God of Desire: RemiXAriella

By mimi_walker04

42.9K 1.1K 1.2K

REMINGTON ASTOR -Lordship A whirlwind of eccentricity and charm, wrapped in a cloak of eff... More

Chapter 1- ARIELLA
Chapter 2- REMI
Chapter 3- DOLL KEEPER
Chapter 4- ARIELLA
Chapter 6- ARIELLA
Chapter 7- Remi
Chapter 8- DOLL KEEPER
Chapter 9- ARIELLA
Chapter 10- REMI
Chapter 11- ARIELLA
Chapter 12- ARIELLA/REMI
Chapter 13- ARIELLA/REMI
Chapter 14- DOLL KEEPER
Chapter 15- ARIELLA/REMI
Chapter 16- ARIELLA/COLE
Chapter 17- REMI
Chapter 18- REMI
God of war
Chapter 20- ARIELLA
Chapter 21- REMI
Chapter 22- DOLL KEEPER
Chapter 23- ARIELLA
Chapter 24- REMI
Chapter 25- ARIELLA
God of war
Hey Hey hey
Chapter 26- REMI
Chapter 27- ARIELLA
Chapter 28- REMI
Chapter 29- ARIELLA
Chapter 30- ARIELLA
Chapter 31- REMI
Chapter 32- ARIELLA
Chapter 33- DOLL KEEPER
Chapter 34- ARIELLA
Chapter 35- REMI
Chapter 36- ARIELLA
Chapter 37- REMI
Chapter 38- ARIELLA/REMI
Chapter 39- ARIELLA/REMI
Chapter 40- DOLL KEEPER
Chapter 41- ARIELLA/REMI
Chapter 42- ARIELLA
Chapter 43-REMI
Chapter 43- ARIELLA/REMI

Chapter 5- REMI

1.6K 44 30
By mimi_walker04

I hope you enjoy the chapter....and I will be really glad if you tell me how you feel about the story! Enjoy✌️✌️

We are waiting outside the cemetery for her. Suddenly, a doubt crossed my mind... I have other questions, but I will ask Jailbait later.

"You've already graduated, so why do you keep coming to college? If we go back to Brighton Island will you come there too?"
I ask with a smirk.

"I have to take care of the university," Eli replied. I know he cames to see Ava.

"And in two weeks, you'll be graduating too.You will visit REU more often then?" he questioned.

"Of course, I will. I enjoy basketball there, and Ava, Ces, Glyn, and Annika will be there too," I confidently responded.

"Yeah, keep lying to yourself," he scoffed.

"You keep lying to yourself too. You come to REU because of Ava," I retorted.
I didn't deny it, though. He said proudly!

"Yeah, sure... If you ever see me being obsessed with someone like you are with Ava, feel free to hit me on the head and punch me in the face without hesitation,"I smile at the tought saying him

"Well, someone else is already obsessed, and I'll take care of the hitting part. Dad and Uncle Cole will handle the punching. Maybe Creighton will join in too,"
he replied, irritated.

What's wrong with him?

Me and Ariella? We're impossible. I admit she's been occupying my thoughts, but there's no way I'll develop any feelings for her.

As I mentioned before, Ariella deserves someone better. Someone who isn't me. She's a troublemaker, a big one at that. I remember how many times Uncle Cole, Ava, Eli, and Uncle Aiden had to visit her teachers because of the troubles she caused. How many times they had to lie to Aunt Silver and Elsa to keep them from worrying. I still wonder how she got so close to Uncle Aiden. Creighton once mentioned that teachers even visited their home because she punched a guy and broke his nose, but Uncle Aiden made Ariella seem like a saint. The king fucking brothers really taught her how to fight and box... or more likely Creigh says he just thought her self defense but she learnt many things herself.

