Lost Girl Gone| Clexa AU

By k_aaaaaay6

2K 99 118

Clarke was having a hard time at home. She felt like she could not catch a break. She felt LOST, until one da... More

Life is Different
Lexie Wexie
Lex & Princess
Best friends or More?
You're Extraordinary
I Missed You
November, November
The Letter
It's Hard to Forgive
Finally Together
Everything is everything
Life is Good

Blue meets Green

111 5 3
By k_aaaaaay6

Clarke's morning started as any other morning, doing the job her mother should be doing. She woke up Maddie and the twins making sure they got ready for school and were ready to catch the bus. Then she got Amora ready for daycare so she could drop her off on her way to school. She put Amora in the playpen in her room while she continued getting ready for school.

Clarke heard Maddie and the twins' bus pull up in front of the house and watched them from the window as they got on the bus. "Well, it's just me and you now," Clarke tells Amora and her heart melts as Amora smiles at her. She finally finishes getting ready and looks at herself in the mirror and notices that her breasts are getting bigger and her hips have gotten wider and she feels more insecure.

Clarke gets Amora and heads downstairs where she sees her mother sleep on the floor by the couch. Clarke can't help but look at their mother in disgust because this is not the mother she grew up with and she hates that her siblings have to experience this. Clarke just shakes her head and leaves. As she is putting Amora in the car seat Clarke gets an incoming call from Raven.

"Good morning Rave!"

"Hey Clarkie Pooh just checking in on you and seeing how your morning is going."

"Everything is going good Rave just about to drop Amora off at daycare so I can head to school."

"Momma Griff had to go in early today or she's just getting off?"

Clarke feels her getting sad at the fact that she has to keep this facade up and lie to her best friend it is simply tiring.

"She literally just got off so I just help her out by taking Amora to daycare every morning, since I have to pass it anyway." But little does Raven know, that Clarke has been raising her siblings for almost a year now and she is stressed to the point that she has anxiety now according to her therapist that her mom doesn't even know she sees online.

"You are such a good daughter and sister Griff!"

"Thanks, Rave," Clarke says with a sad smile.

"Oh yeah before I hang up I forgot to tell you that Anya told me that her cousin is coming to live with her this school year and she is in the same grade as us her name is Alexandria but she likes to be called Lexa."

"Oh okay cool."

"She is 17 and apparently is a hotty! I'm on her Instagram."

"Oh my gosh, Rave! Don't call your girlfriend's cousin hot!" Clake says as she laughs.

"Well, it's the truth the genes in that family are not fair!" Raven laughs.

Clarke laughs along with her best friend and is thankful that she has someone like Raven in her life.
Clarke pulled up at her school after she dropped Amora off. Clarke dreaded coming back to school after Summer break because of the stress of trying to handle school and taking care of siblings but her siblings come first and she will choose them before any and everything.

Clarke walks into school and the first person she sees is her ex-boyfriend Finn and some other guys from the soccer team. As Clarke walks by the guys with Finn whistles at her which makes her walk faster to her locker. Finn runs after Clarke.

"Hey, Clarke."

"What do you want Finn?"

"I... I just wanted to say sorry about telling people I took your virginity it was an accident really."

Clarke was fuming on the inside. "Finn it was a LIE!!" Clarke yells.

Finn looks around worried that people are listening. "Clarke you don't understand the guys kept asking me did we fuck and I didn't want to look lame so I said yes. I didn't know it would get around I swear!"

"Well, have you tried to clear up the lie? Have you told them that we did not have sex or fuck as they so eloquently put it?"

Finn looks down guilty. "That's what I thought," Clarke says as she walks away.

Clarke sees Anya, Raven, and another girl who she assumes is Anya's cousin standing by Raven's locker which is also Anya's locker since they have shared one since they have been together which is since 10th grade.

As Clarke approached them she couldn't help but notice how beautiful Anya's cousin is. Her eyes were so green like the forest. Lexa looked up and smirked as she saw Clarke staring at her and extended her hand.

"Hi, I'm Lexa, Anya's cousin." As Clarke stuck out her hand and shook Lexa's she felt this weird feeling. A weird good feeling. "Hey. I'm Clarke, Raven's best friend." Lexa just smiles and nods her head.

