xu Zhizhi said it was a bit false to say that she had no emotions.

It's not that I hate people, it's that I feel sorry for this place.

After all, she stayed there for so long, so she nodded to express her gratitude one by one.

At the same time, cheers erupted from the other side of the set. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you."

Someone was pushing the big cake and singing the birthday song.

It was very lively there, there was a big three-layer cake.

Various exquisite small gifts and flowers.

Because the shooting locations of Group A and Group B were separated by a small shed, she didn't quite see who was celebrating her birthday there.

I'm not planning to go there either, after all I have to leave.

We probably won't see each other for a long time. Why are we going? And she didn't prepare any gifts.

Because it's not important, I don't care.

But one thing she didn't expect was that she didn't prepare a gift and didn't know whose birthday it was, but Zhou Feng did. He walked quickly into the crowd and gave the gift in her name, and came back soon.

Apparently, the person celebrating her birthday today was a very important person, because only if it was important, Li Gao would prepare gifts for her as a favor.

The car started slowly and drove out of the set. The three of them left quickly.

Wide roads, bustling city center.

The video played on the skyscraper made Xu Zhizhi know that today was Jiang Shi's birthday, and she had no idea.

No wonder, only such people would ask Li Gao to prepare gifts.

Xu Zhizhi asked Zhou Feng to send her to the hotel.

The two assistants will leave Jiangcheng tonight... If Lin Si doesn't come, Xu Zhizhi will also leave tonight, but even if he comes, Xu Zhizhi is forced to stay and buy a plane ticket to go back tomorrow.

During this period, Menlins called her and told her that she would be there at three in the afternoon. She changed into a black sleeveless chiffon dress, put on a hat and mask, and set off.

She picked up Lin Si on time at three o'clock. The boy was better-looking than she had imagined. His lips were red and his teeth were white, giving him a youthful air that was unique to young people.

"Hello, Sister Zhizhi." He looked very shy, not as cheerful as he had been on the phone that day.

"Well, hello." This was the first time Xu Zhizhi met Lin Si. She nodded to make herself look less embarrassed.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the hotel first."

Xu Zhizhi did not take her back to the hotel arranged by the crew, but to a hotel near the airport.

Because she was leaving tomorrow morning and her flight tickets were booked, Zhou Feng and Tan Hui had previously asked Zhou Feng and Tan Hui to carry her things into the car and send them away.

Naturally there is no need to go back there again.

In addition, it was relatively far from the airport. Xu Zhizhi didn't want to catch a flight early in the morning, so she simply booked a hotel here.

Chapter 23

On June 13th at Qing Studio

at 12 noon Beijing time, Jiang Shi was working on the set as usual. His assistant was waiting aside, ready to come immediately when he finished.

At the same time, when the director shouted "Ka", a louder "Happy Birthday" rang out, applause, flowers, and gifts floated towards him like snowflakes.

Outside the crew, there were fans who came to express their blessings and send gifts. Monitors outside many buildings across the country were also celebrating the star's birthday.

On the Internet, Weibo ranks first in searches.

The headlines on major video websites are all about him.

Jiang Shi did not accept the flowers or gifts from others, because someone collected these things for him.

He just needs to smile, and he doesn't even have to smile, because those people will automatically fawn over him and please him.

Who gave him a good family background?

Taking his cell phone and putting it in his pocket, Jiang Shi smiled politely when facing other people's blessings. After all, he could do it but he couldn't do it without tutoring.

Appropriate thanks should be given to others for their kind blessings.

The candles were blown out, the cake was cut, and everyone was laughing.

Only the protagonist of this excitement is getting more and more sad, because the person he is most looking forward to has not yet arrived.

The extremely noisy environment made him increasingly impetuous, and the smile on his face gradually became forced.

He stood amidst the cheers and in the center of everyone, but through the crowd he could only see her back, even further and further away.

Has she forgotten?

Impossible, she bought him a birthday present.

I also bought him a cheap ring.

