Eternal Bonds

By skyler678_

651 475 18

Awakening in an unfamiliar forest with her memory a blur, Alora finds herself at the heart of a mysterious an... More

Chapter 1: The Village
Chapter 2: The Forest
Chapter 3: The Nightly Hunt
Chapter 4: A Storyteller
Chapter 5: Gone Fishing
Chapter 6: It Fades to Black
Chapter 7: Help From the Enemy
Chapter 8: Ryu's Lament
Chapter 9: Spa Day and a Reunion
Chapter 10: The Search
Chapter 11: The Elven Kingdom
Chapter 12: Friend or Foe?
Chapter 13: Sleeping Beauty
Chapter 14: Umbra
Chapter 15: Scent in the Shadows
Chapter 16: Flashbacks
Chapter 17: The Cave Trials
Chapter 18: New Alliances
Chapter 19: Dust Walkers
Chapter 20: The Ripple Born
Chapter 21: The Day the Flowers Died
Chapter 23: Old Friends
Chapter 24: The Creature on the Mount
Chapter 25: A Story as Old as Time
Chapter 26: The Final Fight
Chapter 27: "The End"

Chapter 22: The Hunt Begins.

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By skyler678_

In the midst of the garden's serene beauty, Alora found herself lost in the labyrinth of her thoughts. The vibrant blooms that once held the promise of love and joy now seemed to echo the shattered petals of her own heart. Fern, her faithful companion, fluttered into the garden, his small frame carrying an air of concern. His eyes widened in distress as he beheld Alora's tear-streaked face. Without uttering a word, he descended to the ground and embraced her arm, a silent gesture of empathy. Alora, in turn, gathered him into her arms, finding solace in the presence of her devoted friend. His tiny wings fluttered softly, a gentle comfort amid the storm of emotions.

Fern couldn't comprehend the sudden change in Ryu's behavior. The declaration of love now felt like a cruel illusion. Suspicion crept into Fern's thoughts, wondering if Ryu was the snake from the ominous card. As Alora gently set Fern down, she wiped away her tears and stood resolute. Amidst the melancholy, an unfamiliar figure entered the garden – a man named Zakai. He approached Alora with a letter in hand, a missive from Queen Marisela. Alora, though reluctant to receive anything from Ryu's lover, took the letter and read its contents. The queen, in an unexpected act of concern, had assigned Zakai to accompany Alora on her journey.

Alora crumpled the letter, a tangible representation of her conflicted emotions. With a determined gesture, she nudged Zakai back to an upright position, silently acknowledging the queen's intentions. Alora then signaled to Fern, a silent agreement that it was time to depart. In the wake of heartbreak, Alora steeled herself for the journey ahead, leaving behind the garden's ephemeral beauty as she and Fern embarked on the uncertain path that lay before them.

At the entrance of the Ripple Born cave, Alora summoned Umbra, who gracefully transitioned from his serpentine form into the majestic solidity of a dragon. The play of moonlight reflected off the water, casting an ethereal glow on the surroundings. As Alora prepared to embark on her journey, she noticed a subtle change in Fern's demeanor.

Concern etched across his features, Fern hesitated before voicing his thoughts. "What, Fern?" Alora inquired, her curiosity piqued. Fern, with a nervous undertone, suggested, "Maybe we should have a letter or contract, something to ensure both the Ripple Born and the Dust Walkers uphold their promises."

Zakai, a Ripple Born of striking handsomeness, interjected with a wisdom that echoed in the cavern. His braided hair, a captivating blend of blue and black, framed a face marked by a set of scars. Zakai's presence exuded both strength and a mysterious allure as he addressed the practicalities of their quest.

In the heart of the Ripple Born cave, Zakai's voice cut through the ambient sounds of the cavern as he revealed, "The queen had one made and gave it to me for when we get there." Alora's eyes shifted between Zakai and Fern, the latter seeming unfazed. Fern, ever the jester, chimed in, "Alright, never mind. We're all ready to go to the Dust Walkers with our good buddy... um, who are you?"

