By hhgfddrt

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yoongi hate Hoseok hoseok hate yoongi how the hell will they survive in their forced marriage? More

1rst guy
stop the car!
shut up
I'll kill you
craving attention
clean the house
"what the fuck?"
"whats your problem?"
"à bientôt chérie"
"i missed you"
"Don't follow me"
"miss iu?"

what challenge???

438 35 17
By hhgfddrt

Hoseok and yoongi got escorted to the police station,since they were literally cheabols they let them drive to the police station yet close behind, unexpected accidents wasn't needed right now.

Namjoon had also followed.he was really worried about hoseok as his guardian and friend,what would happen now?,he was very aware of the fact that hoseok was extremely rich and could get out of trouble easily yet he couldn't stop the frown that etch on his face as drove after them.he made sure to contact hoseok parents of the incident since he guess hoseok would nerd them right now even if he didn't they needed to know.

Jungkook,impotently, found himself going to the police station too,honestly he had no idea why he was buting in when it was none of his business,what would he do there?_what say did he have in this?, unlike Tae he wasn't close friend with yoongi had hoseok,all he remember is them sharing some small conversations and greetings nothing more,it's not like hoseok and yoongi were rude infact was sure he would be in their friend group too but he was busy growing up abroad to get to know them well,while Tae grew up together with them.

Finally after a few more heavy minutes they reach the police station,parking their car neatly,police escorted them inside,if you saw the scene you defiantly wouldn't think they were here cause they got arrested,it look like they were the main character of a movie being escorted inside.

The police station was big,every corner you glance at a police officer was there,the vibe it gave off,surely no one desired to stay there for long.

Hoseok sigh as the lead them in,his stomach growled indicating how extremely hungry he was yoongi hearing the sound glance at hoseok.worried but he quickly composed himself not letting his soft side show especially not in front of hoseok.

Hoseok sigh once again and rub his stomach as it growled but just then a police officer grip hoseok hand making him his in pain,his skin was very delicate,even a small grip could make him feel a blink of an eye yoongi moved forward and push the guy hand off."don't fucking touch him"he hiss,his glare taking the officer by surprise,he look like he was ready to kill the guy."aren't we suppose to handcuff them?"the officer ask clearly confused,the one who brought them in shook his head."oh sorry,my mistake"he bowed and left to do another task.

[Police commissioner JYP]

The loud,irritating sound of munching was the only sound in the room.some minutes had past already since sope was escorted to the commissioner room,and ever since they guy only had been eating like he didn't eat in days,hoseok and yoongi was seated beside each other,both having different expression on their faces.while yoongi was calm and collected,hoseok had an annoyed and disgusted look on his face arm crossed sassily against his chest observing jyp,he didn't look like police officer at all, in hoseok eyes he look he's been trying to look younger than he actually is,don't let him even start on the JYP finished eating he let out a loud burp making hoseok glare at him,but he smile and wink making hoseok gasp in disgust.

"Let's see what we have here" JYP says going trough the different CCTV footage,where he observe the reckless driving of sope."oh this is not good"he shook his head disapprovingly. "So Min yoongi and Min hoseok" jyp began as he intertwined his hand and look up at them."can any of you tell me how all this began-this lunatic woke up this morning and chose violence,by barching into my fathers company!,chasing me around,almost hitting me and claiming to kill me just because I did something very 𝓼𝓶𝓪𝓵𝓵 to him,and my name is Jung hoseok btw not min hoseok"hoseok explained eying yoongi,he knew he wasn't all right but he had to at least save himself, his head held high he huff and face away from yoongi."that's not true"yoongi began leaning slightly forward to explain the situation,"he was the one who-"jyp fist collided hard against the desk making hoseok flinch and yoongi to stop mid sentence."WHAT YOU DID WAS VERY INNAPPROPRIATE!,HOW DARE YOU BARGE INTO SOMEONE COMPANY LIKE THAT??,YOU DESERVE TO ROT IN JAIL!,"jyp yelled unnecessarily caughting everyone of guard.he turn to hoseok and ask "Am I right?" He smiled trying to impress hoseok,in his head he's thinking how cool he looks right now hoseok must think he's his hero the thought only got him blushing but it all went away when hoseok rose up angrily.