"Clarkie you and Lexa have the same 1st period isn't that great!"

"Yes... That's great Rave and good morning Anya."

"Good morning Griff. Me and Raven are about to go the cafe to catch some breakfast before 1st period can you show my cousin around?"

"Um sure yeah I can." Says Clarke nervously.

"Cool thanks, Griff."

"Yeah, thanks Clarkie!" Raven says before she kisses Clarke on the cheek.

Clarke turns to Lexa and they just look at each other and Clarke feels butterflies in her stomach. Clarke clears her throat and asks Lexa for her schedule. She sees that she and Lexa share three classes.

"Well, we have three classes together. First, third, and sixth period." Clarke says still looking at Lexa's schedule. She looks up when she doesn't hear Lexa respond and sees Lexa's eyes on her breast. Clarke's cheeks redden as she clears her throat making Lexa look up at her with equally red cheeks.

"Oh um, I got distracted thinking about something," Lexa says now looking Clarke in the eyes.

Clarke just smiles and nods. "Well let's get to first period and I will show you to your second period after we get out of class."
"Okay. Cool." Responds Lexa with a smile.

Clarke can't help but notice the tattoos on Lexa's arm. Lexa's muscular arms at that. "So I see you have tattoos? When did you get them?" Lexa looks up from her phone and says, "I got them done for my birthday. I have one on my back too that I got done when I was 16." Clarke looks surprised.

"I'm jealous my mom would never let me get a tattoo when I was 16."

"What about now? You're 17 right?"

"Yeah, I'm 17. I could get 1000 tattoos now but I doubt my mom would notice..." The last part slips out before Clarke can stop herself.

"What do you mean?" Lexa asks concerned.

"Nothing," Clarke says.

As they reach their first-period class Clarke notices that Finn of all people is in it. Clarke rolls her eyes and sits down in the back of the class close to the window. Lexa follows and sits next to her noticing that Clarke's mood seems agitated. "Are you okay Clarke? I can leave you alone and go sit somewhere else." Clarke looks at Lexa and shakes her head. "No! I mean no you don't have to leave me alone I am just a bit irritated because my ex-boyfriend is in here. I didn't even know we had the same classes."

Lexa just nods and looks towards the front where the teacher is talking about a group project that they will be working on this year. The teacher then says, "The person who is sitting by now will be your partner for this project and we will work on this project until midterms because this project will be your midterm."

Lexa and Clarke look at each other and smile. Lexa smirks at Clarke and watches as Clarke's cheeks turn red again. "Well, it looks like you are my partner for the midterm project."

Clarke just looks and says, "Looks like it."

The bell rings and Clarke walks Lexa to her second-period class. Lexa smiles at Clarke and thanks her for walking her to class.

"It's no problem." Clarke smiles and says. As she turns around and walks away she hears Lexa call her name.

Clarke turned around and did not notice that Lexa was walking up to her. So as she turned around Lexa was closer than expected. Clarke's heart started beating fast as she looked into Lexa's eyes. Lexa then says, "I was wondering if could I get your number. For the project."

Clarke just nods because they are still so close that she can feel Lexa's breath on her lips. Lexa is the first to step back and hand Clarke her phone. Clarke types her number in and smiles. Lexa smiles back and winks at Clarke and then turns and walks into her 2nd-period class.

Clarke makes it to her second period just in time before the late bell rings. Clarke smiles as she sees Octavia and Raven sitting in the back and they save her a seat.

"Hey guys!"

"Hey Clarkie!" They both said at the same time.

"Jinx you owe me a soda!" Yelled Raven.

Clarke laughed while Octavia rolled her eyes.

"You are so annoying." Said Octavia as she texted her boyfriend Lincoln back.

"You love my annoying ass." Says Raven.

Octavia just smiles and shakes her head.

They all turn and pay attention to their science teacher as she reads over the syllabus for the school year. Clarke zones out and starts sketching. 30 minutes pass by and Clarkes finally zones back in and looks down and notices she drew a picture of Lexa.

Oh no. I have a crush on Lexa. Clarke thinks to herself.

Authors Notes
Hey everyone!

So how did you like the chapter? I would love some feedback.

Thanks for reading❤️
TikTok: k_aaaaaay6

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