Zakai responded with a quick chuckle, introducing himself to Fern and explaining his role in ensuring Alora's safety. As Fern looked uneasy, Alora, paused midway on Umbra, shot Zakai a fiery glare, questioning, "Does the queen think I can't take care of myself?" Fern, raising his hands in a placating manner, urged Alora not to shoot the messenger. With a sigh, Alora agreed, extending her hand for Fern to climb on. She invited Zakai to join, and Umbra enveloped them in his protective bubble as they embarked on their journey.

Alora stole one last glance at the cave entrance, a silent plea for Ryu to emerge, apologize, and join them. However, her hopes were met with disappointment as Ryu remained absent. Their journey continued, reaching the shore where Alora, resigned to terrestrial travel, asked Umbra if he could fly them to the Dust Walkers. Yet, Umbra seemed to convey a resolute "no" by laying down on the sand. Alora sighed, and with a motion, Umbra returned to his bracelet form, ready for the next phase of their quest. As Alora traced the stream leading back to the Sunfire Peaks, Zakai accompanied her through the vibrant wildflowers. Alora, with a glance at Zakai, offered, "You're free to return home at any time, Zakai."

To this, Zakai responded with a smile, "I like a little adventure." Alora couldn't help but smile in return, appreciating his willingness to stick around despite having the freedom to depart. As Alora traced the stream back to the Sunfire Peaks, Fern landed on Zakai's shoulder, sparking a conversation. Eagerly, Fern inquired, "So, Zakai, what do you like to do in your free time?" Zakai, with a thoughtful expression, responded, "Well, I enjoy exploring the depths of the ocean, discovering hidden caves and forgotten mysteries."

Fern, fascinated, fluttered his wings in excitement, "That sounds amazing! What's the most incredible thing you've found so far?" Zakai, with a hint of mystery in his voice, shared, "There's a luminescent cavern with crystals that glow like the stars. It's a breathtaking sight." Fern and Zakai continued their animated conversation, their words weaving through the Sunfire Peaks, adding a lively rhythm to the journey ahead.

As Alora treaded through the terrain, her thoughts weighed down by the recent revelation about Ryu's choices, Zakai's voice broke the silence, "What do you envision for yourself after the war, Alora?" Startled, she looked at Zakai, the question pulling her from the depths of contemplation. After a moment of introspection, Alora shared, "I've always had a fascination with animals, magical creatures in particular. Perhaps, after the war, I could travel the world and document their wonders." Zakai's eyes gleamed with enthusiasm, "A marvelous idea! Count me in. We can explore and meet countless friends on our journey." Fern, animated on Zakai's shoulder, added his excitement, "Oh, me too! I want to be a part of this adventure!"

Alora, touched by their support, chuckled, "Absolutely, both of you are coming along. Perhaps, after the war, our journey can commence, filled with magical encounters and newfound friendships." In this exchange, a spark of hope emerged for Alora, a vision of a future adventure and camaraderie that would transcend the scars of the present. As the trio pressed on through the Sunfire Peaks, the sky dipped into hues of twilight, and Fern, sensing the encroaching darkness, nervously stammered, "It's getting awfully dark." Alora, amused by his antics, extended her hand, and Fern swiftly flitted from Zakai to take refuge in her satchel, chuckling nervously.

With the trails unfolding toward the Dust Walkers, arrows whizzed through the air, grazing Alora's side. Reacting quickly, Zakai unsheathed his sword, demanding, "What the hell? Who's there?" Another arrow shot past, and Alora, recognizing the danger, called out, "It's Alora!" Amidst whispered deliberations, "What if it is Alora?" and "What if they're faking it?" Alora stepped forward, mirroring the familiar banter between Ryu and Fern. Clearing her throat, she confronted the Dust Walkers, pointing toward the cavern entrance. "You're coming with me. Move along."