"why are you yelling at my husband???!!,he did nothing wrong,its my father company,which means its mine and what's mine is his!,he can barge in whenever he wants who are you to tell him it's inappropriate, who are you??!!"everyone stared at hoseok stunned,shocked and whatnot it was the first time they saw him so mad, hoseok own eyes widen as he froze in place and refuse to look at anyone,why did I scream?,.....why did I say my husband??,what the hell did I even say?!!!"hoseok thought eternally groaning.he probably think I like him or something..."hoseok glance at yoongi who look rather confused mix amused.hoseok could picture the stupid smirk he was biting back,groaning he sat back down with a huff,ignoring everyone's gaze.

"I'm sorry,I'm very sorry" jyp apologized softly,bowing,determined to calm hoseok down who only huff and look away.

"Anyway so this brat over here literally shaved my eyebrows off and dye my hair fucking pink,fucking PINK he knows I hate fucking pink!,he even went to the point were he spraid black tan on my face luckily I was able to wash it off,he even wrote dick on my forehead,and the audacity he has to write it in capital letters!" Yoongi explain,gritting his teeth and fist clenching,he didn't even know how hoseok even manage to do something like that to him in his sleep,was he such a heavy sleeper?he doubt it.

Hoseok scoff"oh shut up,I could've done worst but I didn't!"."you see what kind of brat he is?"yoongi pointed out,hoseok was about to say something but jyp gasp cut him off."o my god"jyp covered his mouth dramaticly,as if he was that shock,hoseok cringe."that's so unacceptable,how can you even do something like that to your own husband??!"jyp tsk shaking his head in disappointment, he really thought hoseok was an angel by his natural innocent face but from what he was hearing the things hoseok did were very unacceptable. "You should rot in jail for what you've done,your husband is right,you're a ungrateful.brat-" yoongi slamming his fist on the table startle everyone,he didn't know what came into him but as hoseok lip quiver cause of jyp harsh words something in yoongi snap he glare at jyp making him gulp slightly. "Why are you yelling?,he's my husband he can shave eyebrows and dye my hair whenever he want,don't fucking insult him" yoongi hiss clearly mad,he didn't know why he was getting mad,as someone who claim hoseok as his enemy he was acting extremely overprotective. Hoseok eyes soften as he stared at yoongi.he had defended him,his heart skip a beat,he blush slightly and look away from yoongi but then he froze and after a moment gritted his teeth."yaah hoseok calm down he's your enemy,he's probably defending me to not look bad"hoseok scoff and agree with the voice in his head,he knew yoongi was just acting up for his own benefit, he reassured himself ignoring all the obvious sign.

Jungkook and namjoon who was watching the entire scene glance at each other briefly with a knowing look,they both didn't know each other yet they could clearly see how possessive sope was being over each other,they honestly didn't know how hoseok and yoongi couldn't see it,but if you're someone who didn't know them for long you'll think they are deeply in love cause of how possessive they were being.

It was hot in the room as the interrogation continued, jyp swear he had never come across people like hoseok and yoongi in his life,both claim to hate each other to death but when he ask hoseok a question he'll answer and when jyp would scold yoongi hoseok would defend him,same goes for yoongi.both were defending each other without even realizing,it was so confusing and complicated to understand the two.

"Since you've damage some things with your reckless driving,one of you will be paying for the damages" jyp said tiredly after talking to hoseok and yoongi for so long."-im not paying" hoseok stated firmly heavily arm cross and chin raised sassily. "Well I'm not paying too" yoongi scoff making his point clear by getting up to leave hoseok huff and stopped him.

"You're a fucking millionaire pay!"

"You're no less than one either hoseok,don't play cat and mouse with me beside it was you who started all this"

"Yes but you're the one who finished it,I already had forgotten until you fucking barge into dads office"

"The audacity-bitch how dare you forget what you did to me??"

"Oh shut up it isn't that bad"

"You know what is bad?,your cooking skills"

"What does that have to do with this??"

if it was in a different situation, this would've been so funny to him after all hoseok and yoongi was just arguing,something natural for married couples but right now he was fucking loosing it,he already had a tired day now he had to deal with married adults,not how he imagine his night going to be,before he totally lost it,both hoseok and yoongi parents came in along with Tae and jimin.

"Oh my baby~" jimin ran to yoongi and hug him.while hoseok mother also pulled him into a hug but he couldn't focus on her, their voices wasn't even audible to him,he was only focus on glaring at jimin,giving him a get-off-my-man glare but jimin wasn't even looking at him which made him more frustrated, he pull away from his mother embrace and huff sitting back down with an angry pout.Mrs.Jung thought hoseok was angry at them for not coming sooner,totally getting the wrong idea she frown,worried.

