Fighting Oblivion

By Icequeen330

742 9 3

Lucy was alone, again. Forced to start over and find her place in the world, just like she had to when her mo... More

Fighting Oblivion
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter 16
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter EIghteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Four

40 0 0
By Icequeen330

Chapter Four

Ok...this was getting intense. I thought we were just gonna listen to a stupid riddle, then go on a little treasure hunt, maybe beat up a few bandits and get Blondie back her precious key. Now this fishy dude was going on and on about how that mermaid's stupid key was just one of some necessary components to some godsforsaken potion that gave the drinker the power to destroy the whole world. I mean come on! How do things like this keep happening to these weak ass fairies!? It sounded like this trip might take a lot longer than just a couple of weeks as I had initially thought.

I felt myself stifling a sigh. Oh well, at least I could probably use this to convince Minerva to get back and mind the fucking guild why we hike off to gods only know where.

It was like she could hear that thought take form in my fucking brain because she immediately opened her mouth to use it to suggest the exact fucking opposite of what I was hoping for.

"It seems, good spirit, there is more on the line here than the key of a beloved comrade," she said smoothly in that stupidly silky, sexy voice she had. I mentally rolled my eyes, careful not to attract any attention to myself again. I had got to stop thinking things like that. What I had with mila–Minerva, I thought firmly, was over. And it wasn't even that big of a deal, just a blip on the radar. A one night stand really...just one that incredibly fucked me up, physically and emotionally. I scoffed again, I'm the fucking white dragon slayer, I'm not supposed to be caught up emotionally on anything. No, I thought, that was the old me. The Jiemma version of Sting Eucliffe, emotionless, cruel, conniving, power hungry. That's not who I was, not who Weisslogia raised me to be. It was who Jiemma, and if I'm being honest, who his daughter crafted me to be. I shook my head, disgusted at myself, trying to get back on track. Now is not the time, get your ass in gear! I ordered myself, finally I was able to turn my attention back to Minerva.

"The world is at stake," she turned her gaze on Lucy and directed her words to the blond mage. "I offer up my company and support on this journey. To help you defeat those who wish to do harm to others and bring your comrade home." A stunned silence followed that little display. For me, Yukino and Rogue, it was the most we heard Minerva speak all day. For Lucy, I can only imagine what was going through her head. Setting aside Minerva's torture of Lucy at the games, she was also pivotal in trying to destroy Fairy Tail and bring back Zeref when Tartaros attacked 6 months back. I can't imagine Lucy could be so quick to forgive and forget. I know I wouldn't be.

So I was more than a little surprised when Lucy smiled that brilliant smile of hers and genuinely thanked Minerva for her offer and accepted. No way. I knew Celestial magic was favored by those pure of heart but I mean...come on! No one was that kind, that forgiving. No way could it be genuine. But as I stared dumbfounded at the curvy blond sitting next to me, I could see that she was exactly that kind, pure and forgiving. She had an absolute glow about her. And I was impressed earlier when she treated Minerva with such kindness, let alone when she treated Lector and Frosch like people and not pets, making sure they were safe and welcome in the conversation. Damn, no wonder Natsu stuck to her like glue. Thinking of Natsu, where was the fire headed idiot? It felt like he should be here, and I was kind of looking forward to seeing my old rival slash idol again. Not that I'd ever admit it out loud. I looked around the room and could see no signs of the pink haired dumbass.

I gave a big sniff, relying on my dragon senses, but apart from all the Tigers' I brought with me and the slight salty and fishy smell of the weird ass spirit hovering in his own private bathtub, all I could smell was that delicious aroma of Lucy. A little sweet, maybe a tad tart, almost like strawberries and cream. Mmmmm, bet Natsu appreciated this little aspect of Blondie too.

Then I got a big whiff of Minerva, and that flowery perfume she liked to wear. I barely stopped myself from sneezing. I wondered briefly if I'd enjoy her scent again if I wasn't still secretly pissed at how she treated me back when she rejoined. I tried to pull my thoughts away from that night and focus on what Minerva was now asking that freaky fish ghost but every word out of her mouth seemed to echo and blend with her words from that night. I let out a sigh and forced my eyes shut just so I'd finally stop looking at her. But my mind just took me straight back to that night...Minerva, milady....

