Princess of Mardalia

By blackgirlwriter97

1.3K 78 31

~BWWM. WMBW. Interracial. Love Triangle. Historical. Royalty. -Oops I fell in love with my brother's wife...~... More

~*~ Princess of Mardalia: Characters ~*~
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 10

69 4 1
By blackgirlwriter97

The royal wedding was 2 days away.

Queen Izella was busy making sure everything went as it needed. She had risen before the sun had even thought of rising. Her lady maids, cooks, and servants all getting ready for the festivities that were to ensue.

Breakfast was being prepared, the arena for the tournament being handled by the men servants, flowers were being plucked to greet her guests. Everything was going perfectly.

Until she saw a caramel skinned woman leaving the room of her youngest son, Axel. The young lady was tip toeing down the hall discreetly, peering around hoping not to be caught by anyone.

Queen Izella marched down the hall and began banging on her youngest sons door. When he didnt answer it immediately she threw the door open to find him scurrying to cover himself up.

"What did I tell you?! No sleeping with the servants," she yelled shrilly.

"Mother, must we do this now? We have guests, lower your voice," he whispered forcefully.

"Axel this has to stop! And now you are sleeping with our guests' servants. Do you know how much of a scandal this will cause?"

He scoffed. "Mother, the Mardalians do not care." He got up with his sheets wrapped around him and put on his pants.

"I care!"

He placed his hand on his mother's shoulder.

"I am single and I will enjoy any woman that I please. Now, please, leave so that I may bathe and get ready for today's activities. This is Aisha's and Atticus' day, do not make it about me."

Queen Izella stared at her son's indifferent expression, when an idea came to mind. She would show Axel she was not to be messed with and if bachelorhood was what made him a deviant, she would change that.

"You are right my son. You are single and this must be what single men do."

"Exactly! I am thrilled that you finally understand. Lets enjoy this day," he said as he walked her out of his room. As he shut the door behind her, she smiled.

Oh yes. We will enjoy this day.

Queen Izella had decided. Axel must be next for betrothment before he brought home an illegitimate, bastard child.


There was a rapid knock on the door.

"Princess Aisha, I am coming in," Hilda called.

Hilda opened the door to the sweetest sight. Aisha and her sister cuddled together in bed. She almost felt bad for waking them, but today was a special day, and she couldn't allow them to be late.

She began opening all of the heavy curtains, shedding light in the room. A groan came from the bed. Aisha rustled and sat up.

"Hilda? The sun has just come up," she cried.

"I know. We must begin your preparations. Maeve will arrive soon with your dresses, Mona will need time to do your hair, and not to mention Princess Nef here will need assisting too."

"Hmm?" Nef said sleepily as she sat up.

"Good morning Princess, I am Hilda, at your service."

She yawned wide and smiled. "Morning."

Hilda smiled. What an adorable girl.

"I have your baths ready in the bathing room."

"No bath in here today?"

"I assumed you would want to get ready with your sister."

Aisha smiled. "You are very thoughtful Hilda."

"Now come on ladies, you are pushing my timeline back with your lackadaisical demeanors."

Both girls got out of the bed and were helped into their robes and followed Hilda to the bath room. Aisha had never been and was surprised at how warm and cozy it was.

Why had I never known about this place? Probably because I would spend all day here.

"Oh this room is more like it," Nef exclaimed as she began disrobing immediately and into the steaming bath water. She hummed as she relaxed into the water with a smile.

"I will give you two a moment and be back to scrub down."

Hilda left and Aisha began disrobing and stepped into the warm water. The jitters began leaving her bones immediately. She relaxed in the warmth and sighed in relief.


Aurelius was outside doing what he did best. Sparring. He was beating his sparring companion with everything in him. He elbowed him in his armored stomach, spun around unsheathing his sword, before kicking him in chest and placing the tip of his blade at his throat.

The man on the floor ripped his helmet off of his head. "I yield!"

Aurelius smiled and lent him his hand. "Again?"

The man shook his head. "So you can knock me down for the 10th time? I think not, Prince Aurelius."

"Ah come on, Bacchus. We are training!"

"No, you are taking your frustrations out on me and have made me your sparring dummy," he chuckles. "Anything on your mind?"

Atticus could not think of a reason for what he was feeling. All he knew is that he woke up this morning with a gut wrenching feeling in his stomach and the need to put this energy into fighting.

"Other than the festivities today, nothing in my life is changing."

"Could it be that your brother is getting married?" Bacchus asked as they both headed into the outdoor armory room, weaving between servants who were working.

"No. That has nothing to do with me." Why would his brother's wedding bother him?

They both continued undressing.

"Will you be entering the tourney?" Aurelius asked changing the subject.

"Only if you are not." He laughed.

"Someone from the royal family must enter and it cannot be Atticus and Axel would never risk marring his pretty face. Who else would it be, but me?"

