No Matter What - A HC + other...

By Nayl0rWritesStuff

333 32 154

When the Wither Rose twins end up in the Underground, their chances of getting back to the surface seem slim... More

Without Them
Fallen Down
A Sad Ghost and Irritating Puzzles
Xanther the dad
Goodbye, (Dad) Xan...
"What happened to me...?"
Puzzles galore!
Blue stop signs
Dog Fight and Dog friend
Snowdin Town
Polar Wonder
A chilling turn of events


20 1 4
By Nayl0rWritesStuff

Long chapter, incoming! I've been excited to post this chapter-

'Get up.'

Gem couldn't explain what woke her. Fwhip was fast asleep, snoring softly. So it couldn't have been him.

'Get going. Faster.'

What was the voice doing? Just yesterday, it was all peaceful and lingering in the corners of her vision. Now it was pushing her to do... something, and was getting more and more impatient.

"What do you want?!" Gem quietly hissed. The blurred figure of a girl appeared next to her. "I'm trying to get some sleep!"

'Xanther plans on destroying the exit to the rest of the Underground. This is very bad for us.'

Gem scoffed. "Us?! Why should I care, Xan is an amazing person, one I personally wouldn't mind having as my father! Sorry, apparition, but you picked the wrong girl for this whole, 'chosen one' thing you're cooking up."

The apparition looked taken aback by her statement, her form flickering for a second. She straightened up, red pinpricks narrowing. 'Then you deny his sacrifice?'

Gem felt her blood run cold. Sacrifice...?

"What are you talking about?" Gem hissed, low and threatening. She was done with these cryptic messages.

'Jimmy, who else? Gem, if you let the exit be destroyed, you'll be losing the only shot at fulfilling Jimmy's wish! You can't let Xanther do this!'

What wish...? What had Jimmy done...?

Gem sucked in a breath. This was a bad idea. She knew it. "How can I help?"

'Wake up your brother, try and convince him to come with you. I have a plan that involves the Barrier. You two are unstoppable when together. I know you'll make it.'


Fwhip wasn't expecting to be shaken awake and then literally dragged out of bed.

"C'mon Gem, five more minutes, then we can get started..."

"There's no time! Come on, get up!" Gem whisper-yelled, pulling him up until he stood on his own.

"Whas' going on?" He slurred, his voice thick from deep sleep. Why was Gem rushing around?

She grabbed a medium-sized backpack, stuffing granola bars and bottles of water into it, along with a few other things, before throwing it over her shoulders.

"Whoa whoa! Hey! What are you doing?!" Fwhip was confused. Why was she acting like this? Like she was running out of time?

"We have to go! Now! Xanther could be down there destroying the exit! We don't have time to stand around!" Gem was still rushing around. Her face was flushed, like she was sick or something.

Fwhip grabbed her shoulders, spinning her around to face him. "Gem. What's going on?"

"The six..." Gem breathed. Fwhip tensed, his eyes widen in shock. "The kids before... our friends... Fwhip they- they're-"

Fwhip didn't want to believe it. "No... no Gem, please...."

"I have to- I have to go, Fwhip! I have to find a way to fix this!" Gem grabbed at her hair, her words nothing but nonsense spilling out.

"Gem..." Fwhip wanted to cry. The thought that all his friends were gone, that they weren't coming back, it tore at him. "Please..."

"I'm going, Fwhip, whether you like it or not. The choice is yours to come with me."

He couldn't... he couldn't let her go alone. What kind of a brother would he be if he couldn't protect his sister?!

"Okay... let me get ready..."


"Xan..." Xanther froze. No... no! Why were they here!? Xanther steeled himself. He had to do this. This... this was for the best.

"Ahead of us lies the end of the ruins..." Xanther couldn't bear to look at them. Why the sudden about-face? "A one-way exit to the rest of the Underground."

"Xan, please... we need to fix this," Gem took his hand, pleading. "For the other kids, for all the Hybrids... please."

"I need to destroy it. No one will ever be able to leave again," His voice was pained, but firm. This was for the best. He couldn't lose his kids again. He turned, taking Gem's hand in his own. "Now, please. Be good children and go upstairs."

Xanther moved swiftly, out of reach of the twins. He could hear them behind him, running to keep up with his brisk pace. Something reminiscent of discontent flickered in his gut. Of course they wouldn't listen.

"Every human that falls down here meets the same fate," His voice was betraying him, but he couldn't stop it. He failed them, he failed ALL of them. What kind of a father can he call himself?! "I have seen it, again and again. They come, they leave, they... die."

"Oh, Xan... I'm so sorry." Fwhip sympathized. Seriously, this man needed a hug, badly. "But we have a mission, and we can't deviate from it."

