A missing piece... The other...

By 3HaNaNa3

156K 5.6K 785

Salvatore Smith meets a woman with whom he shared few nights after loosing his wife. It was 12 years ago, sh... More

Chapter 1 - Fumiko Tanaka...
Chapter 2 - Make a choice...
Chapter 3 - I am your father...
Chapter 4 - Strangers...
Chapter 5 - Give me a chance...
Chapter 6 - She was murdered...
Chapter 7 - Time to say Goodbye...
Chapter 8 - Make your choice...
Chapter 9 - One day after another...
Chapter 10 - New School...
Chapter 11 - New friend...
Chapter 12 - Where is Suki???
Chapter 13 - Onii-san...
Chapter 14 - School bully...
Chapter 15 - Otô-san...
Chapter 16 - Normal days...
Chapter 17 - A day with you...
Chapter 18 - Paparazzi...
Chapter 20 - Happy birthday Mom...
Chapter 21 - Unexpected visit...
Chapter 22 - Gianni's training...
Chapter 23 - Weird...
Chapter 24 - Fight at school...
Chapter 25 - Valentina...
Chapter 26 - Uncle's attack...
Chapter 27 - Feelings...
Chapter 28 - Long night...
Chapter 29 - Mr Rossi...
Chapter 30 - The package...
Chapter 31 - Back to school...
Chapter 32 - School Festival?
Chapter 33 - Shopping with the twins...
Chapter 34 - Dinner with Gianni...
Chapter 35 - School Festival, part 1
Chapter 36 - School Festival, part 2
Chapter 37 - School Festival, part 3
Chapter 38 - Guilt...
Chapter 39 - An Angel & A Devil...
Chapter 40 - A special day with Father...

Chapter 19 - Takeshiro Tanaka...

3.4K 142 15
By 3HaNaNa3

Davide: Who are you?

Takeshiro Tanaka: My name is Tanaka. My daughter was Fumiko Tanaka. I found out that she, unfortunately, passed away. (He showed not emotions.) I'm looking for her daughter...

Suki unintentionally stepped back at the old man's words. He said to be her mother's father? Why did he show up now? He was never present when Fumiko was alive, so why now? Stress was growing in her, her hands trembled.

Davide: Why now?

Takeshiro Tanaka: Circumstances made our encounter earlier impossible... but now, we are here, we are that child's family.

Vito: So, you expect of us to just give that kid to you?

Davide: (He looked at Suki with a smirk.) You heard him... you don't have anything to say to your... grandfather!

Suki: I... (He laughed.)

Davide: Even if I would love to see you disappear, not my father.

Vito: Too bad for us...

Takeshiro Tanaka: (In Japanese.) Little girl... Suki, that's your name, right? If your mother raised you well, you should show respect to an elder.

Davide: Speak English!

Kenshiro Tanaka: Please be respectful. (His tone was cold and menacing.) Suki Tanaka, why are you not greeting us appropriately?

Suki: (She looked down.) I am sorry... Nice... to meet you... (She succeed to say with a little voice and a long bow.)

Takeshiro Tanaka: Kenshiro is my eldest son.

Davide: Why your son has that killing vibe since he entered our house? You are not here to start a war with our family, right?

Takeshiro Tanaka: Not at all. I'm sure that we can find an agreement with your father regarding the child.

Davide asked Tanaka and his sons to take a seat, then Maria served drinks to the guests. She noticed that Suki was uncomfortable. The middle-aged woman was hoping to see Salvatore coming home soon. She was worried for the little girl.

The ambiance in the living room was awkward and when Enzo came downstairs, just awaken, it became even more weird.

Enzo: Who the hell are those guys?

Davide: Her family... apparently... ready to say goodbye to her? (He smirked while looking at the little girl who was playing with her hands nervously.)

Enzo: Are you fu** kidding me?! Where is Dad?

Davide: On his way...

Kenshiro Tanaka: (In Japanese.) Those American, so vulgar... 

Suki didn't look at the Japanese man when he said that. Davide glared at him for talking in his language once again. Enzo took out his phone and went to the kitchen. He needed to know where his father and brothers were. And the answer arrived quickly, they were entering the long alley of the propriety.