Who is she visiting in the cemetery? There is so much beneath her, and she doesn't hide it. However, no one seems to take notice of it either. Eli received a phone call, and I can already tell it's Ava by the smile on his face. He stepped away slightly to talk, and it's been twenty minutes, she hasn't returned. I don't trust her friends. I don't think anyone does. They suddenly appeared out of nowhere, claiming to know her. And then she ate something they brought for her. She even knows her mother and they know she doesn't eat fruits and nuts. She's scared of darkness. I never thought a girl like Ariella could ever be afraid of something. I guess it's already late. I feel restless. Eli is still engrossed in his phone, and I enter the yard to search for her. She's a little distance away, but I can see her. She's conversing with some lady, and her eyes are...... looking like she is guilty like she is trying hard to hide that. It felt like someone was stabbing me as I watched her controlling tears. My eyes softened as I looked at her. She's not what she portrays. She stepped back and started running in my direction wiping her eyes. Why is she running? Ariella is crying, tears streaming down her face. Panic rushed over me as I approached her. She collided with me and looked up into my eyes. And suddenly, she hugged me.
Ariella Nash is going to be the death of me someday, and I'm certain of it.
"Please take me home,"

I hear her trembling voice say.
From a distance, I can see three of them approaching, and I tightened my grip around her. My heart is racing. But right now, I let her embrace me, just like that night as I let her kiss me.
She wants me?
I will let her want me!
She needs me?
She can have me... but only for now! Maybe even in the future, I don't know. All I know is Jailbait is hugging me closer than her own life, and I held her until she stopped saying,
"Take me home."

"Ari, are you upset with us?"

That girl, Lia, maybe said something.
She didn't respond. She just held onto my shirt and hid her face in my neck.
A few moments later, she let go of the hug and turned to them. My hand is still on her back.

They made her cry! And this is the first time in more than eight fucking years that I've seen her cry. She usually smiles, rarely, keeps a deadpan face and does crazy things, but since yesterday, she seems to be lost.
"I'm sorry, Isa. I just wasn't ready to meet you yet!"
Ariella said, her voice filled with guilt
Today has been so shocking! I've seen three unknown people. It's not that I don't see many unknown people, but them being associated with Ariella and already knowing her, it's really different!
Even Ava seemed shocked to see them.
"Ari, you know that whatever happened-"

That lady didn't finish her sentence as Ariella interrupted.

"Isa can we meet some other time? I'm running late. I have to go somewhere. I promise to visit you with Annie and Lia and I hope Mary us is good"
She smiled and nodded
"I thought you would be happy, but you're running away"
Lia said as she looked at her

Ariella didn't listen to it, but I did! However, I ignored it and walked behind her. If I stay I will endup doing something to them for making her cry...no not cry, because she looked like it was her guilt, immense guilt over something

I walk behind her and look at her hair, dark brown hair..long and silky

She doesn't even have to try to look stunning, but she does. She walked out and I followed her.
We're almost near the gate when she turned around and said

"You're good at forgetting things, right?"
"How do you know?"

She bit her lip, something she does when she's caught or embarrassed.

"Am I the first one to see you cry?"
She slightly nodded

"Why are you asking?"
"Am I the first one to come here? Inside to see your friend?"

She nodded again, confusion spreading across her face

"And I'm the first one to see you drunk too!"
As I said that, her eyes widened... for a moment but she composed herself giving a neutral look

I got closer to her ear and whispered "Looks like I'm experiencing many of your firsts, Jailbait!"
She gasped and took a breath, her breath fanning my neck. Raising unknown sensations in me.

I can hear the sound of her heartbeat resonating in my ear.

"Then you can give me your firsts too"

She said and I fell in my toughts
Firsts? Do I even possess any of those!
I lack any initial encounters!....
Alright, she took my first kiss and I never denied it. And if she were to kiss me again, I would certainly not refuse it either.

"I don't have any firsts, jailbait!"
she pondered for a moment and continued walking.
And suddenly, she turned around once more
"Then I will have your lasts!"
as she uttered those words
My stomach experienced those unknown sensations that I cannot quite comprehend.

