Fireman Sam: Poorly Penny 🥺🥺

By alya17000

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This is my own version of the fireman Sam episode Poorly Penny with season 15 characters. I don't own any of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - 1st day of recovery
Chapter 6 - 2nd day of recovery
Chapter 7 - 3rd day of recovery
Chapter 8 - 4th day of recovery
Chapter 10 - 6th day of recovery
Chapter 11 - 7th day of recovery + moving in
Chapter 12 - 1st day back to work
Chapter 13 - 2nd day back to work
Chapter 14 - Who let the cat out
Chapter 15 - Day off
Chapter 16 - A new arrival
Chapter 17 - Revelation
Chapter 18 - Making memories
Chapter 19 - The seven wonders of Pontypandy part 1
Chapter 20 - The seven wonders of Pontypandy part 2
Chapter 21 - The worlds most dangerous picnic
Chapter 22 - Girls night only
Chapter 23 - The flower and vegetable show
Chapter 24 - Froggy fantasy
Chapter 25 - Fastest food

Chapter 9 - 5th day of recovery

34 1 0
By alya17000

Sam woke up to the warm, bright glow of sun shining on his face in his boxers and rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes, before yawning and staring at his new girlfriend with twinkly eyes.

When Penny had finally woke up as well in her lingerie, she stared into her new lovers sky blue eyes and smiled softly as she stared at his wonderful presence.

"Hi Pen! How are you feeling?", he questioned sympathetically as he placed his hand against her forehead to feel her temperature, which felt nice and cool compared to the beginning of her fever when she was hot as a volcano for one minute and then the next, as cold as an iceberg.

"I'm feeling a lot better, thanks Doctor Jones! My temperature feels great, I've stopped vomiting, I don't feel weak at all and my sneezing and coughing has finally stopped!", she spoke enthusiastically, feeling relieved of no longer being ill.

The love birds leaned in for a short kiss on the lips and just enjoyed each others comfort and skin, before they interlaced their fingers and headed down into the kitchen.

They both helped tie the back of each others aprons and washed their hands thoroughly with soap as they started cooking breakfast together, getting the mess all over their skin. 

When they had finished cooking waffles with a variety of fruits and juices for breakfast, they cleaned themselves off and sat down together on the sofa, enjoying the magnificent meal they had cooked, while snuggling into each other.

Once they had finished breakfast, they wrapped their arms around each other as they cuddled on the sofa and Sam discreetly slipped his hand into the back of her panties, but she noticed.

"Please don't do anything like that just yet, dear! I want to take it slow!", Penny took his hands out and gave him a playful slap on the shoulder as a punishment.

"I think we should start getting dressed now, if we want to go abseiling on time!", the blonde woman got up, but instantly stopped, whispering, "oh no!", to herself when she felt an unbearable pain in her tummy, realising what it could be, but she wished for it to be wrong.

"Pen! Are you alright?", the red haired questioned in concern as he stood next to her and she tightened her grip around his wrist as she took deep breaths.

"I think I'll be alright, babe! But I'm desperate for a pee!", she made up an excuse as she let go of him and headed upstairs to the lavatory.

She rushed into the bathroom, stripping her panties off and staring at the huge blood marks that had covered the fabric.

The second lead firefighter sat on the toilet to do her business and put a pad onto her new underwear, before getting up to wash her hands thoroughly with soap.

Penny started feeling a little nauseous all of a sudden, but she ignored it, because she knew that it was only caused by the excruciating period cramps.

Once she had finished in the bathroom, she walked into her room to get dressed into her blue, silky pyjamas as she sat on the rim of her bed for a few minutes to massage her painful abdomen, while also feeling upset that she didn't feel like going abseiling today and worried that it would make her new boyfriend upset.

The second lead firefighter walked downstairs with her head hanging low, scared to make her lover, who she had a crush on from day one very angry at her.

She sat next to her hero next door with her head resting on his bare chest, feeling a little calmer from the extreme pain in her belly.

Sam looked down at his girlfriend and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "how come your not dressed into your climbing clothes, honey? Is everything ok?", he questioned sympathetically.

"No, I feel like weak and I'm not in my climbing clothes, because I don't feel like going abseiling today!", Penny groaned in agony as she felt her cramps spiking up.

"How come? You were so excited about it a moment ago, is your fever returning? Or do you feel like you've got something else, love?", the red haired man spoke worriedly.

"No, its nothing like that, I've just started my time of the month and it really hurts!", the blonde woman winced in pain as she took deep breaths. 

"Awwww, you poor thing!", he cooed, realising that she has started her period, which made his heart instantly soften as she had to deal with the horrible pain that comes with it every month.

"We don't have to go abseiling today, sweetheart! I'd much rather you get some rest, because it's no fun climbing when you're in pain!", her boyfriend passionately kissed her forehead, before gently moving her off his body so he could go into the kitchen to get something.

