Minecraft: Story Mode - The A...

By ChristopherTLGFan

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Now that Jesse has saved the world from the Piglin King, he must protect the world from new and dangerous thr... More

Chapter 1: Fireworks City
Chapter 2: Unlucky Block
Chapter 3: Cake Business
Chapter 4: Behind the White Eyes
Chapter 5: Back to Beacontown
Chapter 6: Secret of Soren
Chapter 7: Betrayal of a Friend
Chapter 8: The Destruction Begins... (Part 1)

Chapter 9: The Destruction Begins (Part 2) (Finale)

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By ChristopherTLGFan

Meanwhile, back in the other Nether, Herobrine and Soren were both getting ready to bring back the Entity from it's prison

Entity 303: Finally!! After all this time I am Free!! 

Herobrine: And now I can get my revenge on those two!

Soren: Guys!! I just found out that their coming. 

Herobrine: Who's coming?

Soren: Them!

Entity 303 looks through his Cauldron

Entity 303: And Jacob is with them... let them come. It's only a matter of time until they realize the danger they'll be in. 

Meanwhile, back in the Nether

Jesse: So, where is this Nether Portal? 

Jacob: It's going to be on that blue island! 

Lukas: Well, I gotta write that on my journal. 

Jesse: How are we gonna get there? 

Jacob: Well, Brian could've easily gotten us over there. 

Ellegaard: Isn't he on the dark side...

Steve: I'm gonna try reasoning with him. 

Stacy: Sounds like a great idea. The only problem is that he could ignore you. 

Stampy: Yeah, he doesn't really seem like he wants to listen... 

Alex: Well, hopefully it won't stay that way. 

Lukas: Well, I'm sure anyone can be redeemed. You just need to have faith... 

Jesse: Lukas is right. We just need to have faith. 

Nell: Right dude....

Jesse: But for now... how are we gonna get all the way to that island? 

Stampy: If we had elytra wings, we could fly there. 

Jesse: Hm... 

Harper: Or we could build our way over there. 

Jesse: That's a great idea! 

Steve: But does anyone have any building materials? 

Alex: I have some obsidian! 

Jesse: Perfect! Everyone! Get ready to build!

Jesse and his team all build there way over to the blue island

Jesse: And this is our stop. 

Jacob: Um... why did Ivor build a lava skull? 

Ivor: What? It's the Nether. 

Jesse: Now, where's the portal? 

Jacob: Follow me...

Lukas: Is it in the cave? 

Jacob: Nope. It's right in here. 

Jacob shows pushes the button that reveals the secret room 

Jacob: Here it is...

Jesse: Is that the portal? 

Nell: Looks... uh... round? 

Jacob: That's right. It will take us to the next Nether.

Lukas: But won't we need a Flint and Steele to light it up?

Jacob: No we won't. 

Jacob gets a lever out, places it on the ground and opens up the portal

Lukas: Wow... 

Jacob: Let's go... there is no looking back now!

Jesse and the gang all follow Jacob through the portal. Once they entered through the portal...

Jesse: Wow... 

Lukas: Look at this place. 

Soren: Looks different than the Nether. 

Then, Jesse and his gang were all teleported to Herobrine's lair

Jesse: Huh? What happened? 

Stacy and Nell then look behind their backs and they see a Bedrock Portal

 Stacy: Is that a portal? 

Nell: Yeah, made of bedrock. 

Stampy: Uh, guys? 

Stacy: Right, right. 

Nell: Sorry. 

Jesse: Guys... we need to be careful. 

Lukas: Jesse's right, Herobrine could be anywhere by now. 

Then, some fireballs got shot behind them by a white-eyed ghast

Herobrine: Hello Jesse. We meet again. 

And Soren was seen behind Jesse and kicks him

Soren: Hello Old Friend.

Jesse: Soren...

Soren: That's me. 

Herobrine: It won't just be me soon or Herobrine. The Entity will be released from his prison soon in 10 minutes. 

Jesse: Well we're not letting that happen!

Jesse pulls out his sword while Lukas pulls out his bow and arrow

Herobrine: Make that 3 then. 

Herobrine summons a Giant Ghast

Herobrine: Look similar to you? 

Jesse: The Sunshine Institute...

Herobrine: Right, except this one has 4 heads! 

Jesse: OH C'MON!!!

Herobrine: Try beating this one!!!

Lukas: C'mon guys we gotta do this!! 

Steve: Jesse, how did you kill it last time? 

Jesse: We just need to find a killpoint. 

Alex: And where can we find that? 

Jesse: On top of it's head. 

Stampy: If only I had my patriots with me. 

Stacy: Yeah, now might be a good time to think of a plan. 

Jesse: We have to find our way up to it's head!

Then, the Ghast shoots a fireball at them 

Steve: This looks like it's gonna be harder than it looks. 

Lukas: Any ideas on how to get up there?

As the Ghast continues to fire at them, they all start fighting the ghast with Herobrine and Soren watching

Soren: Are you sure this is a good idea?

Herobrine: Yes... this will buy us more time to release the Entity...

Herobrine and Soren go back inside the castle while Jesse and his friends were all fighting the Ghast

Jesse: Okay, we just need to get to that ghasts' head! Does anyone have any ideas?

