Requests Book


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Requests that are sent to me will be posted here! And if you have a request, just use the Request Inbox part... Еще

Over the Moon • Andy Barber
You Belong With Me • CE
The Cuddle Cure • CE
Do You? • Andy Barber
Daddy's Girl • CE
Ice, Ice, Baby • Johnny Storm
You did...What?! • CE
A Patriotic Meet Cute • CE
You're Cute When You're Mad • CE
My Best Girl • CE
Under the Weather • CE Characters
What Happens During Movie Night... • Ari Levinson
Time After Time • CE
Crazy About You • Lloyd Hansen
America's Sweethearts • Steve Rogers
Facade • Andy Barber
Surprise? • CE
Icing • CE
Save Me • Steve Rogers
Through Thick and Thin • CE
Cliche & Unique • CE
Suits Me • CE
Unlucky • Steve Rogers
Mommy is Mine! • Ransom Drysdale
More Tea? • CE
Not For A Second • CE
Play Ball • CE
Requests Inbox 💌 Add Your Request Here
The Bday Princess • CE, CS, RD, AL, AB
Shotgun • CE
The One and Only • CE
Too Good to Be True • Johnny Storm

The Power of History • Steve Rogers

1.1K 43 8

Request #20: You have a history exam coming up and you're struggling with the prep, so you go and ask Steve. He accepts your offer and, as it happens, he's very helpful. After that moment, he always asks if you've got anymore history homework that you need help with, and when you say yes, he comes over to your room with snacks to help. After a while, the two of you start to build feelings for each other and, one day he asks you out and of course you jump at the offer.

rogerbarnesss ~ thank you for your patience! 📚

None of this stuff was entering your head. It's like reading a textbook in a foreign language. It doesn't make sense!

None of this crap made sense.

What the hell will the war from the 1940s do any good for you to know who was there, or when and where it happened?

It's in the past. It should've stayed there. There's no need for it in the 21st century.

According to your history professor, "those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it."

What the hell does that even mean?

"Here you go," the boy who's sat next to you since day one hands you a paper. Or rather a few of them.

"Oh. Thanks." You catch a glimpse of his blonde hair, and blue eyes staring into yours. He sure was cute...and smart. You're pretty sure his name is Steve.

The rest of the class were each handing down this same orange colored paper. You take the few remaining papers and hand it to the girl two seats away from you.

The hour and a half lecture goes by quickly today. You try to jot down as many notes as you can. Even if they didn't make sense, you'll try to make sense of them later.

The professor dismisses everyone and others around you begin to pick their stuff up and pack it all.

Clearing your throat, you see Steve had stopped to speak with his friend at the doorway. It seemed they were waiting for someone else.

Grabbing your backpack, you take a deep breath and march right over.

"You're Steve right?" You ask, hoping to god that you got his name right. From the brief memory you have of the professor calling his name during attendance.

Steve and his friend look at you, both very intrigued, Steve answers calmly and confident, "yeah, that's me."

"Nice to meet you," you offer a smile and your hand, he gives it a shake, "I'm Y/n."

"Yeah. Nice to meet you too," Steve smiles at your greeting, getting a good look at you, you were much prettier this up close. He gives your hand a gentle shake.

"Uh...well I'm just going to come out and say it." You sigh, holding your books to your side, Steve and his friend with brown hair give each other another look.

Probably exchanging some kind of silent best friend language.

"I suck at history, and I need to pass this upcoming exam or I'm going to fail this class...I was wondering and you can say no if you want to!" You put your hand up, trying to be convincing but not too pushy.

"Can you tutor me?"

It's been a week since you asked Steve to tutor you, and it's also been a week since he's said yes.

You both exchanged numbers that same day, and have been spending almost every day with each other. Sometimes at his dorm or your dorm room. But most times at the student center.

You thought maybe it would be awkward at first, considering you don't really know Steve. But you were quick to learn that Steve is the most easy going, most chilliest guy ever.

