me and you - isaac garcia

By baddbiddie420

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SLOW BURN, ENEMIES TO LOVERS - isaac garcia x oc when y/n and jackie howard are forced to move from new york... More

part one: prologue
part two: first impressions
part three: the first day
part four: not okay
part five: heartthrob and detention
part six: baths and nerf wars
part seven: painting fashion
part eight: huddle up
part nine: missing teapots
part ten: sisters
part eleven: camp walter
part twelve: getting somewhere
part thirteen: hopeful deliveries
part fourteen: thankfully baking
part fifteen: here for now
part seventeen: bonfire
part eighteen: drama talking
part nineteen: bickering rumors
part twenty: unexpected events
part twenty one: make ups
part twenty two: mud-ball fight
part twenty three: getting artsy
part twenty four: playful ceremonies
part twenty five: hockey gardens
part twenty six: fighting orchards
part twenty seven: carnivals and concerts
part twenty eight: all smiles
part twenty nine: happier now

part sixteen: sun and moon

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By baddbiddie420

So I've told you guys before awhile ago that I was a firm believer in new day, new beginnings. Well, I believe the same thing when it comes to the new year.

Last year was hectic, definitely not at all what I was expecting, but I think you already know that. But for this year, it was gonna be different, way different, I could feel it.

It was now early January and school had started back up from winter break. The holidays were over and they were obviously very different this past year. Still, I had a good time and I had to admit, my favorite Christmas gift was seeing Benny and Parker shoot Isaac with their new orbeez guns.

Everything had been okay and Jackie and I were growing more and more comfortable here in Colorado.

Well, Jackie more than me.

Let's just say, Jackie and Alex were very comfortable with each other. There wasn't a moment that went by that I didn't hear from Ella about how they were kissing in front of their locker again, or from Brooke about how they sat right next to each other in class.

And believe me, they did not care about the amount of times I told them to shut up.

Also, I say hear about their little PDA because I had yet to actually witness this behavior for myself. Alex knows better than to keep his hands off of my sister when I'm around. Still, it didn't stop him from the fact that he had to switch places with me at the dinner table to be next to her, so now I got a clear view of Isaac shoving food down his throat every day.

Other than that, things were going really good.

"Alright, everyone, listen up." Ella dropped her lunch tray harshly on the table. I jumped, having put my head down and had planned to take a nap.

"Jesus, El, calm down." Nicole pulled out her earphones.

"Yeah, you're gonna give Y/n a heart attack." Wendy said, patting my head. I hummed, nuzzling my head into my jacket that I had used as a makeshift pillow.

"I'm sorry but this is really important." Ella insisted, plopping down in her seat, "We have to talk about our outfits for the bonfire tomorrow!"

So here's another thing that's currently going on right now: the annual bonfire that went on to kick off the first Saturday of the new year. Jackie had mentioned it a couple of weeks ago but since Christmas ended, it's all anyone has been talking about.

"Here we go, not this again." Brooke rolled her eyes.

Ella scoffed, "Okay, B, just because you're being lame and not going does not mean you can trash on those that are."

"I'm not lame." Brooke pointed at her, "I'm just not feeling up to a party right now. I don't want to see people make fools of themselves while they're intoxicated."

"But that's the best part, Brooke." Ella whined, "Plus, this is, like, the one time my parents are letting me go out. I want all of you guys there!"

"We hang out all the time, though." Brooke shrugged, plopping a chip into her mouth. Ella sighed, obviously giving up as Brooke stood her ground.

I chuckled, lifting my head up and stretching. "Don't worry, El, we'll still be there with you."

"Yeah, I guess." Ella pouted, resting her chin on her hand as she sulked.

Wendy scoffed, "Okay, fine then. We see how it is, Ella." she said, earning a nod from me and Nicole. "But anyways, do you guys have any idea the amount of stories I'll be getting for my blog this weekend? I'm gonna be writing like crazy."

"Yeah, I mean, do you know how much drama happens at this party?" Nicole said.

"Yeah, it's like one of the biggest events of the year." Ella nodded, obviously done with her pouting. I gave them a confused look.

"Wait, I thought this was just another party?"

All four of them whipped their heads to look at me with wide eyes, as if I had just grown an extra head.

