
By huangdi1984

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In the year 2030 AD, as humanity's ceaseless emission of greenhouse gases intensified global warming, the per... More

Intercontinental Missiles and Antarctica
The Academic Miracle of the Future
pharmacological blockade
Determined Resolution
Academic paper
new materials
Departmental Meeting

Future Technology System

3 0 0
By huangdi1984

In response to He Zhiyong's request, Professor Hao cleared his throat. As a professor in pathology, he had the clearest understanding. When an expert took action, the outcome was immediately apparent. Who would have thought that a sophomore undergraduate would present such a scenario?

Providing detailed information on treating the HIV virus during a lecture, and even proposing relevant medications—it was unimaginable! What's more, the detailed pharmacological reactions were flawless. Perhaps due to sheer astonishment, Professor Hao's voice became hoarse and somewhat wooden as he responded to He Zhiyong's inquiries. He was left speechless by the shocking revelations.

"An experiment, right?" Professor Hao carefully reviewed the content on the blackboard. It was flawless. Without detecting any issues, he nodded in agreement to He Zhiyong's request for experimental verification.


Seeing no problems, Professor Hao even examined the chemical structure of the medication in the final diagram without finding any flaws. With that assurance, he no longer hesitated. His gaze, filled with wonder, swept over He Zhiyong's determined face, and finally, Professor Hao nodded in agreement to He Zhiyong's request for experimental verification.

He agreed!

Huazhong University of Science and Technology, School of Biopharmaceuticals.

Inside the office of the school, a sudden urgent phone call disrupted the silence.

"Hello, Professor Hao?" "What? Are you serious?" "Alright, I'll contact the dean right away. You'll send the paper in a while, right?" "If the data... is true, we might successfully replicate the experiment in no time!"

With Professor Hao's phone call, the School of Biopharmaceuticals trembled, given that AIDS was an absolute and incurable disease!

Even the dean, Zhou Deqian, who had retired, was alerted.

"Hao Yuan, are you not pulling my leg?" "You're saying your student developed a drug that induces a benign mutation in the CCR5 gene?" "And he's an undergraduate, just a sophomore?" "And this happened during a class?" "Is it that you haven't woken up, or is it me still in a dream? This can't be a joke. You guarantee this? Alright, I'll head to the lab immediately!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Deqian rushed to the laboratory.

Regardless of how absurd the situation seemed, the experimental data would reveal the ultimate answer!

Hao Yuan and He Zhiyong sat quietly in the classroom. The content written by He Zhiyong on the blackboard had been organized into a complete paper by Professor Hao and sent to Zhou Deqian's email.

Now, all they had to do was wait for the School of Biopharmaceuticals to validate He Zhiyong's written content.

"Zhiyong, did you research all these things by yourself?" Although Professor Hao witnessed He Zhiyong completing the blackboard on his own, some of the experimental data made him skeptical.

While Huazhong University of Science and Technology was internationally renowned, an undergraduate student, especially a sophomore, was unlikely to have knowledge of HIV pathology. Moreover, deducing experimental data for the CCR5 gene mutation just from books was implausible.

"He, Professor, all these are indeed researched by me alone." Sitting beside Professor Hao, He Zhiyong, with a gaze that carried some vicissitudes and depth, looked directly at Professor Hao and nodded resolutely. On this point, he did not lie.

In his past life, he was part of many research teams combating the HIV virus, and he made significant contributions to discovering benign mutation methods for the CCR5 gene.

"Let's hope so!" Professor Hao looked deeply at He Zhiyong. He wouldn't easily believe with just a few words. However, now that he had regained his composure from the shock, the doubts that were initially overlooked emerged in his mind.

Whether it was true or false, whether he was a natural talent or a clown, would ultimately be revealed in the experiments at the School of Biopharmaceuticals.

Experimental data could not be faked!

"Of course, if this kind of drug shows even a slight effect, He Zhiyong truly deserves the title of genius! I will let him off lightly."

While contemplating this, Professor Hao snapped back to reality and quickly asked the question that lingered in his mind.

"Where did you conduct the CCR5 gene experiment?" He couldn't find any issues with all the treatment methods, but the CCR5 gene experiment, something a sophomore student couldn't possibly have encountered, puzzled him.

"Well... it was during my freshman year, in the practical lab. There were CCR5 gene fragments available at that time!"

This was true. He Zhiyong tinkered with CCR5 gene samples during his freshman year practical lab class and even received a harsh scolding from the teacher.

Fortunately, it was just a regular CCR5 gene, not the mutated kind; otherwise, he might have failed that course.

"Oh? So, you're the troublemaker Professor Xing mentioned!" As soon as he heard about the involvement with the CCR5 gene during freshman year, Professor Hao instantly thought of the complaints from his good friend. At that time, he had strongly criticized that student.

Little did he expect that the person was He Zhiyong!

"Hehe, thanks to Professor Xing for sparing me." Back then, Professor Xing had explicitly warned not to use samples from another cabinet. However, He Zhiyong, being young and impulsive, couldn't resist his curiosity.

If it weren't for the leniency of the professor, according to the school regulations, he would have failed that practical lab class!

After a brief chat, the classroom regained its quiet atmosphere. Professor Hao closed his eyes to rest, feeling a bit fatigued from the recent events. He just wanted to wait quietly for updates.