Reluctantly, the Dust Walkers, heads hung low, followed Alora, forming a peculiar procession with Zakai and Fern. Despite the comical sight, the gravity of Alora's arrow graze highlighted the tension in the air. Alora strides into the grand hall of the Dust Walker castle, the queen impatiently tapping her fingers on her regal chair. Upon seeing Alora enter, guards trailing behind her, Queen Kaida demands, "What is the meaning of this?" Alora, pointing to her leg where dried blood still remains, replies, "This is the meaning of it." The queen examines Alora's injured leg, then glares at the guards. "I don't understand why she's alive if you shot at her. Why miss? Thank the gods you did, but this is exactly why we were attacked. You guys aren't trained properly."

She gestures with authority, "Go to the training grounds and don't leave until you hit 100 bullseyes." The guards, with murmured affirmations, quickly retreat towards the training grounds, leaving the tense atmosphere lingering in the castle hall. Alora, concern etched on her face, pressed the queen further, "What's happening? Have we faced an attack?" The queen, seated regally, leaned back and inquired about Alora's awareness of the recent missive from Aro. Alora, oblivious, shook her head, prompting the queen to signal for a servant to hand over the critical letter.

As Alora read the contents, a mixture of shock and fear played on her features. The letter outlined Aro's impatience, demanding Alora's surrender. Compliance promised safety, while defiance forewarned violence, death, and relentless pursuit, all within a stringent two-week deadline. Alora, perturbed, passed the ominous message to Zakai and Fern, casting a nervous glance back at the queen, "Are you considering handing me over to Aro?" The queen, her laughter echoing in the room, dismissed the idea, affirming her commitment to thwarting Aro's plans for the sake of her beloved castle. Alora, visibly relieved, turned to Zakai, extending her hand to retrieve the contract. Presenting it to the queen, she explained its terms—the Ripple Born's cooperation in relocating the water supply and establishing a trade connection tunnel. The queen, satisfied, gracefully signed the parchment.

Turning to Umbra, Alora asked him to deliver the message to the Ripple Born in his formidable dragon form. As Umbra took flight, Alora faced the queen again, expressing her intent to seek rest at the inn. The queen, thoughtful, responded with a drawn-out "hmmmmmm." In a sudden turn of curiosity, she inquired about Alora's elven companion, "And where is your elven boyfriend? Did he meet his end during the journey?" Alora, a brief pause hanging in the air, shook her head. "No, he found someone else to follow."

The queen, with a casual tut, expressed her indifference, allowing Alora to walk away, leaving lingering thoughts in the wake of their conversation. As Alora, Zakai, and Fern settled into their accommodations at the inn, a sense of urgency lingered in the air. Alora, lying on the bed, gazed at the unfinished artifact, her mind abuzz with possibilities. Fern, perched on the bedside table, couldn't contain his curiosity. "So, what's the plan now, Alora?" Alora sat up, her eyes fixed on the artifact. "We need to return to the Elven Kingdom. This artifact isn't just for show; there's something missing. I've noticed slots on the bottom, like it's meant to attach to something."

Zakai, leaning against the wall, nodded in agreement. "Tracking down the last piece of the artifact seems like our best course of action. It might hold the key to unlocking its true potential." Fern, ever the optimist, chirped in, "Maybe it's the missing piece to saving the magical creatures and ending this conflict!" With a determined expression, Alora nodded. "Exactly. We need to complete the artifact before Aro makes his move. Whatever's missing might be the key to turning the tide in our favor."

As the trio made plans to return to the Elven Kingdom, Alora felt a renewed sense of purpose. The quest for the missing artifact piece would take them deeper into the heart of the magical realms, unveiling secrets that could reshape the course of their journey. The night unfolded in the tranquil inn, where Alora, Zakai, and Fern sought reprieve. Fern nestled in front of Alora, a familiar comfort. On the adjacent bed, Zakai lay awake, his calm breath hinting at vigilance. Alora, succumbing to sleep's embrace, entered a realm of dreams.

