The 7 Pheras

By SincerelyAnushka

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A tale about two young souls entwined in a bond by The 7 Pheras of marriage without knowing anything about ea... More

Chapter 1: Meet Shraddha Basu
Chapter 2: Meet Vijay Awasthi
Chapter 3: Is the Marriage Fixed?
Chapter 4: Denied the Marriage?
Chapter 5: The Shubh Moohart
Chapter 6: The Engagement
Chapter 7: The 7 Pheras
Chapter 8: Wedding Games
Chapter 9: Do You Live in the Himalayas?
Chapter 10: Trip to London?
Chapter 11: Tie the Tie
Chapter 12: The Tease Master
Chapter 13: The Iron Grip
Chapter 14: Small Moments
Chapter 15: Pag Phera
Chapter 16: Pretty Smiles and Pretty Dresses
Chapter 17: A Best Friend and a Jealous Husband
Chapter 18: Mr. Khadoos and Ms. Angry Bird
Chapter 19: Such an Annoying, Khadoos, and Stubborn Husband
Chapter 20: Does Vijay Care for Shraddha?
Chapter 21: Challenge Accepted
Chapter 22: Tears
Chapter 23: My Heart Aches

Chapter 24: My World Went Black

625 36 11
By SincerelyAnushka

Shraddha's POV:

"Ha, aap vaha rakh dije (Yes, put this over there)," I said to one of the servants.

I made sure to look around our bedroom for anything that I could have possibly missed, but there was nothing.

My mind wandered back to Vijay who I hadn't seen since this morning. I wondered where he went.

Shraddha, just stop thinking about him and focus on this trip. You are meeting your extended in-law family, so focus on being a good bahu and nothing else.

"Shraddha, come on, we're leaving the house." Di called from downstairs.

I quickly took my phone and purse and closed the door behind me and then started to walk down the stairs. I opened my phone and looked through my schedule for the hospital to make sure that everything was covered, but as I was walking, I didn't know where I was stepping. I missed a step and I felt my body tipping forward.

I was literally falling. I was going to fall and roll down the stairs and get severely hurt. Or my life might even come to an end. This is it. This is how my life ends.

I closed my eyes and awaited the feeling of the immense pain, but it never came. Instead I felt a familiar strong hand envelope my waist to prevent me from falling.

The motion stopped. I opened my eyes and found Vijay holding me firmly in place.

Blinking a few times, I cleared my vision and continued to look at Vijay. He looked different today. He looked... Reserved.

Vijay quickly pulled me back in place.

"Careful," he whispered.

"Thank you," I answered.

Vijay didn't say anything and went up the stairs.


I shook my head free from any thoughts and then continued walking down the stairs, carefully this time.

I reached where the whole family was standing, in front of the many black cars. I quickly took each elder's blessings and then retreated back to my spot.

"Shraddha, you're going with Vijay in his car," Di stated.

Of course. Well, this is going to be absolutely phenomenal.

"Yes Di," I replied sweetly.

"BHABHI, I WANT TO GO WITH YOU!" Aanya yelled and walked over to me.

She hugged me and I hugged her back while laughing.

"Hey guys, what about me?" Kiaan asked, crossing his arms.

"You can also come with us Kiaan," I answered.

"Are we all ready?" A deep voice—the voice of Vijay asked.

I turned to my right and I saw him wearing a loose white t-shirt with cotton grey shorts, white socks, and white Air Forces. His one hand was in his pocket and his other one was holding his phone. His green eyes were masked with dark Ray Ban sunglasses and he wore a grey cap.

He looked good, fine, amazing, lean, muscular, and ho—NO stop it! Shut up, shut up, shut up.

"Yes, let's go everybody," Jiju declared.

I walked behind Vijay towards Vijay's beloved car that was parked.

I was contemplating whether or not I should be sitting in the passenger seat or not. I probably shouldn't. I needed to create distance and sitting with him beside him is not a good way to do that.

"Kiaan, do you want to sit with your brother in the passenger seat?" I asked him.

Kiaan shook his head quickly. "No Bhabz, I'm going to sit with Aanya in the back and annoy her."