She said something that my mom used to say to my dad.
"And yeah, whatever happened here, forget it!"
She said
"You want me to forget?"
"Did something happen here?"
As I asked, she smiled then grinned not just a giggle, but a full-fledged smile... a smile that I used to believe in.
A smile that I dont see anymore

I always wonder if that smile ever left her face, she used to smile alot and laugh alot, but that was almost eight or nine years ago.

I am glad she smiled again! It's as if she was in robot mode since yesterday! Well she usually is but atleast she used to smile a little.
I never ignore her. As I mentioned, it is impossible to ignore Ariella. She is irresistible. But the things I am feeling for her since yesterday are not simple either

We exited. And she didn't wait for her friends.
"Let's go, brother Eli"
He nodded as we got in.
She sat in the backseat and I sat beside Eli. He took the driver's seat..... and she grabbed her phone and scrolled through it..... and suddenly, she handed me bandages.
"Your knuckles are bleeding."
I cleaned them yesterday but I didn't bandage them. I accept them from her and she went back to scrolling and secretly staring once again.
Her long hair partially covered her face. She appears fatigued.

I turn to look at her and she is already looking at me. If she continues to stare at me like this, I will actually think that she is in love with me. The same look as she didn't break eye contact with me. Something she never does. If I lock eyes with her, she directly gazes deeply into them. And I? I allow her to do so.
"If you're tired, you can sleep. I will wake you up once we arrive"
"she doesn't sleep during the day, dumbass"


And once again, I am caught off guard. Who doesn't sleep when they want to..... who waits for the day to end just to sleep..... and it's almost evening. She can sleep right?

We arrived at Kings mansion, Ariella dashed inside without waiting for anyone. We all entered and witnessed Uncle Aiden and Aunt Elsa having their romantic moment. The horsemen and captain are whipped for their ladies."There are many rooms in this mansion"

Ariella said and Aunt Elsa got starled by her. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and blush crept her face

"We're not doing any crime little warrior,"
Uncle Aiden said, receiving a playful hit on the shoulder from Aunt Elsa.

"Hardly a drag uncle, I never said it was a crime" Ariella replied, sitting beside Aunt Elsa and resting her head on her shoulder, embracing her sideways

"Today was so exhausting, Ellie. I'm tired,"
she said and Aunt Elsa pat her head slipping her fingers in her hair.
"I understand, university can be dull at times."
Aunt Elsa laughed as she said that.
"Well, most of the time, its always a drag"
She said irritated

"Then you should have pursued writing! You've always had a passion for it"
Uncle Aiden suggested, and Ariella got up, approaching him, and planted a kiss on his cheek, playfully biting it, like she did to me
Eli remarked,
"It seems like we're invisible,"
observing the scene before entering.
"Hi Mom, Hi Dad."

Aunt Elsa smiled at Eli and said,
"Why are you just standing there, Remi? Come inside."
As Uncle Aiden's eyes met mine, he glared at me once again. I wanted to say.
I wont take jailbait away from you uncle, chill! but I held back and followed Eli.

We entered the basement and to my dismay, I found Chris tied up to a chair, badly beaten. Lan and Creigh are also present. I already dealt with that fucker yesterday, but I feel this urge to punch him again for disrespecting Ariella. Lan untied his ropes and warned him,
"If we ever see you again, you're as good as dead!"
He struggled to walk, wearing the same torn outfit from yesterday. Before he could make a move, I grabbed him by the neck and delivered another punch, causing him to stumble and fall. Just as I was about to kick him, Creighton stopped me and that scumbag managed to crawl away. My anger boiled over as I shouted,

"Let go, Creighton! I'll kill that bastard!"

Eli sarcastically said

"We're not leaving because you will kill him!"

"Why are you so angry, Rems? This is unlike you,"
Lan said and I sighed, unable to provide an answer.
How can I answer them when I myself dont know.We all proceeded to the room.

