The Foreigner {Haikyuu Boys x...

By nataliepruitts25

254 3 0

Y/n is a 16-year-old girl from America who moved to Japan and started going to Karasuno High School. When she... More

First Day At Karasuno

Going To Training Camp

64 1 0
By nataliepruitts25

In the middle of practice, the doors to the gym slide open, and you, along with everyone else, look to the doors to see who entered. You see your guardian walk into the gym. "Here you are, Y/n!"


"I've been waiting for you. You couldn't even tell me that you were coming here after school," Danny says as he walks over to you. Once he reaches you, he grabs your arm, and your bag, and pulls you toward the door.

"I'm sorry, I should have at least texted you to let you know. I just got excited and forgot," you tell him as the two of you exit through the door while everyone watches. Sugawara, Ennoshita, Kinoshita, and Nishinoya look at each other before looking back in your direction.

After you and Danny left the gym, you two walked to the car while Danny continued scolding you. "You can't be this reckless, you need to have more common sense. I grew worried when you didn't show up to the car... I thought you were found, I was about to call the big boss."

Your eyes widened after hearing that, "No, please don't call him. He'll make us move again and I want to stay here."

You guys reach the car and he unlocks the doors before opening the back door for you. "As long as there's no danger I won't call him. Just don't go and disappear like that again."

"I won't," you say as you get into the car. He closes the door before walking over to the driver's side and gets in. He starts up the car and drives off.

"What were you doing in that gym anyway?"

"I had lunch with them and when I found out they were all part of the volleyball club I asked if I could watch them practice and they said yes."

"I see." He lets out a sigh before continuing, "Just don't do it again."

"Actually, they asked me to be another manager for the team..."

"No, out of the question!"

"Danny, please. I really want to join them. With everything that's been happening, this is the first time in a while I have a chance of being a regular teenager again. I can do something fun and exciting."

The car grows silent as Danny thinks it over. He really does want to see you happy and enjoying life, especially after everything you've been through. He lets out another sigh, "Alright, you can do it. Just so long as you don't do anything to expose yourself."

"I won't! Thank you! Can I also go to the training camp with them?"

Danny is hesitant, he wants to say no, but looking at you in the rearview mirror and seeing the excitement in your eyes, he can't bring himself to say no. "Yes, you can go. But at the first sign of trouble call me and I'll come get you."

"Danny, relax. I don't think he's gonna find me all the way over here in Japan. Anyway, I have the papers that need to be signed in my bag, we can sign them when we get to the house."

Danny just nods and the car becomes silent once more as you two make your way to the house.



You hear a few people calling your name as you walk toward the entrance of the school. When you look to see who was calling you, you see the volleyball team running toward you. "Hey, guys. Good morning."

"Good morning, Y/n," Sugawara greeted, "Is everything alright?"

"Just fine. Sorry about yesterday, my butler takes his job of keeping me safe way too seriously."

"It's fine, just hope you didn't get into trouble," Ennoshita said with a smile.

"He just gave me a little lecture about doing stuff without telling him first."

"Can you join the club!? Please say you can join the club!" Nishinoya asks enthusiastically. He has high hopes that you can join the club so he can spend more time with you.

"He was against me joining at first but he eventually came around and said that I can join," you respond as you pull the papers out of the bag. You hand them to Kiyoko, "They're both signed so I can join the club and go to the training camp."

"Yay! That's awesome!" Yachi exclaimed excitedly.

"YAY!!" Nishinoya exclaims before jumping on you to hug you. You get knocked down to the ground from the force of him slamming into you, but you laugh because you can't help but find him really cute with how excited he gets. Nishinoya was surprised that you didn't move out of the way like girls usually do, or didn't slap him like Kiyoko did that one time. His heart pounded rapidly as you hugged him back and laughed.

But it was all short-lived since Daichi and Sugawara pulled him off of you so you could get up off the ground. "You gotta be more careful, Nishinoya. You don't want to hurt her," Daichi says as he pulls the boy off you.

Nishinoya was disappointed he was pulled off of you but before he could say anything all of you heard the chime. "We need to get to class," Ennoshita says as he walks over to you. "If you don't mind, we can walk you to class."

