Sweet love (Kim Seungmin)

By rebeca0325

834 7 3

Theresa is living her life like normal. Going to uni, stop at the bakery where her friend works and going ba... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (Seungmin)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 (Seungmin)
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Epilogue (Seungmin)
Epilogue (Seungmin)

Chapter 6

28 0 0
By rebeca0325

"It's so sweet, knowing that you love me

Though we don't need to say it to each other, sweet

Knowing that I love you, and running my fingers through your hair

It's so sweet"

I sing (shout) with all my strength and with all the air I have in my lungs.

There is nothing better than lying in my bed, putting my headphones in my ears and listening to cigarettes after sex at astronomical heights. Best feeling ever.

But all good things come to an end quickly. And, in this case, the person guilty of interrupting me is Iris, my housemate.

- THERESA! I've already called you five times to get dressed. The others are almost here. HURRY UP AND GET READY! – she shouts and, if I didn't know her better, I'd say she was frustrated.

I guess this is my cue to finally get up and get myself together. I don't know if it's obvious, but I love going out (note the sarcasm). Why am I friends with socially competent people?

When the others arrive, I'm practically ready, except for my hair. This stupid thing seems to have a life of its own. Is it that hard to always be perfect? My hair is curly. CURLY! So, you can already imagine the work involved in looking beautiful every day. The worst thing is that they gave this kinda of hair to one of the laziest people on earth. What's the world's problem with me? I will never understand.

The important thing to note is that my friends, even though I can get irritated with them sometimes (often), are always there for me, whether it's school problems (getting up every day is a victory, too be honest) or hair problems.

When we manage to get my hair into what I consider to be a presentable way, we leave the apartment, heading to the club.

"Zoom" is exactly as I imagined. Crowded with people and so noisy that the music can almost be heard from the other end of the city. Which reminds me why I hate this kind of environment. I already feel a headache forming (I may be exaggerating, but I don't care... My story, my rules).

After walking around for a few minutes trying to dig through people, which required a lot of pushing (if anyone thought I was harassing them, I'm really sorry, but you're the one who stuck your ass against me first, it's not my fault), finally I found the boys. Or rather, two of the boys. Chan and Minho were at the bar waiting for drinks, I assume.

We barely had time to say hello, when Minho, with his eyes half-closed, mumbled a "you've got to be joking". What? They were the ones who invited us! If they didn't want us here, then they shouldn't have asked us if we wanted to come. And as far as I know, this is a public place!

Wait. He's looking at someone specifically, behind me. Phew! At least it wasn't for us. I was already preparing for a fight. I look back and see Sofia also sporting the same look as him.

What is happening? What am I missing here!

Looks like I'm not the only one confused. When I focus my attention on the rest of the group, everyone else has the same look of confusion and shock.

Before any of us could ask questions, Sofia starts walking towards the exit of the club - Don't even think that I'll stay here with this jerk!

And, in the opposite direction, walks out an angry Minho – And who said I also wanted to be here with you. You are the most annoying person I have ever met.

- Don't worry, you're not very far away.

And they both disappeared.

Weird. But ok.

We stayed there, in silence. And by silence, I mean we didn't say anything else. But I also doubt we could do it, as the nightclub in itself is extremely noisy.

- I see that we were able to find each other – Chan tries to change the subject – I was afraid that, with the amount of people here, you wouldn't find us – and ends with a smile (I am in love with those dimples).

- Hi, Chan! – Bea greets him, jumping to give him a hug. Chan seems to appreciate the gesture, as he starts laughing as he picks her up. He's really nice, isn't he? Always smiling and sweet. How can you not love this man.

- Hello! I don't think we've met yet. I'm Chan – he now turns to Iris, with his trademark smile – Let's go to the corner. The other boys are there.

With that, we followed Chan to a less noisy part of the club. There we find the rest of the boys. I immediately recognize Hyunjin. But, before I could pay attention to the others, Chan quickly gives a brief introduction to each one:

- You've already met Hyunjin... and Minho. He's not normally like that – he pauses before continuing - Honestly, it's better not to say that. He's weird sometimes. Unpredictable! That would be the best word to describe him.