We're planning something, or rather, Lan and Eli are planning something. Creigh and I will just observe their actions. These King men are twisted in their minds, completely fucked up. Specially these psycho cousins. I chose to ignore their schemes and thoughts as my mind is preoccupied with some girl named ARIELLA AIDEN NASH.

"Eli-where are you lost?"

I blurted out, slipping my tongue.

"What? Jailbait? Who's jailbait?"
Eli question confused

"Nothing," I quickly dismissed.

"You've been quite secretive lately, Remi,"
Spawn commented.

"Not as much as you, Spawn,"
I retorted.

Shaking my head, I allowed them to continue their conversation. These mother fuckers are planning to kidnap Nikolai. No wonder Lan has been silent for the past few days. It seems like he needs a breakup from Mia. He really enjoys messing with the Heathens. First, he targeted Killian because he's dating Glyn, then Nikolai because he's dating Bran. Even Jeremy became a target simply because "LANDON KING" was bored. He just can't stay quiet, can he? Astonishing!

"What kind of kink do you have that you both psychos always mess with them"
I said and to which spawn agreed adding

"I don't understand why you take pleasure in tormenting them,"

"Come on, Rems, admit that you enjoy seeing them get beaten up!"
Lan chimed in.

"Haha...very funny,"
I replied sarcastically.

"You should know that by doing this, you're only inviting trouble for yourself!"
I said and he looked at me knowing what I actually meant.

Creighton shook his head in agreeing with me.

"You can just tell Mia if you want to break up! Why pull all these methods"

I got a glare In response. I playfully teased him by saying
"I will ask Mia to be with me for a few days"

Eli and Creighton laughed at Lan's reaction to my comment. However, Lan said

"Me and Mia are not breaking up!"
To which I sarcastically remarked
"Yeah sure Lan, Mia will marry you right after she will get to know that you kidnapped her brother and beat him because you were bored"

Eli and Creighton laughed continuously as I said that.
"After marriage maybe she will divorce you for hurting her brother! Wow!"

Eli laughed and said "stop it Remi"
But then I added
"I think after marriage she will divorce you because you hurt her brother"
"What the fuck"

Lan said traumatized
"Shut up mother fucker"

Eli burst into laughter again, causing Lan to glare at me.
"If you ever see me being obsessed with someone like you are with Ava, feel free to hit me on the head and punch me in the face without hesitation"
This psycho repeated my exact words from earlier
Lan and Creighton seemed confused by Eli's comment, and Lan said
"what are you saying?"
He said we can do this to him if he ever falls in love
Lan smirked and said.... ofc we will respectfully do that.

I felt as if someone is watching me, just like all the times when I am here, I have been feeling like I am watched.

"Shut up Psycho"
Our banter broke when Aunt came knocking the door and scrunched up her nose. Looking at the mess
"Its Already past 10 boys, dont you want to have dinner"
"You have it mom we will join later"
"We already ate Creighton! You guys must be hungry. Eat first then you can do your things later."
"Lan, Remi I made you guys some chips, have dinner here!"
"Sure aunt"
Lan agreed and I smiled at her.

"If Ari is the one who helped mom, we are having burnt chips with lot nore spice, be ready"
Eli said getting up

Aunt Elsa and Mom are Siblings! Foster siblings but siblings.
After their plan we got down and directly went to the dining hall to eat. And a certain girl isnt leaving my thoughts.

Whatever Eli said is true, chips are burnt, and spice is as if chips are sprinkled in spice not spice on chips.

Am done with my dinner,me and Lan are leaving and I saw her laying her head on Aunt Elsa's Lap. And mumbling.
Yes Ari
Yes Baby!
She is calling her name and aunt is replying constantly.
Just like she called me that night.
And the memory of that night flashed me


"Rem, are you really there?" "Hmm," I replied. I carried her to my room.
"Rem," she called out.
"Hmm," I responded.
"Remi," she said.
"Hmm," I replied.
"His lordship"
"Yes ma chèrie"

"Ask me why am calling you rem?" she hit my chest and started whining. This is the first time I am seeing this side of her.
"Why are you calling my name, ma chèrie?"
"Because I want to see if you disappeared into thin air or not," her words slurred as she is intoxicated.
"No, I haven't, and don't worry, I won't vanish."