"Heh, the last boy had a 'mission,'" Xanther didn't mean to laugh. It was just so ironic. "You can piece together how well that went for him."

They didn't move. They just kept staring at him. Unwavering. A sigh, as he felt years of pain and agony float to the surface. "You naive children... if you leave the ruins... They- Xisuma, they'll kill you. I am only protecting you, do you understand?"

Xanther could see it, the slightest bit of hesitation.

"Go to your room..."


Gem gripped the straps of her backpack tighter. She... she couldn't back down, not now! She'll never have another opportunity if she hesitates any longer!

Gem rushed ahead, leaving Fwhip in the dust. She heard him yelp in surprise and chase after her.

Xanther was there, just around the corner. He looked tired, or was he always this tired, and it took her this long to see it. "Do not try to stop me. This is your final warning."

The glare he shot at them was red-hot, and he was gone, disappearing into the shadows.

Gem grabbed her brother's hand, pulling him forward. His protests fell on deaf ears.

And there he was, purple flames dancing at his fingertips. He looked hesitant and stared at the kids as they followed him. The flames went out. "You want to leave so badly? Hmph."

He sank to his knees, his body failing to keep him upright. "You two are just like the others. There is only one solution to this."

After a moment, he rose back to his feet, purple flames running up his arms. He looked back at them, his purple eyes gleaming in the light. "Prove yourselves... prove to me you are strong enough to survive."

The hallway dimmed, and a dark barrier rose to block the only exit. Xanther's cloak flared up, letting a pair of huge, black wings rest on his back.

Purple flames flared up, crisscrossing towards them. This time, it was Gem being grabbed, as Fwhip dragged both of them out of the way.

Gem wasn't sure what to do. She wanted to leave, but that didn't include fighting him!

Flames scorched the air, singing their skin. Gods, that hurt.

"Hey Xan!" Fwhip shouted, drawing the Dragon Hybrid's attention away from his sister. What was he doing?!

Fwhip held back a scream as flames washed over him. His clothes didn't catch fire, so that was good. He wasn't feeling too hot (ehe), though.

What were they supposed to do? Xanther was dead set on them proving themselves, and unless they struck back, he wouldn't stop.

But neither of them had a weapon!

Flames rushed at him, and Fwhip braced for impact. Nothing, nothing but a quiet whimper and a gasp from Xanther.

Gem. His sister. She took an attack for him.

"G-Gem...?" Gem glanced at him and smiled.

"I know what I'm doing."

Gem settled her gaze back on Xanther, her eyes somehow more intense than the flames around her. "I'm not FIGHTING you, Xanther."

Xanther waved his hand, fireballs at the ready. His expression was pained, but determined.

More fire, more distractions. Fwhip didn't know exactly what Gem was going, but it was working better than what they were doing before.

Gem opened her arms, embracing the next attack. Fwhip cried out, his voice going out as flames bathed his sister.

She was... alright. Well, alright was an understatement. Her skin was burned and scorched, yet she was still standing, arms outstretched.

"I'm. Not. Fighting. You." She grit out. Tears gave away her emotional health and maybe even physical health.

"What are you doing...?" Xanther whispered, unable to find his voice. Fwhip slowly, slowly standing, choosing to stand by his sister. Whatever happened, they'd face it together.

Gem looked at him, something painful flickering in her eyes.

"Attack or run away!" Could Xanther not see the wall of darkness preventing them from doing so? They weren't about to attack him either.

More fire. Except the twins didn't move. It hurt. They could feel their life-force draining away, and yet they stood firm.

Xanther couldn't stand to look at them. "What are you proving this way?! Fight me or leave!!"

The flames avoided them, not daring to even touch them. Gem smiled, her theory was right.

Xanther looked drained, his face a mess with tears. "I know you want to see the rest of the Underground... but..."

"But...?" Gem whispered, voice lost in the battle.

"But please just... go upstairs, now." Xanther tilted his head down. He couldn't bear to see them. He HURT them. "I promise, I will take good care of you both..."

Not a word. There were no words that could be said.

Someone hot poured down his face. Oh, so he was full-on crying now? "I know I don't have much, but... we can have a good life here."

Gem let Fwhip lean against her, the fight exhausting them both beyond their limits.

Xanther drew in a shuddering breath. He hadn't realized just how tired he was, too. "Why are you making this so difficult...?"

Gem tried to find her voice again. "We- we have to. For the good of all Hybrids, we need to reach the Barrier..."

"Please... go upstairs," He couldn't hold out any longer. If he tried, he would crack like an egg.

Gem shook her head slowly, sinking to her knees.

And Xanther began to laugh, hollow and empty.

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