"Where is he?,where is that brat??" Hoseok gasp as he heard his father angry voice,he immediately got up and hid behind yoongi,as if his entire personality changed,his unbothered and bossy expression crumble down just by the sound of his father's voice"you little brat didn't i tell you to stop getting into trouble??".being well known in the city as soon as he walk into the police station everyone stood up and bowed out of respect.

Mr.Jung frown,clearly angry and displeased about the situation. he was okey with hoseok being a brat but racing in traffic,almost getting into a accidents was a serious matter."its not my fault dad its yoongi's"yoongi audibly scoff."really?,okey then let's see who'll hide you"yoongi tried to move away from hoseok so he couldn't be his hidded spot anymore,however hoseok wined and stubbornly hug yoongi from behind,wrapping his arms around his waist he pulled him close and cutely poked his head over yoongi's shoulder to glance at his father with sheiny eyes,pouting.

Jimin couldn't help but coo at the sight.even Mr.Jung heart melted but he quickly composed himself, hoseok had a way of getting away with everything but not today."you've so careless lately I don't know what is wrong with you,if you live with the mindset that you're still a kid,you're not so stop behaving like one-"hoseok hid more behind yoongi as his father kept yelling,he began to sniffle softly his grip around yoongi's waist tighten,seeking comfort.he hated when his father did this,yelling at him in front of everyone,yes he was at fault here but that didn't mean his father had to scold him where everyone was looking.hoseokie absolutely despise it.

Yoongi rolled his eyes as he heard hoseok sniffling,he knows he was faking it,hoseok had his bratty ways to get out of situations and yoongi was very familiar with them,hoseok was an attention seeking whore after all.yoongi frown as hoseok grip on his skin tighten and his sniffles got louder,he was in disbelief how hoseok could play his way out of situations, gritting his teeth softly yoongi turn around to face hoseok,his gaze very sharp,however his heart sank when hoseok looked up at him,uncontrollable tears streaming down his cheeks,his chubby cheeks all flushed red out of embarrassment, his pink lips quivering slightly as he held back his sobs,hoseok heart rate sped up as yoongi strong gaze fixed on him,he could never really know what yoongi was thinking,his stoic expression wasn't helping at all,hoseok lowered his gaze silently as he couldn't keep up the intense eye contact.yoongi softly placed his finger on hoseok chin and tilt his head up,he wiped the tears away softly making hoseok blink at the soft touch,it was so unlike yoongi,but for some reason he liked it.

"We need to teach him a lesson right honey-mr.jung" yoongi called cuting mr.jung of who was still endlessly ranting and everyone's attention was on him."yes?"Mr.Jung turned to yoongi along with everyone."what happened to you?"Mrs.Jung asked frowning when she finally took a good look at yoongi,jimin cover his mouth to hold back a laughter cause it defiantly wasn't the right moment.yoongi waved Mrs.Jung question off and continue.

"Can you stop talking like that to my husband?, if you didn't know he's no longer a kid he's my responsibility now so I say he can behave how ever he want I'll take care of the consequences"everyone stared at yoongi stunned,none of them expected him to talk back,even daring to stare directly into Mr.Jung's eyes who raised an amused eyebrow.

" yoongi-ah...that's no way to talk to your father-in-law"Mr.min scolded calmly trying to ease the situation. "If I see something isn't going in the right way,I have a right to comment on it,right now he's yelling at my husband and I don't like it" yoongi explain rather calmly,opposite of the tension he was creating,Mr.Jung couldn't help but cover his smile by looking down scratching his eyebrow slightly."yah yoongi apologiz-no..he doesn't have to,he has a point anyway"Mr.Jung expressed stopping yoongi dad who was ready to give yoongi a piece of mind.

Mr.Jung turn to his wife and he immediately smiled."I told you it was a good idea getting them married,did you see how he stood up for our hoseokie? "Mrs.Jung rolled her eyes but couldn't help her smile as Mr.Jung squealed softly.happy that they made the right decision by getting sope married.