"Y/n, babe," Nicole turned to me, laying her hands gently on mine, "This isn't just any party. This is the bonfire. Lots of stuff happens at the bonfire."

"Let me guess. Beer pong, drinking, and a fire? Pretty much the same as any other party." I raised my brows, unimpressed. The four of them glanced at each other again.

"That's not everything," Nicole said, "The bonfire is known to be thee hookup spot."

"Countless people have done it for the first time at the bonfire." Wendy added.

"So it's a sex party?" I scrunched my nose.

"No!" Ella exclaimed, shaking her head quickly, "It's not a sex party. But it's just known that countless hookups take place, especially at the bonfire."

"Yeah, last year Brittney Adams lost her virginity to Malcolm Jennings." Brooke said.

"Oh my gosh! Wasn't it at the same when she was also dating Zach Goodwin?"

"Yes!" Wendy added, the four of them starting to laugh as they remembered the old drama. As for me, I was still processing what they had just said.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute." I put my hand up to silence them, "Does that mean everyone that goes ends up hooking up with someone?"

"No, not everyone." Nicole shook her head, "Mostly just the people that go with someone already. Or you know, whoever you find when you're there."

"Still, you should never expect to go and not have some action." Wendy nodded. "I mean, I think everyone has had an interesting experience at the bonfire at least once. Isn't that right, Brooke-y?"

Brooke glared at Wendy's annoying smile, "Shut up. I was drunk and it was last year."

The four of them snickered and I found myself laughing along, having trouble imagining our very introverted friend at a party like that.

"But anyway, don't worry about it too much, Y/n. It's always fun and everyone has a good time." Nicole said.

"Some more than others." Ella grinned, giving Brooke another look.

"Besides, if you're going with the Walters I'm sure it's gonna be ten times more interesting." Wendy commented.

"Yeah, the Walters always have some sort of drama going on." Brooke nodded, "Especially now that Jackie and Alex are dating."

"Yeah and it's no shock about what happened at the lake back in November." Ella trailed off, smiling again.

"Oh my gosh, how Cole brought her along? Yeah, I wrote a story about it with a picture when they left early that day." Wendy said.

"Wendy!" I scolded.

"What? Do you expect me to just let a good story go to waste?" she put her hands up defensively.

"Well I doubt anything that happened at Dylan's even effected anything if she's with Alex anyway." Ella shrugged, "Especially, if they're heading to the bonfire together. We know what happens there — Ow!"

She quickly wiped off the annoying smile on her face as she rubbed where Nicole had kicked her.

"Dude, that's her sister." Nicole shook her head.

But suddenly I wasn't listening anymore. Suddenly, that one sentence had just single handedly let me connect the dots to the situation at hand.

Alex had asked Jackie to this bonfire that was notorious for the virginities that it took every year. Was he planning to bone my sister?

"Oh, no. She's got that look in her eye." Wendy said.

Brooke reached over, shaking my shoulder, "Y/n. Y/n, relax. I'm sure Jackie wouldn't even do something like that."

"But maybe Alex would."




Ella, Wendy, and Brooke all gave her a look.

I ignored them though, instead I had began to look wildly around the cafeteria. My eyes finally landed on Cole, my sister, and Alex, standing in the center of the room.

And Alex was kissing her. In front of his brother. In the middle of lunch.

I grimaced, quickly standing from my chair and ignoring my friends' protests to sit down.

So here's the thing, since I had found out about Jackie and Alex and their little thing, I had suddenly become the overprotective older sister. I knew what having a boyfriend was like, I had been in a relationship once back in New York of course, and I couldn't imagine my little sister doing...that.

As I approached the three of them, Cole's eyes landed on mine and we both shared a look of annoyance.

"Alright, hands off my sister, Walter." I squeezed my hand between the two of them and pushed the boy back. Startled, they both quickly pulled away, Alex taking a large step back.

"Y/n!" Jackie gasped.

"I'm so sorry." Alex quickly apologized, his face pink and his eyes wide.

I had also managed to make him a little scared of me. Oops.

"Sorry, but making out in the middle of the room in front of your family is a little gross. Seriously, have some class, Jack in a Box." I scolded, putting an arm around her shoulders.

"Yes, I agree. Very un-classy of our siblings." Cole nodded, glaring at Alex.