Ivor: Ahem!! I have fishing rod with me!

Jesse: And how will that help? 

Ivor: It will help you get that killpoint!

Harper: Are you saying we lure the ghast down here? 

Ivor: And you guys can hide. 

Lukas: Ivor, are you crazy!? You'll get hurt! 

Ivor: It doesn't matter, I have to do this! 

Harper: Ivor, that's crazy! You'll get yourself killed!

Ivor: I know! But it must work!

Jesse: Are you sure about this? 

Ivor: Yes, go everyone! 

After everyone hides, Ivor gets his fishing rod out to lure the ghast down so that Jesse can kill it. As Ivor lures the ghast down safely, Jesse gets ready to jump, but Ivor is taking some damge. Once Ivor got the ghast down, Jesse jumps on the ghasts head starts to hit the ghasts head but at the cost of Ivor getting blasted to a wall

Jesse: IVOR!!! 

When Harper and Gabriel go over to Ivor, Jesse continues to fight the ghast and manages to kill it. Then, Jesse gets down 

Ellegaard: Are you okay? 

Jesse: I'm fine... Wait, Ivor?

Harper: Over here! 

Jesse rushes over to Ivor

Jesse: Ivor?

Ivor: (coughs) Jesse...

Harper: Ivor, it's okay, we'll find a cure! 

Ivor: Harper... we all know that it's... it's over for me...

Gabriel: Ivor, don't talk that way...

Ellegaard: We'll find a way! 

Harper: Here, maybe a potion could help?

Ivor: No... use it for yourselves... 

Jesse: But Ivor...

Ivor: It's okay... We'll be okay...

Harper: (cries) I love you... Ivor...

Ivor: And I love you... Harper...

Ivor closes his eyes, dies and disappears much to everyone devastation 

Gabriel: Goodbye... old friend...

Jesse: Let's go everyone! We have work to do!

Steve: Right!

Once Jesse and his friends entered the castle

Herobrine: Ah... look who made it! Just in time too... 

Soren: You guys have just came for the new era. Wait, where's Ivor? 

Jesse: He's dead! Because of your ghast! 

Soren: (shocked) What!? 

Herobrine: Good... 

Steve: Brian, please... this isn't you! I wanna know the real you! I know there's still some good in you!

Herobrine: Good!? Good!? Ha! You still don't get it, do you? I've never liked being good! Being good drives you insane! That's why I really do enjoy the evil life... 

Steve: Are you serious? Your choosing power over your friends? 

Herobrine: We never were friends... plus, you should've seen this coming! 

Alex: No... please...

Herobrine: Too late! 

Then, the Entity comes out...

Jesse: Are-are you? 

Entity 303: Yes... I am... the Entity 303... 

The Entity 303 then begins to start an earthquake in the Nether

Jesse: What's going on!? 

Jacob: The Destruction... it's begun!

Meanwhile, back in Beacontown

Petra: Uh... guys? What's going on? 

Olivia: I think... Herobrine has released the Entity...

Axel: Did we just lose? 

Radar: This can't be possible!

Petra: Everyone! Leave now!

Everyone then makes a run out of Beacontown only for it to be surrounded by lava. Back in the Nether

Lukas: Everyone! Head towards that portal!

Jesse and the gang makes a run towards the portal

Stacy: Now that looks like a normal portal. Even though it's made of bedrock!

Stampy gets his flint and steele out and opens up the portal

Stampy: Get in! Now! 

Stampy, Stacy and Nell all get into the portal, then, Jesse notices Lukas in trouble!

Lukas: Help!

Jesse: Lukas! 

Jesse runs towards Lukas and helps him out from the trap

Lukas: Thank you Jesse...

Then, the Entity separates Jesse from Lukas, Gabriel, Ellegaard, Steve, Alex and Harper

Jesse: Lukas!!

Lukas: Jesse!!

Entity 303: (laughs wickedly

Steve: Jesse! You have to go through the portal!

Jesse: What? No!! I can't leave you guys! 

Harper: We'll be fine!! But you have to leave this place! 

Jesse: But...

Lukas: Go!!

Jacob: Jesse, c'mon!

Jesse and Jacob both go inside the portal

Entity 303: C'mon boys!! Let's run!

Herobrine: And you guys can come with us! 

Entity 303, Herobrine and Soren all leave the Nether and took Lukas, Gabriel, Ellegaard, Harper, Steve and Alex with them as their prisoners. Meanwhile, in the other dimension

Nell: Dude, are you guys okay? 

Jesse: Guys... we lost...

Stampy: (gaps) What? 

Jesse: It's true... (sad

Meanwhile, back on the surface, the Entity was just watching the Moon rising as he begins his reign of terror

Entity 303: It's time...

The End...? 

Don't worry guys, we'll be back for Season 3, which will be coming around sometime this year after I finish other projects. And just so you guys know, Season 3 will be the Last Season of this series. 

The projects I'm currently working on as of now:
The Loud House: It's New and Louder (Season 2b) (will be continuing this month, thank god...) 
Return to Amphibia (Season 2) (Will be coming June 2024)

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