"Welcome" jyp stood up and bowed to yoongi and hoseok parents who did the same bowing back out of respect."is there anything left to settle yet?"Mr.Jung asked trying to understand what happened before he came and what was left to be done."they just have to pay for the damages then we're done"Mr.Jung nod thoughtfully before pulling his black card out."here,I'll pay for the damages-dad you don't have to"hoseok pouted as he look up at his dad who shrug."it okey hoseokie,we'll both pay"yoongi dad said with a smile pulling his black card out too before Mr.Jung stopped him."this one is on me"he smile but yoongi dad didn't like the idea of letting him pay alone,just when he was about to protest again yoongi handed his black card to jyp cutting the banter of.yoongi blinked hands in his pockets as Mr.Jung and Mr.min glared at him with their black cards in their hands."here"jyp handed yoongi his black card once he was done,he sat back down as if nothing happened. Mr.Jung and Mr.min shared a look."that little brat I can't believe he's showing off"Mr.min said before he and Mr.Jung chuckle shaking their head.

"Aaah,everything is now settle you can leave" jyp smiled standing up to shake the parents hands."and one more thing...please stay out of trouble,my wife just had a baby,I can't handle more trouble right now"jyp chuckle trying to make light out of the situation but hoseok back in his sassay era just cringe."do I look like I fucking care?"yoongi smack him on the back of his head."what?"hoseok pouted getting an eye roll from yoongi."congratulation "yoongi mumble bowing slightly to the older who was glaring at hoseok." Thank you"he said but yoongi saw he was still glaring at hoseok."stop glaring at him"with a sharp glare thrown at jyp he grab hoseok had possessively and leaded him out of the police station. Jyp stared at their figure disappearing tiredly after a moment he rub his aching forehead and sigh slumping into his seat."wow....those two are unbelievable ".

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

" hoseokie,take care of yourself yeah?"hoseok smile softly as his mother hugged him calmly he missed her so much."of course mom,you also take care okey,don't skip any meals"Mrs.Jung nod hugging hoseok longer than necessary, hoseok felt it and chuckle."mom dad's waiting"Mrs.Jung nod and reluctantly pull away,she caress hoseok plump cheeks softly."take care"hoseok nod to his mother word,promising to do just that. Mr.Jung ruffled hoseok hair making him wine,he scoff and lean his wife to their car with a soft smile,knowing his son was doing well,that's all he needed and wanted.


"That little bitch...." Yoongi groan as he stare at himself in the mirror once again,to be honest he really forgot how bad it looked until he was looking at it again."oh honey don't worry,I'll take care of it"the girl doing yoongi's hair name lia chuckle dripping shampoo on the hair as she did her job.

"How did he even do this anyway?" Yoongi mumble to himself as he was still in disbelief how hoseok manage to mess with his face like this,he sure was going to try not sleeping like he was dead anymore cause imagine if hoseok did something worst....

"I don't know what you're talking about hyung,you still look fire,right?" Jimin who was sitting on a stool going through a book said looking up at namjoon,jungkook and Tae for conformation.they nodded not wanting yoongi to get angrier if they said the truth.he looked hedious but yoongi didn't need their opinion to know that,it was right in front of his eyes."I swear to god I'll get my revenge on him"yoongi's said with gritted teeth."you know I'm right here,right?"hoseok mumble with a roll of his eyes taking a magazine to past time.

After they left the police station,yoongi volenteerd to serve everyone a meal but their parents took a rain check since they had other things to attend to,now it was just the 6 boys going for a treat but first yoongi had to get rid of what hoseok left on him.that's why they were now in a private salon that yoongi booked to have some privacy.

"Sir I'd like to inform you that the color of your hair can't instantly turn into black again,its been heavenly dyed" yoongi groan at the not so pleasant information, he hated colored hairstyles and hoseok knew that,he turn to hoseok and glared at him making the younger scoff and look away while crossing his arms."just..take care of it"yoongi grumble pouting."don't worry....I'll take good care of you"hoseok head snap to lia as she said that in sweet voice,he gave her a look but decided not to say anything.

Jimin that was pretending to read a book but in reality observing everything,smirk at hoseok reaction to lia's sweet voice.he could see that hoseok was jealous.

"Why do you two even fight so much anyways?" Tae required sipping on a juice he had bought earlier,he was seated beside namjoon and jungkook who was just silently listening and observing.

"Its hoseok's fault"
"Its yoongi's fault"

Both said at the same time then glared at each other."hoseok is a brat and you all know it!"hoseok scoff in his defense."its yoongi's fault,he purposely made me har-"hoseok press the break on his sentence before he could expose himself but it was to late,he groan loudly as jimin turned to him eyebrows raised teasingly and a sly smirk."what did he purposely do to you hoseoksie~~?"jimin teased wiggling his eyebrows. Hoseok wanted to disappear as jimin kept on teasing him.