He quickly returned with a blanket, pills and water, helping his poorly princess sit up with his hand on her back for support, "here, take these pills, it'll help decrease your painful cramps, sweetie!", he acknowledged as she took the pills and drowned them down her throat with water.

Once Penny had swallowed the pills with a lot of effort, Sam sat next to her and she laid down on his lap as he draped a blanket over her body, before placing the palm of his right hand on her abdomen to heat up the excruciating pain in her tummy, while brushing the fingers on his free hand through her beautiful, golden locks to keep her calm.

"How come you weren't upset about not going abseiling today, honey?", the blonde woman wondered curiously, "because your health is more important than climbing, darling! And we're not going abseiling until your 100% happy and healthy!", her lover spoke lovingly.

"Thanks, babe!", she expressed her gratitude, "your welcome, so just rest up for now, pumpkin!", he teased a little as he wanted her to rest to make her period cramps feel better.

She emjoyed the warmth his skin was producing as he was just wearing boxers and she quickly fell asleep due to the extreme pain that was causing her such difficulty.

Two hours later, Penny lifted her head up to yawn loudly and rub the tiredness out of her eyes as she stared into her boyfriends sky blue eyes.

"Hi babe! How are you feeling?", Sam questioned sympathetically as he leaned forwards to passionately kiss her forehead, "the cramps in my tummy still hurt and it's getting unbearable!", she groaned as she clutched her stomach in agony.

"Awwww, you poor thing!", her significant other cooed as he slowly pushed her head onto his nude chest, "maybe if you soak in the bathtub, it'll help soothe the pain your feeling!", he suggested as he placed his hand on top of hers and they both stared lovingly into each others mesmerising pupils.

When the love birds broke the contact with their eyes, the red haired man carried his poorly princess bridal style upstairs and into the bathroom, placing her down on the closed toilet seat, while filling the tub full of pleasant water.

"There we go, now let's get you into the bathtub to soothe your belly, because I can only imagine how much discomfort your feeling!", he approached the blonde woman after the bath had been filled with warm water.

"Is it ok of I see your lady parts, after all we're a couple and I promise not to go crazy about how good they may look!", her lover asked for her consent and she nodded a yes in response, before he stripped all her clothes off with his hands, not caring about the deep cuts on her back or the blood coming out of her sexy pussy.

Once his girlfriend was finally stark naked, he lifted her up off the toilet and cradled her against his body, before placing her down in the tub, not caring if her blood went on his skin.

He stayed by his girlfriend, kneeling down on the side of the bath, watching her peacefully enjoy bathing and soaking her body in the pleasant liquids that made her abdomen calm down as she was now starting to feel relief from her period.

An hour later, he saw that his lover was really relaxed, "come on, dear! Let's get you out of the water, before it becomes too cold and unpleasant!", the red haired man advised.

He helped the blonde woman climb out of the bathtub and her boyfriend held the towel open for her, wrapping it around her petite body and gently started drying her off, being extra careful not to increase the cramps in her tummy.

Once the hero next door had finished drying his poorly princess's wet skin, he attached a pad onto one of her black panties and quickly pulled them up her legs, not wanting anymore of her bodily cycle to bleed on to the floor.

She got dressed into a fresh pair of pyjamas since she had stained her previous ones a little with her monthly period cycle bleeding onto them.

When she had finished getting dressed into her new pyjamas, the love of her life pulled her into his arms, embracing her into a long, but warm and comforting cuddle in the middle of the bathroom, staying like this for a few seconds, before interlacing their fingers and walking downstairs out of the room.

As they reached the living room, the second lead firefighter saw her favourite diary milk chocolate along with a cup of chamomile tea and a hot water bottle on the sofa, turning her head to stare at her significant others magnificent face with twinkling eyes.

"Did you do all of this for me, sweetie?", she asked curiously, loving how he remembered all her favourite stuff and the items that efficiently relieve her cramps.

"Yes I did, because you should be treated like a queen for being so strong and going through this horrible pain every month!", the lead firefighter cooed, bringing her hand interlaced with his up to his mouth to deeply kiss.

Sam helped his suffering lover get comfy on the sofa and she enjoyed the wonderful chocolates melting inside her mouth combined with the calming chamomile tea.

Once Penny had finished her little snack and beverage, she lied down on her boyfriends cosy, warm skin on his lap and placed the hot water bottle on her tummy, feeling the heat release the pain inside of her as he draped a blanket over her body.

She then turned to her beloved boyfriend and rested a hand on his left cheek, "thank you doctor Jones! For healing me like magic!", she whispered, wanting to keep relishing the heat on her belly.

"Your welcome Miss Morris! Although I think Penny Jones Morris suits you better!", he grinned, but she didn't care about his teasing today, because deep down inside she too wanted an ever lasting relationship with the man she was lying down on, who was her colleague, the back bone of her life, her everything.

The suffering woman quickly fell asleep again, "my poor peacock! Your really struggling with your period and you can barely stay awake because of the excruciating cramps that's making everything feel like the world is against you!", the red haired man spoke to himself.