"But—" I argued, but he already got in the car and closed the door.

I sighed and made my way towards the passenger seat, beside Vijay. I opened the door and climbed into the car while managing my purse, phone and saree.

After sitting comfortably, I closed the door and adjusted my belongings.

"Aanya, you're such a brat!" Kiaan argued.

"I wasn't the one who cheated in Uno," Aanya spat back.

I rolled my eyes at their antics and secured my seat belt.

"Ready everyone?" Vijay asked while adjusting the rear view mirror.

"Yuppp," Kiaan replied.

"Yes Bhai," Aanya added.

Then Vijay turned to me.

"And you Dr. Shraddha?" Vijay whispered ever so quietly.

I looked at him in surprise. "Y-Yeah."

I turned forward again and squeezed my eyes shut.

Of course I stuttered again.

"Well then, Jay Shri Krishna and let's hit the road," Vijay declared.

We all chanted Krishna Bhagvan's name and then Vijay started driving behind the black car that was there for security.

The drive continued in bickering because both Aanya and Kiaan were arguing about some random topic.

I looked outside the window to find some comfort in the beautiful orange sky and the green trees flowing with the wind. My life has taken so many twists and turns in the last few months, I don't even know what tomorrow holds for me.

"Bhabhi, can you please play some music, so that Aanya stops talking," Kiaan said.

"Yeah—uh, just a second," I replied while pulling out my phone.

"Arijit Singh?" The voice beside me asked.

I shook my head, avoiding looking at him. "I'll just give them my phone and they'll do whatever they want."

I passed my phone to Kiaan and Aanya and then resumed looking outside the window.

I seriously hoped that they don't put on some melancholy sad song or else I might just lose it right here and right now. I prayed to God that they don't put Arijit Singh on. Please, please, please.

Patiently, I waited and waited. And then finally, a song played on the speakers.

Anddddddd, it's Arijit Singh. Of freaking course.

Plus, it's O Bedardeya, a sad song. Of course it's a sad song.

"It's Arijit Singh nevertheless," he said again.

I turned to my side and saw him smirking while looking at the road.

I frowned and then turned towards the window again, this dude was so annoying.

"Shut up," I mumbled under my breath.

"I heard that," Vijay whispered.

I turned to him and gave him a done look. "Good."

What the heck am I doing? I'm supposed to be distancing myself from myself, but I'm becoming the bait to his teasing. Just shut up Shraddha, shut up.

"Pass me the water please Dr. Shraddha," Vijay said.

I groaned internally and bent down to search for one of the water bottles that I brought with me. After I retrieved one, I held it out for Vijay without looking at him.

"Open it at least yaar," Vijay requested.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. I opened the full lid of the water bottle and then held it out for him again.

"Arrey, it's going to spill all over me, you know the lid thing has a button that you press right?" Vijay raised his eyebrow.

I groaned, but this time it was external. He is such an annoying husband.

I pulled the water bottle towards me and screwed on the lid a little too aggressively. Then I pressed that button thingy which opened up a smaller hole thing.

I huffed and held the water bottle towards Vijay and this time, I glared at his profile. His light beard with his little smirk and those dark Ray Ban sunglasses. Ugh. No. Focus Shraddha, focus.

"What's your excuse now Mr. Awasthi?" I gave him a sarcastically sweet smile.

"I can't take the chance to put your guys' life at risk," he replied smugly.

"What?" I scrunched my eyebrows. "What in the world do you mean?"

"Look at the road," he instructed.

I looked at the road and noticed that we were on the highway now where there were many cars and rickshaws and dogs and people and it was just mayhem.

"And then back at me," he ordered.

I rolled my eyes and glanced back at him.

"What am I doing?" He asked, this time momentarily glancing at me.

"You're driving," I answered.

"Wow, you are very intelligent Dr. Shraddha." He gave me a smirk. "So you see that I'm driving right? Now if I lose my focus on the road, then I might risk your guys' life right? So now I have no other option than to ask you to help me drink water."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes too. "Of course."

"Yeah of course."

