
By K_wriites

162K 6.3K 893

BWWM I scoff, "you think I'll get on my knees & beg to an asshole like you?! Well-".I'm cut off by a raspy c... More

Chapter 1. - Grey Eyed Asshole.
Chapter 2- Surprise, Suprise.
Chapter 3- Friend group.
Chapter 4- Let hell begin.
Chapter 5- Pay attention.
Chapter 6- Practice makes perfect.
Chapter 7- Perv.
Chapter 8- I'll give you what you want.
Chapter 9- Bathroom break.
Chapter 10- Dont get comfortable.
Chapter 11- Sandwich.
Chapter 12- The race.
Chapter 13- Sore loser.
Author's note
Chapter 14- New face.
Chapter 15- Dog
Chapter 16- Found you.
Chapter 17- fuck buddy.
Chapter 18- the Deal
Chapter 19- secrets revealed
Chapter 20- Turning point.
Chapter 21- Game Day.
Chapter 22- The Game
Chapter 23- Celebration.
Chapter 24-Princess
Chapter 25-Project
Chapter 26- Alone.
Not an update
Chapter- 28 Drunk.
Chapter 29- The box.
Chapter 30- Pizza
Chapter 31- Taste ⚠️
Chapter 32 - The news
Chapter 33- The ball
Chapter 34- Class
Chapter 35- Hoodie
Chapter 36- The Fight.
Chapter 37- Winner
Chapter 38- Details
Chapter 39- Agreement.
Chapter 40- The Deal.
Chapter 41- Compliment
Chapter 42- taken
Chapter 43- Aftermath
Authors note (not an update)
Chapter 44- Anger
Chapter 45- Sapphire
Chapter 46- Back to normal.
Chapter 47- touch me
Author's note
Chapter 48- Chaos
Chapter 49- traitor
Chapter 50- M.I.A
Chapter 51- Safe
Chapter 52- Free
Chapter 53- Yes.

Chapter 27- The mistake.

3K 151 17
By K_wriites

This chapter is a bit longer in honor of me hitting 5k reads!!!


I make my way back into the track as Jayden & Luca return to the front. "A dude got thrown out, find him. I want him at the warehouse tonight."

"Damn who pissed you off?" Jayden lightly chuckles before getting his phone and calling someone. Luca doesn't say a word, he just nods. "They found him, he'll be at the warehouse soon" Jayden says waving his phone around.

"So, what he'd do?" Luca questions. I glance at Jayden before answering. "He grabbed a girl. Left a bruise on her arm." I say bluntly Jayden and Luca have a conversation with their eyes before they speak. "Who?" Jayden pushes. I huff as I speak. "Zaria."

Jayden tenses once he hears the name. "Zaria? As in my little sister? ZZ?" I nod. "He's a dead man. Where is Zaria? Is she ok? Fuck I should've- " "She's fine. I walked her to her friend's car." I glance at Luca who hasn't said a word. His shoulders are tense, and he's just staring.

Jayden pulls out his phone calling God knows who."ZZ? Where are you?" He says once Zaria, I assume answers. "I'm on the way. See you soon." Jayden hangs up the phone and turns back to me and Luca.

"I'm going to the party, you in or out?" He ask bluntly. Although he just found out they were siblings not too long ago, it's clear he cares for her. "In" we respond in sync as we make our way to the parking lot.



As we enter the house, music is blasting and there is people everywhere. I notice a few familiar faces from school, including my "sister". Queen like always, makes her way to the bar. I go deeper into the house and find somewhere to sit. It's a bit quieter here aswelll. I spot a door, and it leads to a little sitting room with a couch.

I sit in silence for a few minutes before someone enters the room."Zaria?" I look over as my name is called, and I see Luke. Great. "Luke." I reply keeping it short as I pull my phone out to text Queen. I feel the couch dip next to me, and Luke is now sat on the couch right beside me.

"No Jayden? No Dante? Im surprised." I ignore him and continue to text Queen she's at the bar, and has already found her a little boo for the night.

"Silent treatment? Not very kind of you." Luke continues. "What do you want?" I lower my phone looking at him with a bored expression."to talk, simple." "Talk then." I scoot away from him a bit as I turn to face him. "What's going on with you and Dante?"

"We're roommates. Nothing more, nothing less. Anything else?" I feel myself getting agitated . This asshole calls me out my name, and then expects me to carry a conversation with him?
"What's up with all the short answers?" He questions. "Whats up with all the questions?"

He glances at the door before he smirks and shifts closer to me."I admire your attitude, it's attractive even." He says lightly touching my thigh. "What?" Before he can respond, someone is pulling me off the couch. "The fuck are you doing Luke?" Dante.

"Ah, there you are. I figured you'd show up sooner or later." Luke chuckles as Dante holds him by the front of his shirt.

"Zaria." I turn to see an angry looking Jayden standing behind me along with Luca. He called me my name. Jayden never calls me my name. "Jayden what's going on?" he grabs my hand leading me upstairs as Luca follows.

We pass through crowds and Jayden's grip is tight. Once we reach a room, he opens the door and lets my arm go. "Why in the world, were you and Luke in that room, alone at that?" Luca steps in closing the door as Jayden speaks.