Yes, that ring was cheap to Jiang Shi, something he would never have wanted.

It was just a piece of industrial junk to him.

But now it was the birthday gift he wanted most at the moment. It was given to him by Xu Zhizhi, and it was also because of the other meaning the ring represented.

But his expectations were dashed.

He came, but it wasn't her, it was her male assistant named Zhou Feng.

The gift wasn't the ring either.

It was just a small ring, so there was no need for such a big gift box.

"Mr. Jiang, this is a birthday gift prepared by our Zhizhi for you. Happy birthday to you." Zhou Feng said with a decent smile on his face, but the gift was not delivered to Jiang Shi.

Instead, he turned a corner and placed it on the empty table aside.

The Jiang family has a great business, and the gift prepared by his boss Li Gao is probably not appreciated by the other party, as long as it is acceptable in terms of face.

With this thought in mind, Zhou Feng left immediately after delivering the gift.

After all, he had to stay up late and drive back to Beicheng tonight.

But Zhou Feng's estimate was wrong. Jiang Shi stretched out his hand, ready to accept the gift.

But he didn't receive it...and Zhou Feng didn't notice it either.

The car drove out of the set, and the young man stood in the crowd, submerged in the bustle, but she didn't come.

The smile on Jiang Shi's face became weaker and weaker until it disappeared, and few people noticed it...or in other words, the young man usually had no expression.

Therefore, the indifference at this moment did not arouse many people's doubts, because in their eyes.

Jiang Shi grew up in a wealthy family. He was the eldest son, and he had more grand birthdays, and the gifts were more expensive than the last ones, so there was nothing to be happy about on a birthday like this on the set.

It's good if you don't show a sullen face, and you just smiled to show off your face, right? So what else is there to do?

After all, Jiang Shi is also a well-known cool guy in the circle, and there are not many times that he can make him laugh.

The cake was not eaten, and Jiang Shi was not in the mood to stay on the set. He lowered his head and kept paying attention to his mobile phone. He was looking forward to a call or text message from his girlfriend.

It's impossible, it's over like this.

But no, nothing.

Phone, SMS, WeChat and other communication devices.

The woman's circle of friends is very clean. She is not someone who likes to post in her circle of friends. Jiang Shi has also used some small hands, and he knows that Xu Zhizhi has not blocked him.

I just simply don't want to post it.

The excitement was still going on, but his place had quieted down. Someone noticed something was wrong with him, and it was Liang Chao.

He wasn't quite sure what it was about, but it was about Xu Zhizhi.

But, he didn't understand.

Didn't Xu Zhizhi already have someone send her a gift? Why is this person angry again? Is it because the person who gave the gift was not Xu Zhizhi?

It's not impossible. After all, if it weren't for this reason, Liang Chao wouldn't be able to think of anything else.

"Brother Jiang, I have already asked for leave for you and Xia Kun. Today and tomorrow, you can go find Sister Zhizhi." He suppressed his voice, not wanting others to hear.

The young man kept his head lowered and remained silent.

His face didn't look good, and his thin lips pursed into a straight line. Everyone could tell that he was in a bad mood.

His slender white finger bones were tapping on the keyboard of his mobile phone. He was picking and choosing and couldn't type a complete sentence. He was nervous and didn't know why he was panicking. He felt very uneasy.

Finally, he turned off his phone and stood up, taking the birthday gift given to him by Zhou Feng, the so-called Xu Zhizhi sect.

"I understand, I'm leaving first." Jiang Shi chose to see her, wanting to make it clear in person that they could resolve any conflicts and couldn't keep treating her coldly.

This will hurt their feelings.

Jiang Shi would not allow such a thing to happen.

Sure enough, when he opened the so-called gift alone in the car, it was not the ring that fell at his feet that day.

This is just a very common luxury item.

Xu Zhizhi is a young actress who has just entered the industry, her salary is not high, and her family environment is not very good, so it is impossible for her to buy such meaningless luxuries for him.

