《My way of doing things 》OC x...

By Anyaforfriends

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Following the grand Football Frontier events of the previous year, misfortune befell upon Suzuki Sumire, as s... More

《Quick introduction 》
《Chapter 1》
《Chapter 2》
《Chapter 3》
《Chapter 4》
《Chapter 5》
《Chapter 6》
《Chapter 7》
《Chapter 8》
《Chapter 9》
《Chapter 10》
《Chapter 11》
《Chapter 12》
《Chapter 13》
《Chapter 14》
《Chapter 15》
《Chapter 16》
《Chapter 17》
《Chapter 18》
《Chapter 19》
《Chapter 20》
《Chapter 21》
《Chapter 22》
《Chapter 23》
《Chapter 24》
《Chapter 26》
《Chapter 27》
《Chapter 28》
《Chapter 29》
《Chapter 30》
《Chapter 31》
《Chapter 32》
《Chapter 33》
《Chapter 34》
《Chapter 35》
《Chapter 36》

《Chapter 25》

251 17 16
By Anyaforfriends


Exploring the intricacies of a relationship is like embarking on a captivating journey. lt's a unique bond that intertwines two souls, creating a beautiful tapestry of emotions, trust, and understanding. From the exhilarating highs to the challenging lows, a friendship is a constant evolution, where both individuals grow and learn together.

It's a dance of compromise, compassion, and companionship, where love and support become the pillars that hold it all together.

A relationship is a story waiting to be written, filled with chapters of laughter, tears, and shared experiences that shape the very essence of who we are.

Yet despite trying to blind herself into believing, she needs friends and wants to cherish the relationships she is making, it never reached her heart that deep

We are the ones painting our story. We are the creators of our own lives. We can't let others dictate what we do.

Encountering Ichinose amidst the serene ambience of the hospital garden was an extraordinary revelation.


Witnessing the presence of 'The magician of the soccer field' and the 'Prodigious Gamemaker' seated with utmost innocence upon the rustic wooden bench of the medical sanctuary is undeniably an uncommon sight.

They conversed with a carefree demeanor, unburdened by the concerns of the outside world. The air hung with familiarity as Ichinose, mirroring her sentiments, revealed his own encounter with misfortune. Sumire's lashes fluttered thoughtfully, reminiscent of a wise owl, as recollections of the whispers surrounding the enigmatic vanishing of the 'Magician of the Soccer Field' intertwined within her mind.

They experienced same thing

Ichinose comprehended her completely. A glimmer of recognition flickered in Sumire's eye. A web of connections formed within her mind, prompting a playful chuckle to escape her lips as she regarded him from the corner of her eye.

"It seems we were drawn together by the allure of a rumor surrounding our persona's, don't you think?"

With a gentle nod and a warm smile, he acknowledged her, causing Sumire to divert her gaze towards the sky, lost in contemplation. It was a moment of profound understanding, a connection that spoke volumes without the need for words.

Resuming the conversation after a blissful pause in time, she delicately uttered words once again.

"Please accept my apologies, you just witnessed me at my lowest"

She uttered softly, his head slightly tilted in remorse.

Ichinose swiftly shook his head, dismissing any notion of apology. His eyes met Sumire's, filled with empathy and kindness.

"There is no need for such words,"

He reassured her gently.

"We are all human, susceptible to moments of weakness. You are not alone in this."

Sumire's eyes met his, filled with gratitude and a hint of vulnerability.

In that moment, she realized that even if he had witnessed her at her lowest point, he still remained compassionate and understanding.

He was the only one who could truly understand her when nobody else could.

It was a nice meeting, Ichinose Kazuya.

3rd person POV

"Maybe you're just not feeling it today. Anyway, let's keep practising! We are going up against Senbayama!"

Endou said, trying to cheer up everyone.

"What's going on? Everyone's unwinding. "

Natsumi stated her observation, raising an eyebrow accusingly.

"They're all acting strange.. And I can't see why Dragon Tornado isn't working..."

Aki trailed off. My notepad was momentarily forgotten as my eyes were drawn away by that comment.

"Their senses must be getting dull."