He's so sweet too, from what you've learned he's an only child and lives with his mom, well when he's not here at school.

After waiting for Steve to enter the lecture room, you walk in without him after waiting forever. Your professor had already arrived and was now commencing with his attendance call.

Taking a seat in your regular spot, you take your laptop and books out, listening to your name being called you raise your hand.

Just then Steve sneakily enters with his friend, who's name you've learned is James but he goes by Bucky.

Taking his regular seat next to you, he chews something in his mouth, "hey, did he call my name yet?"

Shaking your head, you watch as his mouth was full of something, "no, he hasn't gotten to the late people yet."

Steve looks at his watch, "I'm not late," he speaks muffledly, you give him a look, he chuckles, "you guys are just early."

"They were selling chocolate covered pretzels in the student center, Buck and I couldn't resist," Steve finally reveals to you, swallowing everything he had in his mouth.

"Steve Rogers?" The professor calls out, and Steve immediately raises his hand.

Class begins as normal, and about 10 minutes in Bucky, who sits beside Steve, was bugging you for a pen or pencil, digging into your bag for one you slide it over, and Steve resumes to take notes but at the same time helps the pen slide the rest of the way over to Bucky.

At the end of class, everyone packs up as normal, and Steve nudges your knee with his and you ignore the tiny little butterflies emerging from your stomach, "do you want to work on that extra homework Professor Williams gave you?"

You smile, thankfulthat Steve shows so much willingness in helping you, "sure, why don't you come over to my dorm around...6?"

Steve nods, "here I got you one too," he takes a chocolate covered pretzel placed in a clear baggie out of his bag and hands it to you, placing his backpack on both arms and resting it on his back properly, "I'll see you at 6, then."

"Yeah," you watch him walk away, the pretzel still in your hand. You weren't joking when you said he was sweet, he is the sweetest, most greatest guy you've ever met.

You tidied up your room the best you could, and just when it hit 6pm, Steve was knocking on your door. Your roommate was kind enough to let you have the room for the evening, she'd be staying at her boyfriend's house tonight.

Opening the door, Steve greets you with a warm smile, and your eyes look down to what he was holding in his hands, a bunch of your favorite kind of snacks, and soda.

"Hey. Long time no see."

Rolling your eyes playfully, you pull on his forearm and he walks in, "I saw you this morning in class."

"Still, that was a long time ago." He adds, nonchalantly sitting on your bed and tossing his bag on the ground. You take a second to look at his back, it was so wide and so built. You also know Steve spends a lot of time at the gym...with of course Bucky.

Those two are inseparable, "I shouldn't be eating this, but I figured we could use a pick me up considering today's topic is depression."

"What?" You chuckle, not really sure what the hell he was talking about, opening a bag of your favorite chips he takes a handful and eats it, extending the bag over to you.

He shrugs his shoulders up, confused on why you were confused, "the Great Depression. It's the next chapter we have to go over."

Fluttering your eyes, you push on his chest and he falls back, dramtically, "I like this room," he calls out, digging his hand again into the bag of chips while you took a seat at your desk. Even while laying down, Steve looked so handsome.

He was very handsome no matter what he did, "And I'd like to pass my exam."

Chuckling, he sits right back up, and takes out his notes from his bag, you grab your binder and highlighters to finally finish all this extra homework your professor gave, in all honesty you did ask him for it, to help you prepare for the exam.

You needed to get a 90 or above in order to pass the course, considering the other two exams you completely bombed them, "where's your roommate?" Steve wonders, looking over at the empty bed, then at his notes, flipping through them to find the right chapter.

"With her boyfriend, guess what I found out today."

"Ooh, what?" Steve smirks, handing you the bag of chips so you'd take out however many more you'd like.

Maybe you should've asked Steve for help earlier, but at least you did at some point. And you're so glad that you did, "did you know that Professor Janice was expelled from the campus?"

"No!" Steve's mouth drops, "the one with red curly hair?"

"Yup." You nod, "she had a secret relationship with a student."