This is Li Gao's handiwork. They are all in the same circle, and they always have some understanding of each other's behavior.

Jiang Shi didn't know how to describe his mood at this moment. He was disappointed but mostly happy, because only this meant that the gift was not what Xu Zhizhi wanted to give.

Zhizhi cares about her own image so much that Zhou Feng was also present when the ring was removed that night.

In order to hide their relationship, she asked Zhou Feng to send such a meaningless gift. She wanted to avoid Zhou Feng...

Yes, that must be the case!

Maybe his baby is waiting for him in the hotel now, ready to surprise him.

Spend a birthday with him that only belongs to two people. They love each other so much and love each other so deeply.

Zhizhi will not forget his birthday, nor will she cruelly ignore his birthday. As long as they are not discovered by others, it will be fine.

Zhizhi must have thought so.

He had to believe her because she said she just wanted to keep her secret love undiscovered.

Just like this, with anticipation and trepidation, Jiang Shi drove all the way back to the hotel...

but when he knocked on the door, the idea in his heart was completely overturned, because his girlfriend had already left.

Nothing, she chose to ignore his birthday.

She notified everyone when she left, but not her boyfriend.

There was Xia Kun's voice on the other end of the phone. He was also very surprised to receive a call from Jiang Shi, and his question was even stranger.

But after asking, Xia Kun still answered honestly: "Don't you know, she will go back to Beicheng this afternoon." "

By the way, what are you asking Xu Zhizhi for?"

In response to Xia Kun's question, he had a gloomy face. The young man did not answer, and he was not in the mood to answer now. He hung up immediately after hearing what he said.

The hotel suite had been kept very clean, and the atmosphere of that person's life had been completely wiped out. Jiang Shi sat on the bed where she had slept, making phone calls one by one with a cold expression.

But soon he discovered that no matter how many calls he made, he could not get through, and the phone was even turned off for a long time.

If it is blocked, he can add it again.

Such a simple technique didn't trouble him, but the problem was that no one answered, and the messages he sent were never answered.

If this is the case, there is only one possibility, and that is that the people over there don't want to pay attention to him, they just don't want to answer him after hearing the call...

Chapter 24

A feeling of powerlessness overwhelmed him.

Jiang Shi didn't understand why Xu Zhizhi treated him like this. Did he do something wrong? But he didn't know what he had done wrong.

Today is his birthday, a birthday he has been looking forward to for a long time. He thought she would give him a surprise or accompany him.

He just likes her so much that he wants to see her and be with her forever, but is this wrong?

Maybe it was wrong in her eyes.

When Jiang Shi thought of this, sarcasm appeared on his face involuntarily.


On the other side, the weather is getting cooler.

Xu Zhizhi and Lin Si sent their luggage to the hotel and planned to rest in the hotel for a while before going out later.

Because she wanted to celebrate Lin Si's birthday, Xu Zhizhi searched online for some of the more famous restaurants in Jiangcheng last night.

But I searched and searched and couldn't find a suitable one.

She was afraid that Lin Si wouldn't be used to the taste here in Jiangcheng, and she was also afraid that today's birthday would make him unhappy. After much deliberation, she finally chose a restaurant with the flavor of their hometown.

And that store is the one where the director said he would have a dinner party last time.

Antique architecture, delicious dishes, beautiful night view outside the window, and located in the most prosperous area of ​​Jiangcheng.

After his birthday, it was just the right time to buy him two pieces of clothes. After all, he was going to college.

Linsi Province, coupled with his special situation in her home.

I never dare to ask for too much, I am always afraid of being rejected by others. I wear clothes when I can, even if they are worn out, washed and turned white, I still wear them.

When Lin Si came, her grandma made a special call to her and asked her to take Lin Si to buy some clothes to wear. As a sister, she had to take care of him.

Of course, I didn't forget to say a few words at the end.

"Zhizhi should be nicer to Xiao Si. It's not easy for a boy. He has the ability to get into such a good university." "

You and he have become friends, so we won't treat him badly."