- Yeah, Sofia isn't normally like that either. I think – Anna tries to excuse the girl – I don't understand what just happened there, to be honest.

- Me neither – The other boys look at us confused, waiting for an explanation for our conversation, which doesn't seem like it's going to happen – But anyway. I don't know if you've met them, but this is Changbin and Han. Changbin is in his third year and Han in his second, both in literature – the two guys mentioned smile and greet us.

I have the impression that Han must be a little drunk by now. The white shirt he is wearing has its first few buttons undone, he has a half-full glass in one hand and the other arm around Hyunjin's shoulders. And, the final touch, a pair of sunglasses on his wavy, messy light brown hair.

Changbin has a completely different vibe than his friend. The oldest is completely sober, with the glass in his hand still full, his short and curly black hair neatly done, wearing a tight black t-shirt that highlights his muscles (he must be hitting the gym) and tattoos decorating his arms, He gives off the vibe of that guy you don't want to mess with. Bad boy.

– This is Felix. He is in his second year of computer engineering.

Okay. I already love him. He has a beautiful smile and the freckles on his face are just to die for (they are so gorgeous). How can all these guys be so handsome? How unfair. And they're also such good people! I'm here trying to find a reason to be a hater, but it's impossible!

– This cutie here is Jeongin, the child in our group – Chan squeezes the boy's cheeks, who doesn't seem to appreciate the gesture very much (cute) – He's in his first year. Wants to be a doctor.

He's right. The boy is really cute. Jeongin, like Chan, has prominent dimples, which are especially noticeable when he smiles.

- And speaking of becoming a doctor, this is Seungmin. He's in his second year.

And this is the story of how I died.


You've got to be kidding me! This cannot be happening! It is not true! The bakery guy is not friends with these people! He is not here, right now, in front of me! NO! I refuse to believe it!

Black shirt, with the first few buttons undone, which makes it possible to see a very simple silver cord around his neck, trousers, also black, dark brown hair arranged so that some locks cover his forehead, but it is mostly uncovered.

He still looks more handsome than the first time I saw him, if that's even possible.

OMG. And his smile!!!!! It's so, so beautiful. AAAAH!!!!!!!!!

When I finally come back to reality, everyone is talking, laughing and giving each other drinks. Bea and Anna, ready for action, go into the crowd and start dancing (or I think that's what they're doing), followed by Hyunjin and Felix, who decide to do the same. Iris decides to go and see where Sofia went, checking if the girl did not get herself kidnapped or anything like that (I doubt it, she would be the one who kidnapped the kidnapper, not the other way around). And the other boys seem to be very busy talking. Don't ask me about what.

Everyone is busy doing something.

- I see we meet each other again.

Or that's what I thought, until I almost had a heart attack. Who is the idiot who is going to pay for my hospital treatment?

Culprit: the most beautiful boy I've ever seen in my life (aka Seungmin). I don't care. He'll get my hospital bills anyway. Don't even think I'm going to be the one to pay them. Pretty privileges doesn't work here, sorry.

When I turn around, the first thing I notice is that he is very close to me (again, I may be exaggerating a little, but he is definitely closer than he was a minute ago).

- I hope that since then you've started paying more attention to where you leave your things – I comment (I'm horrible at making small talk, as you may have noticed) - I'm Theresa, by the way.

His smile opens a little wider and it looks like he's going to say something more....

But it's interrupted by a flash Bea, who pulls me with her.

- Come dance, Theresa. I know you love this song.

By chance, yes. I like this music. But no song by The Weeknd is good enough to take away the satisfaction of talking to the handsome guy (yes, that's his name now).

Oh! Seungmin! Even his name sounds hot.

No! I'm not going to stalk him on Instagram at night when I get home. What kind of person do you think I am? I would never!


I am totally doing it.

Next chapter...

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