Sweet love (Kim Seungmin)

By rebeca0325

417 6 3

Theresa is living her life like normal. Going to uni, stop at the bakery where her friend works and going ba... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (Seungmin)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 (Seungmin)
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Epilogue (Seungmin)
Epilogue (Seungmin)

Chapter 22

10 0 0
By rebeca0325

- I hope you study this very well at home, as it is very important for what I will teach you next week, understood? Well, I hope you have good weekend.

And another week done. I pack my things, while Sofia waits for me impatiently at the door. We left the room and started walking through the building's corridors.

- You know, Theresa? Yesterday, I received some very interesting information.

Interesting? I don't know why, but I feel like I already know what she's going to say.

- What kind of information? – I try to look as innocent as possible. However, I doubt that Sofia is believing my act, just by the half smile that her lips form and her accusing look.

- That a certain person had an outing with another certain person yesterday. An outing that my sources described as romantic. And I was a bit shocked, since that first person didn't tell me personally about that outing. Or whatever that might mean.

- A certain person what? – interrupts Anna, having just left a classroom we passed.

- It was Bea, wasn't it?

It was obvious that she was going to tell the others. I saw it straight away from the look she gave me when I entered the bakery, laughing like a fool while Seungmin was telling me a story. I even signaled her not to say anything, but I should have known that it was impossible for her to keep this from the others.

- Actually, she wasn't the first to tell me. But that's not the important thing. You didn't deny anything! In other words, it's true! Are you going to tell me what happened?

- Hey! I also want to know!

And that's why I find myself, right at this moment, trying to think about how to translate what happened yesterday into words. All I remember was the successive heart attacks and respiratory arrests I suffered (shoking). It was simply fantastic. If I thought I couldn't like him more, I was wrong.

- I don't even know where to start!

- You can start by telling us what you said at the bakery the other day. I don't know if you noticed, but all you told me when I asked you what happened was that you needed a little time to recover and you asked me to see if he had told the other boys anything – Anna grips on my shoulders – RECOVER FROM WHAT, GIRL? TOLD WHAT? I want explanations! Details!

She's right. I probably should have told them what had happened. But at the time, I was scared of what would come after the conversation with Seungmin and I didn't want to be telling them what had happened and them either giving me hope or waking me up to reality and me being disappointed in the end anyway. I wanted to have everything figured out before I told them anything.

Honestly, I would feel a bit embarrassed when they asked what Seungmin and I would be. I didn't even give the guy a chance to discuss it with me. It's also not like I can tell them much about what kind of relationship we have right now.

- So, in short, I kinda admitted that I was ignoring him... because I saw him with someone else... because I liked him.

They look at me with their mouths so open, they almost hit their jaws on the floor.

- You? You admitted to liked him? First? – I nod my head. I don't think I like the way Sofia is doubting my abilities (can I blame her, though? no) – And what did he say next?

- That he liked me too – and, no longer able to contain it, I start to smile like a crazy person, the other two still completely shocked. They looked like two statues in the middle of the corridor.

- And then?

- Then, Bea kicked us out so she could close the bakery, and I fled home with Iris.

- And there is our Theresa – comments Anna, while Sofia slaps forehead. Don't judge me. It was a lot for me. I needed time to recover.

- Continuing... yesterday, Seungmin didn't come to class, right? And I even thought I wouldn't see him at all. However, when I was leaving the classroom, I was dragged to another empty one.

- OMG!

- I know! To put it simply, he asked me to be his girlfriend.

-WHAT? OH MY GOD! Are you kidding!?

- Nope! I told him no.


-I want to take things calmly-

Anna looks at me as if I had three heads.

- You, literally, for the last few months, have been obsessed with this boy and when he FINALLY tells you that he feels the same and that he wants more, you say no?

- It's not that I don't want more! I just need time to get used to the change.

- I guess everyone has their own beliefs.

- After that he asked me if I wanted to spend the afternoon with him and then we went to an ice cream shop and ate ice cream.

- Girl! I love ice cream! I'm already liking this Seungmin guy! – Sofia's enthusiasm makes me laugh. I love this girl!

- Right after we finished eating, he took me to a bookstore. We spent two hours there just looking at books...

- Boring – interrupts Anna.

- I think it's cute – says Sofia.

-... and, as we left, he bought me a book.

- Marry him now! He gave you a book? It doesn't get any better, Theresa! Don't let him get way– great minds think alike, Sofia.

- We may or may not have held hands while we walked.

When I say this, they both squeal. I know! Now think as if you were in my place at that moment. I died, visited heaven (seeing what I will never have) and came back.

I still feel the way his fingers intertwined with mine. And, when he approached me, when he took me home, and gave me a little kiss on the forehead (it could have been somewhere else, but whatever).

- Theresa? Please tell me yes – begs Anna – Did you two kiss?

Does she think I would have the courage to do that? I wanted to (my pillow is a witness), but I don't have that kind of confidence. And I doubt he'll try, since I told him I wanted to take it easy (I'm really stupid).

- Do you really think we did it? Me and Seungmin?

- You and me, what?

I feel an arm come over my shoulders, pulling me against his body, and a kiss on my forehead.

- I missed you – he whispers in my ear.


I can only see Anna and Sofia's smiles. But the latter, just to be a killjoy, soon changes her expression to one of disgust.

- Ew! What did I just see?! I'm leaving. Bye.

And with that, she walks out the door, leaving just me, Seungmin, Anna and Hyunjin.

- Yeah... Hwang? Are you also going to the pools complex to train?

- To the pools complex? Isn't it closed for maintenance today? – he asks, confused. But, when he notices Ana's pleading eyes, he connects the dots and realizes what she means – Ah! Right! Yes, I will! I was getting it mixed with yesterday.

- But you said that you went to train yesterday... - Seungmin can't even finish the sentence, as the other two are already around the corner, getting out of the building.

- Now, it's just us... - says Seungmin, as he turns to me, so that we are face to face -... alone... - he ties my hands, pulling them behind his back, so as to hug him. I rest my head on his chest-...without interruptions...-I feel his arms hugging me and his chin resting on my head. He swings us from side to side.

- I hope you know that we are in the middle of the corridor. We are not alone!

He laughs.

- Why? Do you want to go somewhere more private? For example... my apartment... my bedroom...

I start hitting his chest.

-Don't be a perv!

He starts laughing. Dickhead! I'm a saint! Have some respect!

- Disgusting! – comments Han as he passes us with Chan and Changbin.

- Leave them alone – Chan defends and then addresses us – We were thinking about going out and find something to eat. Do you want to come?

- I think they preferred to do other things, right? – says Changbin with a suggestive look. I hope he's not implying what I think he's implying. These jerks all have corrupted minds.

- Want to go? – Seungmin asks me.

I nod and, like that, the five of us leave the building, Seungmin with his arm resting on my shoulders.

Next chapter...

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