"I can see that, Xiao Si I also like you."

"Your grandpa and I are getting old, and we don't know how many more years we can live. I watched Xiao Si grow up, and I feel relieved that you two are together."

"You and him will have a good time. When Xiaosi is over 20 in two years, you two will go home and have a wedding ceremony. It won't be too late to get the marriage certificate in two years."

When Xu Zhizhi said this, he was hiding in the hotel bathroom, and the boy was separated by a wall. outside.

She knew her grandma was doing it for her own good, but hearing these words still made her embarrassed. After all, Lin Si was so young, more than 5 years younger than her.

In her eyes, he is just a child.

In Lin Si's eyes, she might still be an aunt, so how could Xu Zhizhi be with him.

But it's hard for her to refute now, because if she says this, the call will definitely be extended, and her grandma will scold her again.

The elders always like to give her what they think is the best arrangement, but they ignore her own wishes.

Xu Zhizhi was a little helpless. She said lightly to show that she understood, and then ignored it.

"Okay, let's talk. Grandma will hang up first. You and grandpa will take good care of yourselves at home. I will definitely go home during the Spring Festival this year." She hung up the phone as she spoke.

Xu Zhizhi knew that her grandma was doing it for her own good, but just as she thought, her grandparents wanted him to marry her.

Is Lins willing?

Lin Si just lost his parents, but it didn't mean that he didn't know who his parents were and what their names were.

And the two of them are not suitable.

The age and personality are inappropriate.

In the original work, it was Lin Si who collected her body after her death, and it was also his grandparents who took care of her.

He eventually got married to a very good girl, so why would she ruin other people's relationships and perfect lives?

It's nice to be now.

After hanging up the phone, the first thing she saw when she opened the door was the young man sitting on the sofa. He was tall and had a shy smile.

Slightly long black hair covered his eyes.

At this moment, he was sitting on the sofa so obediently.

"Sister Zhizhi." He said hello immediately after seeing her.

Their hometown is in a small town in the south. It is not too developed and there are not many high-rise buildings. People get up early in the morning and go to bed early in the evening. There is not much nightlife.

Hills, rivers, green bricks and tiles, and ancient bridges are the complete picture of their town. A long river runs through the entire town and connects countless homes.

Lin Si is handsome, but a little rustic.

This is the characteristic of their town. She was like this when she first went to college, naive and a little bit rustic from her hometown.

She seemed out of place in this bustling big city, but the classmates around her were all very nice. They didn't stop making friends with her because of this difference. On the contrary, they treated her better.

He would even be cautious, as if he was afraid of hurting her self-esteem.

Looking at the boy in front of him, who saw his 18-year-old self, Xu Zhizhi gave a rare smile.

"Let's go eat first and buy clothes later, okay?" She walked forward and came to Lin Si.

Now that they are siblings who grew up together, she must be nice to him.

There was a softness in the woman's voice that she didn't even know she had. This was completely different from her previous state.

In Linsi's memory, she was cold.

With a sense of alienation, he still remembered the summer when he was a child. The beautiful girl sat by the window in the wooden house and wrote her homework. The dark room and the light from outside the window sill hit her.

In a warm-toned world, the slender swan neck and fair skin are the most beautiful.

There was a plate of cut ice watermelon on the table, which he had just brought in. He liked this beautiful sister, but this beautiful sister didn't seem to like him very much...she was very cold to him.

She rarely smiled, either to him or to others, which was why her smile at the moment was so surprising.

She didn't know if it was Xu Zhizhi's illusion, but she felt that the boy at this moment was, well... a little strange.

Reddish ear tips, evasive eyes.

Could it be that he heard what she just said on the phone in the bathroom, but it was impossible that the soundproofing effect of this hotel was very good, and the voice she just spoke was not loud, so it was impossible for him to hear her.