Jackie ignored him, giving me an annoyed look, "Could you just mind your own business, please."

"It is our business if you are doing it in our presence." I said and Cole hummed in agreement again.

"Well, this was fun." Cole clasped his hands together. "I'll see you guys. Erin!"

He turned, jogging over to Erin, who was walking on the other side of the cafeteria.

We watched him leave and Alex spoke, "Well, uh, I think me and Jackie are just gonna head off to our class now. Lunch ends soon so..."

"Oh no, no, no." I shook my head, "I actually came here because I needed to talk to Jackie. In private."

"Now?" Jackie arched a brow.

"Yes, now. And in private...again."

I forced a smile as I suddenly spun Jackie and I around and headed out the lunch room with my arm still around her shoulders.

Once we were out into the hallway, she quickly pushed my hand off of her.

"Dude, what's wrong?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Me? You're asking me what's wrong?" she pointed to herself, "What's wrong with you? Why do you have to pull me away from him all the time?"

"What do you mean?" I asked innocently.

"I mean why do you always find a way to wedge yourself between us all the time, like, literally right now?"

I put a finger on my chin, pretending to think, "I don't know what you're talking about."

She rolled her eyes, "Oh, so you don't remember all those times when you've squished yourself between us on the couch?"

"You guys were watching Harry Potter. How could I not?"

"Or what about stealing his chair right before he's about to sit down next to me?"

"Because that happens to have been my original seat that's not in front of Isaac shoving food down his throat."

"Okay and I don't care if you don't like watching Isaac eat, it doesn't matter." she exclaimed, "You're always there trying to ruin things for me."

"Jackie, that's not true." I shook my head, "I'm just trying to look out for you. I don't want him to do anything-"

"Well, stop it, okay?" she cut me off, making me stop talking. The two of us looked at each other and her brows were furrowed, her cheeks slightly red as they often got whenever she got mad.

She stared intensely at me and I could tell she was not happy with me right now.

But just then the bell rang, and the doors to the cafeteria flew open as the halls started to become packed with kids going to class.

She shook her head, running a hand through her ponytail, "Look, I'll talk to you later. I've got class."

And then she walked away.

"No, Lee."

"But, Isaac-"

"No. How many times do I have to tell you that?"

"Dude, can I please just-"

"Can you both shut up!" I snapped at them, finally turning around in my seat to look at them.

Fifth period had been in session for almost the whole hour and in that time Lee and Isaac would not shut up about God knows what. And of course, the two of them happened to sit right behind me today.

The two of them looked at me with wide eyes, as if just noticing I'd been here the whole time.

"Whoa, babe, you don't have to have a 'tude on you." Isaac looked offended.

I scowled, "I'm trying to get my work done and all I hear is you guys arguing. What's wrong?"

The two boys glared at each other, both annoyed at the other.

"Isaac won't let me go to the bonfire tomorrow." Lee said.

I raised my brows, "What? Why not?"

"Because I just don't want him to, okay?" Isaac rolled his eyes, "If he goes then he's just gonna be following me around like a puppy and I don't wanna have to babysit him."

"You're not gonna babysit me because I already told you that my friends are all going too!" Lee whined, running a frustrated hand through his hair.

"Isaac, I think you're just being dramatic." I gave him a look, "Lee can handle the party perfectly on his own."

"That's what you think." Isaac gave me a look back, "You know the only reason he wants to go, right?"

"Shut up, Isaac-"

"Because Wendy's going. And he think that he has a shot with her — Ow!"

"I told you to shut up!" Lee said, furiously looking at him as Isaac rubbed his arm where he had just been punched.

I laughed, despite not trying to, "Wait, wait, wait, hang on. You like Wendy?"

Lee's face had turned a light shade of pink and he looked embarrassed, "Yeah — But don't tell her! If you do I'll-"

"Yeah, I get it you're a real tough guy." I rolled my eyes, "But I don't think you have to worry about it. I think she already knows."

"She does?" they both said at the same time, fear in Lee's eyes and amusement in Isaac's.

"Yeah, we talked about it at lunch one time." I shrugged.

"Well w-what did she say?" Lee stuttered, suddenly growing very excited.

I internally cringed, remembering the conversation we had had at lunch over a month ago, "She said, uh..." that she's uninterested, the truth of it, "that she'll think about a possible crush."

