Celeste Potter [Pirates of th...

By izzy13books

65.9K 2.1K 193

Celeste Potter, Harry's (now) 31 year old aunt had all her memories removed (at the age of 25) and was sent b... More

Prologue Part 1
Prologue Part 2
Prologue Part 3
0.0 - Movie Prologue - The Kidnapping
Movie One
Movie Two
End of Day One
🎉50K READS!🎉


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By izzy13books

[Jack stands on the mast of his boat, noticing that it's filling up with water he jumps down to bail it out; notices three pirate skeletons hanging with a sign. Pirates ye be warned and pays homage to them; reaches the port, his boat sinking lower and lower until he is at the dock and is able to simply walk off the boat's mast]

Jack smirks seeing himself on the screen before Barbossa chucks his apple core at the back of Jack's head.

Harbourmaster: [to Jack What? Hey. Hold up, there, you. It's a shilling to tie up your boat at the dock. [they both look at the sunken boat] And I shall need to know your name.

Jack: [hands him three shillings] What d'ye say to three shillings and we forget the name?

Harbormaster: Welcome to Port Royal, Mr Smith. [Jack sees the Harbourmaster's money pouch and takes it]

[Norrington's promotion ceremony] Shouted orders to soldiers: Two paces march! Right about face! Present arms! [Norrington walks to get his promotion, unsheathes his new sword]

Will whispers under his breath with jealousy. "Git."

Murtogg: [spots Jack] This dock is off limits to civilians.

Jack: I'm terribly sorry. I didn't know. If I see one, I shall inform you immediately. [tries to continue on his way but is again thwarted] Apparently there's some sort of high toned and fancy to do up at the fort, eh? How could it be that two upstanding gentlemen such as yourselves did not merit an invitation?

Murtogg: Someone has to make sure this dock stays off limits to civilians.

Jack: It's a fine goal to be sure but it seems to me that a [shifts again] a ship like that [points out the Dauntless] makes this one here a bit superfluous, really.

Murtogg: Oh, the Dauntless is the power in these waters, true enough, but there's no ship as can match the Interceptor for speed.

Jack: I've heard of one, supposed to be very fast, nigh un-catchable. The Black Pearl.

Both Hector's and Jack's faces perk up at the mention of their precious ship. Neville looked at them curiously, wondering what could be so special about a ship.

Mullroy: Well? There's no real ship as can match the Interceptor.

Murtogg: The Black Pearl is a real ship.

Mullroy: No, no it's not.

Murtogg: Yes, it is, I've seen it.

Mullroy: You've seen it?

Murtogg: Yes.

Mullroy: You haven't seen it.

Murtogg: Yes, I have.

Mullroy: You've seen a ship with black sails, that's crewed by the damned and captained by a man so evil that Hell itself spat him back out?

Essie laughs at the obviously fake description while the Weasley twins looked at Jack with newfound respect.

Murtogg: No.

Mullroy: No.

Murtogg: But I have seen a ship with black sails. [Jack slips away while they banter]

Mullroy: Oh, and no ship that's not crewed by the damned and captained by a man so evil that Hell itself spat him back out could possibly have black sails therefore couldn't possibly be any other ship than the Black Pearl. Is that what you're saying?

Murtogg: [nods] No.

Mullroy: Like I said, there's no real ship as can match the Interceptor? [notices Jack at the wheel of the Interceptor]

Murtogg: Hey! You! Get away from there.

Mullroy: You don't have permission to be aboard there, mate.

Jack: I'm sorry, it's just - it's such a pretty boat. Ship.

Murtogg: What's your name?

Barbossa immediately says "Jack Sparrow."

Jack replies with, "There should be a Captain in there somewhere."

Lizzie and Celeste both laugh.

Jack: Smith. Or Smithy, if you like.

Mullroy: What's your purpose in Port Royal, Mr.Smith?

Murtogg: Yeah. And no lies.

Jack: Well, then, I confess, it is my intention to commandeer one of these ships, pick up a crew in Tortuga, raid, pillage, plunder and otherwise pilfer my weasely black guts out!

James and Sirius started applauding while Remus looked as if he was going to cry from exhaustion. The Golden Trio laughed at Harry's dad and dogfather.

Murtogg: I said no lies!

Mullroy: I think he's telling the truth.

Murtogg: If he were telling the truth, he wouldn't have told us.

Jack: Unless, of course, he knew you wouldn't believe the truth even if he told it to you.