Maybe there was something else. Although it was a bit strange, Xu Zhizhi didn't pay much attention to it because it didn't seem to be a big deal.

It is very common for young people to be shy and thin-skinned.

She was just about to suggest going out.

Lin Si, who was originally quiet, suddenly spoke first: "Sister, I am willing."

"I was raised by my grandparents. I am very grateful to them for raising me. I am also willing to the arrangements of my grandparents. I want to be with you." I'm willing to take care of you together." Lin Si couldn't suppress the tension in his voice.

But it's good that he said it, right?

The young man's youthfulness and light and slow tone give people a very sincere feeling, and also bring out some unknowingly fishy qualities.

Like that male version of a fishing beauty.

It is undeniable that for a moment Xu Zhizhi felt that she was a little bit caught, just like the voice that day, it was a bit demagogic.

But it was only for a moment. After waking up, the person felt like he was struck by lightning. Does Lin Si know what he is talking about?

"No." Xu Zhizhi reacted and immediately wanted to refuse, but she hadn't finished her words yet.

The man said again: "I know what Sister Zhizhi wants to say. I have always been willing. I'm just afraid that Sister Zhizhi won't want to."

"I like you, I like you very much."

He was wearing a loose old clothes , seemed a little embarrassed, but the clothes were washed very clean, and it looked like he had washed them himself.

For the same reason, if he is not his biological child, he has to do more. He is afraid of being disliked and abandoned.

So if there is dirty work or tiring work, they will rush to do it.

Xu Zhizhi's grandma never treated him badly, and she would prepare several sets of clothes for each season every year. However, the old man's taste was not very good, and the clothes in the small town were just like that, so the clothes she bought were either old-fashioned or big.

Overall it just looks unsightly and tacky.

"Sister, I really like you, are you willing to be with me?" The boy's eyes were bright, and he asked her if she was willing.

But these are issues that Xu Zhizhi has never thought about in the original work and in the two months of contact.

And the traces left by the original owner told her that they were just ordinary siblings. The same is true in the original text world, Lin Si will have his own official partner.

Xu Zhizhi only hesitated for a second, then immediately refused: "Sorry, I don't like you."

And for that second of hesitation, she was just thinking about why Lin Si liked her? This was too strange and inconsistent with the information she had learned and the original plot.

"I don't know why you like me, but I don't think we are suitable. Grandma, I will take care of it. Don't worry."

She said seriously and without emotion, as if she was dealing with something that had nothing to do with her.

Lin Si, who was still taking chances, soon understood that Xu Zhizhi really didn't like him.

Fortunately, he didn't see disgust in her eyes. Lin Si was not a stalker, so he only nodded awkwardly when he received a clear rejection.

"I know Sister Zhizhi."

Xu Zhizhi was still very satisfied with Lin Si's knowledge and straightforwardness. After all, she hated men who pestered her...

to confess and then be rejected.

The originally harmonious atmosphere between the two became a bit awkward. Fortunately, Lin Si is a very good chatterer, and within a few words, the relationship between them returned to the beginning.

And Xu Zhizhi also deliberately ignored that unpleasant past.

After dinner, they went to the shopping mall in the city center and bought some small things. Xu Zhizhi couldn't stay any longer.

On summer evenings, if you are not staying in an air-conditioned room or shopping mall, other places will be uncomfortably hot, especially outdoor shopping places.

Neither of them likes shopping very much.

When it was almost over, Xu Zhizhi suggested going back to the hotel.

But at this time, a black sports car suddenly drove up the street, and the car stopped in front of her inexplicably.

Just as Xu Zhizhi was about to walk away, the car door opened at the same time, and a beautiful young man sat in the driver's seat and waved to her, motioning for her to come up.

At first, Xu Zhizhi thought it was some rich second generation coming out to pick up girls? But when she saw it clearly, she was a little surprised that the person who came was Pei Yu. Why did he come to Jiangcheng?

The young man wore a loose white shirt, with the slightly open collar revealing a large area of ​​skin. He sat in the driver's seat with a smart posture.