Shraddha, just help him and be over with it. So then you'll be done and he won't ask you again.

"Fine," I snapped.

I unbuckled my seat belt and scooted closer to Vijay's seat. His fresh woodsy clean scent entered my nose.

"Open your mouth," I ordered firmly.

He gave me a wide grin and then tilted his head upwards and opened his mouth. I quickly glanced at the road to make sure that everything was clear and fortunately it was.

I quickly raised the bottle and poured it into his mouth slowly. He gulped it down at an impressive rate while some of it dripped off his lower lip and dripped down his chin.

"Vijay yaar, you're making a mess," I groaned and without thinking, I brought the pallu of my saree up and wiped the bottom part of his mouth.

I shook my head in annoyance and brought the bottle back and closed the lid and put it away.

"Thanks," Vijay's deep voice stated.

My eyes widened in surprise at what I just did. I felt my face flame up. What in the heck did I just do? What did I just do? Hey Bhagvan, save me from this.

"Wow Bhabhi, so cuteeee," Aanya squealed.

I closed my eyes and balanced my head on my hand and massaged my forehead.

"That was actually so cute Bhaiya Bhabhi," Kiaan said too.

Ugh, these two are making it worse.

"Just shut up guys and play your songs," I mumbled.

Aanya and Kiaan laughed and didn't bother me again.

I decided that I needed some sleep and if I slept, no one would bother me again. I crossed my arms with a huff and closed my eyes.

"At least put your seatbelt on Shraddhaji, or else you might topple forward and hurt yourself." Vijay said smugly.

I scoffed and quickly fastened my seat belt. I could feel my face turning pink, but I faced the window side, so that no one could see me blush.

Then I crossed my arms again, closed my eyes, and slept.

"Bhabhi, wake up," someone said, tapping my shoulder lightly. "Bhabhiiiiiii."

I jerked up and my eyes shot open.

Everything was blurry and hazy, so I rubbed my eyes and opened them again to get a better look.

"Aanya?" My voice wobbled. I cleared my throat. "Are we here?"

"Yes Bhabhi, we're in Rusirani now," Aanya answered. "Come on Bhabhi, everyone is getting out of their cars now."

I nodded and then was about to unbuckle my seat belt, but then I spotted a grey hoodie laid on top of my chest. I picked it up and examined it.

"Whose is this?" I asked Aanya, holding it up for her to see.

"That's Bhai's hoodie," Aanya replied with a mischievous smirk.

I felt my face heat up, but I tried to control the redness on my cheeks.

"Oh, well um... Alright, let's go." I said and quickly unbuckled my seat belt and climbed out of the car.

I retrieved his hoodie and my purse and closed the door behind me and walked beside Aanya towards the house.

Rusirani was a small, but beautiful little village. It had a limited population, but the tourist attractions and the awe-striking scenery was splendid.

The sky was very blue and the sun was bright and yellow. The golden rays hit right at my eyes and the heart blazed onto my skin, making me sweat a little in my cotton saree.

"You and Bhai are such a cute couple," Aanya squealed, breaking the silence.

I rolled my eyes. "It's nothing like that Aanya."

"But you guys are so cute and lovey-dovey," Aanya argued. "You guys are perfect."

I shook my head, the words 'He loves someone else' wanting to spill out, but I held them back. She couldn't know that. She couldn't know that her brother was living a miserable life with me because he loved another girl named Ananya.

"Shraddha, this is my Sasu Maa's home," Maa said pointing to a homey and beautiful home.

The home had lots of greenery surrounding it. There were trees on the edge of the fence while vines were hanging off the trees. Different types of flowers were grown by the entrance of the house adding to the beauty of the whole property.

"Arrey, are we just going to stand outside," Papa smiled. "Let's go inside now."

Fixing my veil over my head, I looked around to try and spot Vijay to give him his hoodie back, but he was already going inside the home with the other men in the family.

"Shraddha, let's go," Di said while placing a hand on my shoulder and guiding me inside.

We entered the home and my eyes explored the interior of the house. The white walls and the white ceiling with the brown accents in the furniture and the greens of the plants inside provided a warm embrace to me.