The auburn-haired girl deduced from her observations as she turned her gaze towards me, anticipating my response.

With a distinguished gesture, I delicately tapped the surface of my notepad several times, thinking it over, only to shake my head afterwards.

"It's not exactly the case, Natsumi."

As a result, all eyes turned towards me, filled with bewilderment and curiosity, seeking an explanation for my statement. Then Haruna's eyes lit up.

"Sumire-senpai is right. That can't be. For instance, Shourinji-kun was able to master Kung Fu Head, and there are other members who are able to move remarkably faster than before."

Haruna stated. With a subtle inclination of my head, I acknowledged the situation at hand.

Haruna possesses an awareness of the solution, yet she struggles to fully comprehend its intricacies.

Natsumi pondered aloud, suggesting that it might be their emotions that are gradually losing their lustre. She surmised that they could benefit from further honing their skills at the prestigious lnabikari Training Center.

"No, Inabikari Training Center is the main problem here."

Upon hearing her remark, I swiftly dismissed it without a moment's hesitation, much to the astonishment of the three managers gazing at me with a confused expression on their faces.

"What do you mean?"

Aki questioned, confused

"It's dramatically increased their individual techniques and endurance."

Hibiki-san stepped in and explained, but Aki, Haruna, and Natsumi still didn't get it

"Please explain in a way we can understand."

Natsumi said, leaning closer, showing she is keen on getting to know what I and Hibiki-san are trying to say.

"No matter how much their physical abilities improve, they have no mental grasp of it."

He stated, I affirmed with a nod and proceeded to explain.

"Furthermore, since they lack awareness of the other players' physical capabilities, their timing does not align with any of them."

"No way... Then, it's making them fall apart."

Aki said and looked at the team, concerned.

"That's right."

I agreed, gazing down at my notepad, writing down few aspects on the freshly turned page.

"I never knew improving one's ability could backfire."

Haruna muttered.

"And they have to prepare for their match against Senbayama..."

Natsumi trailed off. They were looking at the players.

In an instant, a brilliant idea illuminated Natsumi's mind as she turned her gaze towards me.

"Sumire, surely you possess the knowledge to assist them."

She exclaimed, her voice filled with confidence, causing me to look up again. Aki and Haruna eagerly awaited my response, their eyes gleaming with anticipation. Even Hibiki-san seemed intrigued by the prospect.

Hibiki-san... You know it will be hard to do without walking out on field!-... Alright

"While I would be delighted to lend a hand, I can not guarantee whether my involvement will yield positive outcomes or unintended consequences."

I hesitated, contemplating the potential outcomes. Natsumi pondered, but I beat her to it.

"Changing plays can be challenging if you're not on the field, as trying to fix the timing might result in unintended consequences and potentially cause more harm than good."

Aki and Haruna slouched back onto the bench, their expressions filled with sadness. Natsumi also seemed downcast.

As I turned around from the field back at them, I suddenly realized the impact of my words on them.

Whenever I speak, my words are regarded as the final say and unquestionably accepted.

Perhaps I was too straightforward in my approach. Almost forgot how truth sometimes shut down everything

"Let's give them a chance to figure it out by themselves. Just act like everything is normal."

"Exactly, don't treat them any different from how you've always done. Understood?"

Hibiki ordered. Girls looked at each other and back at the coach.

"Yes, sir."

We chorused. With a mere glance, Hibiki-san's eyes met mine, and I acknowledged his unspoken message with a subtle nod of comprehension.

With my cane in hand, I rose gracefully from my seat, finding my balance as I cast my gaze upon Aki, Haruna, and finally, Natsumi, her eyes shined when she understood why I am going. And then, my eyes met Hibiki-san's, filled with unwavering resolve.

"I shall take my leave early, my apologies."

Hibiki nodded in understanding, granting me permission to proceed. Before bidding my farewells, I approached Shuuya, gently resting my hand on his shoulder.

"Could you do me a favor, Shuuya?"
With a heavy heart, I bid my farewells as I exited the grand school gate, concealing my inner turmoil behind a facade of nonchalance.

Deep within, I silently lamented the uncertain fate that awaited us if Shuuya failed to convince Kidou to join our esteemed team before the crucial game tomorrow.