One minute later, loud steps were heard. Suki stood up when she saw her father entering the living room. Gabriel was just behind him, and he directly went near her. He saw her eyes' expression, and he didn't like it. They were showing fear and sadness. He looked at her and his gaze was enough to tell her that everything was going to be fine.

Salvatore: I'm Salvatore Smith, can I know who you are and what you are doing in my house?

Takeshiro Tanaka: Mr Smith, my name is Takeshiro Tanaka. Fumiko was my daughter. I am sure that you heard about me from Fumiko. Kenshiro is my heir.

Salvatore: I heard about you... but it doesn't explain your presence here and now.

Takeshiro Tanaka: That child is my... grandchild, isn't it normal for me to come here to bring her home?

Dante: What joke...

Dante and Gianni were standing behind their father and the second son couldn't avoid to make a comment with a chuckle. Dante knew the truth about Fumiko and her family's relationship. He heard her when she told everything to his father at the hospital. How her father tried to force a marriage with Salvatore to link their mafia's families. That was the reason she hid Suki's birth.

Salvatore: Suki's home is here. We are her family. I am her father.

Takeshiro Tanaka: You never knew she exists before few weeks. You never provided anything for her or my daughter. (His tone was calm, but his words were hurtful for Salvatore and Suki.)

Salvatore: You, neither! (He almost yelled of frustration.)

Gabriel: Our father has the legal custody of Suki. So, there is nothing to discuss here.

Kenshiro Tanaka: (In Japanese.) Those men are stubborn.

Davide: I already told you to speak English!

Kenshiro Tanaka : Mr Smith, we can maybe have a discussion only between us. There is topic that children mustn't listen to.

Salvatore quickly looked at his daughter and nodded to Gianni. The young man understood his father's request. He approached Suki and Gabriel and the eldest son lightly pushed Suki's back to let her leave with their brother. The little girl looked at him and he lightly smiled. Gianni put his hand on Suki's shoulder and guided her to the library. She wanted to stay in the room and know the truth, but it was clear that the adults didn't want to. They entered the library and Suki was expecting to stay alone but Gianni closed the door and sat on the armchair.

Suki: Gianni...

Gianni: Sit and take a book to read or something...

Suki: Father... he will not send me with them... (She was pleading him with her eyes.)

Gianni: Are you that stupid? You didn't hear him? You really think that he can send away one of his kids? Even more, a weak and frail one like you?! After almost fighting with his own sons to keep you here?!

The little girl had the feeling to be scolded once again by one of her brothers because of her assumptions. 

Suki: Sorry...

Gianni: You never heard about that old man before? Your mother really never said anything to you about her own parents?

Suki: No, I asked her once, but she said to have no family, that's all. I... I don't want to go... with them... the second man is scary...

Gianni: Humph... scarier than Davide, Vito... or me?

Suki: You... are scary but... (She didn't know how to describe him.)

Gianni: But what? You are not scared anymore? (Her eyes were locked on him, and they were so shining that it destabilized him.) Anyway, you are stuck with us in this house, just like we are stuck with you.

Suki: Thank you... (His words reassured her in a way.)

Gianni: Hum...

Suki sat on the ground, her back resting against one of the bookcases. She was with her phone, checking her grandfather's name online. 

On the living-room, Salvatore sat at the opposite couch of his unexpected guests. The tension was palpable in the room.

Salvatore: I know that you didn't appear by magic with the will to be a family to my daughter. You refused to recognize your own daughter as yours and treated her like a parasite her entire life. So, what do you want? A deal?

Takeshiro Tanaka: Is it what Fumiko told you about me?

Salvatore: Is it wrong? I was maybe not aware that we had a child together, but she only hid it from me to be sure that you never know about it. She wanted to protect our daughter from you!

Takeshiro Tanaka : Fumiko was a rebellious child. She ran away from home and when her mother passed away, she lost her mind and disappeared. She was weak and you took advantage of her and threw her away.

Salvatore was disgusted by that old man's words. He was rearranging the story to not pass for a jerk. Surprisingly, Dante was, once again, the one who reacted first.