What are you JAILBAIT!!

After taking one last glance at her, I departed from there. Lan dropped me off at my place and then left. As I entered my home, my mom called out to me
Before she can say anything I say

"I'm sleepy, mom. Good night."

"Ariella's heels are there. Ronan dropped her off this morning."
I turned around and questioned,

"What am I supposed to do with that information, Mom?"
She let out a sigh, and said

"You are just like your Dad. But I hope you gain some sense soon."
Confused, I asked,
"What do you mean?"
"Ari slept in your room, and you slept downstairs on the couch"

"She was drunk yesterday, so I had no other option but to carry her."
I reassured her,

I don't keep things away from Mom and Dad. They are supportive and open-minded, and I don't like hiding things from them. Except for one.
She then mentioned,

" I got to know something about her in the morning,"
she said and was about to leave. I stopped her and asked
"What did you get to know about her, Mom?"

"Arent you sleepy?Go and sleep."
Came a sarcastic reply from her
"Are you my mom or hers?
"Of course, I am your mom, but Ari is going to be here too."
I rolled my eyes why is everyone hellbound to get her with me!
"What is it, Mom?"
"Ari doesn't sleep in others presence. Silver told me this today. She has to have her family around her or Aiden and Elsa with her, or she never sleeps"

'Looks like she is comfortable around you"
she said as a smile took over her lips.
"Did you have your dinner?"
Mom asked "
Hmm... I ate at Creighs."
"good night mom"
and she kissed my forehead as I bent down.
"Good night, son,"
she said.
With thoughts of her lingering in my mind, I made my way to my room. Her heels are placed near my bed, reminding me of how she kissed me passionately and embraced me. Faint smell of her fragrance is present too. I want her to remember it as much as I remember, but it is also good that she doesn't. I changed into my nightwear and went to sleep, my mind filled with her thoughts.

I stare at the wall as My eyes opened and I sit straightly as I see a shadow, a shadow, its fucking two at night.

Am I seeing things? I open the window completely and see someone on the opposite house, looking at me, deeply, as if its my demon I want to chase.

I blink my eyes and see if it is gone but instead I still feel the stare, what the hell is this? I try to think it is my imagination but how can I when someone is actually standing there, petite figure, black mast and hair tied up.

I close the window and get back to my bed.

I woke up after a brief period of sleep. Currently, I am in the examination hall, I slept for a few minutes because, well, why not? Unfortunately, I haven't had the chance to read any of the material, and to make matters worse, this exam consists of multiple-choice questions.

I must say, the exam paper setter must have some problems with students or specially me that he gave us such paper.Our exams are currently underway, and I don't have a single clue about any of the answers on this test.

Interesting enough
The girl sitting in front of me gave me a look, and I immediately understood what she was implying. In response, I winked at her, and she proceeded to show me her exam sheet. I began marking the options, but suddenly, a loud noise caught everyone's attention. The fire alarm started ringing, and water began pouring from the ceiling. As a result, everyone's sheets got wet, and water started spilling down onto the floor. Chaos ensued, with everyone running in different directions. The entire college appeared to be in disarray.

Amidst the commotion, I noticed Creighton dragging Annika's hand, followed closely by Glyn and Ces. Then, Ava spotted me and hurried over. She seemed concerned and asked about Ari's whereabouts.

"Where is Ari?" she asked, clearly panicked.

"You go outside, and I'll find her,"
I reassured her.

However, something is off. There is no sign of smoke or the smell of fire, yet the fire alarm is ringing incessantly. The girls left the room, and I surveyed the chaotic scene before making my way to Ariella's classroom. To my dismay, she is nowhere to be found. Their whole class is empty.

