By khadeem1131

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Ummi why do you despise me so much? Is it because of my condition? Ummi I didn't make myself blind. Allah mad... More



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By khadeem1131

Affan believes one Day everything will be alright.
He take his Quran from the shelf.
Affan take his phone along with the Hadith.
He march towards the exit and Saunter out of his bedroom.

Affan's heart skip a beat. The strange heartbeat that he always felt anytime his mother glared at him.
Affan swallow the acrid gob behind his throat.
Affan, please let me be. Leave me alone. Stay away from me.
Go. Get out of my sight. Hajiya Hafsah spat.

Affan wipe off his tears and storm out of the living room.
Ummi, I'm off to work. Amaan take his briefcase from the couch.
May Allah protect you. Hajiya Hafsah prayed.
Amaan pushed Affan.
Affan grab Amaan's hand.
What is wrong with you? Blind man.
Affan Landed a slap on Amaan's cheek.

I warned you, didn't I? Affan thundered.
Amaan drop his briefcase and slap Affan back.
Two brothers began to throw Punches at each other.
Affan's students stand up abruptly.
Maryam ran to them.
She pushed Amaan off Affan's body.

What is wrong with you? Do you want to kill Your brother?
Why are you treating him like he is not human? Is it because he is blind? Allah tested Your brother with this doesn't mean he won't test you with what is worse than Your brother's condition.

Who are you to interfere in my family matters? Amaan raised his hand to hit Maryam.
I am Your brother's student. I will not sit down and watch you treat him cruelly.
He is Your elder brother.
Fear Allah.
Maryam, let him be.
Faruk please help me up. Affan said to the other student.

Faruk and Yusuf take Affan up.
Let's go. Affan lead his students.
Ya Affan, why are your family treating you callously? Ya Affan Your nose is bleeding. Maryam cried.
Affan shook his head.
He removed the handkerchief from his Jalabiya pocket.
Affan wipe off the blood.
He opened his Quran and began to teach his students.

Affan find Solace in Qur'an, teaching people and always reminding them of Allah.
His mother never ceased a day without cursing him. Hajiya Hafsah believes Affan will never succeed in life.
Affan want to prove her wrong.
Guys, we will close early. I have an appointment with my Dad's friend. Affan muttered.

Affan has been secretly communicating with his father's Best friend. The only man who love Affan.
The only man who stand for Affan.
Hajiya Hafsah tried everything in her power to ruin Affan's reputation in Doctor Salim's eyes but didn't succeed.

Affan take his Quran and march inside.
He walk to his bedroom get dressed.
Affan called the chauffeur.
He march to the living room.
The door to the living room cracked open.
Affan couldn't see the person but feel it's the chauffeur.
He smiled and stand up from the couch.

Are you ready Sir? Ismail ask Affan.
Yes, I am.
Ismail, I want you to take me to a friend's house. Hajiya Hafsah muttered.
Ummi, You can take Your car. Please.
Affan, take the car Your father give you if you can drive.
If you can't, I believe You still have Your father's share left. You can take a cab.
I Don't know why my husband give you half percentage of his property.

Ummi, please I will be late. If I don't arrived on time I will lose the Job. Affan pleaded.
Ismail, You will take me out. Hajiya Hafsah command and storm out of the living room.

Ya, Rabb! Affan facepalm.
Affan hurriedly Saunter out of the living room.
He march to the gate.
Musa open the gate for him.
Affan began to walk on the pavement.
His mind leads him.
Affan lose focus. His minds are filled with his mother's words, her hatred towards him.

Affan heard the screeching sounds of a car.
Mr. Why are you walking like a blind man? You should watch Your way.
Men passing by shout.
Affan couldn't turn back, he didn't know where exactly he was.
Was he on the road?
Mr. Are you alright? Affan heard a feminine voice.

Yes, I'm sorry I carelessly cross the road.
It's okay. Please be careful while crossing the road.
You are not a child.
Affan shook his head.
Mr. Please leave the road.
Affan started walking towards the car.
Hey, are you sure you are okay?
I'm blind. Affan blurted out.

