Senki Isekai Gaiden

By KamenRenFuji

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Three boys who are fans of tokusatsu accidently ended confronting a cult who ends up sending them all to anot... More

Protagonists & Crossover World:
The Prologue
Episode 1: Traveling/Attack of Monster Girls
Episode 2: Traveling to a new home
Episode 3: In the town/Explanations
Episode 4: The crystals/New people
Episode 5: Meeting the Spirits/An attack
Episode 6: Stopping an attack
Episode 7: A team up
Episode 8: Attack from the Order
Episode 10: The world for a Gundam

Episode 9: Legend of the Dragon Blade Gundam

235 9 12
By KamenRenFuji

50 Years ago...

It all began under the gloomy skies. There was a Queen, who led her army through the thunderous clouds. The Queen's army behind her is eight hundred strong and they comprise of the finest warriors of the Dragon Knights Order, handpicked by the Queen herself, and some are even champions of well-renowned.

This Queen was known as Deonora, the Queen of Dragonia, the home of the Dragon Mamono.

Now, you may be wondering, why was both Deonora and her army out and why did they look so prepared for a fight?

It was because they were on the hunt for a wanted criminal who had done the worse crimes to them.

Or so they claimed.

Whatever the case was, they were looking for someone, and they would do anything to find them.

We can right now see Deonora busy waiting until she sees a dragon knight walk to her with some important news.

Dragon Knight: Your majesty, our scouts have spotted the dragon blade knight right over there!

The Dragon knight pointed to the nearest mountain as Deonora hardened her gaze before raising her hand to give out the commands.

Deonora: Go forth and bring that man to me, for I shall judge him!

The Dragon Knights flew towards the mountains and scaled the cliffs. Wurms crawled beneath the grounds and rumbled the earth with a great tremor. The Queen heard the previous incidents days ago; A dreaded rumor has circulated and spread throughout her empire.

Citizens spoke stories of a rumored mechanical knight who's hunting down her fellow dragons near the borders and stopping potential human travelers going totheir home territory of her kin. Deonora wondered herself, how could someone that can strike fear into the hearts of dragons?

Once the Dragons flew through the thick fogs that covered the mountains, they saw a glimpse of an enormous figure; a black knight, sitting on top of a rock. They saw him standing up with a blue sword held up firmly. But what made them recoil in disbelief is to see a knight stood with an abnormal height than any average human. But even by then, they were not fully sure if this knight was human.

Dragon Knight Commander: We finally have you where we want you! Your days that brought fear to Dragonia is over!

The Knight chuckled a bit as he stared at the Dragon Knights and Wurms.

Knight: It seems the Queen decides to finally make a move on me. No matter, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Dragon Knight Commander : Curb your tongue, human! Your life will end once you face the Queen herself!

Knight: Listen here, I can tell you fear me, do you not?

The Dragon Knight Commander froze a bit. How did this knight know that?

Knight: So I'll give you a choice. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. The choice is yours.

Dragon Knight Commander: We shall bring you to justice for your crimes against Dragonia!

Knight: So I see you chose the hard way then.

The Dragon Knights were ready to attack, but as soon as they were about to make a move, the knight disappeared and reappeared behind them as he sharpened his blade.

Knight: Too slow.

It caught the Mamonos off guard by surprise until they felt a numb feeling in their bodies. Then the impossible happened; their heads and limbs blew off into the air and blood gushed out like fountains, falling into their deaths. The Dragon Knights of Dragonia suddenly recoiled; It stunned their faces to witness the gruesome display. The Dragon Knight Commander stood with a horrifying look before a blast of blue flames killed one of her nearest high-ranking Dragons to her left that blew her body apart.

The Dragon Knight Commander grasped her sword and her eyes steeled towards the knight with anger filling up her emotions to avenge her fallen sisters-in-arms.

Dragon Knight Commander: Kill him!

And soon, all hell broke loose.


We can now see Deonora and the rest of her army alongside her witnessed an obscured scene of battles that are raging within the foggy clouds of the mountains. They heard clashes of steel, explosions, and flames rang across.

Then she saw their first casualties. Dozens of Dragons fell from the skies. She noticed smoke produced from their wings that burned to crisps before their bodies crashed into their death against the rocky grounds.

