
By ahokarmaa

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The sequel to Lycoris Radiata! Dahlia is about Karma's recovery and healing from his husbands passing. It's... More

Easy Love
Teen Dad
The Letter


32 0 0
By ahokarmaa

      A few days had passed. We had a huge family banquet with Jared's family and mine and their house. Jareds mom made the best food as always, and I got many hugs. I can't even tell you how long I talked to Farid. The second I saw him, I had to hold myself back from hugging him. I wanted to wait until he did it first. I know he's not Jared, but he looks exactly like him! It's comforting.

"Hey, good to see you back!" Paris told me as she gave me a small hug. I then looked at Farid.

"Hey!" I told them both. Farid opened his arms for a hug, so I did hug him, finally. God. Same height as Jared. Same hair texture. Same proportions. The hug lasted longer than I anticipated, but it was okay.

"I'm sorry, that lasted a while." I told him with a tiny laugh.

"It's okay. I understand, plus, it's the same for me. It gives me comfort hugging the guy that brought my brother so much love and happiness." He told me.

"Thanks for saying that." I replied. He just smiled. That cute smile Jared had. And he sat down. I told them all everything about my trip. Again. Everything I did in Sweden, my trip to Stockholm and meeting Pelle, and Russia. Rowan playing in the snow, meeting Natasha and her sons, finding out about my secret sibling, hanging out with my cousin, etc. it was fun talking about.

They all told me about their lives, and, Paris is expecting again! Oh my god!

"Yes! And um, we know the gender, it's a boy! But, we wanted to ask everyone something, specifically Mitsu, Adam, and Karma." Paris told us.

"Yes hon!?" Mitsu replied with the biggest smile.

"We wanted your guys blessing to um... name him Jiro. After Jared." She said.

"I- uh... you know... Jared was a huge part of my life. The person that protected me all of those years from bullies. The person I fell back on, and my best friend. We wouldn't be naming him to replace him, but to honor him." He continued.

"We can leave you guys to talk about it for a few days if you need to." Paris said. Farid held onto her hand and Harry began cleaning up with Erin.

"How are you feeling about that?" Adam quietly asked me.

"I don't know..." I told him.

"I think it's alright. I know their heart is in the right place but...it's also a little early." He replied.

"It's whatever... I'm alright with it. It's their baby." I said.

"With the name of my son and your husband who has passed away." He said, a little grumpy. Not gonna lie, that hurt. My eyes started to water as I tried to wipe it away.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to um..." he scrambled.

"I-it's okay. I'm still a little sensitive." I replied, holding back tears as I slowly walked into the bathroom. I kept wiping my tears away, and I just cried in the bathroom for a few minutes. "A little" I laughed. I'm not just a little sensitive. I'm still in denial, and he's been gone for months. That's when someone knocked on the door.

"I'll be out in a bit." I said, wiping tears away.

"Dad it's me..." Junji said. He opened the door, just to see me sitting on the floor with my back up against the wall, crying.

"Are you okay?" He kindly asked.

"Yes, just needed to cry." I said. He slipped next to me and cuddled up to me. We stayed in there for a few minutes longer, and I was holding him. But I eventually came out, and everyone was leaving other than Farid and Paris, and their kids.

I hugged everyone before they left, and now it's just me and my kids, Jareds parents, and as I already said, Farid and Paris.

"Hey, let's go into another room and talk about this, okay?" Mitsu asked me and Adam. We went into their room.

"I think it's sweet they want to do that. And honestly, we all called him Jared. I think they should go for it. Jiro is perfect." Mitsu said.

"They're naming that kid after our dead son, Mitsuki! Not only that, that kid won't have an identity of his own if they name him after a family member! Especially someone we cared for deeply for all those years! I'd get naming a kid after their grandpa or something, but this!? Someone who didn't get to live out their life? Someone who died way too soon and someone who people are still grieving over!" Adam said, very loudly. He was crying near the end of it. That was hard, it's weird seeing him cry.

"Hon, he's grieving too! Farid spent his whole childhood next to Jared! He's not doing this to hurt anyone! He's doing this to honor Jared!" Mitsu replied.

"Mitsu, OUR SON IS DEAD. HE DIED IN JULY. This is WAY to soon!" Adam yelled.

"Hey, do not yell at her!" I yelled back as I pulled him away from her.

"Keep your damn hands off of me!" Adam yelled at me as he shoved me to the ground.

"Adam, don't!" Mitsu said, quickly helping me up.

"Karma, you shouldn't even have a say in this! He wasn't even related to you!" Adam yelled again. That hurt.

"Adam..." Mitsu quietly said. After a few seconds of silence...

"At least I wasn't the one who made him want to kill himself over and over again." I replied. Adam stepped back a little.