I was just walking back to my living corridors after another late dinner after another late day stuck in my office. It had been three weeks since the battle of Tartaros and I hadn't seen any action since. Its not like I was hoping for an attack like that again. Look, I like the fight as much as the next guy–alright, maybe a little more than the next guy–but I still had a fucking conscience. I wouldn't wish pain and destruction like that on my worst enemy, let alone just my rivals. Fairy Tail didn't deserve what happened, and it was really shitty when I'd heard they'd disbanded. But they'd rally. It's what they did.

For Sabertooth, on the other hand, it was a pretty great day. Sure, Rogue and I kinda got our asses handed to us by that Greer fuck, not that we'd ever admit it, but we got milady back! And that was a good day in my book. She'd only been back wandering the guild in the last week having spent a full seven days in the infirmary after we got back the week after the battle, detoxing from whatever the fuck demon particle shit they put inside her. And she was finally looking like her old self again. The rest of the guild was kind of uncomfortable around her at first. Not so much because of the Tartaros thing, they had all heard the story of how she switched sides and vanquished one of the leaders of the nine demon gates. Moreso because of how she acted when Jiemma was still in charge. She was cruel to almost everyone, like really...mean, just for the sake of it. Maybe because if we showed anger or hurt by what she said she could latch on to it as an example of our 'weakness' and punish us accordingly. Only Rogue and I had ever seen her softer side.

The three of us, along with Frosch and Lector spent a lot of time together outside the guild, taking on at least one job together a month. We were the only two she ever asked to go on jobs with and she was the only one we ever let join our partnership, even temporarily. At first I thought she wanted to do jobs together so she could watch us, test us, and report back to Jiemma on whether or not we were representing Saber's strength properly, whatever the fuck that meant. But eventually I came to see she was kinda lonely. Just like me. We spent a lot of time chatting late into the night at our campfire, sometimes even until the son came up, but on those nights Rogue would turn in before us. And it would just be me and milady talking until the sunlight burst over the mountain or the tree tops or the ocean, or wherever the fuck we might be. And each time the glow in her eyes put the sunlight to shame.

Alright. So what, I was fucking smitten, so shoot me. But it was hard not to be. She had this odd mix of vulnerability and toughness that was just irresistible, plus legs for days. So what? I'm a guy, so shoot me. The problem was, whenever we were around any other member she went out of her way to verbally abuse us. Putting us down for our worst insecurities, sometimes even about stuff she learned during our late night campfires chats. I knew she was only like this because of the master so I couldn't blame her for that. But it kept me at arms length. Never acting on what I really wanted to do. But all of that could change now. She didn't have to worry about her father, or power, I was the guildmaster now. And all of Saber was now treated with respect by default, like proper guildmates, not just members who had to constantly wrestle for power. And maybe, once she was settled, I could finally make that move.

I opened my bedroom door and stepped into my oasis, getting ready to relax into bed. I took a deep breath and my nose was instantly filled with a fresh floral scent, with just a hint of a spice underneath, like cinnamon or nutmeg. "Milady?" I knew the scent was hers, it was unmistakable to my dragon senses, but what the hell was she doing in my room?, there was no way, she couldn't be that forward. Correction, she couldn't be that forward with me. I had seen her be as forward as any man when it came to what she wanted, whether that be a man or a woman. Milady got what she wanted, she just never acted like she wanted me.

"I hope you don't mind I'm paying you an after hours visit, Master Sting," my name sounded like a caress on her lips and I was drawn in by that silky smooth voice. I made my way deeper into the room, dropping my satchel on the floor and walked toward her stopping with just two feet between us. I couldn't lie, I liked it when she called me 'master.' So what, I'm a guy, so shoot me. I definitely wasn't the only one with a kink and milady was no exception. I knew she had plenty, maybe this was my chance to learn from experience.

I could hear nothing but the pounding of my own heart in my ears and she reached out her hand and caressed my shoulder, brushing over my guildmark, trailing her smooth fingers all the way down my arm...Oh holy fuck, this was gonna happen....

My eyes popped open and I shook my head trying to get the memory of that stupid fucking night to leave me the fuck alone. I caught a glimpse of Rogue out of the corner of my eye. He was just staring at me open mouthed, eyes wide. What the fuck are you doing? He mouthed at me, gesturing wildly and I realized I had gotten completely sidetracked with the conversation in front of me. Lucy quickly turned her head towards Rogue, who immediately stopped waving at me. Then she turned to Yukino and Minerva who were huddled closer together, Minerva having pulled the desk chair closer to the coffee table, encircling the creepy little perv of a spirit, waiting for what he was going to say next and I had no fucking clue at what part of the conversation I zoned out at.