Holding the steering wheel with one hand and resting the other on the passenger seat, he looked at her with a smile.

"Why did you come to Jiangcheng?" Xu Zhizhi has never seen Pei Yu in person, but has seen his photos. In addition, he is a public figure and his information can be easily seen online.

"Come up first to avoid being photographed later," Pei Yu reminded.

Go up? Where to go?

No, didn't this man say he was waiting for her in Beicheng a few days ago, so why was he here today? And I met her by chance, so it feels a little weird...

Forget it, let's go up first and talk about it later.

"Sister Zhizhi, I won't go."

Xu Zhizhi was about to call him to join her, but Lin Si beat her to it: "I'm going back to the hotel first when I'm tired. You can go and have some fun." He smiled a little reluctantly.

Xu Zhizhi was also keenly aware that Lin Si was no longer happy when he came. Why? Is it because the confession was rejected?

Perhaps this was the reason, because the boy's mood had not been very high since that incident.

"Okay, then you go back first." She nodded and got into the car without looking back.

Xu Zhizhi didn't think she was going too far because she really didn't like him and had no reason to agree to him.

Another point is that she felt that Pei Yu came to Jiangcheng probably because of her. Sure enough, not long after she got in the car, the young man took her to a quiet and remote place to discuss things.

We were talking about the heroine in the MV.

The filming location has been changed to Jiangcheng, and Li Gao has already confirmed that she can sign the contract. As long as she agrees, she can almost start a new group.

Because there was a lot of free time between the last drama and the next one, Xu Zhizhi agreed to it in order to make money.

Chapter 25

In mid-June, the weather is getting hotter and hotter.

They didn't talk much, just briefly talked about work matters. It was getting late, so Pei Yu drove her back to the hotel.

Of course, Xu Zhizhi also asked her own question before that, which was why Pei Yu happened to appear on the street where they were shopping. The young man didn't hide anything. He said directly: "Zhou Feng used to be my assistant."

"So he told you." Xu Zhizhi didn't know how to describe her mood. She lowered her head and did not look at him.

"When Li Gao and I were talking about cooperation that day, he received a call from your former assistant. Do you know what she said?" The young man slowly approached her, but couldn't stop at a distance that was neither too close nor too far away.

There was a smile on his lips: "Let me tell you that she said you were having an affair with Jiang Shi. Don't tell her that you wanted to seduce Jiang Shi to get resources to become famous. In fact,

Zhizhi, you don't have to seduce him, you Seduce me, I'm very good at catching fish, and I can help you become famous." He became more and more confused as he spoke, and started talking nonsense again.

He was even a little excited, with a rare hint of red on his normally pale skin.

He said disturbing words, but in reality he was very well behaved. At least he did not rely on his male advantage to approach her. They were never far or close from the beginning to the end.

Not too close, not too far away. There is no sense of ambiguity, and his words are not annoying.

Xu Zhizhi didn't know whether what the other party said was false or true, whether he was joking or serious, but one thing was for sure, that was Bai Xiaotian... Bai Xiaotian did misunderstand that day, but she didn't expect that she would tell Li Gao about it. thing, deliberately misinterpreting her behavior behind her back.

"So you let Zhou Feng come to work at my place?" She turned her eyes away from him and looked at the scenery outside the window.

There was a lake there, and their car drove for who knows how long before it stopped.

"Well, she's not suitable for you." Pei Yu opened the lift. The lake breeze outside the window was cooler than they imagined. It would be very comfortable to go for a ride at night.

"Thank you, but I don't need it."

Xu Zhizhi turned her head and her expression was serious: "One is maliciously speculating on me behind my back, and the other is revealing my whereabouts to other artists. I think they don't seem to be suitable for me. "

After she said this seriously, she said coldly: "Pei Yu, please send me back. It's a bit late."

"Are you angry?" The woman's voice was serious, but Pei Yu was not angry and even found it funny. "I don't need Zhou Feng to tell me to know that you are in Jiangcheng. Do you believe that we met by chance today?" He drove back.