Khadija was flabbergasted beyond shock.
How can such a handsome man be blind?
He doesn't look like a blind man. Khadijah muttered inwardly staring into Affan's eyes.
The eyes she thought sees her they are opened but darkness is what Affan could see.

Can I hold you? Khadijah ask.
No, Physical contact is Haram in Islam.
Khadijah smile.
She saw a stick on the ground and picked it up give it to Affan and guided him to the car.
Where are you going to? I will drop you off. Khadijah ask Affan.
Thank you, I'm going to the Hospital. Affan muttered.
That's far but I will take you there.

Won't you be late for work? Just help me stop a cab.
Khadijah smile and help Affan into the car.
I am the CEO of my father's company. I can go to work anytime I like. Khadijah muttered.
That's good.
I like hardworking women.

My Name is Khadijah. What about yours?
My Name is Affan Amin.
Do you work there? Khadijah asked.
No. I'm still searching for a Job. No one wants to employ a blind man like me.
Khadijah puff a sigh.
I pray you passed the exam and get the Job. Khadijah prayed.

Silent ensue.
Affan silently recite Qur'an in his mind.
Khadijah reach the Hospital. She drive inside and Park her car in the parking lot.
She open the door for Affan.
Jazakillahu khaira, Khadijah. Affan muttered.
Ameen wa ant. Khadijah pray back.

Should I help you?
No, I can handle myself. Thank you. Affan muttered.
Affan began to walk inside the hospital.
Khadijah shook her head and enter her car.
Lone tears stream down her cheek.

Affan take out his phone from his pocket and call Doc. Salim.
Affan waited for Doc. Salim.
Doc Salim rush out of the examination theater.
He walk to Affan.
Affan You arrived late. I had to plead with the Head of the program to extend the time because of you. Doc Salim muttered.

He hold Affan's hand and walk to the theater with him.
The theater went silent immediately Affan stepped foot inside the theater.
All eyes are on Affan.
Doctor Salim explained Affan's condition to the head of the program.
Doctor Salim, it is risky to employ a blind man.
How can he treat patients? He can't see.

Sir, I can't see with my eyes but my heart is my eyes. Affan chirp in.
He was given an oral examination.
Affan answer everything correctly.
Are you sure he can handle the practical aspect? I'm scared the patient might die. Doctor Bassy whispered in Doctor Salim's ears.
He can. Trust me. I know Affan since he was a child. Doctor Salim whispered back.

Affan and his colleagues were taken to the operation theater.
A patient suffering from Arrhythmia.
Affan, can you do it? Doctor Bassy ask again.
Affan shook his head.
They are four in number who came for the examination.
Affan was given hand gloves. He put it on.
He put on the scrub.

You should focus on getting your sight back instead of attempting to murder.
The man next to Affan whispered.
He push him and Yank the tools from his hand.
The other two step forward.
They began their work.
I'm here to attend the practical too. Affan muttered exasperatedly.

They ignored him and began the operation.
Affan facepalm frustratedly.
Affan stay still inside the theater.
He wasn't given the chance to participate in it.
Doctor Bassy saw that through the CCTV camera but didn't say anything.

Some cardiologists watched them through the CCTV camera too.
You have fifty minutes left. The medical personnel hollered.
Guys, what are you doing? The patient will die. The men murmur.
Their hands began to tremble in fear.
Fear skate in their expression.
You have thirty minutes left.

Affan got angry and pushed them aside.
Ya Allah, I can't see but you can see everything that is happening.
You are my strength, Ya Allah guide me. Don't let me kill this soul lying lifeless on the bed.
Affan prayed.
He take each tool and began to operate on the patient.

What are you doing? Do you want to kill her? You can't see. A lady yelled.
Affan ignore their ranting and focus on saving the patient's life.
Ten minutes left.
Affan's heart skip a beat.
He touched the heart. Alhamdullilah it's successful. I hope the patient will survive.

