♪"You're a loser, Baby, A los...

By Gusportxr_

1.2K 19 43

"𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘳, 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺" ''𝘈 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘳, 𝘨𝘰𝘥𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘯 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺" "𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘢 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘥... More

So things look bad.
My whole existence feels fuckin hopeless
'M feeling filthy as a dive-bar bathroom stall
Can't face the world sober and Dopeless
I've lost my way
My life is wrecked.
well let me just say You're correct!!
You're a loser, Baby
A loser goddamn baby

My back's against the wall.

179 3 4
By Gusportxr_

[3rd person POV]

The engine hummed softly as Noah settled into the driver's seat of his car. His fingers tapped against the steering wheel in an anxious rhythm, mirroring the erratic beating of his heart. The eerie silence of the night enveloped him, intensifying his turbulent thoughts. The streetlights flickered, casting long shadows on the path ahead, as if mocking his gloomy state of mind.

He clenched his jaw, aching from the endless hours of contemplating the failure of his relationship. The wounds of his recent breakup with Emma still felt fresh and raw. Memories of their once buoyant laughter echoed in his mind, now twisted and tainted with bitterness. Doubt was a dark cloud that loomed over him, invading each corner of his consciousness.

Glancing at the rear-view mirror, Noah caught his reflection: a jaded face, lined with exhaustion and heartache. He closed his eyes momentarily, taking a deep breath in an attempt to find solace within himself. But the pain refused to recede, gripping his chest tighter with every passing mile.

As he approached a red traffic light, his knuckles turned white, gripping the steering wheel as if it were his anchor in this storm of emotions. 

"Was it my fault? Could I have done something differently?" 

Doubts plagued his mind, each one a tiny dagger piercing his self-esteem. He tried to shake them off, desperately seeking refuge in the thought of seeking solace with his friend, Cody.

The signal turned green, snapping him back to reality. He pressed his foot against the gas pedal, urging his car to speed up, as if hoping sheer velocity would grant him temporary respite from his heartache. Noah's gaze flickered at the side of the road, where couples strolled hand in hand, their happiness seemingly mocking his own shattered love. He averted his eyes, unable to bear the sight.

His knuckles turned white, gripping the steering wheel as if it were his anchor in this emotional storm.

The empty road stretched before him, a seemingly endless path leading him towards his destination. The haunting wind whispered cruel doubts into his ear, clouding his judgment. Mapping out their years together like an intricate puzzle, he wondered whether he was being unreasonable in ending the relationship. The fear of loneliness took hold, its icy grip augmenting his insecurities.

If you couldn't tell where he was driving to, Cody told him his address earlier today.

Glimpsing Cody's apartment building on the horizon, the dim light outlining its presence, Noah couldn't shake the nagging feeling that he was burdening Cody with his problems. Was he being selfish by seeking solace in someone else's embrace? These thoughts swirled around him like a whirlpool, threatening to pull him under the depths of his despair.

As he pulled into the parking lot, He let out a sigh, his tension melting away, albeit momentarily. He debated whether to remain in his car, lost in the solitude where his thoughts could consume him, or to seek the comfort of his friend's company. Emotions and self-doubt tugged at him, like opposing forces trying to drag him in opposite directions.

With each step towards the apartment building, doubt clung stubbornly to his shoulders, making each movement heavier. His hand hesitated before knocking on Cody's door, uncertainty coursing through him. But this momentary pause, this small hesitation, was all he needed to remind himself that seeking solace in his friend's presence was neither a burden nor a sign of weakness.

With a deep breath, Noah rapped on the door, the resounding knock echoing in the hallway. As the door swung open, a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He knew he had made the right choice. In that moment, doubt melted away

[Noah's POV]

"Hey, Codester, Long time no see, Eh?" I teased Cody about his old nickname he used to call himself on his time on total drama, which in turn, made Cody burst out with laughter

"OH fuuck! I forgot I used to call myself that!" Cody's uncontrolled fit of laughter died down after a few moments, he had tears in his eyes and he had a wide smile on his face, showing a glimpse of his tooth gap.

after a few seconds of standing in the doorway awkwardly, Cody literally dragged me inside. not warning me, just DRAGGED. ME. INSIDE. Soon, I found myself  sitting in the cozy apartment of the latter, seeking solace in each other's company. Lemon-scented candles gently flickered, casting a warm glow throughout the room, creating an ambiance of comfort and understanding.

Cody, with his disheveled brown hair, seemed a bit giddy with his movements, based off the fact that he hasn't seen me in a long time. But, that's just a guess.

just a guess....

Taking a deep breath, I began recounting my failed relationship with my ex-girlfriend, Emma. "Cody, you remember Emma, don't you? Well, things didn't work out as I had hoped. We were together for almost three years, and I thought everything was perfect. But time had a different plan for us."

"But as time went on, so did we," I continued with a hint of regret. "Emma was ambitious, and she had big dreams of traveling the world. I, on the other hand, preferred more stability. We tried to compromise, but the differences became too vast, smothering the love we had."

I could see that Cody was listening intently, He understood the pain of love lost, having experienced it himself on total drama with Gwen. Yet, he remained a pillar of empathy, extending his silent support.

for me.

for... me?

but why?

"And then, there came a point where we knew we couldn't pretend anymore," I sighed. "It was heartbreaking—standing in front of her, the person I thought I'd spend the rest of my life with, and realizing that we no longer fit together. We had grown apart, pursuing different paths, and love couldn't bridge the distance."

I could feel my tears run down my cheeks, my voice breaking up into a choked sob, god it was so embarrassing.. I just wish I could just... Fucking-

Suddenly, Cody reached for My hands, enveloping them in a reassuring grip. 

my hands.

my hands.

"Noah, buddy, I know I'm no love counselor or that shit... but hell, you could stay with me for a while if that could make you forget about her.."

I felt my face twist into an emotion displaying gratitude, appreciating the understanding nature of my f̶r̶i̶e̶n̶d̶  acquaintance, Cody.

We sat in silence for a long time, just enjoying the moment in eachother's company, my eyes wandered around his physique, he's changed since Total drama, Slightly fluffier, messier, longer hair, he had a much more casual fashion sense, and my eyes looked at his cheeks, And I started counting each freckle he had on his B̶e̶a̶u̶t̶i̶f̶u̶l̶  cheeks.

Eventually, my eyes wandered to his lips.

...Fuck, His little euphoric smile that could contaminate any grumpy mood around him, his tooth gap, and how his lips were a perfect shade of deep brown.

"Hey, Noes, You're staring!"

I snap back to reality before looking at him entirely, He was still smiling curiously at me, and I just realized

He was also looking at me.


His eyes were on my lips too.




"so where do I sleep?"


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