I tried calling her, but her phone is unreachable. As I looked out the window, I noticed everyone gathered outside, their gazes fixed upon the Royal Elite building, filled with shock and disbelief.

I cant help but feel the same doubt. There is no fire, no smoke, and no apparent reason for the fire alarm to be sounding.

Its suspicious. Whoever is responsible for this will surely face consequences. It is exam time, after all. What a great time for such an incident to occur.

Just then, I spotted Ava running towards me, on the verge of tears.

"Where is Ari? Did you find her?"
she asked, her voice filled with desperation.

"Ava, calm down. There is no fire emergency here,"
I reassured her

Oh my Lordship! The entire university fell victim to a prank. She wiped away her tears and I notice that she and Ari has some similarities in their appearance, particularly their eyes. Although not identical, their eyes shared a similar shade of blue.

"Remi?" She waved her hand in front of my face.


"Ariella isn't outside and..."
She paused, swallowing nervously.

I asked, confused.

"You know that Ari is a troublemaker, right?"

Suddenly, it all made sense. It could possibly be jailbait who pulled the prank! Ava received a call from Annika, she spoke to her and her eyes widened in surprise. She quickly ended the call and exclaimed,

"Can this girl stop being a troublemaker?"

I am genuinely confused by Ava's reaction, as she widened her eyes and shook her head. I am sure Ariella has done something.

"Ariella is having a fight with someone!" Ava revealed.

"What!?" I exclaimed, shocked. It came out more like a scream.

"This is the last thing I expected,"
she added.

Ava ran off, and I followed her. She is going to pool I wonder why she is heading towards the pool.

Glyn is trying to intervene between Ari and Ces, while Annika is holding onto Creighton. Annika seemed shocked, but there is also a hint of excitement in her expression, as if something good is happening.

Her friend Annie is glaring at the guy, who appeared to be around her age. Perhaps they are classmates.

"this jerk really wants to die"
She said angrily.

"Mind your own business"
Annie added

And then, a slap echoed through the pool area. The guy had slapped Annie. I cant believe it! Why would he do such a thing? Whatever it is he should have just talked out!

Ces and Ava pulled Ariella away from the situation. The guy nonchalantly remarked,
"Oops, my hand acted on its own."

Ariella broke free from their grips, and before I can comprehend what is happening, she slapped the guy back.
What the hell!
And then, she kicked him in the stomach, causing him to fall into the pool.
"Opps my body acted on its own too"

She said with sweet sarcasm

Ava shouted in shock.
She rolled her eyes as if its common ans said with irritation
"Shoot, I am in a drag"

"What the hell, I could have handled him,"
Creighton exclaimed.

"It's okay, brother Cray. I can handle him myself,"
Ariella confidently replied.

I cant believe this unfolding before my eyes.
What mess has Ariella created?
What the actual fuck is going on here!The guy swam back to the edge of the pool, and Jailbait looked at me then glared at him.

"You! Do you have any idea who I am?" That guy asked, glancing at both of the girls.

Why? Don't you even know who you are? Annie retorted sarcastically.

"Shoot, did you loose your birth certificate?"
She said and turned to her friend

"Quite a drag, seems like he misplaced his birth certificate, Annie!"
Ariella remarked, resting her elbow on her shoulder.

These girls! What on earth do they think they're doing! God damn it!

I will report both of your actions to the principal today! He exclaimed angrily.

"Wednesday, after second class"
Annie mentioned, and Ari added the time
"10:54 AM"

Don't forget the time, alright! Both said at a time and Am damn sure they are the reason behind todays incident.

"You guys really messed with the wrong person"

He said

She heaved an irritated sigh and said
"Drag it! you shouldn't have laid a hand on her, you bloody bastard"
Ariella stated firmly with a curse...she doesnt curse, not that I have seen atleast

"And stay away from Lia"
Annie added to her statement.

Both of them glared at the guy
I wonder what he had done.

Ava, Ces, and Glyn observed the entire situation as if they already knew something like this would happen.