"I'm so touched that your love for me is do strong and ever lasting, even though my cramps do make everyday life seem harder, your effectionate words are what boost my spirits!", the blonde woman rambled as she fluttered her eyes open, causing her lover to gasp in shock.

"I thought you were asleep, honey?", he quirked an eyebrow, "no, I was just resting my eyes, dear!", she smiled at the confession she had managed to get out of him.

"Oh my queen! It must feel like hell, that your having to go through this every month!", Sam rambled lovingly and carefully placed his hands on her armpits, slowly helping her sit up.

He then pulled Penny into his arms, embracing her into a long, but warm and comforting cuddle again, feeling his heart softening as he has to watch her deal with her extremely painful periods every month.

They both leaned in for a short, passionate kiss on the lips, before the blonde haired woman sat up properly against the back of the sofa and rested her head on her lovers shoulder.

The red haired man then wrapped his arms around her back to give her a comforting hug, before placing a hand on her tummy to warm it up and reduce the excruciating pain that she was feeling as the muscles in her body were contracting.

They both stayed like this in the sofa, relaxing and the second lead firefighter was trying to take deep breaths to calm her extreme period cramps, but it didn't last long.

"Owwwww! I'm so sorry for causing so much fess, sweetheart! It's just that my cramps are spiking up again and it really hurts!", she groaned in pain as she clutched her stomach.

"It's alright, sweetie! It's not easy being a woman, but your doing great in the strength department and you'll always be my hero, no matter what!", the red haired man cooed lovingly and she kissed his cheek in gratitude.

"Now, you need to lie down and get some rest!", he advised, helping her slowly get into a lying position like before and placed a hand on her abdomen to heat up the extreme period cramps, making her feel relieved, calm and relaxed. 

Penny fell asleep again as her monthly period cycle was getting the better of her as the pain she normally gets on the very first day was so terrible that it stopped her from doing her daily activities and she only woke up after three hours.

"Hi sweetheart! How are you feeling?", Sam questioned sympathetically, "my cramps are doing ok, but I would love to sit on a sexy, strong, warm man's lap!", Penny wiggled her eyebrows in a playful manner.

The red haired man laid down on the sofa with his legs out, before carefully placing the petite, blonde haired woman on his lap, wrapping his arms around her to keep her in a strong embrace of love as she rested her head against his chest as he rested his chin on top of her head.

"What are you craving for dinner, my love?.... don't give me that look, I know that most women have very strong cravings, so what are yours?", he questioned curiously as he lovingly kissed her cheek.

"I'm craving pasta tonight, babe!", Penny snuggled deeper into him, feeling his warm body healing her cramps like a remedy and making her feel really good inside.

"Your wish is my command, my beautiful partner!", he cooed, taking his phone out of his pocket, pressing his lips on his lovers forehead and giving her a deep kiss, before phoning Bella Lasagne and asking for two bowls of pasta bolognaise.

Once the red haired man had placed the order and hanged up, he turned the blonde woman around and instantly locked his sky blue eyes with her chocolate brown ones, both leaning in to press their noses together and place their hands on each others waists.

The love birds stayed like this, loving the closure of their facial features as they stuck their tongues out to tie in the middle, tasting each others sweet saliva, but the doorbell rang, interrupting their little romantic moment.

The hero next door carefully removed the love of his life off him and got up from the couch to answer the door, since she was feeling a little drowsy from her period.

He kindly thanked Bella for their magnificent food and tipped her a little, before shutting the front door and walking back to the living room with the food and drinks.

He setted everything on the table and looked at his girlfriend wrapped in a cocoon blanket, "now, you need to eat, because you haven't eaten since you r chocolate bar!", the lead firefighter reminded her and opened the bags.

Sam sat next to his poorly significant other on the sofa and she took the blanket off herself, so she could eat and fill her starving belly with the tasty, apatising food that would satisfy her taste buds.

While they were eating their pasta full of tomato bolognaise, the hero next door wrapped his arm around penny's waist, nudging her closer and she gracefully cuddled up to him as they continued to eat the desirable food, while staring at each other the hole time.

Once they had finished eating dinner, not leaving a single crumb of the superb meal, the blonde haired woman went to the toilet to change her pad, while the red haired man disposed the cardboard boxes in the recycling, before getting dressed into his pyjamas.

When the love birds had finished doing what they needed to do in the bathroom, they interlocked their hands as they walked into the guestroom room since it was the only room in the house with a double bed and they cuddled on the bed, watching a movie called love.

When the movie had finished, they both yawned at the same time, before staring into one another's tired eyes in sync.

"Looks like that's the call for sleep!", the lead firefighter acknowledged, "yeah, let's just hope my period doesn't start becoming a pain for me to get a good night's sleep!", the second lead firefighter remarked and they both giggled, before sharing a passionate kiss on the lips.

When they had parted their lips to breathe, they both lied down on the bed, staring at each other and letting the exhaustion of their worn out pupils over take them, causing them both to instantly fall asleep.

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