Aurelius was pleased that his competitors were wary of going up against him. He was known to win. He was a ruthless but humble warrior worthy of their respectful hesitation.

They both departed ways. Aurelius decided he should bathe and get ready for the day ahead. As he was walking down the hall to his room the door to the bath room opened and out came Nef and followed behind her was Princess Aisha. They were both well covered in fluffy bath robes. But even with her covered up his heart skipped a beat. Her semi-wet curly hair fell in ringlets around her shoulders and the smile that graced her lips at the sight of him made him falter in his steps.

"Good morning Aurelius," She called out sweetly.

"Good morning Princesses." He said bowing.

She scowled at the word. It brought a little smile to his face to see her irate. 

"Come ladies, we must hurry." Hilda called.

Aisha looked back at Hilda then back at Aurelius with a smile. "I'll see you later. Royal pre wedding activities don't happen without a bride present."

Those words sunk his stomach like stones. His heart pang with a feeling he didn't want to dissect. No- that he would never dissect.

He mustered a smile and waved her smiling face goodbye.

As Aisha began rubbing scented oils into her skin Helga let in Mona and Maeve.

"Good morning Princess Aisha," they both bowed.

"Good morning. Thank you for being here so early! I cannot wait to see the dresses you've made for me."

"I am still working on your wedding dresses," Maeve said, "but you will love what I've made for you for the upcoming festivities."

"Wedding dresses?"

"I hope you don't mind but I made different dresses for different occasions. A ceremony gown, a reception dress and something that you might want to wear...well, for your new husband."

Nef burst into laughter.

"Well, that is just going to be perfect coupled with what our sisters have in store for you," she cackled un-ladylike.

"Nef," Aisha smacked her arm. "Sorry please do not mind my little sister, she's forgotten how Princesses behave."

"It's okay your majesties. We know how sisters are." Mona chimed nudging her own. "Now have you been moisturizing your hair with that cream I gave you?"

"Yes and it's done wonders for my hair in this dry, cold weather."

"Good. It's a perfect solution for curly hair like ours. May I begin?"

Aisha nodded and sat at her vanity where Mona began doing her hair.

Soon after she was made up, hair styled with two half, halo braids in the front and her curls cascading down her back, ready for her crown.

She stood for Nef to assess.

"You look beautiful sister. I'm next!" She smiled bounding into the chair in front of Mona. The older woman smiled and began styling her hair.

"So for today I have 2 dresses. One for the tourney and parade and the second for the people's ball."

The first dress she showed was a heavy, dark blue, velvet dress with a full skirt. The sleeves were long and thin, and the dress adorned with beautiful crystals. She also had a matching cloaca for it.

"I figured a big dress would keep you insulated better, more Pantoran style of dress, and the cloak for your arms. And you will be paraded to the people today so what better color than blue?"

"This is beautiful Maeve," Aisha touched the fabric and smiled, "and it seems so warm."

"Now this second dress is for the ball. It's pretty much the same as the first one but I think it exudes more appeal and youthfulness without taking away from your elegance."

She was right, it was more her style. More form fitting while still being the Pantoranian standard.

"I cannot wait to wear it. Will you help me dress?"

"Of course your majesty, it would be my pleasure."

Maeve began unstringing the dress and carefully draped it over Aisha's head, slowly tugging it down into place. She began tightening the corset that was sewn into the dress, then closed the bodice of the dress.

Aisha examined herself in the mirror and took a deep breath. She didn't really recognize herself. It was beginning to feel more real. Here she was dressing for a tourney and parade for her betrothment to Atticus. She was going to smile and wave and greet, what would soon be her people.

"Do you not like it," Maeve asked concerned.

"Oh no! I love it. You have probably single-handedly granted me favor with the people today."

Nef peaked over and glanced at her sister. "You look like a tent."

"Nef! I am going to kill you," Aisha yelled looking around for something to throw at her.

The room full of ladies burst into laughter at the two's display.


Atticus strode down the hall to get his betrothed from her room.

He was jovial about the events of the day. The tourney, then the parade and the ball that they were hosting to celebrate with their people. He was excited for his people to lay their eyes on his bride and to toast their marriage.

He found Hasani speaking with Axel and stopped to greet them both.

"Good morning Hasani. Axel."

"Good morning."

"I was just asking Hasani if he was joining the tourney," Axel said.

"I am not the fighting type. My brothers Bako and Kwasi may join, but their wives may not support that decision," he chuckled. "Will either of you be joining?"

Axel laughed. "No, I would not chance messing up my lady catcher," he said gesturing to his face.

Atticus rolled his eyes. "I'd love to, but I think battling 2 days before my wedding would not make for the smartest decision. Our brother Aurelius will be entering, however. He's won the last 2 years in a row."

"Ah, of course the mysterious, middle brother would. Sounds very much like the Bako and Kwasi type."

