A Perfect Match

By AuthorKatherineRose

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Welcome to 1926. The beginning of Hollywood. But for actress and petulant diva Victoria Singh--a woman who's... More



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By AuthorKatherineRose

"And the winner for best actress in a silent film...for this year's first ever 'Discover Awards' of 1926 is...Miss Victoria Singh!" Lousie shouted to the crowd of my peers.

Looking around the room, after salvaging up what was left of my own dignity—it was the next night at the much awaited awards. I had on a little strappy number for my dress I had purchased from a local thrift store, after giving extra donations for charity...I was happy.

I had the man of my dreams. A cheap but nice appealing dress. And a conscience that felt pretty good that I could do what was right after all. But I wasn't done just yet.

Squeezing my arm he had been locked to the whole night on the red carpet to now, Danny grinned happily for me in such a proud way as I smiled back, elated my name was even mentioned. "I knew it! Victoria, you won! Darlin', you actually won!"

But I couldn't even begin to speak anything at all. I was just so stunned.

However, the rest of my colleagues—or should I say most of them aside from the few claps I was receiving from Eddie and a couple of others, had nothing but astonishment and disbelief that my name was on the card she had just read on stage. The presenter included.

Turning to see Jack and his silly brother Jake in the back of the audience, I smirked to myself as their eyes were just as equally widened in surprise.

Though I still managed to get up and walked gracefully with my head held high confidently and full of hope, soon stepping onstage and up to her—accepting my small trophy she had held for me and my pride.

"Congratulations Miss Singh. I'm honestly shocked. But don't think you're fooling anyone from all this attention. You only won because your house just burned down, isn't that right?" Lousie smartly asked me, off mic.

Glaring to her for a moment, I knew she was still holding a grudge still after many years. But I wasn't going to yell or scream at her though. No, I had something much better.

"I don't know. Maybe we should burn yours down next, and see what happens for you too." I smiled kindly.

Immediately turning pale, she let out an offended gasp before moving back slowly from the mic, that was now going to be taken over by me to say a few words on how grateful I was for this opportunity.

"Good evening ladies and gentleman, it's truly a real honor to even be nominated at all...though I think we all know it was just a cruel joke. A joke that many of you may think I rightfully deserve after all the pain and criticism I've given most of you through my years of being an actress..." I began, staring over to my biggest enemies of the night aside from the brothers. Rick, Marty, Mr. Gains, and even the director to my film that had just wrapped up filming everything this morning. "And you're right." I let out. Quickly a surge of people gasped and stared at me in awe. I sighed, turning to Danny for a moment giving me a clear look of I can do this. And I could. "So for all of you who have been offended, hurt, and scolded for your hard work you've done for me to even come this far...I'm really sorry. My actions were inexcusable and I would like to assure you that it will never happen again."

More of an alarming crowd went off, along with multiple side conversations before I sighed to myself once more and pressed on.

"Although, stardom for me hasn't been a walk in the greenland as much as you think either. Like I said, my behavior was unacceptable—but my story has still not yet been told. So here it is. The real life of Victoria Singh. You see, in order to get into Hollywood...I had to do whatever it took. But apparently what it took was being a victim of sexual abuse just to get my first role, by a man who I thought I could trust." I continued. The room grew to a cold silence as everyone's eyes widened toward me. "He took my human right of consent. He took any sense of my innocence I had left. He took my house just to protect his crimes. He took a part of my soul. But you know what? I'm done being a victim of things he takes!" I now stared at Jack. "You can't silence me anymore! But you're right about one thing...I'm not afraid of you." I finished.

As the entire room nearly began looking around to see who this 'he' that was in question, I didn't.

Continuing to glare him down, there was nothing more but the evil look in Jack's eyes, crossing his arms and doing the same to me. Jake next to him, with his head down. And for the first time since telling this to Danny, I had felt even more of the weight of the world lifted off my shoulders.

"And why should we even believe you?" Rick now spoke up, with a stern and cold stare.