"I was the one who he thought about every time he stopped himself from just ending it all. I'm the one he would run to and fall into my arms for comfort. All you did was mistreat him and physically abuse him!" I replied.

"W-what?" Mitsu asked, scared and surprised.

"You didn't know? Adam here used to hit Jared. Call him slurs and every name in the book." I said. Adam sighed and face planted.

"I-I knew him and Jared would argue when he was younger but...this? You used to hit Jared? What the hell is wrong with you!" Mitsu started to yell as she cried. Adam tried to explain and comfort her but he would just get pushed away. I just quickly walked out and I grabbed Rowan from Elle out in the living room.

"Come on Elle, Junji." I said as I headed for the door.

"Wait, is everything okay? We heard yelling." Paris asked.

"Fuck." I said under my breath, annoyed, "you know what, just name your kid whatever you want, okay? Don't let Adam make you feel bad for wanting to honor Jared. Just make sure that kid isn't always reminded about where his name came from, let him get his own identity. Mitsu agrees with me." I replied as I walked out the door. I got the kids in the car and went home.

"What were you guys yelling about?" Elle asked.

"Nothing." I replied.

"Was it about Uncle Farid's baby name?" She asked.

"....yes." I told her.

"What do you think about it?" She asked.

"I think it's okay. He wants to honor dad by naming his baby after him." I explained. I got them home and I immediately got everyone ready for bed.

I started to feel guilty. I feel like I shouldn't have left them like that. What if Adam hurt Mitsu? I should've stayed to make sure she's safe. Farid's there, but really, what would he do. He's scared of his dad too, while I, I am not. I'm not scared of Adam. Mainly because if he does anything to me, I can use my celebrity benefits to sue his ass and land him in prison, but honestly, I would never do that. I don't care if he hurts me. But I swear on my life if he hurts my kids or Mitsu, it's fucking on.

I called Mitsu in the morning to check in on her.

"Hon, I'm okay. But thank you for checking. I honestly could never forgive Adam for what he's done. But I can't divorce him. I'd get deported back to Japan." She told me.

"Wait what? You'd get deported?" I asked, shocked.

"Yes. Other than us having Harry, that was the reason we got married so quickly." She told me.

"If you ever need to stay here, you're more than welcome." I told her.

"I might just take that offer right now. You think you can come over some time today and help me get some stuff?" She asked me.

"I can come after the kids are at school. Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes. I'm okay. He would never hurt me. I just can't forgive what he did, and the fact he never told me." She told me, beginning to cry.

"Uh, okay I'm gonna have my dad take them to school. I'll come right now, okay? I'll take you out for breakfast." I told her. She said okay as she cried a bit more. I went to go get her, and Adam was already at work. I helped her pack some clothes and food she wanted to bring. I got her cat and we loaded up the car. She got in her car and I got into mine and I helped her move into the spare room. Prince finally moved out so now she's in that room.

"What place should so go for breakfast?" I asked her as I sat next to her.

"I don't think I'm that hungry anymore. Sorry hon. I just want to relax." She explained.

"That's alright. Some other time." I told her as I gave her a hug.

"Ugh that was just the cherry on top. First my son dies and now I found out my husband used to beat him." She said, beginning to cry again.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." I told her.

"It's okay. I understand why you didn't." She told me hugging me tightly. I let her get settled in as I went upstairs with my dad. About an hour later, Mitsu came back out. She just instantly hugged me again and didn't let go for a while. She just hugged me and sobbed.

"I miss Jared so much." She bawled. I started to sway her a bit as I glanced at my dad, who walked away to give us some privacy. After a few days, Adam was begging for Mitsu to come back home, and said he will do anything to make it up to her, and explain everything and admit everything he did to Jared. She only agreed if I was there too.

Adam told Mitsu every physically abusive thing he ever did to Jared. And explained how much he regrets every second of it. And how he knows he can't fix it and it can't change.

"I can't believe I ever fell in love with someone like you." Mitsu told him.

"I'm sorry. But, Jared forgave me. He told me how he will never forgive my actions, but he saw my regret and realized I was really trying to fix myself, and I did." He told us.

"Did he actually forgive him?" Mitsu asked me. I gave her a slight smile and I nodded. Adam cried throughout the whole explanation, but Mitsu didn't care. She just sat and listened as her heart broke. It started to blow up a bit because Adam asked again what he could do to make her forgive him. To make her happy.

"Anything you want, hon. Anything. I'll get you anything, I'll do anything." He asked, hoping.

"There's nothing you can do. Nothing. I've been unhappy with you since the moment I found out what you did. And I've been unhappy ever since our son died. What did you decide to do? You left! You continued to go to work like nothing happened!" She yelled.