"I am ready to eat, join me for breakfast, Hasani?" Axel asked.

"You've read my mind."

Both men departed and Atticus continued making his way to Aisha's room. He knocked on the door and the door opened immediately to a sour faced Nef.

"Good morning Princess N-"

"No time for pleasantries. This puppy you gave me has peed in my shoes!"

Atticus peered over her head to look at the puppy in question, then back to Nef.

"Well, you have to train him, Princess. Has he been walked this morning?"

"" she said surprised.

"Well, he needs to be walked- multiple times a day."

"How long does that go on for?"

"Uh, until he dies," he says pointedly. She looked at him with utter shock and disapproval.

"You must take back this gift immediately, Prince Atticus. This is too much responsibility for one little girl," she said stomping towards the puppy.

Atticus waved down one of the servants in the hall and beckoned them to the room. Nef appeared with the puppy in hand wrapped in a furry blanket.

"How about this? I will have this puppy taken care of for you while you are here. This servant will walk, feed and play with the puppy. I assure you there will be no more pee in your shoes."

She squinted her eyes distrustfully at him.

"No more pee?"

"I assure you."

She peered down at the puppy who began licking her hand which made her burst into a smile.

"Okay, because I would hate to part with my puppy."

"But you must learn how to take care of him." Atticus chuckled and shook his head at her. The servant took the dog away.

"Looking for me?" Aisha asked as she came into view.

She took his breath away. He smiled as he put his hand out for her. She laid her small hand in his large ones and brought it to his mouth to kiss.

"You look beautiful."

"And my new dress?"

"You make it look gorgeous."

She smiled bashfully at him. They were interrupted by Nef.

"As lovely as it is to watch you two swim in each others eyes, I need to eat."

Aisha peered at her through the side of her eyes and stook her tongue out at her.

"She has been an awful brat this whole morning," Aisha whispered.

"I am right here," Nef replied.

Atticus sighed with a slight smile on his face. "Come on Princesses, lets eat."


After their quiet breakfast all of the royals made their way in carriages to the grand arena. At their arrival there were many people walking around excitedly, knights ready to enter the tourney and other nobility making their grand entrances.

The procession of carriages stopped at the entrance of the arena.

"This is more than I was expecting," Aisha said in wonderment. Nef joined her in peering out of the window.

"Welcome to the grand arena, ladies and Hasani."

A line of armored knights lined the walkway up to the entrance. People standing behind them eager to get a glimpse of the royal family. The girls watched as the King and Queen got out of their carriage and the people began bowing at their leaders.

"Ooh, are we going to have a grand entrance too?" Nef asked excitedly.

"Of course, this is a special event for our wedding."

Aisha realized with worry that they were last in line to enter. "Are we the last to enter too?"

Atticus looked at her with concern. "Is there something wrong?"

She couldn't put it into words, but this was all becoming so real. It would not be her first time meeting or seeing the people of Pantoran, but it had been informal. This was much more than the ride she made to the castle. This was a display to the people, presenting their future princess- their future Queen.

She smiled. "No, I am ready to meet the people as their Princess."

He smiled back at her and grabbed her hand. "I will be with you every step of the way. I promise."

She sighed. "What if they don't like me?"

"The people? They love you!"

She scoffed. "Atticus! You can't possibly know that, a handful of them have met me and that was once."

"Trust me. For those that are not already smitten with you they will fall in love with you now, just as we all have."

"Trust your soon to be husband, sister. You were Mardalia's crown Princess, you will be Pantoran's too," Hasani said.

And she knew that. This feeling of inadequacy and fear was foreign to her. She was Mardalia's crown Princess. The kingdom's beloved Princess. She had always walked into every room aware of her people's adoration for her, their fierce love, and kindness. Why should this be any different?

Because these aren't my people.

She steeled her nerves and nodded her head at both of them, accepting their kind words, then turned her attention to Aurelius and Axel following behind their parents. Then her brother Mosi and Olori then Ayomide and Imani. In the next carriage out came Kwasi and Amara and Bako and Nia.

The people were still as excited. Most never having traveled out of Pantoran and eager to see foreign royals they had never laid eyes on. Even more eager to lay eyes on their soon to be Princess.

Their carriage steadily came forward. Their driver departed from his seat and opened the door.

Aisha could hear the herald announce Hasani's name as he departed from the carriage. Nef looked back at them excitedly.

"This is so much fun. Look at how excited they are to meet us all!"

"Presenting Princess Nefertiti Adamako of Mardalia!"

She straightened out her skirts and departed from the carriage, waving and smiling at the people.

Aisha looked to Atticus for comfort and was relieved to find his kind eyes ready for her worried ones.

"We've got this," he smiled.

He departed the carriage and turned to give her his hand.

"Welcoming Prince Atticus and his betrothed, Princess Aisha Zenzalee Adamako!"

Tourney parade dress:

Ball dress:

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