"It wasn't my fault. I was there before that asshole. I just wanted to be somewhere quiet."
"It's a fucking party! Who comes to a party if they want peace and quiet?!" Jayden slightly raises his voice as he speaks. "I do! My friend wanted to come, so I came with her, gosh. It's not like I was fucking him. He touched me!" I yell back.

"Let's chill out-" Luca speaks stepping inbetween us." "Zaria. Luke is sneaky as shit. You don't need to be around him." Jayden continues does he not listen?! " I wasn't around him Jayden. Once again, he came in the room. I was already there. It was only like 2 minutes." I shrug sitting on the bed in the room.

"Doesn't matter, what did he say?" "He just asked about Dante..." "that's it?" "Yup" "good." The room falls silent for a moment before the door opens & Dante steps in. He looks around the room before looking at me.

"Leave. I need to talk to Zaria alone." Jayden and Luca look at each other before they make their way out the door. "I already talked to Jayden, I don't need you to give me the whole Luke is bad lecture ok?" I stand from the bed and head for the door.

Before I can fully twist the handle, Dante grabs my waist and pins me against the door. "Will you ever shut up and fucking listen?" He snaps. "Get off of me" I try to push him off, but he traps my hands above my head.

"Just fucking listen. Luke is a bastard. He does shit to fucking irritate me. Don't fall into his bullshit." "Ok, cool. Got it. Can you let go now?" I turn my head to the side to try and look for a way out of this situation. Dante lets my hands go &  grips my chin forcing me to look at him.

"I'm serious, Zaria. He's sneaky." He continues. I search his gaze and his eyes are full of emotion. I drop my gaze to his lips before returning them to his eyes. "I don't understand why you guys treat me like a baby. I'm 21 years old! I can take care of myself." I rant as I attempt to pull away from Dante's grip once again.

"You don't know the half of it sweetheart. Luke isnt just some guy. He's no good. "And you are?" I snap back without thinking. Dante's demeanor changes. "Don't. Compare me to him. Ever." "Ok... geez." I raise my hands in surrender. He still has a tight grip on my chin as his face inches closer to mine.

"I really can't fucking stand you." Before I can respond, Dante's lips meet mine. His hand that was once on my chin makes its way to my throat as he squeezes lightly causing me to gasp. His tongue enters my mouth dancing with mine as he pulls my body closer deepening the kiss.

Sudden screams make us pull apart, both breathing heavily. And that's when I hear it. Gun shots. The bedroom door flies open as Jayden and Luca rush in. "It's some idiots with guns, I'm not sure who they're with but they know we're here." Jayden says as he pulls a gun out from under his shirt.

"Fuckers." Dante grits before doing the same. My eyes go wide as Luca pulls his out as well. "When the fuck did you guys get guns?!" I question and they all go quiet. More gun shots ring out. "No time to explain. Jayden, get the house cleared. Luca, you're with me. Let's move." Dante says as they head for the door.

"And me?! I'm coming with you." "Like hell you are, you don't leave this room until one of us comes to get you." Jayden says looking back at me. Queen. Queen! "My- my friend! She's here somewhere. Please- find her." I plead as they head out the door.

"We'll find her. Stay here Ria, I mean it." Dante exits and closes the door. Please be ok Queen. And then it hit me. I just fucking kissed Dante. Holy shit. I groan and fall back on the bed after realizing what I did.

More gunshots ring out snapping me back into reality and my nerves are on 10. I stand, and make sure the door is locked before moving to the closest.

A few moments of silence goes by before the door is kicked open. I wrap my hands around my mouth trying to stay quiet. "Find her." A voice says. I shift to the back of closet praying they won't see me.

"She's not here." Another voice says. "Check the closet." My heart rate picks up hearing that. I hear footsteps approach the closet door. Ok, I have to fight. I got this! I feel around and grab a hanger holding it tightly.

I hear commotion in the room before the closet door is opened I lunge at the person before hitting them repeatedly with the hanger. "I'm not going out like this! I don't want to die!" I shout as I continue to hit them.

"Ow what the- fuck woman stop hitting me." Wait a minute I know that voice. "Ryan?!" I halt my movement as Ryan snatches the hanger out my hand.

"Yes, fuck it's me. Where the hell did you find a hanger?!" I breathe a sigh of relief. "Well why didn't you say anything! How was I supposed to know you were here!"

"Dante called me and told me to come get you. Fuck, I didn't think you'd attack me." He holds his head as he throws the hanger on the ground. I look around the room and see two men laying on the floor.

"How did you take them out but couldn't take me out and all I had was a hanger?" I question. "Well for one, if I hit you Jayden would kill me. And again, I wasn't expecting you to fucking attack me!" I know I shouldn't have, but I let out a laugh as Ryan glared at me.

"Sorry... thank you Ryan." "Shut up. Let's go. Stay behind me." He turns to the- now broke door and we walk downstairs. The house is creepily quiet, as we maneuver to the door.

Z!" I hear Queen shout and I spot her standing with Dante and Jayden. I leave Ryan's side and run to her. "Fuck girl I'm glad you're ok." I pull her into a hug after giving her a once over.