Even Creighton didn't seem surprised.

And me? I am looking at Ariella... and the only thing I know is that I need to keep Annie away from her!

She is spoiling her and ruining her.

(Oh boy! If only he knew who actually spoiled who)

Annika is looking shocked but said
"Wow girls you both slayed"
Seriously? After all this shit happened she thinks this

Ari and Annie smiled at her. And Annie winked in her direction saying
"She is the planner"
and pointed at ma chèrie.

And I have no single idea about whats going on and how this situation happened.
"Shut up Annie"
Jailbait said shutting her dearest friend. That girl Lia isnt here. And its good.
That guy came out from pool and directly stood infront of Ari and I dont know what got into me. I pushed him back and stand infront of Ari!

Annie, Annika looked at me and the only reaction they managed is
"awww how cute"

He glared at them and Creighton gave a punch on his face.

"Cold,rude and arrogant people right. Atleast this much must come"

Ariella said and that guy walked away.
"what the hell do you think you did Ariella"
Her blue eyes looked frustrated

"It hasn't even been one week you joined here and you already created this mess"

"Ughhh...and you Annie"
Annie pointed at herself!
Yeah you! Stay away from her. Look at the things she is doing since you came here.
"Am sorry Ava but dont you think Ariella is and was a trouble maker since the start"
"you werent even here! How did you know!?"

"we were in touch with eachother even after she was gone. We used text eachother like once for three months Ava. She is my friend you don't have to feel bad about her"

Annie just shrugged her shoulders.

Ava's expression softened as she embraced Ari.
"I am genuinely concerned about you, Ari. I am sorry."

Ari responded,
"It's my fault for never confiding in anyone about them. But dont you remember she came to our home once along with sop-
However, before she could finish her sentence, she fell silent
Creighton looked at her and shook his head saying

"Mom and Aunt warned you yesterday not to cause any trouble, Ari! Look at what you've done!"

Ari is about to say something, but she glanced at her phone and turned her head, searching for someone.

Annie glanced at her phone and muttered,
"Seriously, bitch!"
"Whats wrong?"Ava asked and

She said gazing around and looked behind Ava and then me.

Ava simply shook her head.
"Let's leave now! There are no classes today!"
Ces exclaimed happily. Ari then said to Creighton,
"Brother Creigh, you can go with Annika. You don't have to drop me off. I asked Dad and Uncle Aiden for permission, and they said I can go to Annie's place."
Creighton looked skeptical but agreed, "Okay. Call me when you want to come back."


The troublemaker! My hellion stalker! My chaos and PERSONALLY MY JAILBAIT. Who lost her smile and the urge to get that back...is crawling within me

What the hell Remi what are you thinking she is not yours.

"Rem, everyone are gone!"

The way she calls me Rem! Fuck! Everyone calls me Remi and she is the only one who calls me Rem. Lan calls Rems though but Rem hits different
"Huh! What?"

"Only we both are left"
She said again smiling at me. And that fucking smile,her innocent big eyes with blue and sharde of green.....not that it will be visible, but if looked closely the green in her blue eyes are there.
Her everything is driving me crazy!


"Who was that guy!?"
I ask angrily
She smiled looking at me! She should stop doing this if she doesnt want me to kiss her and fuck her senseless
"The one you slapped!"
"Ohh...he is Rick!"
"Why did you slap him?"
"Cause he slapped Annie and I cant stand someone doing that to my people" She replied
"Your people?"
"Yes! Annie is my friend, only mine and in return am her friend"

"I see! And You should stop looking at me with those eyes"

With what eyes!? She said giving me the same look like she gave me that day before kissing me
Is she even aware of what she is doing?
Does she know what effect she has on me?

"Never mind"
"I need a hug Rem"

"Let me hug you! You can forget it later"

She said hugging me, putting her head on my chest, holding her hand around my waist.
I stay still but didnt hug her back!
She doesn't deserve you Remi! You are a kind of person who needs people for you to stay sane.