[on the battlements of the Fort] 

Norrington: May I have a moment? [Elizabeth and Norrington step onto the platform. Elizabeth walks over to steady herself as she fans herself hastily and tries to catch her breath.] Uh, you look lovely, Elizabeth. [Elizabeth still fanning herself chuckles softly and half-heartedly] I, uh, apologize if I seem forward, but I must speak my mind. This promotion throws into sharp relief that which I have not yet achieved. Uh, a marriage to a fine woman. You have become a fine woman, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: I can't breathe.

Norrington: Yes, I'm a bit nervous myself. [she falls over battlement]

Essie burst out laughing along with her favourite pair of twins.. "Well that's certainly one way to stop a proposal." she said, all three pairs of eyes twinking with mischief.


Jack: [in boat with guards]  and then they made me their chief.

Norrington: Elizabeth? Eliabeth My God. [makes to jump in after her]

Gillette: [stops him] The rocks! Sir, it's a miracle she missed them.

Jack: Will you be saving her then?

Mullroy: I can't swim.

Jack: [glances at Murtogg who stares back at him] Pride of the King's Navy you are. [hands the guards his effects]  Do not lose these. [dives in to save her]

Will looked at Jack with gratefulness for saving his wife.

Murtogg: [the medallion calls to the Black Pearl] What was that? [helps Jackwith Elizabeth] Ooh, I got her. She's not breathing!

Jack: Move! [shoves him aside, cuts open corset and Elizabethspits out water and gasps for breath]

Mullroy: Never would've thought of that.

Jack: Clearly you've never been to Singapore. [sees medallion, to Elizabeth] Where did you get that?

"Clearly you've never met Luna. She always has alternate approaches to things," Ginny said. Lizzie looked at the girl with interest. She was dancing with herself on the same spot, spinning around. Ginny explained, "She's keeping the Nargles away." 

Norrington: [to Jack, pointing his sword at him] On your feet.

Governor Swann: [helps Elizabeth up] Elizabeth. Are you alright?

Elizabeth: Yes, I'm fine.

Governor Swann: [sees Murtogg holding Elizabeth's corset; Murtogg points at Jack; Swann looks over at Jack] Shoot him!

Elizabeth: Father! Commodore, do you really intend to kill my rescuer?

Norrington: I believe thanks are in order. [offers his hand to shake; reveals 'P' for pirate]  Had a brush with the East India Trading company, did we, pirate?

Governor Swann: Hang him.

Norrington: Keep your guns on him, men. Gillette, fetch some irons. [sees tattoo of a sparrow in flight. Near it is a little red dagger tattoo.] Well, well? Jack Sparrow, isn't it?

Jack: Captain Jack Sparrow, if you please, sir.

Norrington: Well, I don't see your ship? Captain.

Jack: I'm in the market as it were.

Murtogg: He said he'd come to commandeer one.

Mullroy: Told ya he was telling the truth. These are his, sir. [hands him Jack 's effects]

Norrington: No additional shots nor powder. A compass that doesn't point north. [unsheathes sword] And I half expected it to be made of wood. You are without doubt the worst pirate I've ever heard of.

Jack: But you have heard of me. [is pulled along to be put in chains]

Elizabeth: Commodore, I really must protest.

Norrington: Carefully, Lieutenant.

Elizabeth: Pirate or not this man saved my life.

Norrington: One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness.

Jack: Though it seems enough to condemn him.

Regulus nodded in agreement with Jack. "As soon as you're sorted into Slytherin, you're branded as evil. There's no changing you now. So we just learn to become it." The Marauders and the Valkyries look at Regulus and the Slytherins with sadness. They'd all made mistakes in the past due to house-rivalry.

Norrington: Indeed. [Gillette moves away from Jack]

Jack: Finally. [throws his irons around Elizabeth's neck]

Governor Swann: No, don't shoot!

Jack: I knew you'd warm up to me. Commodore Norrington, my effects, please, and my hat. Commodore! Elizabeth. It is Elizabeth isn't it?

Elizabeth: It's Miss Swann.

Jack: Miss Swann, if you'd be so kind. Come, come, dear. We don't have all day. Now if you'd be very kind. [she straps on his sword, puts on his hat, etc.] Easy on the goods, darling.

Elizabeth: You're despicable.

Jack: Sticks and stones, love. I saved your life, you save mine, we're square. Gentlemen, m'lady, you will always remember this as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow! [pushes Elizabeth away and escapes, swinging around and landing on a beam above their heads]

Tonks looks at Jack in awe. "I like you. Essie, hang on to this one. He's funny and adventurous. Don't you dare leave him." Jack smiles hearing Tonks' speech.

Governor Swann: Now, will you shoot him?

Norrington: Open fire! [Jack is shot at] On his heels. [Jack throws his chains about a rope and slides down to the ground] Gillette, Mr Sparrow has a dawn appointment with the gallows. I would hate for him to miss it.