"Are you ok ZZ?" Jayden approaches us. "I'm fine. Now somebody better explain to me what the fuck just happened." I glance at Dante & Luca who keep quiet, Jayden and Ryan just exchange looks.

"Look Ria, I don't know how to tell you this-" "you just say we're in the mafia, easy peasy." Ryan interrupts Dante making Jayden hit him in the back of the head.

"The mafia?!" Me and Queen reply in sync. "You fucking idiot." Dante says glaring at Ryan as he rubs the back of his head.

"You're joking? I'm being punked right?" I force a laugh. They all stare blankly at me and Queen.Then it hit me. The training. The guns. Holy shit.

"You're in the ma-mm" my words are muffled by Dante's hand. "Could you not fucking shout that out in the open? I'm going to let you go. Then, we're going to go to the dorm and talk. Ok?"

I nod my head as he slowly lets go. "We'll see you at the dorm." I grab queens arm and begin walking to the car.



Me, Luca, Jayden, and Ryan all arrived at the dorm first. We're all sat on the couch waiting for Ria & Queen to show.

"Why the fuck would you say that shit Ryan?" Luca question. "Well Dante said he didn't know to say it so I just figured-" "figured what? That he wanted you to blurt it out? Dumbass." Jayden chimes in.

Soon, the door is opening and Zaria walks in. "Queen was batshit drunk, so I dropped her off at her dorm first." She places her purse down before sitting down next to Jayden.

"So, explain." I huff before speaking. "I'll keep it short. We're in the mafia-"
"Yeah no shit." I glance at her as she cuts me off. "Sorry, continue"

"Like I was saying. We are in the mafia. All of us. I won't go into details, and I'm sure you know what the mafia is. Tonight, someone knew we were at the party. And more specifically, they knew you were at the party."

Zaria's mood shifts as she processes my words.

"They were looking for you, Zaria." Luca adds on. "Who would be looking for you?" Jayden questions looking over at her. She's frozen, not saying a word.

"Zaria?" She doesn't say a word, she reaches into her purse, getting her phone before scrolling and handing it to Jayden. He scrolls through the phone and his jaw clenches.

"Who the fuck is this Zaria? Why are there so many fucking pictures?" Zaria doesn't respond, instead she looks down at her hands fiddling with her fingers.

"I.. I don't know. I think I know who it is, but- he wouldn't- he couldn't do all this. He isn't involved in this kind of stuff." She mutters. "Look at this shit." Jayden hands me the phone and I begin scrolling.

Picture after picture. Zaria in the library, walking to class, at the dorm door. I feel anger rise inside of me. "The day you called me Zaria- it was because this fucker sent you pictures, wasn't it?"

Jayden questions and she nods her head. I place the phone on the coffee table allowing Luca and Ryan to both see. "Who knows?" I mutter. "Queen." I nod at her response.

"Why didn't you say anything ZZ?" Jayden pushes. "The same reason you didn't tell me anything about you being in the freaking Mafia maybe?!" She snaps.

"That's different-" " How, Jayden.Tell me how." "Let's maybe chill out a bit. Tonight's been rough." Luca attempts to de-escalate the situation. "Lets go. Jayden, lay off for tonight." Luca stands from the couch and Ryan follows.

"I'm not laying off-" "Jayden." I speak bluntly. His jaw tenses once again before he pulls Zaria into a hug. "Im sorry for not telling you. We will talk tomorrow, yeah?" She nods.

He huffs before letting her go and the three of them leave. We sit in silence for a moment before she speaks. "So, mafia huh?" I nod. "You like the big boss man?" "Not yet, I hope to be soon."

She hums in response. "About earlier Zaria, I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry." "It's just a kiss, plus I kissed you back." She shrugs. "Right."

She stands and heads to her room. I'm going to regret this. I follow behind her grabbing her arm  as I spin her around smashing my lips on hers. I can tell she's surprised as she slightly hesitates before kissing me back.

I wrap my hands around her waist as she wraps her arms around my neck. She moans into the kiss as I slip my tongue into her mouth. We stumble back against the wall. I lightly squeeze her waist before pulling away.

She peers up as me as I place my forehead on hers. "Fuck Ria." I whisper looking down at her. She unwraps her arms around my neck and I loosen my grip on her waist.

"I thought you couldn't stand me?" She teases. "Shut the hell up." I walk back to my room before looking at her.

"Goodnight Zaria."

"Goodnight Dante." She turns and enters her room, closing the door. I kissed Jayden's sister. Twice.


There's almost 2.7k words in this chapter... I think I deserve a vote for that.... Make sure to vote please!
No 10 votes = no update get to voting.
Goal: 2 comments 🙏🏽

I know this chapter went a littleeeee fast? But I did make it longerrrrr I think I might start doing longer chapters??? Yes no?? Comment?

Thank you all again for 5k reads Wowww

WE GOT A KISS. How we feeling? I think it's time to add more to the plot now guyssss 🧍🏽‍♀️ who's looking for her? Is it who she thinks it is?!dun dun dun...

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Fast/slow paced with these two??!!! Lmkkkk



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