What was clear was Minerva and Yukino had already secured Lucy's permission to accompany her on her quest and I could hear Lucy sniffling as she wiped her face. How much did I fucking miss?

At any rate it looked like Flipper might start the main attraction any second now. I briefly closed my eyes, mentally kicking myself for getting lost in my own head and forcing me to focus. When I opened them I let my gaze settle on Flipper and attuned my sense to make sure I didn't miss another fucking word. This wasn't moving fast enough for me.

"So, uh, not to break up this emotional moment here, Dolphin-ass," I began, and everything in the room just stopped.


***What's going on while Sting is zoning out**

I was a little taken aback at Minerva's offer. I mean, who would have thought she of all people could deliver such an impassioned speech on renewing lost bonds and saving the world. Of course I accepted her offer to help and Yukino's too. There was more to this quest now than just finding Aquarius, which I absolutely had to do, but now I might also have to save the world. I was confident in the strength I had earned through all my hard work with my spirits, but I was smart enough to know that I couldn't do it by myself. I operated best as part of a team. And even though it brought back those old feelings of weakness and inadequacy, I knew this quest would be more important than proving myself. I'd take all the help I could get to find Aquarius, let alone to save the whole world.

I could tell Minerva was nervous to offer her help, when I said yes she visibly relaxed, a small smile played around her lips. I looked around at the boys, Rogue nodded eagerly and leaned forward to hear Delphinus's words a little better. Sting, meanwhile, was kinda zoning out almost? I couldn't really tell, he hadn't really taken his eyes off Minerva. Suddenly he snapped his eyes shut again and let out a deep sigh. I couldn't tell if he felt my silent, judgemental stare, or if he just completely lost interest. Either way. I didn't have the time or the mental capacity to waste any more brain cells on trying to figure out what was going on in the mind of the cocky Sting Eucliffe. I turned my attention back to Delphinus. Minerva had just dragged my desk chair to sit closer to the group and I could feel the heavy weight of the attention she was giving this little Q&A session.

Minerva looked at me for a moment and then gestured her head towards the little dolphin, I waved her along, clearly she had a follow up question and I could take all the new ideas I could get. I didn't care who they came from as long as they helped me solve this mystery, save the world and reunite with Aquarius. Minerva cleared her throat with a polite cough, bringing the spirit's and everyone else's focus to her...well almost everyone...Sting was still zoning out on gods knew what.

"Spirit, you stated that the water bearer's key was one part of what was needed for the Oblivion Potion."

"That is correct, gorgeous one! Is this house just full of luscious ladies?" He grinned. Minerva raised her eyebrow slightly but did not rebuke the spirit, even though I could tell she wanted to. She merely pierced him with her intense gaze. If possible, Delphinus's blue skin developed a slight pink tinge under her scrutiny, but maybe that was my imagination. "Oh, umm, that's correct, my lady."

One side of Minerva's mouth quirked up at her new title. I could tell she appreciated that one much more.

"Pray, can you tell us, wise Spirit, what the other components are?"

Delphinus nodded, clearly pleased with Minerva's praise. The girl was good, I couldn't even tell she wasn't being totally sincere in her deference.

"Aye, My lady, they are a piece of unbreakable, unmeltable ice and a root from the tree of heaven."

"Why those three components?" Rogue jumped in, brow furrowed with confusion or curiosity. I couldn't tell which.

Delphinus hesitated for a moment and slowly turned to face the shadow dragon slayer. He didn't look at all pleased to have to tear his eyes off of Minerva, and even less pleased to have to put them on Rogue. But the messenger of the gods was a consummate professional.

"The key of the immeasurably lovely water bearer represents the light of the heavens. The root of the tree of heaven represents life everlasting, and the ice represents the eternal freeze Earthland shall suffer when all light, life and warmth are snuffed out with the seeping cold of Oblivion." A stunned silence followed this new information. I really didn't like the sound of that, all light, all life, all warmth...gone. And for what? Power? Power over a wasteland? It just didn't make sense to me.

"Delphinus," I broke the silence. "Does our...adversary have any of the components yet?"

"I can't be certain, fair Lexy, but I believe the root has been obtained."

"Do you know where we can find the other ingredient? NOT the key!" I quickly added, mindful not to ask about the contents of the riddle we have yet to hear.