In the dream, she found herself amidst the fae, conversing with an elder fae man. The words were unfamiliar, not Faela's melodic tongue. Ryu stood beside her as they ventured away from the fae tunnel, traversing a path opposite to the one Alora had awakened on. The journey led them to the pond, its waters mirroring the one from before, yet now tainted in a crimson hue. The sky plunged into an inky darkness, pulsating with disruptive magical energies, and distant cries of agony pierced the air. "Alora, wake up," Zakai's voice cut through the night, bringing her back to reality. Gasping, she found solace in Zakai's presence. Leaning into him, she felt a reassurance as his hand gently stroked her back. No romantic entanglements, just a sturdy support in the face of haunting nightmares. She sighed, lifting her head from Zakai's shoulder, whispering not to disturb Fern. Apologizing for the disturbance, she confessed her recurring nightmares, uncertain of their departure. Zakai, concerned, offered help, but Alora, enveloped in the uncertainty of the night, couldn't foresee an end to the nocturnal torment.

The inn's dawn cast a muted glow through the curtains as Alora lay back down, seeking respite. Zakai lingered in her bed, a silent guardian in the quietude, patiently awaiting her return to slumber. As Alora succumbed to the embrace of sleep once more, Zakai, too, entered the realm of dreams. With the sun's tentative ascent, Fern, the ever-enthusiastic companion, sprang to life. Vibrant energy radiated as he shook Alora's hand with fervor, urging her to wake. "Come on, Alora, wake up! We've got to leave," he exclaimed, a chipper tone infusing his words. Zakai, amused, watched Alora toss Fern away, a playful gesture that sent him flying. Unfazed, Fern returned, relentless in his morning excitement.

"Come onnnnnnnn! I want to see if my little friend is still in the Opal Expanse," Fern insisted, his enthusiasm infectious. Alora, greeted by the dawn with a weariness that could rival months of sleep deprivation, directed a tired gaze at Zakai. "Couldn't you have entertained him for an hour so I could sleep in?" she inquired. Zakai chuckled, "Not happening. He's too excited." The morning unfolded with a blend of weariness and animated anticipation, setting the stage for the adventures that lay ahead. The trio made their way to the queen's chambers, the air tinged with a blend of morning freshness and the promise of a new day. As they approached, a sight caught Alora's attention – a majestic white dragon gracefully landing in front of the castle. Recognition dawned on her; it was Umbra, returning with the contract.

Alora eagerly approached the dragon, a sense of anticipation building within her. She carefully took the contract from Umbra, unfurling the parchment to examine the queen's response. A smile played on her lips as she saw the signature of Queen Marisela, leader of the Ripple Born. The terms had been accepted, sealing an alliance between the Dust Walkers and the Ripple Born. The queen herself, tapping her fingers with a hint of impatience, turned her gaze toward Alora. "Well, what news do you bring?" she inquired, her eyes curious yet stern.

Alora, holding the signed contract in hand, couldn't contain her excitement. "The Ripple Born have agreed to the terms. We've secured an alliance," she announced, a triumphant note in her voice. The queen's demeanor softened into a satisfied smile as she nodded in approval. With the alliance established, Alora felt a renewed sense of purpose. The quest for the completed artifact and the confrontation with Aro loomed ahead. The day's journey promised challenges, but with the support of newfound allies and steadfast companions, Alora faced the path ahead with determination.

In the throne room, Alora addressed Queen Kaida with a firm yet respectful tone. "Your Highness, we plan to return to the Elven Kingdom to prepare for the looming war and will be in touch by letter soon. The alliance with the Ripple Born has been secured, and together, we shall face the challenges ahead." The queen, understanding the gravity of the situation, nodded in approval. "May the winds of fortune favor your journey, Alora," she said with a regal air. "Bring an end to this threat before it gains momentum."

With the queen's blessing, Alora, Zakai, and Fern departed from the Dust Walker castle, embarking on the next chapter of their adventure. The landscape unfolded before them, a vast canvas of possibilities and challenges. Though they had lost a member in Ryu, the addition of Zakai, along with the Ripple Born alliance, fueled their determination to confront Aro and put an end to the impending war before it could fully unfold. As they journeyed through the twisting canyons, Fern animatedly recounted his recent escapade with the dragon horse creature in the Opal Expanse. "Zakai, you should have seen it! The creature was all sparkly and ran so fast. Alora and Ryu were there too," Fern chirped, his excitement evident.