He grinned, looking at Isaac triumphantly, "See, man, I told you! And you said she would never get with me."

"And I still think she won't." Isaac scoffed, looking at me, "Look, Wendy's hot, that's no secret, and she's a junior. You think she'd get with a sophomore?"

I felt a hint of annoyance as he described her as "hot." How dare he talk about my friend that way? "You never know. Some people don't mind the age difference."

"Well I do."

"Clearly." Lee and I said at the same time, annoyed at him.

I looked at Lee and sighed, "Look, Lee, I think if you just act cool around her she'll come around. I'm just not sure the bonfire is the place to do it though."


"Because her and Nicole are known for their partying." Isaac answered before me, "You think she'll have time to entertain some little crush when she's gonna be drinking and playing games — OW!"

"Isaac, keep it down." our teacher called from across the room. Isaac glared at me as he rubbed his shin where I had kicked him hard.

"You don't have to be so mean." I glared back, turning to Lee again, "But he's kinda right. Wendy will be in her own little world on Saturday. I don't think she'll exactly be in the right mindset to be having any real conversations."

Lee looked down at his desk, disappointed, "Yeah, I guess you're right."

Isaac suddenly smiled widely, wrapping his arm around his brother, "Perfect! Now you don't have to go and I can still work my game without you having to be there and ruin it."

"Game?" I arched a brow.

"Yeah. Lady game." he smirked back at me.

Lee and I rolled our eyes, "Shut up, Isaac."

The day soon ended and I was at my locker, grabbing any books I needed for the weekend. As I stood there, I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Oh hey, Peter." I smiled at the boy standing next to me.

"Hi. It feels like I haven't seen you in awhile." he replied, smiling back at me.

"I know, Mr. Baseball." I grinned, "How has it been so far. Season's starting soon, right?"

"Kind of, closer to March though, but yeah." he nodded, "It's been good. We've had a couple freshman practicing already. But how have you been? Cole says you've been fitting in pretty good."

"Really? You talked to Cole about me?" I arched a brow. Peter's face turned a light shade of pink as he blushed.

"Yeah. Is that okay?"

I laughed, finding his shyness amusing, "Yeah, of course it is. I'm just flattered."

He grinned, rubbing the back of my neck, "Good. I'm just making sure."

I hoisted my backpack over my shoulder, closing my locker, "Well, he's right. I've been fitting in really good. It helps that I've met some pretty good people."

He grinned, "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." I nodded, grinning back. I turned on my heel and began to walk down the hall. I then heard his footsteps as he jogged to catch up with me.

"Well, I'm glad then. I hope I've had a little to do with that."

I shrugged, "Eh. Not really. I was thinking more of my really nice science partner-"

"Oh, your science partner? You're funny, Howard." Peter shook his head, and I laughed. We had made it to the end of the hallway, and he held the door open for us as we stepped outside.

"Well, does your science partner happen to be taking you to the bonfire tomorrow?" he asked me. I felt a smile tug on my lips.

"Nope, he doesn't really do bonfires." I joked, making him laugh.

As we finally made it to the end of the sidewalk, where I was about to head off to the parking lot, he took my arm gently and we stopped, facing each other. "Well, are you gonna be there?"

"Yeah. I'll be there."

"Good." he nodded, "I wanted you to be there. I was gonna pick you up but I know Mr. Walter has that rule about you guys leaving together and-"

"Don't worry about it, Peter. I don't mind." I shook my head. He smiled down at me and I smiled back.

Peter was really cute. He had dirty blonde hair and green eyes. Freckles barely drizzled across his face and he was pale, but in the spring I could tell he would get a nice tan once baseball season hit. His shyness always made me swoon, as if he never realized how good looking he was.

Suddenly, a loud car horn blasted and I jumped, looking to the parking lot for the source of the noise.

Isaac was sitting in the driver's seat of the Walter's car, his hand repeatedly hitting the car horn. In mine and Peter's little moment, we hadn't realized he had pulled up right beside us on the side of the pavement.

When he saw the two of us look at him, he smiled widely, dropping his hand, "Sorry! I hope I wasn't disrupting anything."

Peter laughed awkwardly, "Don't worry, man, you're good."