"I was going to work to provide for US! My job is what got us this huge house, Mitsuki! It's what got our kids fed, it's what paid for weddings, it's what got Karma's band going! I got Jared that job, I bought Farid's wedding rings, I bought Harry's apartment, and I bought Erin's car and the child she adopted! Do you get that!? Is this not enough for you!" He yelled back.

"You really think all I care about is luxury and money? Adam, do you remember when I lived!? I lived in a small mountain town by the sea! Do you even remember what the city was called?" She asked.

"It's by Hiroshima." He said. I face-planted Immediately.

"Iwakuni! I didn't live in luxury, I lived in an old house build by wood! I worked at an inn since I was 4 years old, and then I moved here and lived in another tiny house! I loved it. It was so homey and calming. I'm not using you for your damn money, Adam. I could care LESS about money. God, you've been there multiple times with me and you don't even know the name of the town I grew up in. Says a LOT about you." She replied. I've never seen her this angry.

"I've had a lot on my mind, hon. I'm sorry. I've been drunk out of my mind since you left. And I've been drinking more in general since Jared's death." He quietly said, "I'll go to therapy, okay? I'll drop some hours. I'll focus on us more, alright?"

"I don't know Adam. I just can't get that image out of my head. You hurting our baby." She mumbled.

"Please. I don't want to lose you. I don't know what I'd do with myself." He told her.

"I'd rather be deported then fall in love with you again." She said to him. My jaw dropped. She took off her ring and placed it in the table. She walked out of the room, and it was just him and I. He instantly covered his face again, heartbroken.

"What do I even do." He said after a bit of silence.

"Stay away from her for a while. I don't want my kids to lose their only grandma because of you." I told him, "what did you mean you're the reason my band got started?" I asked.

"I may have told a producer friend about you guys when you were 17." He said.

"Oh." I replied.

Mitsu came back in after calming down.  Adam went back to explaining.

"I know I said I wanted to keep the note Jared wrote me to be private, but it was because I was ashamed of the stuff that was in there. But even in the note, he forgave me. Here, read it." He said as he handed us the note Jared wrote to him before he died. The second Mitsu and I saw his handwriting, we began crying again.

I know you won't want to show people this, but I hope you do someday. I love you, and I know you love me. I know this is hurting you and I know you've grown into a better person. I forgive you. I know you can't forgive yourself, but I do. You may have been a bad father at first, but you realized what you missed out on when I was kidnapped. You remembered your love for me when I was gone. And once you got me back, you became a dad again. A good dad. I was able to hug you again, hang out with you without arguing. I was able to joke with you and I got to know you. You are hilarious, kindhearted, and you show how much you care for us in many different ways.

Thank you for being there for me after I was traumatized. You have no idea how refreshing it was seeing you so worried about me haha. I still remember the feeling of your tight hug when I got out of the ambulance. Feeling your body shake in anger and relief. I love you dad, I always will. I know this pain you're feeling is unimaginable, and I wish you didn't have to go through this, but what happens, happens. I feel like our relationship wouldn't be this strong without our past. Treat my kids good, love on them for me. And love on mom for me as well. Goodbye dad, I love you.
                                             Sincerely, Jared."

That is the hardest I had cried in a while, reading that. I don't know how to feel honestly.

"He really did." Mitsu sniffled.

"Hon, I loved him. I always did. I just had problems back then. My stepdad was dying, I was stressed, and he felt like an easy target, which I hate saying. Farid has mental challenges, Erin was a little girl, Harry was out. It just felt like it was only me and Jared. You'd always take Farid to his appointments and you'd take Erin to the pet store near the appointments, so it was always just... Jared and I." He said.

"If you loved him, why would you hurt him the way you did." She asked him.

"Because I was blinded. I was depressed, I was a wreck. I-I felt like you were falling out of love for me, and-"

"Don't blame this on me!" She yelled.

"I'm sorry. That came out wrong." He replied.

"I think we all need to calm down for a bit, okay? How about we meet tomorrow at a restaurant maybe?" I asked.

"No, please, hon, I can't. I'm not... I'm not used to this. Im not used to having you not here next to me when we go to sleep, or waking up. I can't do this alone." He replied, beginning to tear up.

"Adam... I can't." She told him.

"I love you. And don't forgive me, please don't because I don't deserve it. But, please, let's try to get passed this. You have no idea how many times I had Jared in my arms as I apologized. And he just stood there and hugged me back tightly." He said.

"Adam, I don't know. I can't even look at you the same." She said.

"Mitsu, please." He began to beg.

"Adam, she answered. Let her think for a while. We will see you tomorrow." I told him as we walked out. We got in my car and we drove back to my house.


I was on my way to work when I got an email on my phone. I take the bus since I get free bus rides, and I don't like driving much. The email was from someone named Kieran Sorrento.