Shhh...thoughts, not now

And she is not someone for you!
Dont give her hopes that will shatter her

I say this to myself and look at her. She closed her eyes. Listening to my heart beat.
"Who is sophi?"
She is my friend!
"The lady who you met yesterday?"
"No! She is sophis mom,Isa, Isabella"
"Then who is sophi?"
"Someone special to me"
"I dont know her, jailbait"
She let go of the hug and looked at me excited for a second but then its lost, as she stared deep into my eyes
"You want to meet sophi?"
"You will let me meet her!?"
"Ofc I will! All you have to do is Ask"

"If I ask you will do anything?"
"Not a drag! Do you have any doubt on it!?"

This girl, this little girl she has me wrapped around her little finger and she doesnt even know. I myself dont know how, just in two days.

She got back to me,hugging me again and this time I hold her too.
Am letting her do everything with me as she is pleasing. I dont even have a slight discomfort with it.

"Do you know jailbait you are a complete chaos"
I said
"And you are my peace, And yeah...Dad used to call me his little chaos?"
"Used to?"
"Yeah, not anymore"

"Do you really not remember what happened that night after you got drunk!?"
"If I did, then why would I have asked you? I only remember some bits and pieces, alcohol and sleeping pills never had good affect on me since the start"

I said holding her tighter and now I realize her small waist is perfectly fitting in my hand! Her body is fitting against mine and I dont want to let her go.
She is reaching my chest, though she is taller than other girls, infact taller than Ava, Ces and Glyn. But still looks like a kid infront of me, except fornthe fact that she is growing up.

"You like hugging me?"
"I love hugging you"

"You like looking at me?"
"I cant take my eyes off you"

"Do you miss me when am not around?"
"Is it possible to miss someone when they are always running on your mind!"

She saw her surroundings again and got back to me, holding my coat in her palm tightly.

She did it again! Does she think these words are normal!?
Oh my Lordship!
Its like she is trapping me in her dwell and I want to get trapped.

"If your Dad and Uncle Aiden will see you like this they will kill me"

A chuckle left her mouth as got back!
"They wont"

I looked at her eyes! Her ocenic blue eyes shining and I find myself staring at her. And she is looking in my eyes too. She never looks away.

"I bet on Ari"

I heard someone but I didnt mind Noticing. Neither did Jailbait see.
"Nahh I bet on Remi His lordship never fails in staring competition"

And this time its Ava's voice

Someone hit my head from behind and I break my eye contact with her pulling me back to the world from where I was drowning and looked at Lan smirking

"What the fuck Lan!"
"I did what you asked us to do Rems, and I thought we told you she is off limits"

This fucker! He thinks am falling for her!

"So the lipstick brand?"
"fine! Its Ysl shade 26, tender peach and chanel baby pink"

She looks like a Chanel model though, no doubt she has taken over aunt Silver completely

"you guys made a bet"
Ari said going to them
"You lost Remi"
she whined but her big blue eyes looked happy

Well....looks like they made a bet on who will win this staring, Wow!
"you guys got along?"
Ari glanced between both of them
"yeah! I said her about my obsession with the collections I have and we clicked off"
"I dont think Lia and Ava will get along well"
"Lia is obsessed with dolls...she still has that doll we all four had that time"
"I have it too Annie"

"Lets go"
"where are you guys going?"
"To Annies home"
"To Ari's home, Ava"
They said simultaneously and Jailbait glared at her.
"Hahaha we are going to my place....."
Annie laughed awkwardly as she received a glare from My Jailbait.

Just then she saw her phone again and looked around! Annie looked at her phone and is about to say something but she dragged her along with her not before
Throwing me a flying kiss and a wink

"So Rems....Are you falling for the youngest?"

I say but it came out like question
"Yes! You are"
"No, Lan ane Ava stop with the glares"
"You are and Uncle will be planning for your demise"
"I am not"


Am I?

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Please tell me how it was! Your opinion matters alot! 😇😇

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