Oh of course he'd be the one to try to piss me off, yet again. But it was fine. I expected this kind of response too...which was why I had a clear answer. So, grinning slightly to myself and to Danny who did the same back to me, I nodded. "Because it's my truth Rick...and theirs too." I gestured to the entrance door to the auditorium.

Then instantly, front and center—Levi, Ivy, and Shelly entered the room in their Sunday best attire, along with all eighty individuals from the statements I had lost.

Standing tall and proud of finally coming forward, the women smiled at me all at once—women who were not just famous actresses and singers. But even the little guys—makeup artists, stylists, producers, set designers, and even my favorite —wardrobe.

"And me! Is this enough proof for the world?" Ivy then let out firmly.

The room now went into a sudden but contained panic, as I smirked at her and Levi—turning to face the audience again. "So! Would the perpetrators like to come forward? And yes, I mean the both of you. Unless you'd like us to do that job for ya too."

But just as I glanced over to Jack and Jake, with nothing but shame, guilt, and anger overtaking their entire bodies...they did something alright.

Just the wrong thing.

"Don't do it. Oh no. No, no, don't do it. Be better than this." I calmly uttered.

But they didn't listen. Instead, Jack and Jake quickly jumped up and began trying to race out the nearest exit door—though not before Danny hopped out of his chair closest to it and moved his body in front, still appearing to be the sexist man in my life doing so too. "I hate to break to you fellas but honestly. In a room full of people now wanting to deck you in the face, just how far did you think you were actually gonna go?"

Why did they think that would even work was the bigger question?

Soon, the door from behind him had opened as a few coppers now entered holding their cuffs as Danny moved further out of the way. "Mr. Johnson..." One trailed off before turning to the other. "Mr. other Johnson, I've now got a warrant for your arrests."

"Ha! This is preposterous! What grounds of proof do you have against me and my brother, more than a bunch of silly stupid skirts words?!" Jack now uttered, livid.

"Shut up, Jack..." Jake muttered, shaking his head.

The officer smirked and nodded. "Probably all that you just said as well. You two are now placed under arrest for conspiracy, sexual assaults, disorderly conduct, forced substance abuse, and I'm pretty sure prostitution by the track record I'm seeing here." They both then shrugged to each other secretly as I caught onto their dumb little hints, rolling my eyes. Pigs. "Get'em out of here!" The officer now shouted toward the others who had taken them down already, rushing them out of the building.

And for the first time ever, the Johnson brothers would never bother another aspiring artist ever again. My trauma could finally start to truly heal.

Once they were gone, Danny turned to me signaling me a proud smile again as suddenly what couldn't have been better now that those criminals would be put behind bars...it did.

Instantly, standing up first was Rick—clapping for me firmly. Next to follow, Marty, Mr. Gains, the director...and everyone else shortly after.

Before I knew it, the whole room gave me a standing ovation—even Louise herself which was the biggest surprise for me out of all.

"Whoo! Miss Singh! Go Victoria! We love you!" Just to sum up a few.

Tearing up and feeling my hands start to shake in awe at the resound applause of people smiling, cheering, and happiness toward me like never before, I laughed happily wiping my eyes as for the first time in public and to my closest peers...I cried.

With that however, only brought more cheers and praises on my name as Danny rushed up to pull me in a big, wonderful, and comforting hug—leaning down to give me then a passionate and sweet kiss like I always loved.

Pulling away for a second to feel someone tapping my shoulder, I turned to see Ivy and Levi smiling toward me happy and proud too—pulling me into a hug together.

Shortly behind them, Shelly now appeared happily doing the same as I grabbed her arms too in such a motherly way—knowing if my parents weren't here to be happy for how far I had come from that spoiled diva, she was a nice close second. Soon even Eddie joined in too, with the kindest hug I ever even got from him since we met.

This moment was exactly what I had always imagined when wanting to act.

From tyrant to the first woman to ever speak up. It was the most amazing turnaround.

Now, I could really love myself.

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