Dante: You are really a piece of shit... (Kenshiro frowned at the man insulting his father.)... you never considered Fumiko Tanaka as your daughter... she was just an illegitimate child... a mistake... that you suddenly found interest in because she slept with a guy that you thought useful to do business with! Stop playing the good father when your "daughter" died alone after living a shitty life!  

Gabriel smirked at the angry face the two Japanese were showing. Salvatore was proud that his son spoke too.

Kenshiro Tanaka: You are talking as if you knew everything.

Dante: Am I wrong? (He defied the man with a cold gaze.)

Kenshiro Tanaka: (He chuckled.) Don't make me laugh... you're acting like you really care about that child but as soon as we announced who we were, your brothers didn't hide their happiness to get rid of her... you don't want an illegitimate child in your prestigious family too... even more, one that doesn't look like you! As you said, she is just like her mother... fruit of an error done with a whore!

Takeshiro Tanaka: Kenshiro!

Tanaka was disappointed by his son's reaction. He hadn't controlled his emotions and showed to the Smith his aversion for his half sister. He was going against his father's order.

Takeshiro Tanaka: Please excuse my son's bad choice of language.

Gabriel: You should take your son and leave our house before I run out of patience...

Takeshiro Tanaka: Let me talk with the child.

Salvatore: No. She has nothing to do with you.

Takeshiro Tanaka: I am her... grandfather.

Davide: Old man... it's hard to say that word... right? (He chuckled.)

Vito: I think he hates her as much as we do... (He laughed too.)

Takeshiro Tanaka: (In Japanese to his son.) Your misbehavior put us in a difficult posture. (In English.) I am an old man that is facing the truth of not have been a good father for his daughter and I want to have the chance to do the right things for her daughter.

Salvatore and his sons listened to Tanaka, but they didn't believe a word coming from him. The old man was showing no emotions, and his son was clearly struggling to not explode.

Salvatore: The only good thing to do for Suki is to forget about her and never appear in her life in the future.

Takeshiro Tanaka: Mr Smith... I am sorry that you react that way. We will leave for now because we didn't come here with bad intentions and even less to fight with you or your family. I will contact you again in few days... (He stood up, his son too.)

Salvatore: It will not be necessary. (He nodded to Dante.)

Dante: I will escort you out.

Dante walked with the two men to the entry door where 2 of his men were waiting. No more words were exchanged between them. Then, the bodyguards accompanied the guests to their car.

Takeshiro Tanaka: (In Japanese.) You should have control yourself Kenshiro. I want to implement our business in that city.

Kenshiro Tanaka: Our clan is powerful enough to make business in this country and this city without the Smith! You don't need that bastard kid!

Takeshiro Tanaka: It is not that easy and that's why I wanted to force a marriage contract between Smith and that useless brat at that time... I never expected him to be so stubborn! (He got in the car and Kenshiro closed the door to get in on the other side.)

Kenshiro Tanaka: If I knew that kid existence before... I would have killed her at the same time that her useless mother!

Kenshiro Tanaka got in the car too and they left under the guards' serious gaze. Two seconds later, one of the Smith car followed the Japanese men at a safe distance. 

Enzo: I am sure that Tanaka found Suki because of that reporter.

Gabriel: Davide, Vito, why did you let those men enter our house? You hadn't planned on giving them our little sister?!

Davide: If I really wanted that girl out of our house or even dead, it would have been done a long time ago! (Gabriel clinched his fist.) They were there and I wanted to hear what they had to say!

Salvatore: You shouldn't have let them enter before I arrive.

Vito: Your daughter was safe... don't need to freak out.

Salvatore: That man is a powerful Yakuza. I don't think that the two of you could have deal with them if something had happened.

Davide: That old man?

Dante: Yes, and his son clearly wanted to rip your mouth that entire time. His murder will was palpable.

Davide: Yes, we saw... and it was also very clear that he hates your daughter a lot... I don't get why they were putting on such a show.

Gabriel: They are only interested in business, and I will never allow anyone to use Suki for that.

Salvatore: It's not even a question. Fumiko did her best to protect her daughter from her own father and I will do the same!