"Sure," you said with a smile and everyone went their separate ways to go to class. You walked with the second years to class.

"I like your little choker, that's pretty," Ennoshita says as he points at the choker around your neck. You wear this choker constantly because it's the most precious thing to you. It's a (f/c) silk ribbon with a small metal heart hanging down from the ribbon.

You put a hand on the choker and rub on the metal heart, "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Here we are," Kinoshita said as you guys arrived at the classroom, you guys quickly got seated so the class could start.

You noticed how the boys would spend so much time practicing different techniques, each one working on a specific technique that they wanted to get better at. You help out all of them however you can. With all the practicing they've been doing and having so much determination to improve on their skills, you believe that they're gonna make it this year.


It soon came time for you all to leave for the week-long training camp. Danny drives you to the school in the middle of the night so you can meet up with the rest of the team. You watch Yachi as she tries to get Kageyama and Hinata to talk to each other. You see Yamaguchi trying to comfort her as she fails and you can't help but feel bad for her.

A few hours later, you guys finally make it to your destination. You get off the bus and look around in amazement, the place looks beautiful. You look over at Yachi who is being comforted by Yamaguchi and Tsukishima, who is failing to show too much affection. You noticed that Yamaguchi shows way more affection than Tsukishima does, it looks like he does care, he just has trouble showing it.

You laugh when you hear Hinata getting excited about seeing the Tokyo Tower which is actually a radio tower. "What's the deal?" The tall boy with dark spikey hair asks Daichi. "You guys don't have steel towers in Miyagi? Is like, this a real thing I don't know about?"

"Oh well excuse us if we country folk don't know what the Tokyo Tower looks like!"

Judging by that guy's reaction, I'm guessing they've made that mistake before. "I have to ask. Who made the mistake last time?"

"Nishinoya and Tanaka," Sugawara responded with his eyes still closed. He looks so disappointed. You couldn't help but start laughing.

"You can't blame us! We've never been to Tokyo or seen the Tokyo Tower before!"

You were surprised to suddenly see Nishinoya right next to you. "Dude, I swear you move like a cat. By the way, even I can tell that's a radio tower." Right after those words left your mouth you felt yourself hitting something hard. "S-sorry," you say as you back up. You look up to see the tall boy with dark spikey hair standing in front of you. Speaking of moving like a cat. He very swiftly moved from walking next to Daichi to suddenly being in front of me.

"How rude of me to not introduce myself to someone so lovely as yourself. I am Kuroo Tetsuro, captain of the Nekoma team. And you are?"

"Y/n L/n, nice to meet you."


You look over to see a guy with a mohawk run toward Kiyoko, you guess he's her boyfriend from the other school you were told about. He runs up to her and hugs her while Tanaka and Asahi stand by and watch. You couldn't help but wonder what it must be like to be in a poly relationship like that. You remove the thought out of your mind, there's no way you will ever be in one.

"Let's head on over to the gym, the rest of the teams are already there," Kuroo says as he turns to walk away.

You follow the boys to the gym where the practice matches will be held. You stood with your team as you listened to Coach Ukai talking. "Alright, we're gonna be swapping players constantly so be prepared for that. Kay?"


As you watched the six guys run out onto the court to start playing you could hear some of the boys talking amongst themselves.

"Who's she? She wasn't with them the last time they were here. Right?"

"No, I would remember someone that beautiful being with them."

You figured they were probably talking about Kiyoko, but she was here with them the last time. You just shrugged it off as you watched the match start.

As the Fukurodani players got into position, their libero, Komi, looked over at you and his eyes widened. "Konoha," he quietly called to his friend who was standing next to him.

Konoha looks over at him, "What?"

"Look over there, Karasuno has a new manager."

Konoha tilts his head slightly to look over to where Komi is looking and he sees you. His eyes widen as a small blush appears on his cheeks, "She's beautiful."

Before Komi could respond the match started and they both had to focus on the game.

You watched your team as they all tried out the different things they had been practicing and working on, and all of them were failing. You felt bad for them but you know that they will get it eventually, just not this match. They lost the match and went outside to run up the hill, which was apparently the punishment for losing at this place.

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