"I believe it's a chance encounter, but I haven't told you where I live yet..." Xu Zhizhi didn't know what to say. She was pretending to be a big-tailed wolf here even though it was full of loopholes.

"Okay, I admit, I did ask him about this matter." He lowered his voice: "I'm sorry, I won't do it next time." "

There won't be a next time, I will call tonight Ask Li Gao for a replacement." Xu Zhizhi was actually not too angry. The reason why Pei Yu did this was just because he was afraid that she would be surrounded by someone who would maliciously speculate on her, so he wanted to replace her with someone they trusted to ensure their safety. .

It's just that there was no time to inform her about this, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

The car was parked in a dark place some distance away from the hotel. They were artist Pei Yu and an artist in a boy band. This status made it inappropriate for him to get too close to other female artists in public.

Both of them knew this, so the car stopped in the dark alley.

Although there was a little unpleasantness, their relationship was not a big deal in general. Xu Zhizhi thanked him in a friendly way after getting out of the car, and asked Pei Yu to be careful on the road.

In the past, men watched women go upstairs, but now it was Xu Zhizhi who watched the car leave. She did not go out directly but stayed in the dark alley for a while.

She called Li Gao and explained everything that happened today...

Fortunately, Li Gao was not difficult and quickly agreed to her request. He would help her find another assistant. In fact, there was no need to change her current assistant position. I am not qualified to have two assistants.

So Xu Zhizhi had reasonable suspicion that Tan Hui was the new assistant arranged by the company, and that Pei Yu had stuffed Zhou Feng himself, and her suspicion was confirmed by Li Gao.

Xu Zhizhi didn't know how to describe her mood at the moment, but it must have been bad. It was past ten o'clock in the evening when she hung up the phone, and she kept walking along the path.

There are lush trees growing along the streets, and the air is full of fresh smell. It is far away from the city center, and there are more plants than other places.

It was supposed to be a place where people could relax, but unfortunately, she met a person who shouldn't be here, Jiang Shi.

The young man was wearing black clothes and hiding in the dark night. He was very tall and had slender limbs. He looked like a black panther and gave people a strong sense of oppression.

He wore a mask and a baseball cap.

But Xu Zhizhi still recognized who he was at a glance because he was so unique.

As soon as she saw him, Xu Zhizhi thought of the scene she saw on the computer. It was embarrassing, disgusting and disgusting. She lowered her head and wanted to ignore him.

But how could this person let her go?

The young man blocked her way and did not give in. It seemed that he came specifically to see her. It was really strange, as if everyone knew where she lived.

Because she was so close, Xu Zhizhi smelled a strong and pungent smell of smoke.

The smell made her wave her hand unconsciously, and it was this movement that made Jiang Shi lose control: "What do you mean? Do you dislike me!" He shouted hysterically, his eyes becoming sharp.

Why does Xu Zhizhi dislike him?

What right did she have to despise him and look at him with that cold, impatient look?

Jiang Shi originally wanted to leave because today was his birthday, and Xu Zhizhi, as his fiancée, didn't express anything and left without telling him.

He only found out that she was leaving from someone else's mouth! I was already very angry, and it took so many connections to know that she was here! The first time I met him, I was not surprised, but disliked him.

"I'm not angry yet and I haven't asked you yet. Why do you treat me like this? I didn't give you what you want. Why do you treat me like this! How can I be sorry for you!" The young man held her wrist and said every word She was asking why she did that to him.

But Xu Zhizhi couldn't understand it at all.

She just found the noise annoying. She didn't understand why this kind of thing happened to her, and she didn't want to get entangled with this person here.

"Please let me go, Mr. Jiang. I don't understand what you are talking about. Please respect yourself." She pushed and shouted, trying to take her hand out of the other person's palm.

But the young man's strength was so great that it was impossible for Xu Zhizhi to break away. It only took a few seconds from the polite alienation at the beginning to the anger at the end.