Delphinus nodded approvingly. "Yes, but alas that too relates to the content of your riddle." I nodded my head understanding. Ok, so scary bad guy already one step ahead. The only way to stop him, or her I guess, is to get to the last two ingredients before they did. Obviously my priority would be to get Aquarius' key to stop the ritual from being complete. Who cares about some magic ice? But the key, it was my ultimate goal anyway and Oblivion couldn't come to pass without it. Right? That scary thought flashed across my mind and for a moment I was afraid my other spirits and Yukino's might also be at risk. I knew right away from seeing Yukino's delicate wide eyed expression that she had a similar thought. It was only confirmed when she asked the spirit directly. 

"Fear not for the rest of the Zodiac," he answered, "the ritual can only be completed with a Zodiac key that has never been under contract with a human mage and therefore its light is unsoiled. Aside from that, I believe the legend specifically alluded to 'the siren's call', which can only mean Aquarius." Well, that was a relief...

"Wait a minute!" I just had an almost more terrifying thought...or at least a more selfish one. "Aquarius has been contracted to my family line for generations. Does this mean that it won't be the same Aquarius the key calls forth?"

"No, no dearest," he reached his slimy, creepy, not quite a man hand out of his bubble and patted my own in what he probably thought was a comforting gesture. But to me it was just...ugh.

"The key of Aquarius is new, but the spirit itself is quite ancient." I snorted, "Don't let her or Scorpio hear you say that."
"Ah, yes, quite," he looked a little uncomfortable now and it brought a smile to my face. "Of course the delicious Aqua is quite the timeless beauty."


"Delphinus," Yukino began quietly. "Is there anything more you can tell us that we can not glean from solving the riddle?" This is why I loved Yukino, it was the exact kind of question Levy's beautiful brain would prompt her to ask. Make the spirit give us what he can without us playing 20 questions. The spirit looked pleased with her question as well. No doubt he'd rather head back to the Celestial realm to tell Aquarius I got her message, and possibly to hit on all the hot Celestials as well.

"Only this, Yuki-baby. His Majesty did not know that this would be a risk when he imposed his limitations on us, the legend referenced has been forgotten by almost all. He was merely attempting to ensure Lexy grew from the experience and felt she had atoned for Aquarius' sacrifice. We are all well aware of the circumstances under which she lost her key, and...." He gave my hand a little shake, forcing me to lift my eyes to him. I was ashamed of sacrificing Aquarius like I had and my eyes filled with tears at the thought the other Celestials were upset with me, hell even just the thought of that moment filled my eyes with tears. I am Lucy Heartfilia, daughter of Layla, master of the stars. And I will get through this day. I fiercely reminded myself of the mantra Loke unknowingly provided me with and met the spirits eyes head on. 

"And it is not your fault." He finished gently, simply. I sighed and shook my head. I know he was trying to comfort me, maybe he didn't even really blame me, but I knew Scorpio did, and I did. That was bad enough. It was my fault, and everyone knew, even the Celestial King himself, though few acknowledged it. But Delphinus said so himself, the king wanted me to atone.

"Let me be perfectly clear, Miss Lucy Heartfilia," his usage of my actual name grabbed my undivided attention.

"His Majesty wishes you to atone, because he knows you want to atone. If he had thought you had betrayed your spirits, your word, he never would have given you access to Aqua's star dress. No one, no one," he emphasized again, "in our realm, blames you or holds you responsible. And every single one of your spirits would have asked you to do the same had they been able." He met my eyes with a hard stare, black dolphin eyes boring into me. "Every. Single. One."

I gulped as I felt my tears overflow. Did that mean...could Scorpio actually...could he truly not be angry for what I've done? I closed my eyes, letting the last tears drip down my cheeks as the overwhelming feeling of relief swept through me. "Thank you," I whispered to the little spirit, and I meant it. Maybe this is what I needed to finally forgive myself.

"I'm well aware of your reputation Miss Heartfilia, and yours as well Miss Algria," he dipped his head toward Yukino. "And all 88 of the constellations would feel privileged beyond measure to count themselves as either of your spirits."

Yukino flushed at the compliment. I knew my young friend thought she was inadequate and I could definitely relate. It warmed my heart to see Yukino get the praise she so richly deserved and from a spirit she hardly knew.

"Thank you," Yukino said, lowering her eyes respectfully and bowing her head to her spirit. I couldn't help but smile.

I could feel Rogue waving his hands around, shaking the sofa. What the hell was he doing? But when I glanced back at him he was sitting perfectly still.

"So, uh, not to break up this emotional moment there, Dolphin-ass," Sting's voice was like the breaking of glass, crashing through the heartwarming moment.

A/N Here's part of the explanation for the awkwardness and odd interactions between Sting and Minerva, for those wondering why he stopped himself from using her preferred title :)

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