The gravity of the situation loomed over me like a dark cloud, threatening to dampen our chances of success.

Upon reaching my destination, I leisurely made my way to my bedroom. As I settled in, I swiftly retrieved my laptop and began examining Shibayama's matches, hoping to uncover a discernible pattern.

To my surprise, the solution turned out to be remarkably straightforward.

The only thought occupying my mind was the urgent need for a new Hissatsu technique.

Without it, our team would be doomed to lose, even if we successfully connected our passes without scoring a goal.

It is truly vexing to possess knowledge of an impending outcome, yet find oneself utterly powerless to alter its course.

At least it's what people think.

3rd person POV:

True face. Each individual possesses a clandestine duality, harbouring both shadow and radiance within the depths of their human facade. Sumire, undeniably, is no exception to this enigma.

Putting her profound sentiments behind an aura of composed cheer and icy serenity, not many were privileged enough to witness her shedding tears or incited to ferocious rage.

Nevertheless, during the intense encounters with Teikoku Gakuen and Mikage Sennou, she impulsively succumbed to her concerns for her childhood companion, consequently exposing a vulnerability she later deemed frail and pitiable.

Feeling pathetic is something that lurked around her the moment she was made to be the best.

Sumire POV:

I'm sure Kidou will let Shuuya's word into his heart.

3rd Person POV:

The practice continues, with managers bustling around and getting ready for the break.

After some time, Haruna blew a whistle and summoned the boys to pause for a while.

"Hey guys! How about we take a break?"

Aki suggested.

"Recharge with these sports drinks!"

Haruna exclaimed, raising the sports bottles.

"And I've also brought lemon slices soaked in honey!"

Natsumi added. The players were amazed and eagerly grabbed a slice.

The strange noises they made were all because of the sourness. Aki questioned Natsumi about when she managed to make them, to which Natsumi responded that she had some spare time.

"Alright, guys! Let's get back to practicing!"

"Sure thing!"

The boys resumed their practice while Natsumi engaged in a conversation with the coach.

Presenting him with a letter that her father had given her earlier, Natsumi remembered when she displayed the same letter to Sumire, which Hibiki-kantoku is currently reading.

Surprisingly, when brunette read it, she showed no signs of astonishment, calmly remarking that she had anticipated as much. When questioned about her silence, Sumire simply replied.

"At times, silence speaks louder. I may be quiet, but I am not oblivious."

As Natsumi comprehended the female's intentions, it saddened her to realize that someone she had grown so close to would withhold such information from her, Sumire's reasoning was clear but still saddened her in some way. They might have gotten closer because of their Father's influences, but she really liked having someone as reliable as Sumire around.

Upon reading the letter, Hibiki-kantoku carefully deliberated on the matter and explained why they should be keeping it a secret.

To her astonishment, he inquired about Sumire's perspective, indicating his reliance on her unique approach and methodology.

Despite learning a newfound knowledge, Natsumi could only manage a smile, as the esteemed titles of "Genius" or "Prodigious Gamemaker" appeared to belittle Sumire with each passing moment. Proud is the best word to describe how she feels about Sumire's doings.

Back on the field, Endou, Goenji and Domon gathered around the goalpost

"Endou. Do you really think we can break down the 'Infinite Wall'?"

Goenji asked.
"Yeah! We'll crash through right from the front"

Endou exclaimed.

"Are you sure well be able to, in our current condition?

Domon questioned. The male turned to him, looking solemn.

"It'll be okay,"

He said, then smiled, brightening up.

"We have, Honoo no Kazamidori and Inazuma One"

"Only if we manage to make them in."

Goenji almost deadpanned.

"As long as we've got the spirit, well make as many goals as we want!"

Which made Aki and the two sweat drop

In stark contrast to Sumire's intricate thought process, Endou possesses an unwaveringly innocent and direct nature.

As the soccer team began to recognize Sumire's valuable contributions, albeit only scratching the surface of her capabilities, they began to depend on her more.

The thing is, even Goenji himself remains uncertain of the extent of her behind-the-scenes endeavors.