"Hmmm...and...we're done" lia moved away from his view,yoongi observed his final look and it was pretty nice.

(The final look😩)

"Well damn are you single?" Lia asked seductively getting a chuckle out of yoongi,a loud scoff was instantly heard in the room.

"Oh,oh that is not good" Tae mumble knowing shit is about to go down.

"CAN'T YOU SEE THE RING ON HIS FINGER?,CAN'T YOU SEE IT??!!" hoseok yelled stomping his feet on the floor,arms crossed clearly frustrated.lia turned to him,a sly smirk on her face."well I don't see his partner around,do I?"

"Ooh..that is not good,that is so not good" jimin mutter,his gaze going from lia and hoseok and back again as a tension fill the room."this bitch"hoseok hiss,smirking he took his time moving over to yoongi he lean down and claim his lips in a slow sensual kiss.

"And just like that,this wall suddenly seems so interesting" Tae turn his head away,dramatically observing the wall while jungkook choke on air and jimin just start recording the free show with a smirk.namjoon just chuckle and fetch a glass of water for jungkook who was still choking.

They all acted so dramatically as if they've never seen anyone kissed before.

Their kiss is slow and sensual, filled with the taste of their combined passion. Hoseok tongue teases the older's lips before slipping inside, tangling with his possessively in a dance of dominance and submission.he deepen the kiss,making sure everything was involved,the smacking of lips,the clashing of tongue's, and mostly the lewd soft sounds of his moans.

"That's right baby....claim your man" jimin smirk zooming in to get the best angle of hoseok tongue work.

After a long moment of probably making everyone hard with his soft moans hoseok slowly pulled away licking the remaining saliva on his lips away,he made eye contact with yoongi making him shyly look away."o my god"jimin chuckle."you both are so in love-

"We're not in love!!
" we're not in love!!"

Hoseok and yoongi hiss glaring at jimin who raised his arms up in surrender.

Hoseok cleared his throat and composed himself, giving lia who looked rather unnecessary angry a look of 'he's-mine-bitch'before walking out of the salon sassily, his head held high and arms crossed.

Yoongi couldn't stop himself from smiling."aah..he's such a brat"


"Ugh..I can't believe that girl" hoseok complain as he stood in front of the salon glaring down at the poor ground that did nothing to him."the audacity she had to smirk at me!"hoseok clench his teeth while his small hands turn into fist after a moment he frown."does..does this means..I have to kiss him in front of everyone now?"he stressed rubbing his eyebrow. "Is that ring not enough to show he's mine" hoseok was really stressing over the matter,he was even getting a headache."maybe we should've buy a bigger ring-WAIT A MINUTE"he suddenly scream eyes going wide in retaliation that he was actually stressing over yoongi instead of hating him."what am I doing?"he gaped at himself then he gasp."o my god I sounded so possessive in there.....everyone would think I like him"he groan fake sobbing."hoseok you need to get a grip of yourself, you can't keep falling for his games.....but it feels so nice tho"he blush tucking an invisible long hair behind his ear before he scoff and curse at himself.

But just then he felt hand circling his waist and was being pulled back to rest against a chest,the person buried his head in the crook of hoseok neck and kissed the side of his neck softly.the talk hoseok had with himself all flew away as he blush uncontrollably and tried to play it off by couching."I'm going to get my revenge"yoongi promised gracing the side of hoseok neck softly with teeth getting a sharp gasp out of the younger who closed his eyes."and once I'm done with'll be begging for mercy"hoseok breath hitch as yoongi sucked on his neck aggressively marking what he believed was rightfully his.

Once he pull away he smirk at hoseok and released him fully,placing his hands inside his pockets."make sure you don't lose that challenge"at that hoseok frown."what challenge?"he question himself softly before he gasp and stared at yoongi with wide eyes.

He had totally forgot about the challenge.

"Because if you do,you're mine forever...Min hoseok" with a smirk of promise victory yoongi went back inside to the others leaving hoseok with the terrifying realization that he still had a almost impossible challenge to fulfill.

To be continued....

I love y'all 😣💖💖💖

Our special guest today😩🧎🏾‍♀️jyp oppa

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