"We lost ourselves..."

By Call-Me-N

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Y/n reunites with her lost partner after her best friend sacrifices him to the unknown god she believed in, a... More

Chapter 1: memories
Chapter 1 (part 2): memories
Chapter 2: Present time
Chapter 3: Deep into the woods
Chapter 4: A mysterious life
Chapter 5: A new family
Chapter 6: Excepted

Chapter 7: Nightmares

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By Call-Me-N

"HEELP!!!, Y/N!!, HELP ME PLEASE!!" A familiar voice screamed, its blank figure reaching out to you while being dragged into a black void with a deep scent of gasoline, almost a suffocating smell.

"IM COMING!, PLEASE, HOLD ON," You ran towards the figure, reaching your hand out, you ran and ran but it felt like you weren't even moving, you tried running harder, your breath shaky, the almost void-like room you were in was suffocating, and the blank figure was struggling, screaming for you to help him, the way your name was being screamed sent shivers down your spine, it felt gruesome to hear such panicked screams. His voice sounded so nostalgic though. Who was he? Why were you trying to help him? Why were you so scared for him? Why did his presence feel nostalgic?

"IM COMING!" No matter how often you said it, you weren't getting closer.

"Y/N!!!..." His voice stopped, and the void swallowed him whole.

"NOOOOO!!!" Never had you screamed so loud, at least... not since then. Tears ran down your eyes as you fell to the ground "IM SORRY!!" Your fist hit the ground as you sobbed loudly, choking on your tears, you cried louder. "I'm... I'm sorry..." you cried out, as your body lay on the never-ending ground, tears ran down "I'm so sorry..." your body curled up.

"I know." that same voice from earlier spoke.

"What?" Your body shot up from the ground, looking around.

"I know you're sorry... this wasn't your fault" His calm, sweet, and nostalgic voice spoke.

"But-.. I- I could've stopped them. I Should've!" You shouted, clenching onto your chest, tears rolling down your cheeks,"

"Maybe.. In another universe, you could..." His blank body faded into sight, walking towards you.

"But.... Why not this one?" You looked up towards him as he sat in front of you.

"because... Our fate wasn't that of which you saved me..." He took your hands as he spoke with a sad but calm voice.

"But-. That's not-"

"I know... This world isn't fair... Y/N"


"I don't know... Y/N, you-" He looked around the room. "You need to-"



Your body shot up from your bed as you heard Ej scream at you to wake up.

"Finally...." Ej scuffed.

You were panting as you looked around.

"what-.. what happened?" You asked.

"What do you mean 'What happened?' nothing happened. I just woke you up," Ej responded, concerned about your question.

"I-..." It was a dream. Whatever happened a few minutes ago never happened. It was just a dream. "nevermind,"

"You're not being honest," He spoke coldly.

"What? no, I- what, I just- wait, no... look, I uh, I'm just confused... I don't usually wake up to someone screaming at me to wake up," You stumbled on your words.

"Weird... well anyways, most of us are out, and I need to leave soon... you'll be left here with the proxies." He explained, walking out of the room.

"the... proxies?" you asked.

"Yes, the proxies, you know, Masky Hoodie and Toby?" He explained

"Oh... why are they called that?"

"Look I don't have time for this, asked them yourself." He left the room.

You were left with so many questions, sitting on your bed so... lost, your head slowly turning to the mirror in the room, the only source of light coming from the edge of the window. your grip on your blanket becoming harder, your teeth digging into your bottom lip, chest tightening. You shaky breath. Your head slowly turned to Ej's bed, it had already been fixed. Your eyes slowly examine the room with so little lighting.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Your head quickly turned towards the door.

*Knock* *Knock*

You slowly got up from your bed and opened the door. Toby was there, Masky right behind him.

"Oh, Good morning Y/N, we-  I wanted to check on you t-to *whistle* to see if you were ok," Toby spoke cheerfully

(Hello, authors note here, any physical ticks Toby has won't be written, but vocal ticks will be part of his dialogues, so just imagine it lol)

"Good morning Toby..., I'm fine, good morning Masky,"


"We made pancakes,"


"wanna join?" Toby asked.