Nevertheless, he wholeheartedly embraces her with full support, granting her the freedom to pursue her own unique approach.

"Hey, Domon kun."

Aki called, and the attention went to her.

"What about Tri-Pegasus?"

She suggested.

"You mean our Tri-Pegaus? That could work!"

"Our Tri-Pegasus, that might be a viable option!"

Domon exclaimed, intriguing others gathered around.

"Wait, how did you execute that move?" Endou inquired with enthusiasm.

"It was a technique that I, Ichinose, and another teammate performed."

He replied.

"A three-person technique"

Goenji muttered, in deep thought

"It's impossible to achieve unless all three work together flawlessly..."

Endou's voice trailed off.

"By the way, what was lchinose like?"

He inquired

"He was a friend we had when Domon-kun and I were studying abroad in America. He was really good at soccer"

Aki stated, Goenji blinked at the mention of America

"Yeah. He was the main man who led our team to victory in the American Youth League championships."

Domon added on, only just adding more things into Goenji's train of thoughts

"That guy's a genius. He was called the magician of the soccer field."

The cyan haired boy grinned

"The magician of the field? That sounds cool!"

Endou said.

"I wish I could meet him!"

He exclaimed happily as he turned to Gouenji.

"Where is this lchinose now?"

He asked, and Domon with a slightly sad smile on his face as he pointed at the sky.

"He's dead."

Goenji, although not fully comprehending the circumstances, nonchalantly dismissed it, placing his trust in Sumire's judgment, fully aware that she had her reasons for not inquiring or disclosing anything with Aki way back.

"But Domon-kun.. think you would be able to teach everyone how to do that technique."

Aki stated.

"Yeah, maybe..."

Domon said and thought for a while. He was
making a humming sound for too long, though, causing everyone gathered to sweatdrop.

"Just hurry up and tell us!"

Endou exclaimed, impatient,
Gouenj just nodded, agreeing with the brunette.

"It's hard to put into words!"

Domon said. He crouched down and drew on the dirt. Endou and the others followed suit.

"Anyway, let me start with this..."

In the presence of the managers, Haruna observed the team's practice from her position at the bench. Suddenly, her keen eye caught sight of something, or rather someone, prompting her to swiftly spring into action.

Meanwhile, Goenji, who had just risen from his crouched stance, also became aware of the intriguing occurrence, narrowing his eyes as the previous conversation with Sumire flooded into his mind.

"Shuuya, could you convince Kidou to join Raimon?"

Suppressing a laugh, she couldn't help but notice his puzzled expression.

"In order to change our strategies, we need someone who can create and execute plays alongside you."

Sumire was aware that her words may not have been the best choice, but she brushed it off, hoping he would agree. She couldn't help but smile slightly when he nodded in response.

Without hesitation, he momentarily stepped away from the huddle and pursued Haruna and Kidou, with the sun slowly descending, adding to the dramatic atmosphere of the upcoming showdown.


"I heard about your match against Zeus Junior High. lt's a shame"

Haruna said.

"A shame? That doesn't even begin to describe it."

Kidou said and his sister looked at him in slight confusion, hearing his voice on edge.

"My comrades were crushed before my own eyes. l've never felt anything this infuriating"

He asserted


Kidou's words were abruptly cut off as a ball came hurtling towards him, preventing him from finishing his sentence. Despite the interruption, he swiftly responded by kicking the ball back with remarkable agility. Only one person possessed such skill in kicking a ball like that...

Suddenly, the ball collided with the bridge and rebounded towards the platinum-haired male.


He exclaimed, recognizing the familiar figure.

Goenji strode towards Kidou, his presence exuding an air of confidence and poise.

"Oh, Goenji-senpai!"

Haruna's voice quivered with fear, desperately trying to convince him of the truth.

"Onii-chan had no intentions of spying on us, I swear!"


Goenji mumbled, his mind filled with thoughts of his sister and Sumire's accident.


She exclaimed once more, calling out to him.

"Come with me."

Goenji invited Kidou to come along with him, and Kidou agreed. Before they headed downstairs, Kidou gave Haruna a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

With a swift and powerful strike, Goenji unleashed the ball towards Kidou, who returned it with an equal measure of strength.