Dante: Enzo, please check if those guys were in the US around Fumiko Tanaka's murder.

The three youngest brothers were surprised by Dante's request, but not Salvatore or Gabriel. They had the same bad feeling as soon as they saw Tanaka's son.

Enzo: You think that they have something to do with Suki's mother death? It's a bit too much, no? She was maybe an illegitimate child, but she was still his daughter.

Salvatore: Your brothers wanted to get rid of their half sister... Vito injured her... putting her life in danger... nothing is impossible. (Vito and Davide felt a bit ashamed.) We have to reinforce the security of the propriety when we are absent and also around Suki when she goes to school. And the three of you, be also careful when you go outside, we never know. I'm going to talk with Suki.

Enzo didn't loose time and he went back to his bedroom to see if he could find the information asked by his brother. Salvatore went to the library and when he opened the door, he was surprised by the calm inside. He spotted Suki in a corner. The little girl immediately stood up, putting her phone on her pocket. Gianni was still comfortably sat on the armchair.

Gianni: The parasites are gone?

Salvatore: Tanaka and his son left, yes. Suki, are you alright? You must have been surprised by their visit. (He came closer.)

Suki: They are really gone? (He nodded with a smile.)

Gianni: (He stood up.) Reassure her... she still believes that you will send her away... that idiot! (He left under Suki's embarrassed stare.)

Salvatore: Suki, please, sit. (She sat on the armchair, and he sat on the piano's seat.) No matter who shows up and claims that you are part of their family, you are my daughter, and I will never let you go with someone else... unless it is what you wish.

Salvatore talked with a calm tone but despite his words, sending her to a stranger was not an option.

Suki: No! (Salvatore chuckled, amused of her reaction.)... I mean... I want to live... with you... and Gabriel... and Enzo too... and...

Salvatore: I get it... even with those brothers of yours who are rude and not so welcoming with you... you want to live with your family, and I'm proud of it, and of you.

Suki: (She blushed a lot and looked down, embarrassed.) Is that man really Mom's father? They are my grandfather and uncle?

Salvatore: Suki, there is things that are complicated about your mother's family that Fumiko never told you. (He sighed.) To be honest with you, your mother was not born from her father's official wife. Mr Tanaka never considered your mother as his beloved daughter, and he never took care of her. 

Suki was sad to hear her mother's secret story.

Suki: That's why she said to have no family?

Salvatore: I think yes. Your grandmother died in the same accident as my wife, that's when, with Fumiko, we met each others. I think that for your mother, your grandmother was her only true family.

Suki: Mom never talked about that...

Salvatore: She didn't want to share her difficulties with you.

Suki: They seems strict and were scary... It was maybe why Mom preferred to live alone.

Salvatore: You don't have to be afraid of them. I will do my best so that you never have to see them again in the future.

A knocked at the door interrupted the father-daughter's moment. It was Gabriel who wanted to know how Suki was doing. She showed him that she was fine with a timid smile. Gabriel didn't stay for too long. He summoned two of his trust men to investigate more thoroughly Tanaka's family. He joined them in the meeting room of the garden house.

Salvatore stayed a little while with his daughter, talking about Fumiko and Suki took advantage of their discussion to explain what she wanted to do for her mother's anniversary the next day. That talk helped her to not think too much about those men. Salvatore guided his daughter to the kitchen and with Chef Aldo and Maria's help, the little girl continued her preparations.

The rest of the day passed without additional surprised. The dinner was quiet too because only Salvatore was present with his daughter. The brothers were all busy of their own.

The men that followed the Tanakas made a detail report to Gabriel about their location and the men with them, but the young man was still waiting for more information about their schedule the previous days.

Enzo didn't find out traces of Kenshiro Tanaka on the commercial flights around the date of Fumiko's murder. He was still working on the hacking of the private jet companies, but it was taking more time.

Gabriel and Dante went to meet Zhang at the same Asian club. They wanted to know what Zhang knew about the Tanaka. The Chinese Mafia man explained that the head of the Tanaka family was a traditional man. Rumors that his health was declining circulated and that his heir was taking more and more decisions about their business. His methods were more violent than his father.