"Sure..." you said.

*Cough* *Cough*

You and Toby turned to Masky.

*Cough* *Cough* *COUGH*

"Are you okay, Masky?" You asked.

"Im- *Cough**Cough* -fine *COUGH*" He answered as he walked away in a coughing fit, swaying his hand in an 'ignore me' way, once he got far he grabbed his mask and threw it on the floor, continuing to walk.

"Will he be okay?" You turned to Toby.

"Uhm, yea" Toby nods reassuringly.

"Okay... His mas-"

"-Leave it there..." Toby cut you off


"Come on, we can't let the food get -Col- FUC- cold," he walked the opposite way from where Masky went.

You quickly followed behind Toby.

"Toby... I have a question."

"Go on"

"What do proxies stand for?"

"Was not expecting that uhm, well, A- a Proxie are those who willingly work as a creepypasta or a s-sSErial K-KIller, but, for some reason, me, Hoodie, and Masky A-ASsHole- are the only ones who openly take the title, that's why we're called The thr-three proxies, the rest don't openly call themselves proxies."

"Why not?"

"Being a proxy basically means you are a servant to whoever you're working for, in our case it's Slenderman"

"Do I count as one?"


"Because I don't willingly work for Slenderman."


You and Toby walk into the kitchen.

"How's the food Hoodie!" Toby says cheerfully as he walks up to Hoodie who was setting a plate on the table.

"Foods ready," Hoodie spoke monotonously

Toby quickly sat down, clearly excited to eat.

"uh, which one's my plate?"

"They're all the same, you can sit wherever" Hoodie explained as he sat down.

"Okay, thanks" You smiled softly as you

You sat next to Toby, looking down at the plate, Pancakes, and bacon, not so bad.

"Where's Masky?" Hoodie asked.

"He had a coughing fit" Toby answered before you could process Hoodie's question.



"Again? What do you mean again?" You asked.

"Don't worry, it's not something to worry about" Hoodie answered as he turned to you.


Right that second Masky walked in again, with his mask. He quickly sat down next to Hoodie.

"You okay Masky?" You asked

"Yeah-, I'm fine, let's just eat"

you watch as Masky lifts his mask high enough to show below his nose, Hoodie does the same, the two start eating. You took a deep breath while looking down at your food.

"You okay Y/N?" Toby asked.

"Huh?" You look up at Toby, your eyes immediately widening up. "Y- Your-"

"uh? Oh, yeah- my cheek-" Toby's hand landed on his cheek.

"what-... Nevermind." You quickly turned to your food.

"He got it in a car crash if you're wondering how he got it," Masky spoke up.