Affan stitch the patient up.
five minutes left.
Done. Affan hollered proudly.
All the medical personnel watching them shook their heads.
Affan take off the scrub and the gloves.
They clean the patient and wheel her out of the theater.

Doctor Salim walk to Affan and hug him.
Son, You did a great job. I'm proud of you. Doctor Salim pat Affan on his back.
Uncle, I don't know if I passed. The patient haven't woke up.
Uncle, I'm nervous. Affan muttered with a sigh.

Don't worry Son. Have Faith in Allah. If You are destined to get the Job, You will. Doctor Salim muttered.
He take Affan to his office.
Doctor Salim, take out a bottle of juice and snacks from his fridge.
He gives them to Affan.
Jazakallahu khaira. Affan prayed.
Affan heave a sigh. Doctor Salim saved him from dying of starvation.
Since Afnan Left for school, Hajiya Hafsah stopped feeding Affan.
Affan prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner for himself.

Affan was in a hurry and couldn't prepare breakfast for himself.
Affan hungrily munch on the snacks and drink.
Affan, You are an adult please don't rush Your snacks. Doctor Salim muttered.
Wave of embarrassment flushed over his face.
Affan, when will you get married? I want to carry my grandchildren in my hand.

Affan choke on the snacks.
Doctor Salim rush to the fridge and take a bottle of water out.
He return to Affan and give him the water.
Affan hesitantly take the bottle from him.
He open the bottle and gulp it down his throat.

Doctor Salim chuckle.
He remembered his friend Amin told him how Affan hate marriage. He doesn't want to get married because of his disability.
Affan, You are not the 25-year-old boy I know.
Affan Your disability shouldn't stop you from marrying.
You are perfectly okay. You are handsome, religious.
Allah has blessed you with everything except Your sight.

Uncle, I'm not ready for marriage now.
I don't have a Job, I don't have any woman in mind. I'm single. Affan muttered.
He wiped off his mouth.
The door to Doctor Salim's office crack open.
Doctor Salim, Doctor Bassy said I should inform you that the patient has regain consciousness.

The Nurse announced.
Affan, the patient you operated on has regained consciousness. Congratulations.
Affan's face broke into a smile.
Does it mean I have gotten the Job? Affan asked.
Not yet. A meeting will be organized before the hospital decide if you are qualified.
Let's hope for the best. Inn Sha Allah you will get the job.

Thank you, Uncle. I'm I free to go home now?
Yes, but won't you call Ismail to pick you up? Doctor Salim muttered.
Ismail is busy. He take Ummi out.
Uncle, I will take a cab home.
Doctor Salim shook his head.
I don't know why Hafsah still treat her Son like he isn't her Son.

Affan I will take You home. Don't say No.
I'm fulfilling Your father's duty.
I will not let you suffer while I'm alive.
I will put an end to this. Your mother needs to be taught lessons.
How could she treat her Son callously?
Affan stand up from the couch.
He walk to the door and saunter out of the office.

Affan, Do you want to leave the house? Doctor Salim ask Affan.
Uncle, that's my father's house. I am the eldest son of the family.
I will not leave the house no matter how badly Ummi treated me. I will face the wrath.
Doctor Salim Humm.

He drive to his friend's house. The gateman opened the gate for him and he drove inside.
Affan, I will not go inside with you. My regards to Your Mom. Doctor Salim muttered.
Jazakallahu khaira. Affan prayed and Saunter out of the car.

Affan enter the living room.
His heart skip a beat.
Affan heard his mother and her sisters voices laughing.
Assalamualaikum, Affan muttered.
No one answered.
He repeated it but got no reply.

Affan shook his head and began to march inside.
Your blind Son doesn't have manners. He is just like his father.
Affan clenched his fist.
He turn around.
My Father inculcate good manners into me.
Where are your ears? I entered the living room with Salam but none of you answered.

The best greetings a Muslim should greet his fellow Muslim but Your laughter is more important than that.
Affan muttered and walk to his bedroom.

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