The next day, Suki woke up early. She was the first one downstairs, and she appreciated the quiet of the house. Aldo and Maria were not working today. She prepared herself a tea and grabbed a cookie in the cookies box.

When she was done with her breakfast, she went to the library to prepare the little ritual she had in mind for her mother's anniversary. She moved the little table near the armchair near the windows and placed on it a frame with a photo of her mother.

Thanks to Maria, she had white candles and incenses prepared to decorate the table. It was now only missing the food. Suki went back to the kitchen and put some of the fruits she bought at the market in a nice plate.

She was walking to the library when Gianni showed up, all sweating, probably coming from his morning jog outside. He nodded to the little girl and grabbed one of the fruits of the plate. He was about to bite on it when Suki stopped him.

************************ Update - Missing part***********************

Suki: Gianni... wait!

Gianni: What?! (He frowned, annoyed.)

Suki: Sorry... it's for my mother birthday ceremony...

Once again, her blue-green sparkling eyes made Gianni stared at her few seconds. He didn't know why when she looked at him with that gaze, he softened a little. He knew that she was just a kid, not a threat for him, but it was something else. He couldn't put a finger on that emotion for now and shook his head. He put back the fruit.

Gianni: Sorry... I'm not sure what is the use of this but... if it makes you happy... do your thing!

Suki: Thank you... but there is some more in the kitchen if you want.

Gianni: Hum...

Gianni went to the kitchen and sat at the counter. He took one of the fruit and took a bite. It was sweet and tasty. Suki came back to the kitchen quickly. She took from the fridge the dishes prepared the previous day and took them to the library. Gianni observed in silence.

****************************End of the update**************************

Suki was now ready to bake the birthday cake. She had chosen an easy recipe, to be sure to be able to do it herself. She focused on her task, reading with attention once again the recipe and taking out all the ingredients one by one.

She needed vanilla and she knew that Aldo had bought some, but it was not in the bottom cupboard. It was maybe in one of the upper cupboard, so the little girl took one of the stool to climb on it.

Gianni had his eyes on her, not sure that it was really safe to climb on this. He didn't notice that his body was ready to intervene in case she lost her balance.

Dante: (He entered the kitchen.) What is she doing? (Suki looked at him a second to greet him with a small smile and continued to look for the vanilla.)

Gianni: Food poisoning in preparation? (He smirked.)

Dante: (He came closer and stood up behind Suki.) Get down of this!

Suki: I'm looking for... ahhh...

Suki knew what was going on. Dante had grabbed her by her waist to put her down, just like Gabriel did when they visited her former apartment. She didn't understand why they were reacting like that. She was not a baby and was used to do that when she lived with her mother.

Dante: I don't give a shit about what you are looking for! You have a mouth, use it to ask someone's help! Do you plan to kill yourself by falling from this?

Suki: It's not... (He glared at her.) Sorry... I didn't want to bother anyone. I need the vanilla that Mr Aldo bought for me.

Dante: (He searched in the cupboard.) Here! You're pissing me off first thing in the morning! (In Italian to Gianni.) No news about those Japanese guys?

Gianni: (In Italian.) Nothing on my side. But today is that kid mother's birthday so his father will maybe show up again.

Dante: (In Italian.) I'm not even sure that he knows that... so that's why she is baking a cake? (Gianni nodded.) It's weird...

Dante took a cup of black coffee and sat near his brother. They continued to talk between them in Italian until Salvatore and Gabriel arrived. Suki's father patted her head with an affectionate smile and surprisingly for his sons, he proposed his help to his daughter. 

Suki: I am almost done, It's fine but thank you...

Gianni: (In Italian.) The old man wants to play dinette...

Dante: (In Italian.) I know what to buy him for Christmas... (Gabriel chuckled and shook his head at his brothers' teasing.)

Salvatore: (In Italian.) Idiots! (In English.) If it's okay for you, I would like to participate to your little ceremony.

Suki: Really?

Salvatore: Of course. It is important for you, so it is for me.

Gabriel: I would like to be part of it too.

Suki was touched by her father and older brother's attention. She finished to prepare her cake and went to change herself to wear a nice dress.

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