Sweet love (Kim Seungmin)

By rebeca0325

834 7 3

Theresa is living her life like normal. Going to uni, stop at the bakery where her friend works and going ba... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (Seungmin)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 (Seungmin)
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Epilogue (Seungmin)
Epilogue (Seungmin)

Chapter 30

19 0 0
By rebeca0325

As Seungmin predicted, in the second race Hyunjin already seemed to feel more confident, placing second, mere milliseconds behind first.

Exactly like yesterday, I had to wake up at inhumanely unacceptable hours (9 am) to watch the finals of the regional competition. And today we are all equipped to support our team. We bought some flags, scarves and caps. I went bankrupt. I was already poor, but now, it's even worse (I think Seungmin has money, otherwise I'll have to find another one).

We arrived at the city's pools building and headed to the same spots as yesterday. Seungmin motions for me to sit next to him and when I go to do so, he hugs me and starts leaving little kisses all over my face. I have to fight to free myself (and by fight, I mean physically with him and psychologically with myself).

- You know, sometimes I start thinking and come to the conclusion that I miss when you were ignoring him – comments Minho.

- You were the one who kidnapped me because you were fed up with the situation and wanted us to solve our problems!

- Exactly. This is proof that being a good person is useless and that, in the future, good deeds are not rewarded. It's all a big farce. I'm going to give up on being a good person!

- As if you ever were – I hear Sofia saying, but I doubt Minho heard it, or at least ignored it.

- Do you know what conclusion I come to? – Seungmin now joins the conversation – That someone is jealous and misses his best friend, right? Do you want a kiss too, Minho? – tries to hug the boy, who immediately leaves his seat and runs away saying that everyone is acting crazy. Meanwhile, the rest of us is laughing their asses off.

- Guys! I'ts about to start! – Han announces, and we see the athletes leaving the changing rooms.

Everyone starts screaming. If I thought my ears had recovered from yesterday, I doubt the same will happen tomorrow.

- You know, those two on the right, looking all hot, they're my best friends – Han tries to impress more girls and gets slapped by Changbin. Anyway...

We watch Hyunjin heading to his pad. This first race, according to the boys, will be easier than the second. The competition in the next race is very strong. Three athletes considered one of the best in the country will compete.

The whistle is heard and the race begins.

- Hyunjin seems to be way more confident today – I mention to Seungmin. At this moment he has his left arm around my shoulders and the hand on that arm is intertwined with mine.

- I told you he was going to get better. It's not the first time he's stopped competing because of an injury. When we were in high school, he broke his foot, had to take a month off from training and in the first post-recovery competition he was a disaster. Afterwards, he was always winning. He just needs to get used to the competition environment and have more confidence and then no one will stop him.

- Do you remember that time he bruised his leg when he jumped over the school walls to get the football from the field next to us? – Han asks the others.

- Ya! He couldn't train for two weeks. When it was his first training session, the coach put him swimming against some kid four years younger. Hyunjin got crushed completely! Ahaha!

I'm shocked how they seem to know v so well. I knew that some of the boys had already been friends since primary school but hearing them now talking about each other as if they knew everything about one another, as if they were an open book to the others, leaves me surprised.

When the whistle blows again, Hyunjin finishes first, with the second very close. It was a good race with a reasonable time.

Shortly afterwards, it's Chan 's turn and, like the monster he is, he comes first with an extraordinary time. The others didn't even have a chance. If he is not called up to the national team after this, those guys from the federation must have mentally problems.

At around one in the afternoon there is a lunch break and at two the tests continue. Chan annihilates everything and everyone as always. The public gets excited after seeing him swim. What an athlete he is!

The last test of all is Hyunjin's and we are all nervous. He has to do a fantastic performance to stand out from the rest. I see him getting into his position and I observe the environment me. I notice some girls with posters that I refuse to read what they have written. It's not for your age. If I were Hyunjin, I would feel uncomfortable. Then I notice an old man explaining something about sport to his grandson (I needed it too). Cute.

Just as I was about to turn my focus back to Hyunjin, I caught a group of men out of the corner of my eye. There are three hooded dudes, wearing sunglasses, next to the exit. Strange. Who are them?

Anna seems to also notice it, commenting with the others – Look at those wearing sunglasses inside.

- They look like a group of drug addicts – adds Sofia – Like you – and directs it towards Minho, but he, instead of being offended, looks seriously at the group of boys.

Now that I notice, everyone is looking like this. Even Seungmin. Strange....

Minho, Changbin and Han get up, saying they need to get some air. Right now? Right before your best friend starts an important race? Strange....

Seconds after leaving the building, the other three who were leaning against the door, do so too. Strange....

Meanwhile, Felix, Jeongin and Seungmin act like nothing is wrong. Sensing my gaze, Seungmin looks at me, kisses me on the forehead and murmurs "Everything is fine". I doubt it.

The whistle blows and the athletes throw themselves into the water. In the first lap, Hyunjin was fantastic, but from the second he gave the turbo, I'm telling you, I've never seen him like that. He swam so fast that he gained a huge advantage over the others. When the race was over and the places and times were announced, everyone was shocked by his performance. He got a better time than Chan. I didn't think it was possible.

After changing their clothes and receiving their medals, Chan and Hyunjin are intercepted by two men. When they leave and the two boys arrive at our side, Chan starts talking.

- You are now looking at two of the athletes who will participate in the European sports competition next year!

- OMG!! – we all start hugging them excitedly.

- What do you say we go to a bar to party? Who's with me? – Hyunjin proposes.

- Minho, Han and Changbin will appear there later. I just text them – Jeongin says.

I don't understand what they were doing outside that took so long. But it's best not to think about it too much. It has nothing to do with me.

As far as going to a bar, I'm not with you, Hyunjin. However, I have my doubts that Anna and Bea would let me go home. And now Seungmin.

Speaking of which, he pokes both sides of my ribs, making me jump from my place. I promise to kill him while he runs away. I go after him and when we get outside, he stops and waits for me to slam against him. Before I can push away, he puts his hands on my waist and pulls me closer to him. He lowers his head, kissing me slowly.

I will never get tired of this! I could live in this moment forever! Just me and him! Forever!

Next chapter...

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