Seeing Professor Hao resting, He Zhiyong's eyes subtly shifted, and he closed his own eyes slowly. Don't misunderstand; he wasn't resting. He was only twenty years old, so his body couldn't be that tired. The purpose of closing his eyes was to explore the silver-white space he entered during his rebirth.

Earlier, he was abruptly questioned by Professor Hao, and he didn't get a chance to investigate what that space was. Now was the opportunity.

Full of curiosity, He Zhiyong closed his eyes, and in the next moment, he once again found that silver-white radiance. Was this radiance within his consciousness? Guiding his consciousness forward, He Zhiyong returned to that silver-white space.

Before him, the peculiar transparent screen appeared again, displaying a tree-like structure—the technological tree. This time, he finally had the chance to observe this mysterious thing carefully.

Similar to the previous tree, at the very bottom, there were still two small boxes emitting silver-white light. Following the bright boxes upwards, there was, once again, a dim black box. Inside this box, a line of text read:

【Energy: Controllable Nuclear Fusion Miniaturization Technology】

A hint of shock flashed in He Zhiyong's eyes. Why did everything seem related to nuclear technology? Moreover, it was nuclear fusion again! He was sent away by an uncontrollable nuclear fusion hydrogen bomb, and now this mysterious technological tree was pushing him toward nuclear fusion-related knowledge.

But he studied biochemistry!

"Why is there no knowledge related to biology?"

He Zhiyong didn't believe it and continued looking upward along the boxes of the technological tree.

【Plasma Engine】 【Quantum Communication Technology】 【Biological Computing Technology】 【...】 【Gene Locking】

Finally, there was a technology related to biochemistry! Although biological computing also involved biological knowledge, it leaned more towards computer technology. So, the last technology he saw was genuinely related to biochemistry!

Emulating his previous actions, He Zhiyong focused his thoughts on the last box he saw. However, there was no response! The Gene Locking Technology box didn't emit the silver-white light.

It seemed like this technological tree could only be illuminated one by one, similar to a tech tree in a game.

"Let's call you the Future Technology System!"

He Zhiyong smiled slightly, hoping that this time, humanity could indeed have a future.

Feeling a bit regretful for not lighting up the Gene Locking Technology, He Zhiyong wondered how he could combat the withering virus.

Just when He Zhiyong was at a loss, his eyes caught the title of the first technological tree.

It was a brightly highlighted box with the words inside: 【Level One Planetary Civilization】.

He Zhiyong swallowed nervously, a different gleam appearing in his eyes!

In the transparent screen, there were now three technological trees, corresponding to Level One, Level Two, and Level Three civilizations! Could Controllable Nuclear Fusion Technology be the starting point for a Level One civilization? Was energy the foundation? Had humanity not even reached the basics for a Level One civilization?

Then what was the foundation for a Level Two civilization?

As this thought occurred to him, He Zhiyong's gaze also focused on a very dim box, which was the title box of the second technological tree.

【Energy: Antimatter Power Generation Technology】

Seeing this line of text, He Zhiyong's pupils contracted sharply!

Antimatter power generation technology! This technology's efficiency in power generation was three hundred times that of controllable nuclear fusion technology!

So, what about Level Three civilization?

A glimmer of understanding flashed in He Zhiyong's eyes. Perhaps saving humanity from the extinction caused by the withering virus didn't require defeating the virus immediately. The withering virus originated from the permafrost of the Antarctic glaciers, and it appeared due to global warming. The main driver of global warming was the uncontrolled emission of greenhouse gases by humans.

As long as humanity mastered controllable nuclear fusion, this "inexhaustible" clean energy, the Antarctic glaciers wouldn't melt due to greenhouse gases. Therefore, the withering virus wouldn't emerge again!

This was a strategy of saving the world indirectly!

He Zhiyong's eyes gleamed with a brilliant light. Yes, that's it!

Just as He Zhiyong was immersed in planning how to prevent the emergence of the withering virus, a soft knocking sound came from outside the classroom.

"Knock, knock, knock!"

Both He Zhiyong and Professor Hao opened their eyes simultaneously, directing their gaze towards the classroom door.

"Come in; the door is not locked."

Professor Hao spoke in a deep voice, thinking it must be someone from the School of Biotechnology.

In the next moment, the classroom door slowly opened, and a professor in casual wear, with graying temples, walked in with a solemn expression.

As he walked into the classroom, Professor Hao was startled. Why would the dean of the School of Biopharmaceuticals come in person? The old man who entered didn't pay attention to Professor Hao's gaze. As soon as he entered, he was deeply drawn to the content on the blackboard. After scanning through it, his eyes lingered on the final part for a while. This... was unbelievable!

Finally, the old man turned his head and focused his gaze on He Zhiyong. Upon seeing He Zhiyong meet his eyes without any timidity, the curiosity on the old man's face intensified. Such students were rarely seen; normally, students would be as nervous as a cat encountering a mouse when facing him.

"Hao Yuan, is this the genius student you mentioned?" Without waiting for a response, the dean turned to Professor Hao with an even more curious expression.

Professor Hao nodded at the remark, smiling in understanding at the dean's peculiar expression. "Dean Zhou, why did you come in person? Let me introduce him. This young man is He Zhiyong, a sophomore majoring in biochemistry."

Turning to He Zhiyong, Professor Hao continued, "This is Dean Zhou Deqian from the School of Biopharmaceuticals."

"Your experiment was assigned to his subordinates!"

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