i want your brain | johnnie g...

By livingd3adgirll

13.1K 229 123

"i want your heart, i want your brain and that body..." who knew simply singing on stream could lead you to m... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine

chapter six

1.1K 26 24
By livingd3adgirll


it'd been about a month and a half since i met Johnnie and Jake and to be honest we have been inseparable, there hasn't been more than two days where we haven't met up, sometimes me and Tara and sometimes we'd just meet up 1 on 1. me and Johnnie have been... getting along quite well you could say, our friendship started getting a little bit flirty a couple weeks ago but nothing too serious, just a look or a comment only we'd hear and i'm loving it. Jake and Tara have been talking about us, i know because Tara tells me everything (yapper of the century) and i love her for it because Jake tells her what Johnnie says about me, its all good obviously.

we were all chilling in my apartment just chatting and listening to music which sparks up the conversation of music careers, "Jake, Johnnie you guys have any plans on new music?" i ask swinging my legs onto Johnnie to get his attention, he rests his arms on my legs and looks over at me with a smile. "um yeah actually i was gonna bring this up anyway, i'm writing a new song call 'Vampire' and i'd really like you to be in the song and the music video." Johnnie responds, i start blushing obviously and try stuttering out a response, "oh shit- um- i mean of course i'd help you out, like.. um.." fucking spit it out Nova, "yes i would love to Johnnie." i manage to make a full sentence and look over to see Jake and Tara laughing at my nervousness, "perfect! i've already star-" he began talking but whilst doing so he was running his hand idly up and down my leg so my brain zoned out on that for a bit. "- i just need to speak to some people about the music video but i'd like you to play the main role of a vampire cross nurse type of thing if you're down?" he said looking back up at me, "yeah of course Johnnie!" i sounded a little too excited about that but it was exciting so i don't care.

me and Johnnie had been talking for, what had to have been about two more hours, before realising that Jake and Tara had fallen asleep on the sofa where they are. i shushed Johnnie mid sentence pointing to them trying not to laugh, "they fucking fell asleep!" i whisper shouted to him, "damn are we that boring?" he whisper shouts back making it even harder to not laugh so, naturally, i start slapping his arm. he grabbed both my arms and knelt up on the sofa pushing me down, pinning my arms either side of my head and my legs either side of his, i don't think he meant to end up in such a sensual position but i'm not at all mad about it, it was hot as fuck, "that was hot as fuck." i ended up saying... out loud... to his face... he just blushed, snickered and slid his hands down my sides as he sat back on his heels and i propped myself up on my elbows, we just held some tense eye contact for a few seconds before he spoke up. "do you want to go watch a film?" he asked nodding his head towards my room, "the crow?" i asked back and he nodded, i nodded back. he shot up to his feet from the sofa and picked me up bridal style, i yelped out of surprise and we both just laughed then looked over at Jake and Tara to make sure they were still asleep, almost forgot about them.

he started carrying me towards my room until i leant towards his ear, remembering we have to be kind of quiet, and whispered "can we get popcorn first?" then leant back and looked him with a 'please?' face, he grinned and walked into the kitchen putting me on the island counter before going into my cupboards and getting a bag of popcorn out while i just sat and watched. he put the bag in his teeth, walked up to me, turned his back to me and tapped by thighs for me to get on his back, what a cutie.

he piggybacked me into my room and dropped me on the bed before throwing the popcorn bag (gently) in my face and went to my draw that i labelled with a sticky note 'J&J's draw' which was essentially a draw of clothes that the boys had left here (Tara had an entire side of my wardrobe) and just kept here to wear at times like this because this happened a lot with us, unexpected sleepovers. he grabbed some Walmart pyjama pants and went into my en suite to get changed, i took that time to also get changed into pyjamas. i sat on the edge of my bed and started getting nervous for some reason, we'd slept in the same bed loads of times before but this time felt kind of different for some reason. i played some music to try and distract my growing nerves, 'Slow Mo' by The Beaches came on.

he came out of by bathroom with just the pyjama pants on, no top, holding his previous outfit in his hand, i can't help but stare at his as he threw his clothes into the corner of my room then looked at me as i was starting at him. "what's up with you tonight huh? all bold and shit." he said in a cocky tone, i know i said we were flirty but he was right, this night was not like normal. "i don't know.." i mumbled still staring at him and feeling extra brave i stood up, walked over to him, slid my hands up his chest and round his neck into a loose hug, he slid his arms round my waist pulling me into him smirking down at me. i forgot i had music playing and we'd both zoned into the same line of the lyrics;

"if we were alone... we'd be taking of our clothes..."

we shared a knowing look as if to say 'true' and his eyes flicked down to my lips and back to my eyes, come on Nova if there's any perfect time to kiss this man it's right now. i moved my hand to his jaw and pulled him down towards me, kissing him, our first kiss believe or not. we both pulled away for a second before immediately kissing again as he slowly guided me back towards the bed, spinning us and pulling me on top of him, straddling him as we sat on the edge of my bed finally breaking our kiss to say "fucking hell Nov i've wanted this since the first time i saw you sing my song on your stream." while he ran his hands up and down from my waist to my mid thigh, looking me in the eyes. i just smiled at him, nodded my head towards the door as if to say 'remember Tara and Jake are still here', he let at small mix of a sigh and a whimper resting his head between my neck and shoulder and started leaving a hickey there. i pulled his head up by his hair, pecked him, got up whilst pulling him up by the hands and pulled my duvet back to get into my bed,  i giggled as i said "we have a film to watch and popcorn to eat." he rolled his eyes playfully and got into bed with me grabbing my weed stuff and popcorn on his way.

we smoked, ate popcorn, watched The Crow, kissed a little more (maybe a few more hickeys) and fell asleep... mainly because we didn't want to do anything whilst out best friends were a room over but if they weren't here it would probably be a different story.


i know that's like the most annoying thing i could've done but it made more sense and i also don't know whether you guys want me to try and write smut in this book because i have never done it.
lmk and maybe i'll try in a future chapter🤫

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