As the ball soared through the air, the platinum-haired boy sprinted towards it, swiftly connecting his foot with the ball, propelling it back into the game.

"Kidou! Are you really that upset?"

"I am! I want to take down Zeus Junior High!"

Kidou yelled and received the ball

"Then go ahead!"

Goenji responded back immediately. The male with goggles swiftly returned the ball, expressing

"Teikoku has been disqualified from the Football Frontier tournament."

"So you admit your own defeat, is that it? Kidou! Fire Tornado!"

Goenji shot the ball at behind Kidou. It left a
big hole in there, the ball even deflated too.

"There is one way. You've only seen Endou and Sumire from the front. How about letting them look after your back?"

Goenji's suggestion caught Kidou off guard, causing him to gasp slightly.

The platinum-haired male moved closer, positioning themselves at the perfect distance to shake hands.

"You made a promise, so try to fullfill it,"

Goenji stated, confused Kidou began to respond, but before he could, Goenji placed an arm on his shoulder and walked to stand beside him.

"Come to Rairaiken after sunset. I won't tell Sumire it's you..."

Goenji paused, letting out a hearty chuckle.

"...But she'll figure it out anyway."

With that, Goenji removed his hand and ascended the stone stairs once again. Haruna rushed past him towards Kidou. The goggled boy looked down at the ground, then up at the sky.

"Take care of my back..."
Sumire POV

Summoned by Hibiki-san, I made my way to Rairaiken, uncertain of the purpose but confident in my ability to deduce that Kidou had heeded Goenji's advice. However, I couldn't help but wonder why I was required to be present during their conversation.

Gently draping a hoodie cloak upon my shoulders, I ventured out despite Fujimura-san's admonishments about an unaccompanied lady traversing the darkened streets. With a hint of defiance lingering in the air, I pressed on, hoping that Father would not scold me too severely.

The soft glow of streetlights guides my way, my white cane gently tracing the path, the streetlights reflecting off it, until I stand before the eminent entrance of Rairaiken.

As I softly pushed open the door to Rairaiken, I found myself face to face with two gentlemen. The sound of my cane echoed on the wooden floor, catching the attention of both Kidou and Hibiki-san, just as Hibiki-san was serving a bowl of noodles to Kidou, I closed the door behind me.

"Apologies for my tardiness"

I said lightly, anticipating the scene in front of me.

Hibiki-san motioned for me to take a seat beside Kidou.

"You're right on time. Please have a seat, I'll prepare some tea."

Kidou seemed puzzled by the dynamic between Hibiki-san and me. We appeared more like a granddaughter and grandfather reuniting for a chat over tea rather than of a coach and player.

Carefully, I settled into the chair, propping my cane against the counter, focusing on goggled boy.

"You have made your decision, I presume?"

Kidou's decision had finally been made evident, his eyes were determined, he resolutely turned his attention towards the bowl of delectable noodles before him.

"Indeed, but I have one condition"

He affirmed, causing me to arch an eyebrow in anticipation. Yet, instead of perplexity, my expression was one of sheer amusement. This was the same indomitable Kidou, the esteemed Absolute leader of the Pitch, whom I had yearned to confront just a year ago.

No longer did I see the despondent version that had weighed heavily on my heart earlier today.

"What is it, Kidou?"

Curiosity sparked within me as I voiced my thoughts, witnessing Hibiki-san's return with a freshly prepared tea.

"I want to know why you didn't showed up for Finals of Football Frontier and disappeared for 9 months after it."

I couldn't help but smile. Hibiki-san placed the tea in front of me, and I nodded in gratitude.

"You've always been full of questions, Kidou."

He chuckled in response, his goggles gleaming as he looked up, hint of playfulness in his voice.

"And so are you, Suzuki-san. Truly an enigma, unable to be solved unless you will be the one to do that."

A soft chuckle escaped my lips as I savoured the moment, for he spoke nothing but the truth in every single aspect.

Deliberately taking my time, I observed the brown liquid in the teacup, its edges gently swirling, before providing my answer.

"I had an accident."

In an instant, a somber ambience enveloped the room, causing Hibiki-san to retreat into the depths of the kitchen, while Kidou and I engaged in conversation.

