Sweet love (Kim Seungmin)

By rebeca0325

417 6 3

Theresa is living her life like normal. Going to uni, stop at the bakery where her friend works and going ba... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (Seungmin)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 (Seungmin)
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Epilogue (Seungmin)
Epilogue (Seungmin)

Chapter 28

8 0 0
By rebeca0325

He wasn't supposed to find out like this! What do I do now?

OK! Right now, he just seems confused, judging by the way he's staring at me and the others looking for answers.

I probably should say something, shouldn't I? But what exactly?

- Surprise!


Yup. It wasn't the best idea.

- Why did you receive an email from the school about the exchange program, Theresa?

Do I really have to answer that? Isn't it obvious?

- I may or may not have applied to it for the next semester.

Done. It feels so good to free myself from the burden of hiding this. Now I feel much lighter. I'm just afraid of his reaction. Will he be upset and never talk to me again? Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit. He wouldn't stop talking to me for something like this. Right?

I look at him and notice how his face has a sad expression.

- And why didn't you tell me?

Stop! I can't see him like this, especially because of me. I feel bad.

- I wanted to tell you, but I didn't know how to do it. And there's also the fact that I didn't have much confidence in getting in and I didn't want to be embarrassed by not getting in. I didn't want to say it without knowing if I was really going.

He nods his head, without ever losing the same dejected air.

- Are you going to open it or not?

Open? What? Oh! I still haven't seen the email saying whether I joined or not. I'm really stupid sometimes!

Seungmin gets up from his chair and motions for me to sit down. I start moving the mouse and, when it is over the unread email, I click.

"Miss Theresa Lima..."

- I got in! – I jump off the chair. I am completely in disbelief. What? How did I get in?!

- Congratulations, Theresa! We are so proud – the girls, in a matter of seconds, are already smothering me in hugs.

The same goes for most of the guys who also congratulate me.

I don't believe! I'm going to Frankfurt with Anna! I still haven't managed to get it into my head.

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Now I'm getting scared. We are going to be SIX MONTHS, practically HALF A YEAR, in a completely DIFFERENT country, ALONE. I'm starting to stress. What have I gotten myself into!

Remember, Theresa, it's going to be a new experience, you're going to learn a lot of new things, you're going to meet a lot of new people (wait, that doesn't sound so good) and in the end you're going to love it. And you can make others jealous and say that you once lived in Germany (now we're talking).

- We have to celebrate this! Let's grab some food! I know this chic place! Chan pays! – proposes Han.

- Hey! Hey! hey! Why do I have to pay?

- Because you're the oldest, duh. Are you going to force the children to pay for their food? I expected more from you.

- I'm just two years older than you. And you're not a child!

- You didn't tell me that yesterday.

While the two discuss who will pay, everyone starts to get up and leave the bakery.

All but two people.

- We're going, Theresa. Later, call us to find out where we are, ok? – I nod my head and Bea closes the bakery door.

Now it's just me and Seungmin.

The first thing he does is hug me – Congratulations!

Why is he so perfect! It makes it more complicated to leave like this.

- Aren't you angry? – I ask, my voice being muffled by having my face pressed against his chest.

He separates from me and seems to be thinking for a second about what to say.

- I'm not angry. And I have no reason for such a thing. I just feel a little sad that you haven't said anything to me this whole time. It makes me feel like you didn't feel comfortable enough to tell me. But in a way I understand why you didn't do it. Maybe I would do the same too if I were in your place. I also have a huge fear of failing, especially if I know that the people I care about the most are counting on me.

- If it makes you feel better, I only told my parents, my brother and the girls, since I'm going with Anna. And a teacher too. I asked her for some advice, but she doesn't know that I actually ended up applying. But yeah. No one else knew.

- That's nine people. Is this supposed to make me feel better? – he says in a playful way – I would just like it if in the future I became one of the first people you tell things to. Can you promise me that?

- Hmm ... I don't know ...

- Theresa!

- I'm kidding. Promise. You will be the first person to know everything that happens in my life from now on. And I hope you're prepared for the amount of phone calls you're going to receive in the upcoming months. We'll talk with each other every day, understood?

- I have to check my schedule.

He has to check is schedule? Jerk! I start to hit him, but, unfortunately, I don't have that much strength to inflict pain (I can't forget to tell Anna to do it for me later).

- Bullshit!

He just laughs. Luckily, he's not so sad anymore.

- Not seeing you every single day will be very hard. How am I going to survive? – he says in a sarcastic way. I hope you're enjoying yourself, dumbass.

I hit him again with more conviction. Until the boy grips my hands with his and avoids any more of my attacks.

- As much as I like you touching me, I prefer not to walk around with bruises, if you don't mind.

- As if I were that strong.

- I'm glad you finally admit your lack of strength.

Ok. He is dead. I try to free my hands, but it's impossible. The boy doesn't let go. Damn! Why does he have such a strong grip? (I was about to say something, but I better keep this pg).

I continue with my efforts to free myself, which are making zero damage, until the idiot stops me with a method that is becoming my favorite. He kisses me (I see I have to be violent more often).

- I'm going to miss you so much! It's going to be so boring here without you. Where are you going again?

The dumbass was literally right next to me when I opened the email! Sincerely!

- Frankfurt.

- Don't even think of going there to watch the Germans, understood? You have been warned!

- As if you could do much to avoid it from here – and I start running, going outside (I come to the same conclusion as always: I don't do well with physical exercise).

Next chapter...

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