I was annoyed. Of course he had to show up and ruin the moment like he always does, "Why are you driving? Where's Cole?"

"Cole's out. Alex and Jackie are together. Danny's at some theater thing. Lee went to the skatepark and Nathan's at guitar club." he counted off everyone on his fingers, "So it's just me and you today, Converse."

He then made to look at his wrist, where I assumed an imaginary watch must have been, "And would you look at the time? We've gotta get home. I heard the wind's supposed to pick up soon and you know I hate the cold."

I scowled, silently cursing him out.

"Actually I was gonna ask if it'd be cool if I could drive Y/n home." Peter piped up, "To get some food and, you know, make it easier on you."

I smiled, "I'd love-"

"No, she can't go. I already told Uncle G we were on the way home. If I don't show up with you he might be pretty annoyed." Isaac said.

I stared at him, shooting daggers at him with my cold look.

"That's cool, then. Don't wanna get anyone in trouble or anything. It was cool talking to you, man."

"You too." Isaac nodded at him. Peter then turned to me and sighed.

"Well, I tried." he shrugged, and I chuckled, not helping to stay mad.

"It's okay. I appreciate you trying."

"So I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Tomorrow."

I rounded around the car to the passenger side, hopping into the car. I waved as Peter stood beside the car, waving back at me, before Isaac suddenly sped off out of the parking lot and down the street.

"'I'll see you tomorrow. Oh! Not if I see you first!'" he said in an annoying mocking tone. I glared at him.

"You're so annoying."

He looked at me, his eyes darting from the road and to me back and forth, "Seriously? You're mad."

"Yes, seriously. Just leave me alone." I rolled my eyes, grabbing my headphones from my backpack and putting them on.

I stared out the window as I turned up the volume, still feeling his eyes on me as we drove through town.

Something I've grown to like in Colorado was all the nature. At first I hated it. Who wanted to live in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of grass, literally just grass.

But someway, somehow, I had grown to love it. Sure I missed the city, all the loud noises and the screaming people, but here I found that nature was so calming and inviting. All I wanted to do some days was just sit in the orchard and enjoy the rustling of the trees.

I was just thinking this very thought as I sat with my eyes closed, and enjoyed the peaceful ride down the dirt road to the Walter's.

Until my earphone was suddenly ripped out of my ears.


"Dude, I've been calling you for like twenty minutes!" Isaac said, looking between me and the road.

"We've only been driving for ten." I snapped at him, snatching my earphone back from him. He rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. What are you even listening to?"

"Why do you wanna know?"

"Because I'm nosy."

I held in an eye role, "Tyler, the Creator."

He gasped, "Converse! I didn't know you like Tyler too!"

"Really? You like Tyler?" I crossed my arms.

"Yeah, is that so hard to believe?" he glanced at me.

I shrugged, "I thought you were into metal music?"

"I'm a man of taste, babe, I like a variety." he smirked, "Women being one of them."

I scoffed, "You're annoying."

I turned back to the window, pulling on my earphones once again.

"Wait, wait, wait. Come on, are you still mad about the Peter thing?" he grabbed my arm to stop me. I glared at him.

"What do you think?"

He smiled, his stupid annoying smile that I hated, "Converse, I gave you some time to cool off. I thought you'd move on by now?"

"Well I haven't." I pulled my arm from his grasp, crossing both of mine again, "You know, you always have to ruin it every time I'm with him."

"Really? I don't recall." he shrugged.

"The first time I met him-"

"We made a bet for ice cream."

"When he asked me to a party-"

"I was just telling him the rules Uncle G has."

"When he walks me to class-"

"We have the same class so it's awkward watching you guys flirt in front of me!" he threw his hand up, grimacing, "And gross. Do you know the googly eyes you give him? It's disgusting."

"You're disgusting." I glared at him, "Why do you even hate him so much?"

"Hate? That's a strong word, babe, I thought we've talked about this."

"You know what I mean."

"I don't hate him or dislike him in any way. We're friends, aren't we?"

"Then why do you ruin it every time I talk to him?"

"Because he's just..." he paused, looking for the right thing to say, "he's stuck up."

"Stuck up?" I scoffed, "You don't even know him."

"I don't mean to offend you, babe, but I've known him for longer than you have."

"Okay but you don't really know him." I retorted, "Have you ever actually had a conversation with him?"