"Come in, come in, mere bacho (my children)," an old, but motherly voice said.

My eyes wandered over to the source of the voice to find an elderly woman sitting in a rocking chair with a huge warm smile on her face. Her hair was white and graying and her face had many wrinkles, but her smile lit up her whole aura.

"Dadima!" Kiaan and Aanya yelled at the same time.

They both hugged her while Dadima patted their heads lovingly. Then it was Vijay and Jiju's turn; they touched her feet and hugged her too.

"Shraddha, Pooja, go seek blessings from Sasu Maa," Maa instructed with a smile.

I nodded at her and then with Di, we walked over to Dadima and touched her feet.

"Bahu (sister-in-law), are these Viju and Viru's bahus?" Dadima asked while laying a hand on my head.

"Yes Sasu Maa, these are our bahus," Maa explained.

I stood up and joined my hands together.

"Pooja," Dadima squealed with a smile.

I looked at Di as she smiled and then Jiju came over to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Smiling at them lovingly, I turned towards Dadima.

"And what is your name bahu?" Dadima asked me with her beautiful clear bluish eyes looking at me.

"Shraddha," I answered sweetly.

She smiled. "Shraddha, what a pretty name."

I gave her a bright smile and then moved out of the way for the others to seek the blessings of Dadima. My eyes glanced around the room to find Vijay smiling while looking at his grandmother.

He loves his grandmother.

"Everyone sit, sit please," Dadima ordered.

We all obeyed her and then sat down on the couches. A casual chit chat began within the family as we all told Dadima how we are doing and what's going on in our lives.

I was still holding Vijay's hoodie in my hands and his familiar scent lingered in my mind, but I tried to ignore that all. My only priority now is to distance myself from Vijay and give him the life he deserved with the girl he deserved.

My vision became blurry, but I quickly blinked away my tears before anyone noticed.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, capturing all of our attention.

"I'll get it!" Aanya exclaimed and shot up from her seat.

We all resumed our talking, but my attention was on who was at the door.

"Maa!" Aanya called.

I looked towards the door and then immediately stood up from my seat while the others did the same. Rushing over to the door, I saw Aanya standing there frozen at the door. My view was obstructed because I was at the edge of the entrance, but I could see that Aanya was shocked. Concerned.

I quickly went over to her and held her by her shoulders.

"What happened Aanya?" I asked with concern.

Aanya started shaking a little bit and then she pointed at the person who was at the doorstep. My gaze travelled to who she was pointing at and I found a girl clad in a short black dress with a deep neckline with her brown hair flowing to her waist. She had a smirk on her face while her eyes were searching for something—or someone.

I removed my eyes from her and then looked back at Aanya with concern laced in my voice. "Who is she?"

I don't know why, but my heart started beating—thumping fast and I could feel it in my throat. It seemed like the next moment would change everything. Everything.

"That's Ananya... Ananya Ahuja."

And that's when my world went black. 

Hey lovelies, here is another chapter for you all. Hope you all are doing amazing and I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Sorry for ending this chapter off in a cliffhanger, but you know, the more you're invested in a story, the more you want to read it. The last time I updated was at the end of December and now it's the last day of January, but HAPPY BELATED NEW YEARS! I know that I said that I would try updating this story as often as I could, but the thing is that I had my final exams. I know that my lovely readers don't deserve any excuses and they deserve drama and romance-packed chapters, so I will try to give that to you guys. Also, THANK YOU ALL SOOOOOOO MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT! I appreciate your votes, views, and comments sooooo much and they literally make my day, so thank you all sooooooo much! Anyway, please keep showering your love and support, leave your thoughts and feedback in the comments, vote for your favourite chapter(s), and keep reading to find out what happens next!

P.S. THANK YOU ALLLLL FOR OVER 8K VIEWS! We are also ranking in so many categories, so thank you all sooo much for all of your support and unconditional love for Shraddha and Vijay <3 Please continue showering your love and support!

Question of the Day: Is it cold or hot where you live?

sincerely, anushka (your overly inconsistent author)

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