Soldier: [the soldiers run around searching for Jack] Search upstairs. Look lively, men.


Jack: [enters smithy, sees drunk and sleeping Mr.Brownand pokes him to see if he'll awaken] Whoa! [tries to get rid of the irons with a hammer but it doesn't work; he uses the red hot end of a metal rod to spur the donkey; succeeds in breaking the link between them by putting them on two turning wheels in the machinery powered by the donkey; hides when Will enters]

Will:[calms the donkey; sees Brown] Right where I left you. [sees hammer] Not where I left you. [notices Jack's hat and reaches for it; enter Jack with sword unsheathed] You're the one they're hunting. The pirate.

Jack: You seem somewhat familiar. Have I threatened you before?

Jack laughs. "I told the King that once." Moody looks at him with respect. Anyone who stands up to authority is automatically in Moody's good book. One thing he'd learnt in life was that respect had to be earned. And almost no one with authority had earnt his. Apart from Kingsley.

Will: I make a point of avoiding familiarity with pirates.

Jack: Ah, well, then it would be a shame to put a black mark on your record. So, if you'll excuse me? [turns away and is about to leave when Will gets his own sword] Do you think this wise, boy? Crossing blades with a pirate?

Will: You threatened Miss Swann.

Lizzie looks at him in love. Barbossa and Essie pretend to vomit while the Weasley Twins, Tonks and Regulus try to hide their laughs.

Jack: Only a little. [they parry]  You know what you're doing. I'll give you that. Excellent form. But how's your footwork? If I step here; [he steps] very good. Now I step again. Ta. [sheathes sword and walks to the door; Will throws sword which gets stuck in the door, barring the exit; Jack tries to pull it out but is unsuccessful] That is a wonderful trick? Except, once again you are between me and my way out. And now you have no weapon. [Will takes out a sword with a heated tip; they fight]  Who makes all these? [looks pointedly at swords]

Will: I do! And I practice with them? three hours a day!

Jack: You need to find yourself a girl, mate! Or perhaps the reason you practice three hours a day is that you already found one and are otherwise incapable of wooing said strumpet. You're not a eunuch, are you? [looks down]

"Well it did take you a while to woo her. I mean, you ended up married in the middle of a battle." Marlene looked excited. She wanted to get married again to Dorcas (who survived the war). But more excitingly. Like while almost dying. They could invite Voldymouldy too. Almost as if the other three Valkyries knew what she was thinking, the trio of girls turned on Marlene with a deadly killer glare.

Will: I practice three hours a day so that when I meet a pirate, I can kill it! What about you, Captain Jack Sparrow? Got a lover?

[Jack falters for a second, thinking of Essie, the only woman he'd ever truly fallen in love with. His face hardened. He needed to stop thinking about her. She was dead. Barbossa forced her off the Black Pearl during the middle of the night into a random part of the Caribbean Sea during his betrayal. She was gone.]

[they continue their swordfight jumping onto a cart that sways under them; Will hooks a knife in the irons hanging from Jack's left wrist and throws it up so it is embedded in the beam above, in return Jack hits a loose board which throws Will off the cart; Jack uses his body weight to get the knife out of the wood and falls back on the cart just as Will climbed back on; Will is thrown up into the rafters and cuts free a heavy sack which vaults Jack up into the rafters as well; they fight, jumping from beam to beam; Jack loses his weapon and blinds Will with sand; takes out his pistol while Will protects his eyes]  You cheated!

Barbossa laughs. "He always does that."

Jack: Pirate! [hears men trying to break the door down] Move away.

Will: No.

Jack: Please move.

Will: No! I cannot just step aside and let you escape.

Jack: This shot is not meant for you. [gets hit on the head with a bottle of alcohol and falls unconscious]

Soldier: [Norrington's men break in the door] There he is. Over here.

Norrington: Excellent work, Mr.Brown. You've assisted in the capture of a dangerous fugitive.

Mr.Brown: Just doing my civic duty, sir.

Norrington: Well, I trust you will always remember this as the day that Captain Jack Sparrow almost escaped. Take him away.


Prisoners: [whistling and waving a bone to a dog that has the keys to the prison in its jaws] Come here, boy. Want a nice juicy bone? Come here. Come on

Jack: You can keep doing that forever, the dog is never going to move.

Prisoner: Oh, excuse us if we haven't resigned ourselves to the gallows just yet.

[in the Governor's house; Elizabeth's room] 

Estrella: There you go, Miss.[puts a bed warmer between the sheets] It was a difficult day for you, I'm sure.