Zakai chuckled at Fern's enthusiasm. "Sounds like quite the adventure. I'd love to hear more about your magical creature friends," he replied with a warm smile. Alora, lost in thought about Ryu, found solace in the joyful memories Fern shared. She smiled faintly, the image of Ryu and Fern together etched vividly in her mind. The pang in her heart was undeniable, but she pressed on, determined not to let her emotions hinder their quest. Each step through the winding canyons carried a mix of nostalgia and determination for the challenges that lay ahead. As they reached the Opal Expanse, the landscape unfolded in a mesmerizing display of colors and magical creatures. Fern, with an animated bounce, fluttered ahead, scanning the vibrant surroundings for his dragon horse friend. "Come out, little buddy! It's Fern!" he called out, his voice echoing through the mystical expanse.

Alora and Zakai followed Fern's lead, taking in the breathtaking sights. The air was filled with the gentle hum of magical energy, and luminescent creatures danced in the shimmering light. Zakai marveled at the ethereal beauty, while Alora couldn't help but be captivated by the enchanting atmosphere. As Fern darted between the trees, he suddenly halted, his wings fluttering with excitement. "There you are!" he exclaimed, spotting his dragon horse friend. Alora couldn't help but smile at the heartwarming reunion between Fern and his creature companion. Taking a moment to enjoy the magical ambiance, Zakai suggested, "Why don't we rest here for a while? It's a perfect spot to regain our strength before we continue our journey." They found a comfortable spot surrounded by Opal flowers, their petals glowing softly in the sunlight.

Fern continued to chatter about his adventures, sharing tales of the Opal Expanse and the creatures that inhabited it. Alora found herself drawn into the lively stories, momentarily forgetting the challenges that lay ahead. The trio rested beneath the trees, savoring the magical tranquility of the moment before embarking on the next leg of their journey. Amid the vibrant landscape of the Opal Expanse, Fern's animated tales of fantastical creatures held Alora, Zakai, and their dragon companion in rapt attention. The air was filled with the whimsy of Fern's descriptions, and the dragon creature lay contentedly, its eyes focused on the little fae recounting its tale.

However, the enchantment of Fern's storytelling was shattered when the rustle of approaching footsteps reached their ears. The trio's attention snapped to the source, only to be confronted by a group of human soldiers, their faces etched with stern determination. Weapons drawn, the soldiers demanded an explanation for the group's presence. Alora, caught off guard, exchanged puzzled glances with her companions. Before she could respond, Zakai, towering over the soldiers, stepped forward, his tone firm and unwavering. "We are passing through. It would be wise for you to let us be."

The soldiers, momentarily stunned, regrouped and swiftly took action. In a sudden, unexpected move, one of them produced a peculiar contraption – a net. With a swift throw, the net sailed through the air, entangling the dragon creature that had been peacefully listening to Fern's tales. Panic surged through the trio as the dragon struggled against the ensnaring net, only causing itself more entanglement. The soldiers, seizing the advantage, charged at Zakai. His larger frame and formidable weapon gave him an edge, but the soldiers were determined.

Three soldiers engaged Zakai in fierce combat, their weapons clashing with his own in a symphony of metallic sounds. Meanwhile, the other two soldiers closed in on Alora, who desperately tried to free the distressed dragon from the ensnaring net. Fern, ever the valiant companion, darted to Alora's side, attempting to fend off the approaching threat. However, the soldiers, undeterred, seized Alora. One soldier grabbed her arms, attempting to pull her away, while the other readied his pike to strike the helpless dragon. In a moment of quick thinking, Fern, small but resourceful, grabbed the edge of the soldier's helmet, obscuring his vision. Seizing the opportunity, Fern began spinning the disoriented soldier, creating a chaotic whirlwind in the midst of the confrontation.

Amidst the chaos, Fern's impromptu maneuver caused disarray among the soldiers. The spun soldier stumbled and collided with his companion, temporarily disrupting their advance. Alora, momentarily freed from their grasp, darted back to the ensnared dragon's side, urgently working to unravel the net. Meanwhile, Zakai continued his formidable defense against the three soldiers, his movements precise and calculated. Each clash of weapons echoed through the air as Zakai skillfully fended off their attacks. The soldiers, now disoriented by the unexpected resistance, struggled to regain control of the situation.