Because Jiang Shi went overboard more and more, from holding her hand at the beginning to hugging her later, everything was beyond the safe distance between normal men and women.

"Mr. Jiang? Don't you know what my name is? Or have you almost forgotten our relationship? It doesn't matter, I can help you recall your memories!" He hugged her roughly, pressing her and falling into his arms.

"We are boyfriend and girlfriend and we are an unmarried couple. I love you Xu Zhizhi. If you dare to betray me, I will definitely kill you!" The

gloomy voice was like a reptile coming from the ground. His tone was gentle but with a sense of weirdness in his words. The meaning makes people have goosebumps all over.

But on the contrary, Xu Zhizhi, who heard the threat, rarely calmed down.

"What do you mean?" Xu Zhizhi frowned and asked, not because she didn't understand, but because she couldn't understand the meaning of the words.

What are boyfriend and girlfriend?

What is an unmarried couple? She and Jiang Shi? A bad feeling spread in her heart, and suddenly she thought of the original plot.

Jiang Shi's current state is very similar to the original protagonist in the original work, the psychopath who assumed he was the hero's girlfriend.

In a daze, Xu Zhizhi came to the conclusion that the male protagonist Jiang Shi might also be ill. What he said now was similar to what the original protagonist said in the original work, and his behavior was basically the same.

"You are sick Jiang Shi, I have nothing to do with you, you...are sick." She said this with difficulty and hesitation, because this matter was also incredible to Xu Zhizhi.

After all, this is the disease the original owner deserved.

But now Jiang Shi appeared inexplicably...

The woman's voice was very calm, as if she was stating a fact, but how could this be possible? What disease does he have? Fall in love with her illness?

"Don't talk nonsense with me. I'm not sick and I'm fine! The biggest illness is loving you. I love you without myself and listen to your nonsense!" The young man was half angry when he said this, but he could still hear it if he listened carefully. Show the love and doting in his words.

"Baby, I really love you, I really like you." He hugged her tightly, buried his face into the side of her neck and rubbed her.

But Xu Zhizhi couldn't accept this kind of intimacy. "I told you that we have no relationship. You are sick, Jiang Shi, and you need to go for treatment."

"I don't have a boyfriend, I'm single." She frowned and explained again.

But no, the young man couldn't listen at all.

Even at this moment, his face turned completely dark: "Xu Zhizhi, did I give you face? I said this again and again. How am I sorry for you? Our relationship is so shady, making you feel embarrassed." !" He gritted his teeth, completely losing his previous gentleness.

Of course, the previous gentleness was not good either.

"Don't you understand people? You keep saying, we have nothing to do with Jiang Shi and I have nothing to do with you! Don't go crazy here, I will call the police if you do this again!" Her face also turned cold. His words became sharper.

"Treat someone if you're sick!"

Xu Zhizhi had a bad temper to begin with. From the previous incident with the assistant to this incident, the combination of several things made people feel bad more easily.

But the young man couldn't listen.

He only felt that he had been deceived and wronged: "We have nothing to do, am I sick?" As he said this, Jiang Shi laughed a little angrily.

"Our two-year relationship is gone if you don't want to, so what are my memories? Are they just imaginary? Xu Zhizhi, are you tired of it? Or do you want to break it off!" "I tell you it's

impossible! Absolutely not. Maybe! You promised me that you would marry me, and you are not allowed to go back on it! I will not let you go back on it!"

The man's voice became louder and louder, attracting passers-by, whose eyes fell on the two of them.

Xu Zhizhi was embarrassed.

She felt that she was a monkey, the monkey being laughed at, and some people even started taking pictures with their mobile phones.

These photos cannot be exposed, absolutely not! The pressure from her career made her fight desperately, and even slapped the young man in the face.

That crisp sound silenced the whole world, and the few onlookers ran away because of this slap.

But Jiang Shi didn't expect that he would be beaten.

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