"Hello, I hope this finds you well. My name is Kieran Sorrento, but I believe I'm the person you've been looking for. I was born and adopted the dates you stated on your posts. My real name is Primrose, but since I'm trans, my name is Kieran. I hope you can respect it. I'd like to meet with you to take a DNA test to see if I had finally found the family I've been wondering about since I was little. I live in a deaf household, and it's not the greatest, so it would be refreshing if I gained a family that I can restart with. Thank you for reading this, and let me know as soon as you can if you'd like to carry on with this." Said the email.

"Oh my god." I said to myself. I quickly tugged on the wire to be let off and I immediately ran back home. I replied and said yes, nervously. Kieran had responded quickly, and sent me his phone number.

"Kieran?" I texted.

"Yes! Hello Ampora and hopefully my long lost sister!" He replied.

"I'm free today if you'd like to do it! I'm so nervous, I need to know if we found my sibling." I texted.

"Of course! Send me your address! Or if you'd like to meet at a public place, that might be better." He said. So we met at a lunch place. Kieran looked exactly like Karma. EXACTLY. It freaked me out. He has red hair with black stripes.

He was also tall, surprisingly. We met for about an hour, and then we went to get tested. Within a few days, I got the email. It matched. We found her! Or, him! Our long lost...brother!

He quickly drove over to my house, and we just stood there and hugged each other tightly.

"I can't believe this... you said I have 2 brothers, right!?" He asked.

"Yes! I'm going to take you over to meet one of them today, alright?" I asked.

"Yay! Does he know you found me?" He asked.

"Not yet, I'm going to tell him right now. Sit tight." I said. I instantly called Karma.

"Karma, you're not going to believe this." I said.

"Bring it on." He replied.

"Is dad with you?" I asked.

"Yup! And my mother-in-law, and our step brother, and your nephew, and your niece." He replied. It made me giggle.

"I found her! Well, they found me. Our long lost sibling! Turns out, he's trans, so he's technically not our sister, but oh my god!!" I told them.

"What!! Oh my god, are you sure!?" He yelled.

"Yes! I did the dna text last week! It's positive!" I said. We quickly set up to meet. I was going to bring Kieran to Karmas house. In the car...

"Oh my god I love this band! My favorite of all time. People even say I look like the singer." Kieran said as he did a little dance in the car. The thing is, that was Karma's band. He's a fan of Karma's band. Of course he is. Every time we gain a sibling, they love Karma.

We got to Karma's house, and Kieran's eyes lit up.

"This house is beautiful! It's so big!" He said as we walked up the steps to the house.

"It was actually our moms. When she passed away...she gave the house to my brother because he had a daughter when he was 14. She saw the promise and talent he had, and she knew he'd love it." I said.

"What does he do?" He asked.

"You'll just have to ask him that." I said. I opened the door, just to see Karma missing.

"Where the hell is he! I brought the person he's been dying to meet!" I exclaimed.

"He wanted to be sweet and he's taking a shower! He was pretty stinky anyways, he needed one." My dad joked.

"So, Kieran, this is my dad, Zack." I said. Kieran pulled out his hand for a shake, but Zack just hugged him.

"We don't shake hands here. Jeez, you look just like my son!" He said.

"Doesn't he!?" I exclaimed. Kieran started to look around, and that's when he noticed the pictures on the walls.

"Is your brother like a mega fan of Karma Mistirior or something?" He asked. Oh god. Zack instantly started laughing. That's when Karma stumbled down stairs. Kieran nearly fainted.

"W-what! I-oh my god. This is fake! Oh my god!" Kieran panicked.

"Holy shit. I've been waiting for this moment for a while now." Karma said to him. Kieran instantly covered his face, tearing up.

"Don't be shy, he's a normal person." I said to Kieran as I slowly pushed him toward Karma.

"I think we should go somewhere else without all these people around. Ampora, come on." Karma said as he walked into Jareds office. I led Kieran in there with us as I shut the door.

"So, you're t-telling me that I'm related to... Karma fucking Mistirior!" Kieran stuttered.

"I guess so. Isn't that cool?" Karma asked. He spread out his arms, and Kieran instantly hugged him.

"I was always told I looked just like you. Now I know why." He cried, "I am your biggest fan!"

"That's what the other one said." I replied.

"What?" Kieran asked.

"Mine and Ampora's step-brother, Prince, acted just like this when he realized he was marrying into my family." Karma explained. I decided to walk out and show my dad the email so they can talk for a while.

"Um, Ampora, you missed something." My dad said.

"What?" I asked.

"Kieran is...fully related to you. 100%." He told me.

"Uh...does that mean..."

"Your mom was pregnant...with my kid, and didn't say anything. Kieran is...mine as well." He slowly said, shocked.

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