Elizabeth: I suspected Commodore Norrington would propose but I must admit, I wasn't entirely prepared for it.

Estrella: Well, I meant you being threatened by that pirate. Sounds terrifying.

Elizabeth: Oh, yes, it was terrifying.

Estrella: But the Commodore proposed. Fancy that. Now, that's a smart match, Miss, if it's not too bold to say.

Elizabeth: It is a smart match. He's a fine man; he's what any woman should dream of marrying.

Estrella: Well, that Will Turner, he's a fine man, too.

"LISTEN TO THE MAID GIRLY," Marlene yells at the screen while Lizzie looks on in amusement.

Elizabeth: That is too bold.

Estrella: Well, begging your pardon, Miss. It was not my place. [leaves]

[meanwhile Will is hammering a new sword, he looks out unto the deserted street]

[on top of the Fort] 

Governor Swann: Has my daughter given you an answer yet?

Norrington: No, she hasn't.

Governor Swann: Well, she has had a very trying day. Ghastly weather, don't you think?

Norrington: Bleak. Very bleak.

Governor Swann: What's that?

Norrington: Cannon fire! [tackles the Governor] Return fire!

[in the jail] 

Jack: I know those guns. [looks out of his little window] It's the Pearl.

Prisoner: The Black Pearl? I've heard stories. She's been preying on ships and settlements for near ten years. Never leaves any survivors.

Jack: No survivors? Then where do the stories come from, I wonder?

[the Black Pearl's guns are destroying the battlements, the pirates are now coming ashore in boats; Will takes up a sword, a hatchet, and a knife to fight the invading pirates; on the battlements; saves a maid by killing a pirate with his hatchet]

Norrington: [shouting orders to soldiers] Sight the muzzle flash!

Soldier: Aim for the flashes!

Norrington: I need a full strike, fore and aft! Let these demons both bite at this! [cannons are shot in the Black Pearl's direction] Governor, barricade yourself in my office. That's an order!

[the Governor's house; pirates are running through the gates an knocking on the door] 

Elizabeth: [to butler] Don't! [the butler opens the door]

"Idiot," Nevillle mutters. Celeste smiles at her godson.

Pintel: Hello, chum. [shoots butler and the pirates swarm into the house] Up there! [points at Elizabeth]

Pirate: Girl! [Elizabeth runs upstairs]

Estrella: [they lock the chamber door] Miss Swann, they've come to kidnap you.

Elizabeth: What?

Estrella: You're the Governor's daughter.

Elizabeth: They haven't seen you. Hide, and the first chance you get, run to the fort. [distracts Ragetti and Pintel as the maid runs out, hits Pintel in the face with the bed warmer]

Ragetti: Gotcha! [catches Elizabeth and she releases ashes onto his head] It's hot! You burned me!

Pintel: [to Ragetti] Come on! [Estrella escapes; Elizabeth is cornered on the stairs and while pirates are distracted by one of their own being taken out by a cannon she runs away; Pintel and Ragetti are stopped by a falling chandelier and Elizabeth locks the door and then tries to get a sword out but is unable; Pintel and Ragetti break the door] We know you're here, Poppet.

Ragetti: Poppet.

Pintel: Come out and we promise we won't hurt you. [Ragetti looks at Pintel questioningly who only smiles] We will find you, Poppet. You've got something of ours, and it calls to us. The gold calls to us.

Ragetti: Gold calls?

Pintel: [opens door of the closet] 'Ello, Poppet.

Elizabeth: Parley!

Ragetti: What?

Elizabeth: Parley. I invoke the right of parley. According to the Code of the brethren, set down by the pirates Morgan and Bartholomew, you have to take me to your Captain.

Essie screams out, "NERD," laughing until Jack kicks her off the bench for deafening him, causing her to fall on her side. She glares at him while he laughs. She gets back up and sits on the bench sulking.

Pintel: I know the code.

Elizabeth: If an adversary demands parley you can do them no harm until the parley is complete.

Ragetti: To blazes with the code.

Pintel: She wants to be taken to the Captain. And she'll go without a fuss. We must honor the Code.

[Port Royal street; Will is fighting with Grapple] 

Grapple: [to Will, holding him defenseless] Say goodbye! [signs falls on him]

Will: Goodbye.

Pintel: [to Elizabeth, leading her to the Black Pearl] Come on!

Elizabeth: Will.

Will: [spots them] Elizabeth. [sees the same pirate he killed with his hatchet and is confused]

Pirate: Outta my way, scum. [knocks Will on the head, he faints]


What did you think of this chapter?

I'm so glad it's the weekend.

izzy xx

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