"NO!" Steve practically screams, baffled at this information, "that's why I saw her being escorted out on my way here—hey!" He snaps out of it, "you're getting distracted, young lady. If it's not about the Great Depression of 1929, I don't want to hear it."

Smiling in amusement, you flip through your binder, quickly hopping off your bed when you realize you forgot your textbook, plopping back onto your bed in front of Steve. He starts with some key points of the chapter and you do your best to jot it all down.

Steve smiles at the way your eyes remain focused on the page, you read over the key points he just gave you while chewing on your highlighter cap. To be honest you caught him very off guard when you first walked up to him.

But something about you being so confident and self aware, made him admire you. You were different, and he's just thankful to know you, have you as a friend.

You pick your head up to speak and Steve plays it off cool but looking at the clock hung up in your room, way behind your head–to make it seem like he wasn't just staring at you.

"Wait what does the stock market crash have to do with anythin–what?" You turn around to find what Steve was looking at...just your clock.

"Huh, my watch is a minute early," Steve looks down at his watch, completely lying, you sigh and nudge his knee. This side of Steve is one you didn't know existed, at first you thought he was a hot nerd. But in reality, he's a hot goofy nerd who has the attention span of a 1st grader.

You make a distressed noise, the disappointment in your eyes is enough for Steve to stop fooling around, "Steve!"

"Y/n!" He can't help but smile at you yelling at him, not that he likes you yelling at him. He just loves the way you say his name, he says your name back matching your energy, making you giggle, another favorite sound of his, "the stock market crash was one of the main causes of the Great Depression."

"Ahh," You make the connection and write something down into your binder, "how do you know all of this? Like how does it come so naturally to you?"

"Well...two things," Steve makes the most adorable face, his tongue peeking out and you can see those dimples on his cheeks, "after my dad died, Mom and I spent a lot of time at my grandparents house. I would watch all these World War documentaries with my granddad. My mom likes to say in another life I was a military sargeant. I'm just good with facts, and history."

Beaming at his story, you're happy Steve finds you trustworthy to tell you something like this, because up until now you had no idea thath is father had passed, "I'm sorry, Steve." Expressing your condolences, you reach to hold his hand, and he takes it.

"Thanks," He nods, sniffling, "those documentaries were awful to watch. They were all in black and white."

Slanting your shoulders down, you shove him, and he can't help but become a mess of giggles, of course you meant you were sorry for his dad's passing, but Steve makes it a priority to annoy you, or to make you laugh because boy does he love that laugh.

"I meant about your dad," You clear up, his laugh getting contagious onto you, making you grin and laugh as well.

Steve sighs, then takes a deep breath, "Oh. That." Reaching over to pinch your cheek, you shiver hard at his rough fingers making contact with your skin, "he would've liked you."

"He would've?"

"Yeah," Steve licks his lips, those dimples showing again. Both of you take a moment to look at each other, and you feel time stop, everything else becoming a blur but Steve. You swear his eyes were sparkling, and it is safe to say no one has ever looked at you the way Steve does.

You have never had so much fun studying for an exam, the way Steve does.

You have never felt the shivers, or butterflies for anyone else.

But Steve.



Both of you snap out of it, and you look down at the next section to review, changing the subject Steve flips the page of your textbook. Steve continues to joke the way he does while still giving you tips and key points.

It's been a few weeks, and today was the day of your exam. Steve texted this morning to give you all the good energy. Your friends also made sure you knew that you completely got this, meeting with Steve and Bucky in front of the hall.

The boys walk with you to class, and they chat about some big game from last night, while you review everything Steve has ever taught you in your head.

Of course, you were nervous, it's natural to be nervous. You were going over, and reading over everything Steve has given you, all his notes, and your notes combined.

"Right Y/n?"

Steve asks, and when he and Bucky turn around they find out way behind, because you were flipping through your binder. Getting in the way of other college students who were trying to make their way past you.