Fern, having successfully distracted the two soldiers, now turned his attention to the ensnared dragon. With a determined gleam in his eyes, he darted towards the struggling creature, tiny hands nimble as he helped Alora in her efforts to free it. The dragon, sensing the combined efforts of its newfound companions, ceased its panicked struggles. Alora, Fern, and even Zakai – still in the midst of battle – worked together to carefully untangle the net. The soldiers, realizing the turn of events, regrouped and renewed their assault with a heightened sense of urgency.

Fern, feeling the intensity of the situation, called upon the creatures of the Opal Expanse for help. Whispers of his enchanting voice reached the ears of the magical beings nearby. Responding to his plea, a group of luminescent creatures emerged from the surroundings, creating a protective barrier around Alora and the dragon. This unexpected reinforcement startled the soldiers, who hesitated momentarily. Seizing this opportunity, Zakai intensified his assault, forcing the soldiers to retreat. Alora, Fern, and the now freed dragon found refuge within the radiant circle of magical beings.

The soldiers, overwhelmed by the ethereal presence, reluctantly withdrew. The luminescent creatures maintained their protective stance until the soldiers, realizing the futility of their pursuit, retreated into the canyons. Breathing heavily, Alora looked around at her companions – Zakai, Fern, and the dragon. The luminescent creatures dispersed, leaving the trio in the serene aftermath of the confrontation. Zakai, with a reassuring nod, signaled that the immediate threat had passed. Alora, grateful for the unexpected aid, exchanged a glance with Fern, who was beaming with a mix of relief and triumph. Together, the trio and the dragon continued their journey through the Opal Expanse, the echoes of the recent encounter lingering in the air as they pressed forward, united in the face of newfound challenges.

As they ventured deeper into the Opal Expanse, the radiant glow of magical flora illuminated their path. The once unsettling encounter with the soldiers now transformed into a story to be recounted in the heart of the Whispering Veldt. The dragon, still recovering from its ordeal, followed closely as if understanding the bond formed during their shared struggle. The transition from the lively canyons to the mystical veldt was seamless, marked by the soft rustling of unseen creatures in the surrounding foliage. The air carried whispers, and the landscape seemed to shift with every step, creating an otherworldly ambiance that captivated the trio.

Fern, ever the chatterbox, began to recount tales of creatures he'd encountered in these enchanted lands. Zakai, despite his stoic demeanor, showed genuine interest in Fern's stories. Alora couldn't help but smile, appreciating the camaraderie that was developing among them. As dusk settled and the hues of the Whispering Veldt deepened, Alora decided they should press on. The Whispering Veldt, renowned for its mesmerizing beauty, beckoned them forward. The dragon, rejuvenated by the magical energy of its surroundings, exuded a quiet confidence as it strode beside Alora, Fern on it's back. The transition from day to night brought a subtle shift in the atmosphere. The luminescent flora illuminated their path, creating a mystical spectacle that unfolded with each step. The trio moved with purpose, guided by the ethereal glow that danced upon the petals of magical flowers and glimmered in the eyes of unseen creatures. The veldt whispered secrets of ancient times, sharing its wisdom with those who dared to listen. Fern, now perched on Zakai's shoulder, marveled at the glowing fireflies that flitted about, leaving trails of light in their wake. The dragon, attuned to the magic of the veldt, moved with a grace that belied its earlier entanglement.

Alora, captivated by the enchanting surroundings, felt a sense of peace wash over her. The nightmares that had haunted her nights seemed momentarily distant in this magical haven. She glanced at Zakai and Fern, sharing a silent understanding that their journey was not just about physical distances but also about discovering the depths of magic and friendship. With each step, the trio embraced the allure of the Whispering Veldt, determined to explore its mysteries and find solace within its mystical embrace. The night unfolded around them, revealing the beauty hidden within the whispers of the veldt, and they ventured forth, leaving the canyons behind, bound for the heart of this magical realm.

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