As the violent wind blew, the battlefield came to a view of a horrific scene. Dead bodies of dragons scattered across the mountainous cliffs. Thus, her eyes laid on a single individual standing on top of a small peak; there she saw a warrior clad in black, unbelievably taller than an average human. Yet the Warrior jammed a blue sword through the unarmored belly of the Knight Commander before lightning shot out from her abdomen, killing her.

It horrified Deonora to witness the warrior simply threw her corpse over the cliff with disrespect before he looks up to the skies to see an army of angry Dragons.

Deonora: You! So the rumours are true... Mechanical Knight!

If Deonora had more knowledge, she would've known this knight before her was a Gundam. More specifically, it was Dragon Blade Zero Gundam.

Zero: Hmm.

Deonora: Your actions have laid harm upon my domains and killing my Knights who represent the will of the Empire! It's now evidenced that your guilt shall not escape our judgment! And your punishment shall be Death!

Zero: So you're the Queen Deonora that I heard from your kind. So you finally come here with your army. And the fact this is what you call judgement is laughable. I've seen with my own eyes that your kind had raped and kidnapped many people who came to your domain and you had the nerve to label them as "Tourists".

Deonora: Then why haven't you let them go? You should have let them have their husbands. I am confident that any Human Males wouldn't resist themselves in front of a Dragon... but you...You are nothing but a murderer with bloodlust. It fills your soul with nothing but bloodbath and hate.

Zero shook his head.

Zero: So, that is what you think of me then? I have tried to reason with them to leave me alone, but they were too arrogant for that, so, I had to make sure they learned the hard way.

Deonora's eyes widen upon connecting the dots that Zero had left for her to connect.

Deonora: So you killed them...

Zero: And I warned your kind many times to leave the humans who came across your domain, but they never listen. And one of them had the audacity to to try and rape me. If wasn't for their minds blinded in obsession, pride, and lust; they would be still alive to this day. But I'm pretty sure that you got the message.

Deonora clenched her fists in anger. Never has she heard his words of defiance towards the Queen of Dragonia and to her kin; he saw her as nothing more but mere annoyance towards him despite being one of the strongest mamono of her realm. The Queen should not accept such insult from a mere human.

Deonora: You shall see about that. Knights! Bring him down to his knees!

Upon hearing her orders; her Royal Knights unsheathed their weapons and charged against the Armoured Warrior. Zero jumped high up just before the first two dragons can even reach him and the Gundam slashed his sword down, which killed the two Knights immediately. Zero looked up to see more Dragon Knights hailing down from the skies with their weapons raised. But as confidence grew on their faces, Zero vanished in a blue flash before his sword caught another Dragon amid charging him.

Deonora observed as the battle escalated. The Queen was confident that her results to bring him down to his knees would cause him to beg to recognise her power and authority, unfortunately; it did not come out as expected to be; In her horror, she saw many of her Royal Knights fell one by one. Some Dragons tried to attack in groups and surround him. But they were all but vanquished in a quick, silent swing of his sharp blade that cuts off their heads immediately.

It reveals that this man was no push-over.

Her three champions beside her joined into the fray to stop the Gundam from killing more of their knights. One of them raised an oversized sword and take a quick overhead swing, but Zero flipped aside in mid-air and kicked the Draconian Sword Champion away before landing on a small peak.

The Royal Knights surrounded him once more, with their weapons drawn. On the air, the Spear Champion grinned for her confident victory, but alas, her opponent vanished quickly before she felt a sudden sharp pain through her abdomen. She slowly looks back and witnessed Zero stood his left foot on her back before sending her down to the ground with a deadly impact.

Dragon Champion 3: You murderer!

Zero: Wow, the audacity of you saying that. This is a battlefield, and in it, there is no such thing as murder.

With an enraged yell, the Mace-wielding Champion felt her energy coursing through her veins until her body glows before a brief flash. Zero covered his eyes from the flash of light before it faded quickly. Then he heard a growl, a much more beastly growl in which he hasn't heard at such for a long, long time. He looks up once he felt a gigantic being overshadowed him and faced a large fierce-some Dragon, growling at him. Any human would fear at such sight of a humongous reptile, but to Zero, even though he didn't have a mouth, he was grinning.

Dragon: Do you accept your defeat now, Human?

Zero: Finally, let's see if you're stronger like this.