Toby stood silent, and so did you.

~~~~~Time-skip, 10:50~~~~~

You were sitting outside on the porch stairs, examining the area, you took a deep breath, the smells of nature almost relaxing you immediately.

"Mind if I sit here?"

You look over your shoulder to see Masky.

"Oh, no, not at all"

Masky slowly sat next to you.

(No italic = You, Italic = Masky)

"It 's been so long since I've been in the wild like this"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I used to love the outdoors..."

"So... what stopped you?"

"uhm... things..."

"Hmm... It makes sense. Not many of us like talking about how we ended up here..."

"So you get it..."

"I do..." Masky pulls out a pack of cigarettes from his pockets "Do you mind?"

"Huh?" You turned to him and saw the cigarettes "Oh, no, I don't. Just don't blow in my face"

"fine by me" He pulled one out and lit it up, lifting his mask a bit and putting it in his mouth.

"Have you always smoked?"

He grabbed the cigarette between his fingers and blew the opposite way of you. "yeah."

"Isn't that a fire hazard?, you know. cuz of the forest?"

"It is."

"But you choose to ignore that it is?"

"I don't ignore it, I'm just not as careless as others"

"oh... okay" You looked back at the forest in front of the house

"Do you smoke?"

"What? no, I would never... I-... I could never"


"I have a question"

"yeah? what is it?"

"Why were you coughing so much earlier?"

"I... uh. When"

"Dont play dumb with me"

"I'm... sick..." He looked away, putting the cigarette back in his mouth. He was lying, you could tell.

"Oh, okay... Are you okay?"

He pulled the cig out and blew away from you "Yeah, I'm fine"

"Okay," You looked forward again, staring into the deep forest.

"We have to leave soon,"


"We need food, we are humans you know, were running low on supplies here... it's not easy when so many people live in one house," He threw the cig on the ground and stomped on it "You should go get ready"

"Okay..." You got up and walked inside.


You walked out into the living room to see Toby and Hoodie there, Toby and Hoodie were wearing different clothes, Toby was wearing a black hoodie, and Hoodie on the other hand was wearing a black jacket over his hoodie. You felt out of place since you were wearing a T-shirt and some short jeans.

"You do know it's been really cold outside-" Hoodie spoke as he looked at you up and down.

"Really? I didn't notice- I'll go change quickly" You quickly went to your room, putting on some baggy jeans and a random black hoodie found near your bed.

You ran to the living room to see the 3 proxies waiting for you.

"Come on, it's a long hike towards the car, and stay close to us" Masky spoke as he walked out the door, being followed by Hoodie and Toby, you quickly following behind.

The walk to the car was quiet. The quietness occasionally being disturbed by the swings of Toby's hatchets towards plants and hitting them or his tics. Once in the car, Masky started driving to where you guys needed to go.

(Toby: Italic, Masky: Bold, Hoodie: Bold and Italic, Y/N: none)

"So...uhm...why do you guys wear masks?" You asked tapping your fingers on your lap.

"So we don't get recognized," Toby spoke up as he cleaned his hatchet.

"oh... do you guys ever take them off?"

"Sometimes, when people aren't around or when we're out in public" Masky spoke.


"You might need one, unless you end up completely unrecognizable later on" Toby spoke almost as if that was completely normal to him.

"I-, okay."

"It happens" Hoodie tuned in.


"more than often," Toby thought for a minute before answering.

"oh... how so?"

"Many of us aren't even alive," Masky said unphased.


"He's not wrong," Toby said as he opened the glove box and pulled out what seemed to be an aid kit, from that he pulled out a large band-aid, lowering his mask and sticking it to his cheek. He stored his mask and goggles in the glove box.

"What's that for?" You looked over the passenger seat, you were a little caught off guard by that.

"uh..., it's... scar- SCAR- fuck... it's a long story" Toby said, looking out the window right after.

You sat back, sighing right after. Right, at that moment you saw movement to your left, looking in Hoodie's direction you see him take off his mask, handing it to Toby which he puts in the glove box. You were a little dumbfounded as you didn't expect Hoodie to be blonde and have a mustache. On the other hand, Masky one-handedly took off his mask, bushy eyebrows, thick sideburns, and eyes that screamed for a good night's sleep. You stood quiet to not make the situation awkward.

After a minute or two Masky had pulled up to a grocery store, parking the car. You all get out of the car, walking into the store.

"So. what do we need?" You asked as you watched Masky grab a cart.

"A lot" Masky proceeded to walk passed you, you quickly following behind.

"Right..." You looked around the store, following behind the three.

You guys had covered most of the store, buying food, snacks, drinks, necessities, and anything the others had asked for.

"I think that's all" Masky spoke up as he looked at both shopping carts filled to the brim with everything they needed.

"do we have that much money?" You were concerned with the amount of things bought.

"Well, we're not gonna-" Toby does a slicing his neck motion with a "blegh" sound effect. "-somebody and not take their money"

You stood quiet for a minute, slowly nodding your head "rright..."

"Let's go pay," Masky says as he walks towards the cashiers.

A couple of minutes had passed and you guys were finally able to leave the place, putting everything in the car and getting in.

"That took longer than it was supposed to," You slid down your chair, your whole body relaxing after what felt like hours of standing.

"You'll get used to it," Masky said as he stretched out on his chair.

"Right." You said as you looked out the window.



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