Chapter 7

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Later in the night, I'm full on sweating from every corner of my body due to the fact I've been dancing nonstop with the others and my voice is dry from singing (... shouting...). So, I decided I needed to rest for a while.

I escape to a calmer, quieter corner of the club. That's where I find Felix leaning against the wall, alone. When he sees me, he immediately smiles and motions for me to join him.

Are you seeing those situations where you don't know what to talk about with someone, so you come up with something that is actually not that interesting, but which is better than an awkward silence? That's exactly what I do. I start talking about cooking.

- What! You know how to make brownies? You have to let me try them one day! – says Felix enthusiastically.

- I don't know about that. Although they are very delicious, they always look ugly. I am yet to find out why.

- I mean, my mother has a recipe for brownies. When I make them, the boys seem to love them. Do you want me to send it to you? This way you can also compare it with yours and see what the difference is.

- Wait! You can bake too? OMG! Now I have to try yours. Cooked by YOU!

- Hey! Now, you're putting a lot of pressure on me. I don't bake good under stress.

- Stop dodging. You'll have to make them one of these days for everyone. Understood?

- Got it.

- I don't know why, I can't picture any of you cooking. Are you the only one who knows or are the others good at it too?

- Not all of them! Minho is fantastic and Chan manages well. But the rest don't know how to do anything! Normally, when we plan to eat together at someone's apartment, Minho, with the help of Chan, takes care of making the food and I make the desserts. The others, zero! Nothing at all! A bunch of lazy people.

- Lies! I do the dishes, always! – Changbin joins the conversation.

- That's just because you always lose at "rock, paper, scissors"!

- You know, Felix, I feel offended! I also know how to break eggs – he tries to redeem himself.

- Everyone can break eggs. I wouldn't be so proud to say that's the only thing I know how to do – oh! Burn!

It's funny to see a boy like Changbin, all muscular, intimidating, being made fun of by his best friend. I am kind of shocked and amused to see it.

- Anyone wants something to drink? I'll go get it – I ask them, as I notice the lack of liquid in the two boys' glasses.

On the way to the bar, I pass by the rest of the group, also asking them what they want. How am I going to get everyone's their drinks? We are more than 10 people! Okay. I'll have to get a round of drinks and then come back and take the rest.

I arrive at the bar, huffing and puffing (I'm really in bad shape), rest my elbows on the counter and when I finally manage to get the bartender's attention, I order the drinks for everyone.

While I wait, I look around, taking in the atmosphere. Until I notice a man a few years older than me looking at me from across the bar. Creep. I hate the way he's staring at me, and his little smirk. Not hot.

I change the direction of my eyes. I was already getting goose bumps just looking at the guy.

- Are you here alone? – says someone in my ear. And when I tell you that I almost slapped them in the face when I turned to that person, I'm not joking. It may not seem like it, but my slaps are strong. It would almost be necessary to call an ambulance, no cap.

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