The Dragon looked down to the armored warrior incredulously, before Zero vanished immediately away from her sight in a blue flash and reappeared underneath her right leg. Zero activated the blue flames of his sword and slashed at the scales through her right knee. The Dragon roared in pain before Zero released an amount of flamining energy that surged through her body. The Mace wielding Dragonian Champion in her draconian form has never felt an amount of pain until she fell to her knees. The other Dragon Knights witnessed Mace Champion's Dragon form have fallen quickly until they saw the sight of Zero jumped high in the air before jabbing his sword on her head and released a surge of his flames for the second time, killing her for good.

Dragon 1: Wh-What the Hel!? He's fast!

Dragon 2: How did he defeat her?!

Dragon 3: Impossible! Even humans should be afraid to see a Dragon in their actual form!

As the Dragonian Knights were dazzled and paralyzed in much to their disbelief, the Gundam chuckled bitterly.

Zero: Is that all you can do? The fact that you had an entire army come after me, yet none of you could land a hit on me. If this is really all you can do, then it is a joke. No, jokes are actually funny, but this is sad.

Dragon 4: What is he!?

Dragon 5: He's incredibly strong!

Dragon 6: But how can we defeat him!?

In a moment, the Gundam straightened himself up and watched over the dragons. They bicker themselves hysterically as they lock their eyes unto him with fear. Then Zero turned his gaze towards the Queen of Dragonia. Deonora froze. She couldn't believe to witness that three of her best champions were killed within mere minutes by the Golden Knight and she felt her heart fell in an instant as a knife jabbed into her chest once she caught his gaze.

Deonora: Just... who are you..?

Zero: I am Dragon Blade Zero Gundam, or just call me, Zero, the Dragonslayer.

The words that spoke from his mouth sent cold chills to every dragon on the battlefield. Dragon Slayer, a pair of words they haven't heard for a millennium since the current Demon Lord succeeded the throne. Since her ascension, her powers turned all the Dragons into beautiful monster girls, and the Dragon Slayers that came to the old Great Dragai Empire were all but converted into incubi's. Deonora knew the Dragon Slayers have disappeared a long time ago since Dragonia became a Demon Realm to lure any potential future husbands for her fellow dragons.

Yet the existence of Dragon Slayers did not disappear, as it seems she believed. Since there is this strange human Knight named Dragon Blade Zero Gundam, is one of them. But that begs the question, how can a Dragon Slayer like him exist since the current strength and beauty alone of the Dragons can fawn men to their favor?

Deonora: Impossible, Dragon Slayers should've disappeared from a millennia ago! There is no way that they can still wander the earth!

Zero: Well, you're not wrong, but here I am. And I gave it to myself since from what it seems, dragons, wyverns, and wurms are driven to extinction.

Deonora soon felt her rage grew up.

Deonora: Take that back...You... SHALL NEVER LEAVE THIS PLACE ALIVE!

The Queen of Dragonia flashed into bright light, bursting out huge amounts of energy that could make the Heroes of the Order tremble and grew into a hideous large reptilian beast that stood far larger than the Dragons he previously fought.


The Queen of Dragons took a deep breath and blew a massive blaze of hot flames right from her mouth, however, instead of jumping away, Zero stood there unfazed as the flames did absolutely nothing to him.

Zero soon dashed and slashed at Deonora's underbelly, which made the Queen of Dragons quickly spun around and caught the sight of the Gundam who slashed his sword before hurling the rock into the air and smashed it against Deonora's head. The Red Dragon roared in pain and brought down her claws in retaliation in her attempts to slice him apart.

But Zero was easily able to evade the attacks before uppercutting the Queen of Dragons into the air before jumping up and then slashed Deonora down into the ground which shook the ground beneath them and destroyed many mountains. he Dragon Knights dropped their jaws to their disbelief and horror.

Zero, the Dragon Slayer, has brought down their powerful Queen. They thought that mere weaklings couldn't topple the mightiest dragons until he appeared and destroyed their thoughts of superiority.

Dragon Knight 1: Come on, we have to save her!

Dragon Knight 2: Protect the Queen!

Zero watched the body of Queen's Dragon Form morphed back to her usual humanoid form. Queen Deonora laid on the ground, unconscious but alive. He turns around and witnesses a wave of Dragon Knights were overshadowing him in superior numbers. But to Zero, they were but mere bugs to his eyes. His sword engulfs with blue sparks of flames once more before he sprinted at speeds faster than light towards the Queen's personal Army.