"Yes. Last year."

"Really? Last year?"

"Yes, last year. He complimented my shoes."

"See? That's literally the opposite of stuck up." I threw my hands up.

"Yes, and then he went over to his little fan base of girls at the dug out." he said, looking at me, "He's a player, Converse. You just haven't seen it yet."

"I highly doubt that." I crossed my arms.

"Really? Then you're gonna be in for it when baseball season comes. That's his time to shine and he knows it."

"I just think you're being a hater." I shrugged, "Just because he might get more girls than you."

"Oh so you admit he's a player?"

"I didn't say-"

"And no one ever gets more girls than me. That's a fact. I just don't flaunt them like other people." Isaac shrugged.

I scowled at him, "You're so conceited."

"I'm not, I'm just confident."

I rolled my eyes, shifting myself to look out the window. We had finally arrived at the Walter's house and as soon as the car came to a stop, I quickly flung the door open and stepped out, leaving Isaac completely by himself.

I rushed up the porch stairs, hurrying to the front door. As I opened the door, I heard fast footsteps following me.

"Whoa, Converse, slow down!"

"Leave me alone." I said, not bothering to slow down as I pulled off my coat and hung it on the coat hanger.

"We're home!" Isaac yelled out to no one in particular. It had become a normal thing to do here in this house when someone arrived.

I quickly went up the stairs to my room, hearing Isaac's footsteps right behind mine.

"Converse, you can't be mad at me for Peter still."

"I'm not mad at the Peter thing."

"Then why are you mad?"

"Because you're so egotistical!"

"Oh I'm egotistical? Do you see who's talking?" he snapped back at me.

I scoffed, rounding around the stair rail to my room, "Isaac, please don't start with me. I really don't feel like it."

"I'm not the one starting it this time, it's you." he said, still following me.

"I'm not starting anything, idiot."

"Yes you are, stupid."

"Don't call me stupid."

"You called me an idiot."

"Because it was deserved."

"And stupid's not deserved?"

"I'm gonna sock you."

"Do it, I dare — Whoa." he suddenly stopped at the doorway to my room. I dropped my backpack to the ground and kicked off my shoes, looking at him.

"What?" I snapped at him, already annoyed at his stupid annoying self.

His eyes were on the nightstand by my bed, and I followed his gaze to see two canvases both propped up.

Last week, Uncle Richard had sent me these two paintings I had left in New York with him and thought I could use them. I had actually left a lot of my work back in the city in my mom's studio, but he had somehow found the one's I left hidden in my old room.

These two paintings were the sun and moon. One of them was a pale yellow background, and a small boy stood with a bouquet of flowers that had been ripped out of the ground in his hand. He stood on a grass hill and his clothes were slightly dirty, his hair messy and the sun was peaked out above a tall tree.

The boy stared out to his right with a big smile on his face to the other canvas. This one was a dark blue background, a small girl illuminated by the moon's glow in a field of grass that overlooked the beginning of a lake. The lake was dark as the moon's reflection rippled across it's waters and the small twinkling stars did too. The girl had a slight blush to her cheeks as a pink bow hung in her hair and she wore a matching pink dress.

They were opposites but they liked each other. I thought it was sweet.

"You did these, Converse?" Isaac said, stepping into the room fully and going over to the paintings.

He picked up the moon one and studied it, running a hand gently over the surface.

"Yeah. A long time ago." I crossed my arms.

"This is really good." he said, "Like, really good."

I let my face soften up a bit, not expecting this sudden compliment from him, "Thanks."

He then looked at me, then at the girl in the painting, then back at me, "You sure you don't paint anymore?"

"Yeah. I already told you it's not my thing." I shrugged, grabbing the canvas out of his hand and placing it back on the easel.

"Why though?"

"Why do you wanna know?"

"Because I'm just nosy." he shrugged. I ran a hand through my hair and looked up at him. He looked down at me, waiting for me to say something.

"If I answer could you please get out?"

"Sure." he nodded. I sighed.

"My mom was the one that got me into painting. She wasn't a painter but she was the one that introduced me to creativity and stuff like that. It was, like, the one thing I shared with her."

He nodded, still looking at me, "And you don't do it now because she's...gone?"

I shook my head, awkwardly crossing my arms.