Jogging over to you, Steve makes it his job to make sure you don't bump into any door or wall, or be in the way of others, he puts his hands on your shoulders and guides you to the lecture room. Standing right behind you—being your eyes.

Bucky enters the lecture room as normal, and because you were nose deep into your binder, you don't realize, Steve closes the book and takes it into his hands, you make a noise and he shakes his head, "we studied last night and you got a 100% in the study guide I made for you. You're going to ace this, Y/n."

"But Steve..." You sigh, the fear of failing creeping up deep in your overthinking mind.

"...listen," he cuts you off, "after the exam, I have something to ask you. For now, don't stress yourself, if you stress yourself your brain will betray you and shut off as soon as you read the first question."

Handing back your binder and your book, Steve gives you a million dollar smile, flashing those teeth at you as he squeezes your cheek, "you got this." He dips his head to really look at you, "never doubt yourself."

Smiling, you nod, and it's exactly what you need to hear right now.

You submit your exam to your Professor with 5 minutes remaining, it was only you and two other girls left.

Everyone else went shuffling down to the Professor's desk as they finished, Steve finished a while ago, and Bucky not too long after him.

Marching back up the steps of the lecture room to get to the door, you feel this odd, satisfied feeling.

There were only about two questions in which you were completely freaking out about, because you didn't really understand it.

But the other questions you blew right past them, being confident in the choice you selected.

Walking to your dorm, because you didn't have any other class this morning until the afternoon, stepping off the elevator. You see Steve sitting in front of your door, with his backpack.

"Hey!" His face lights up when he sees you.

And your face may have glowed a bit brighter, "Steve." You sigh dreamily.

Standing up, and grabbing his bag, Steve waits for you to make the rest of the walk to your room door, "how was it? I have a feeling you freaked out on questions 6 and 18."

He knows you, how does he know you so well? So efficiently?

"Yup," you frown, "but I tried to answer the best I could, by guessing of course."

Steve's twinkling eyes and smile catches you off guard again, he smiles down at you as if you were holding a bunch of puppies and dressed in the most eye-catching outfit.

Yet, you were only in a crewneck, leggings and your favorite fuzzy boots. You both take sometime to just stare at each other, when he was speaking again.

"Well, I'm just going to come out and say it."

Steve takes a big gulp, and you watch his Adam's apple bob as he did so, he was nervous, all of a sudden in the span of two minutes he was a nervous wreck.

Lifting a brow, you try to make sense of what he was doing.

"I suck at relationships, and well, maybe I shouldn't have said that, it's just you get me nervous. But the day I met you, you were so confident and I guess some of that rubbed off on me. So I wanted to ask you this, the right way, in person of course. You can say no if you want to..."


You can't stop the ear-to-ear grin from spreading on your face, Steve uses the way you first spoke to him, that first question you ever asked him, and that you were also very nervous in doing. Even if he rushed the main question out.

"Steve," you can't stop smiling, but you need him to ask again, more slowly this time so you can actually make sense of it, "slow down. It's okay." You try to calm him, because it seemed he really was nervous.

Taking a deep inhale through his nose, Steve builds up the courage to say it again and look into your eyes.

"Would you want to go out on a date with me?"

Steve doesn't know if your smile means yes, or if it means he's stupid for even asking. Or for even repeating the question.

You're thankful your feelings weren't one-sided, a part of you knew that Steve may have felt the same way towards you by the way he spoke and looked at you...but you could never be too sure.

This just confirmed it all. Both of you were insanely attracted to one another, and although he's only known you for a few weeks, the time spent with Steve made him feel like he's known you his entire life.

You respond after a quick beat, "Yes! Yes. I'd love to, Steve."


I hope this is what you were looking for my dear. Thank you for being so patient. rogerbarnesss I loved writing this for you💘 who doesn't love soft, fluffy, college Steve?

All other requests are being worked on my lovelies! Please don't ever feel like I've forgotten. I'm simply just trying to juggle it all. I appreciate your you!!! 🌈❤️‍🔥

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