And all hell broke loose...


Dragon Knight 1: He's too strong!


Dragon Knight 2: M-Monster-ARGH!


Dragon Knight 3: N-No wait, plea-!


Dragon Knight 4: Please! HAVE MERCY!


Dragon Knight 5: I have a daughter waiting for me! NO!


Eventually, Deonora sat up straight with a painful groan. Her vision is blurry after a heavy concussion she received during the battle. Once she looked around; her eyes dilated with horror. The rocky terrains of the mountains are full of bloody corpses of Dragon Knights. She even saw one among the dead Dragons she's familiar with is the mother of a young squire.

'We'll return to the Empire in no time. My Daughter... you know Alto-Eris; she wanted to see me coming home as a prideful mother who wanted to bring down a criminal to justice.'

As the Queen of Dragons remembered her words, she felt a wave of nausea and dread before kneeling in front of Knight's corpse until tears swelled out from her eyes. Deonora knew her as one of her most trusted Officers within her personal army, now laying dead under the hands of the Gundam. Then how could she explain to Alto-Eris about the demise of her mother?

???: Sad, isn't it?

Deonora soon looked up to see Zero looking down at her, with an unreadable look on him.

Zero: You should've listened to my warnings when you had the chance. And look around you, none of these deaths had to happen, yet you made it happen.

Deonora: You... You wretched monster...

Zero: You still have the nerve to claim me a monster when you are the one who caused all of this. I may have pulled the trigger, but you loaded and held the gun when it should have not. If you really had cared about your kind, you would've been wise to not look for me.

Deonora's felt her hands trembled before clenching, anger swelled within her soul with one thing that comes into her mind is to bring him down. She groggily stood up and charged towards Zero while raising her right claw, however, she soon felt a hand grab her neck as she sees Zero glare at her in the eye.

Zero: Even after all the loss of your kind, you still remain stubborn and arrogant as you think justice is in your favor, but it never was. And now I will give you this final warning, if you dare try to come after me again, your kind will be extinct.

Those were the last words that Deonora heard before, everything went black.

(Timeskip, brought to you by this: )

It was now the present day as Deonora groaned and held her head as she once again had memories of that day. And while it was years ago, theQueen herself can still feel the pain from that horrible battle years ago.

Upon her return from the battle with the help of other Dragon Knights who came to search for her, she met herself with horrified looks from her citizens. She remembered the gazes of her knights, who stood horrified to see her fallen in battle and the daughter of the Knight Officer, broke down into tears upon hearing the fate of her mother.

The young Alto-Eris she knew mourned her mother's death for a week and the Queen of Dragonia couldn't help her to bring up the mood, yet saw her life changed. Alto-Eris wished to become a knight and a tourist guide that will please a man who will become her future husband if the time comes. But she became distant and silent. As time passed on, Alto-Eris did grew up as a Knight, but with a heart filled with vengeance, which made the Queen fear for her life.

Deonora expressed her sadness at the painful memories which clouded her mind like a bad dream as she sulked further down while massaging her temples. The Red Dragon groaned in discomfort.

Deonora: I can't believe I'm still like this...A mighty being such as I, have truly fallen, isn't it?

???: I'm afraid so. Times have truly changed.

Deonora slowly gazed around to see her younger sister, who stood beside her throne. This was Dracolinde.

Dracolinde: Deonora, if you still keep thinking about that Dragon Slayer; you are unbecoming a proper leader of Dragonia.

Deonora: Dracolinde... My fears of that man remain. It won't go away.

Dracolinde: I know. Our country became more vulnerable as outsiders kept mentioning that man and used him as an excuse so that many of our subjects' potential husbands can escape.

Dracolinde then walked over to a table and grabbed a black goblet full of wine.

Dracolinde: Here, I heard wine might ease your mind.

Deonora grabbed the goblet without looking and just before she takes a sip, her eyes stared blankly at the goblet while Dracolinde raised her eyebrow in question. The Queen then threw the goblet away and flung it across the hall, which surprised Dracolinde in disbelief, and stepped back once she saw her glare.

Dracolinde: O-Older sister...?

Deonora: *Snarls* I hate black...Give me anything... other than black!

And so it seemed that things for Dragonia were never gonna be the same again.

AN: BOOM! Here is the new chapter! I hope you've enjoyed it. Be ready for the next chapter coming next week.

So in the meantime...


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