I don't know how I always ended up sharing deep stuff with him. How did he always get me to open up like this?

He nodded again, taking a step back. He gestured to the paintings again, "Well, Converse, they're really good. I hate to admit it but you're pretty talented."

I felt myself smiling slightly, "Thank you." I said shyly.

He grinned, beginning to walk out the door, "I wouldn't throw that away if I were you."

And then he walked out the door.

Later that night Jackie came home from her little date with Alex. At least I think it was a date, I'm not really sure.

But she was currently in her room and I had just finished reading Benny his bedtime story. I quietly closed his door, turning on my heel to quietly tiptoe to mine.

Suddenly I gasped, coming face to face with Cole across the hall. I put a hand on my heart, "Jesus, Cole, what the hell are you doing?"

"Hey, don't use those two words in the same sentence." Cole waved a finger at me. I furrowed my brows at his comment, then noticed that his hand lingered on the door handle to our room.

"Hey, what were you doing in my room?"

"Talking to Jackie. She's lovely, isn't she?"

I looked at him suspiciously, "Yeah, I guess. Why?"

He shrugged, "No reason."

He began to walk over to his room, my eyes following him as he passed me by.

As he went to open the door, he stopped and turned back to me, "Her and Alex are interesting, don't you think?"

I crossed my arms, "I guess. Why do you care?"

He shrugged again, shaking his head, "I don't. Night."

And then he went into his room and closed the door.

I stood in the empty hallway now, looking at his closed door. That was weird.

I shrugged, turning back to my room and going inside.

At the sound of me, Jackie glanced over her shoulder, before turning back to her desk and writing.

"Hey, J."

She didn't respond and I internally groaned. I forgot all about our little argument that happened today.

I sighed, walking over to my bed and sitting down, "Are you still mad about earlier?"

She didn't answer for a moment, before she let out a quick and not at all grudge-ful, "Nope."

She was still mad.

I sighed again, "Look, J, I'm sorry if I embarrassed you. I just get protective with you."

She kept writing for a few more seconds, leaving me hanging for a response. After a moment, she turned to look at me and her brows were arched.

"I don't care if you're being protective or not. You're overbearing and being the annoying sister now."

"I'm sorry that I just don't want my sister to make herself look stupid with her tongue down someone's throat all the time."

"That's not your decision to make. I can do whatever I want, I have my own life."

"I get that but you're still my responsibility. I'm your older sister."

"Yeah, my older sister. You're not Mom, you're not Lucy."

I stopped then, her words sinking in. I felt a twist in my stomach as I stared at her. She put hand to her mouth, realizing what she just said.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry. I didn't — I didn't-"

"It's fine." I cut her off. She grew silent and I looked at her. She looked back at me guiltily, nervous for what I was about to say. I shook my head, "You're right. I'm not Mom and I'm definitely not Lucy."

I inhaled, "Look, I'm sorry for being overbearing. I'm sorry for being that helicopter sister. I just get worried for you. You're all I have left, Jackie. I don't want to see you get hurt."

She looked at me, "I understand that. But you have to let me take care of myself too."

I nodded, "Yeah, I know. It's just hard to see you grow into this independent woman now. I feel like I'm Mom or like I'm Lucy now."

She chuckled, leaning her head in my shoulder, "You're even better, though. You're Y/n, that's all I want you to be."

I smiled, wrapped my arm around her shoulders and squeezing her.

"Okay, I promise I'll cool off of it now. But if I ever see you guys kiss again, I'll hit him."

She laughed, "Okay, deal."

We both pulled away and she began to get up from her seat but I quickly pulled her hand back.

"Wait, there one more thing I need to talk to you about."

She looked at me, furrowing her eyebrows. "What?"

I took a deep breath, "Look, J, tomorrow we're going to the bonfire and there's a lot of stuff that happens there. I know you know about drinking and smoking and all of that but there's one more thing."

I paused and she stared at me as she waited for me to continue.

"It's about sex-"

"Oh, God!"

She began to pull away from me but I quickly wrapped my arms around her torso, pulling her down.

"It's an important conversation!"

"I already know!"

I laughed as she tried to desperately pull away from me but I somehow managed to spin her around and land on my bed. We both laughed as she soon fought out of my grasp and went back to her desk, the two of us talking back and forth until we fell asleep.