"After being in a coma for approximately 9 months, I underwent rehabilitation in America until the start of the school year. Alongside Shuuya, I then transferred to Raimon. I'm certain you're already aware of the rest of the details."

I condensed the emotional narrative as much as possible while still including important information, although I provided a vague explanation of the truth.

Kidou maintained an inscrutable countenance for a brief moment before once again directing his attention towards me.

"Sounds like something Kageyama could have done."

Kidou, as he is known, swiftly grasped and comprehended the situation, an impressive feat indeed.

"It is Kageyama's doings, but I have to ask you to keep it secret for the time being."

He visibly looked confused


"Shuuya is not aware of that, I didn't tell him Kageyama's the one behind it."

Witnessing his insatiable curiosity, I pretend not to his burning desire for further enlightenment.

In the end he chose to maintain an air of silence, acknowledging his comprehension through a subtle nod of his head.

"Coming back to the topic..."

I trailed of seeing Hibiki-san come back

"You will be able to play in tomorrow's match, rest assured."

As soon as his shoulders relaxed, Hibiki-san started explaining his request to Kidou. Meanwhile, I remained quiet, savoring the tea and cherishing the moment spent here.
Day of the match

The entire crowd within the grand stadium eagerly anticipated the commencement of the match, their excitement palpable in the air. However, a sense of restlessness began to permeate among some, as the anticipated event had yet to begin.

The primary cause for this delay could be attributed to none other than Raimon, whose actions had prompted Hibiki to beseech for a brief extension of time.

"Are you ready to begin now?"

The referee asked Raimon, impatiently
"I'm sorry, please wait for a few more minutes"

Aki told the referee

"Coach, everyone's had enough waiting!"

Kazemaru commented

"No, not yet. We have one more person coming."

Hibiki told them looking as calm as ever, well he wasn't the only one. Shuuya and I looked relaxed too.

"You keep saying one more person, one more person...but all of us are already here!"

Someoka complained

"Wait.. where's Kabeyama?!"

He asked, looking around

"He went to the toilet."

Shourinji answered.

"He'll be back soon! In any case, the entire team is here!"

Kazemaru said, sounding desperate.

"He sure is taking his sweet time."

I made a remark, complaining about Kidou's way of the entrance, eliciting a hearty laugh from Shuuya, who casually leaned against the pole of the bench.

"Listen, according to the tournament rules,if you don't enter the field in three minutes, I'll consider it your forfeit.

The referee stated and looked at his watch. The team exclaimed in shock

"Coach, why are you doing this?"

Kazemaru asked

"Who exactly are we waiting for?"

Someoka questioned

"We'll end up forfeiting the match in the Nationals"

"No way..."

"Endou-kun, you're the captain, aren't you? Say something to the coach!"

Aki said to the boy

"I'm not sure what's going on, but if Coach says we wait, then we should wait."

Aki then turned to me hopefully


I shaked my head dismissively as an answer, and she whined leaning back.

"One minute remaining"

The referee said. A deep exhalation escaped my lips as I tapped the summit of my cane, creating a rhythmic melody that resonated with sophistication and grace, but was falling deaf to the scared requests of players around.

"Don't make us forfeit this match!"

Shishido exclaimed

"Who's this person you say is coming?"

"No one's going to be coming here!"

Shourinji said.

"The whole team'is here!"



Kazemaru was already sweating nervously, and the girls were calling me nonstop too.

"Why won't you let us start the match, Coach?"

Someoka asked.

"Thirty seconds remaining "

The referee reminded. He wasn't helping them ease the situation. Instead, he was only pressuring them further

"Coach Hibiki! Who are we waiting for?"

Aki asked slightly raising her voice, desperately looking between him and I.

The team heard footsteps approaching and turned their heads to the source.

"Took him long enough."

Aki tilted her head


In his Raimon uniform, Kidou stood at the entrance of the field. His blue cape billowed in the wind, drawing the attention of everyone around.

"I was ready to scold him if he took any more time."


Let's welcome Kidou on board!

And I know everyone wishes to have someone like Goenji around 🤭


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