"What do we think? Is this cute?" I held up a pair of earmuffs for myself. Nathan sat on my bed, looking up from his phone.

"Oh my gosh, yes! Those are adorable!" he gushed.

"Right? I think they match perfectly, don't you think?" I looked into the mirror, holding up my earmuffs to my outfit. I wore a tan puffer jacket with dark jeans and my black converse. Luckily it wasn't snowing tonight so I didn't have to wear my stupid Timberlands again.

"I agree. I literally live for your outfits." Nathan said.

"Stop it! I can't get over your guitar. You're bringing it tonight, right?"

"Obviously." he replied. I nodded, giving myself one last look over in the mirror.

"Okay, I think I'm ready."

The two of us headed down the stairs, giving off one final goodbye to Katherine and George before heading outside. We both hurried to the car, where we found Isaac also rushing to the car as we saw Cole hopping inside.

"Come on." Isaac motioned for us to hurry.

As soon as Cole's door closed, the three of us went inside, Isaac and I hopping into the front seat beside him and Nathan in the back.

Cole looked at us, immediately shaking his head, "No. No, come on, guys. Fine another ride."

"Come on, Cole." Nathan whined, "I mean, things are just starting to get good with Skylar and I wrote him a song, and he hasn't said anything about it yet and yesterday, I was so weird. I could not have been less chill-"

"Okay! Okay. Fine." Cole interrupted, obviously growing annoyed. I gave Nathan a slight fist bump as his rambling had worked to get us a ride.

Isaac suddenly reached over in front of me, playing with the radio settings.

"Dude, seriously?" I looked at him as his arm was right in front of me, invading my space. He looked at me.

"What? It's not my fault you chose to sit here."

"I sat here before you."


"So, I should get to control the radio at least."

He scoffed, "Yeah, okay." He then pulled his hand back as a song by Drake started to play, "Oh this one right here!"

I rolled my eyes as he nodded along to the music, trying to keep a smile off my face at his stupidness.

Suddenly there was a tap at Cole's window and I looked up to see Danny, Alex and Jackie.

Cole rolled his eyes, rolling down the window, "You can't be serious."

Danny shrugged, "Okay, yeah, I'll just ask Dad to take us. I'm sure he'd be totally cool with the keg and the beers."

Cole sighed, annoyed, "Do any of you guys have friends?"

"Why do we need friends when we have such a sweet brother like you?" Danny grinned, rounding around the car to the passenger side.

"Yeah. And what other person to take us to the bonfire than our amazing Cole-y Wole-y?" I grinned annoyingly at Cole, who scowled at me.

Danny then pulled open the passenger door from my other side.

"Dude, please, just one time." Isaac said quickly.

"You know the rules. In the back." Danny jabbed his thumb behind him.

"That's not fair. Why does she get to stay here then?" Isaac gestured to me.

"Because I'm just better." I shrugged, smirking at Isaac's defeated face. He scoffed, twisting in his spot to climb over the seat.

"One day I'll be the oldest and you all can bite me."

"You won't be the oldest, that's not how age works." Alex retorted.

"Shut the hell up." Isaac snapped as he plopped down in the trunk. I laughed, giving Nathan an amused look as Isaac took a seat beside him.

"Are we almost ready back there or what?" Cole said, adjusting the rear view mirror.


"We're ready."

"We're good up here." I said, nudging Danny beside me. Danny beamed, banging his hands on the dashboard.

"Let's go!"

I laughed at his antics, reaching forward to turn up the volume of the radio as Cole backed out of the garage and headed down the dirt road.

If I could tell my past self anything, I'd say to get ready for a long night.


hi everyone! hope you enjoyed this chapter! sorry it's so late but i literally published this just three minutes before midnight (my time) but here it is. not too interesting this chapter but buckle up for the next one y'all it's gonna be TEAAA!!

but that brings me to my second thing. i wanted to let you guys know that this coming weekend i will be going on a trip so the next chapter may be a little late on the update, maybe one or two days. i'm sorry because i know you guys look forward to these updates so i wanted to let you guys know in advance. please don't be mad! i promise the next chapter will be worth the wait tho!🙏

with that being said, don't forget to comment PLS and vote as well!

see you next week, hope you're well fed lol.


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